HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-16ANDOVER BY-PASS DETOUR SIGNS: Mr. Finneran discussed the matter of signs which have been placed, on certain locations on the Andover By-Pass and several property owners were upset be-cause of these signs, marked "voided driveway". The board voted to send a letter ~o .Mr. John MacNetl, Right of iYay Division, Boston, to reques~ an exolanation' of these signs as the board was disturbed that this action was taken with 4o prior~dtscussiun. TOWN GARkGE': ·' The Board discussed the mat~er of having 'a' new garage where the former firemen's home was removed and that it be used for the Tree Department. There was considerable discussion and the board finally decided to get an estimate for a cement block garage and possibly will inser~ an article. They later talked about an article to have a survey made for renovating the entire garage and a decision will be made next Monday. / JANUARY 16 1956 The. regular weekly meeting of the Board'of' Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. FIRE'CHIEF: J'ames~Daw'met with the board 'relative to a survey to be ·made of the town with re~- spect' to a new fire station' in some part ~f the town. Mr. Daw informe~d th'e board tha "if the Selectmen will request an interview with Mr. Percy Charnock of th~"~New England Fire' Insurance Rating Bureau, they will make a serv~ey at no cost ~o ~he"town. The ., care agreed to this suggestion and a letter will be sent to'Mr. Charn06k~'for an ~ ap'pointment for th~ chairman of the Selectmen and the Fire Chief~ QUESTION ON BALLOT: ...... ' The Board received a request from 22 registered voters of the ~own to place the fo!to~ing question under Article One of. the warrant for the i956 Annual ~Town Meeting:~ Shall chapte, thirty-two B of the Gehe~a~'Law~, a~thorizing any county~ city town or district to provide a .plan of group life insurance, .group' a6cidental~deat~' and ~'dismemberment insurance and group general'or blanket hospital, Surgical' ahd medical insurance for certain persons in the Service of·such county, city, town or'distric~ and their dependents, be accepted by this gown? The Board voted unanimously to accept this request ;~ud advise.the, town.~lei~tto in- clude this on ~he ballot under Article One at the next :annual town'~meetingl. TOWN BUILDING JANITOR: George Sanford met With the board to discuss his~ duties'as Janitor and he informed the members that after his deductions he receives approximately. $5.73 for bbc time and work in the building.' 'He explained that he spends' considerable itime'but that he'cannot put inthe time required to keep the ~building in excellent condition. He said he would give the board two weeks notice and he would suggest that they someone else to do this work as he simply can't give any more 'time. formed Mr. 'Sanford that it was no~ their intent that he give up this work'S, but they simply wanted to know what work was entailed, whether or not he did need more time or someone to help him with this work. The board asked him to reconsider his decision No action was taken. · ~ HIGF~AY-DEPARTMENT: ~" - A reply to our letter relative to the condition on ~M!lk Street was receive~ from Ira D. Carty who informed the board that Nr. Dewey Dyer had pushed mud and debris on the road to,yard the catch basin ·and during the cold. spell this mud~ anti'water froze solid making it impossible for any water to enter the basin. The condition has been corrected now that the rods could break through the silt so that 'the basin Ucould~ be clcaned. The board accepted .the report. LAWi~ENCE ELECTRIC CO: The following street lights ha~e been installed as requested by this board; 2500 lumen lig~'t on poles 2801 and 2762, Edmands ~d. 'installed 12/5/1955 3o/5 !000 lumen light on pole 3869, Woodstock Street- " 12 iO00 lumen lights on poles 3587 and 3877, %?oodbridge P~." 12 1000 lumen light on pole 2210 Cabo~ Road 12 2500 lumen light on pole 3916, town yard 12 The follcwing~ 1000 ~umen lights were removed, 2801 Edmands Rd. 12 and 3916, ~to~ny~d off Saunders, 12/30/1955. /1955 /55. /19 5 JUROR DRAWN: : Arthur P. Kirk drew the name of Henry E. Lund as a Juror at Superior' Cou~t~~ Salem on February 6, 1956. Mr. Lund is a landscape gardener at Lunds Gardens, Chickering Road. Mr. Lurid resides at 75 Prescott St. Mr. John Pearman, previously~[.drawn, was unable ~o serve due to advanced a~me and illness.' '- · ~ LA'~R~NCE GAS COMPANy: Permission granted to excavate 34 feet in street to install gas service for Harold Stott; to excavate 30 feet in street ~o install gas service for Mr. Averka, Marble- ~idgo Rd.; 600 feet on ~alnut ~venue to install gas ~in;825 feet in s~reet to in- '~tsll gas main along Abbott St. and Marbleridge Rd. Ail approved by ~r. ~¥m.B. Duffy. '.1.78 ~A~UARY 16. ?56-continued A~ZNCE GASU¢OI~PANY: Permission granted %o excavate 120 feet in s~reet to install 6 gas services on Walnut Ave. Approved by Wm.B. Duffy, Dept. of Public INSURANCE: Pichard.Whipple met with the board to discuss the estimate ~for the 1956 budge~ for the To~u of North Andover insurance; In 1955 they paid 16,856.14 and for 1956 the estimate is $20,978.60.Workmen's compensation has increased about $1500 due to payroll, changes in rate, change in the amount of claim experience. After a lengthy discussion, the board agreed to accep~ Mr. ~ipple's estimate and present it to the Advisory Board. DEPARTmeNT OF PU~IC WORKS: The Board received a letter from Lester J. Ellis, .Right of ~ay engineer, relative to the voided driveways on the By-Pass and it was explained in the letter that during the past fe~ ~mars, the Department has been carrying on a program of restrict- ing access along the number of existing Stat e high,~ays laid. out prior to the adc thc Limited access State Highway Law. The aim is to provide and~'preserve~afety features b~ ~estricting the number, ~ype and location of points of access and egrees to the practicable ~inimdm. In North Andover section of Route 125 affected there are a number of dwellings and one filling station. All of these will have access to the highway. Some vacant land may become isolated and in some cases alternate access may be pro~ided over land of others ~to serve land otherwise isolated. ~The taking of access rights is a .new approach in the laying out of Sta~e highways and it is dif~ficult for some ~ o agree to the necessity of it v~en it affects their property. The owners of land whose access rights have been affected are being notified by registered mail. A representative of this office wilI contact each owuer to discuss the damages to be paid for the takings.- No further action will be taken by the board. PUBLIC SCHOOLS: .... A letter was received from Francis J. O'Brien, S,:pt. o f the schools with'~several articles included for the w~rrant of the annual ~own meeting of 1956. Nr. O'Brien discussed the articles submitted and asked for the opinion"of-the board of selectmen on each article. No action was taken at this time but the letter will be discussed again before the ~ownmeeting. ~ECREATIONAL CO~CIL: l~hilip Sutcllffe met with the board and p~esented his articles to the boar'd.in behalf of his committee. He a~ked that the suDerviso~ be apDointed a member of the council and also %hat the council members be appointed as soon as possible after election. Mr. Sutcliffe feels that the Board of Public ~orks should take over ever~hing at the bathing beach or ~urn everything over to his c6uncil. They would lik~'to take over the life guards as there are things going on that theydon't like, du~ing the summer months. It vms finally decided to have a meeting of the Beard of Public ~%'orks a~d the Recrea- tional council to de~ide this matter. DEPT. OF PUBLIC %?ORKS-GORDAN GRAY: The ~oard voted to send a letter to Gordon Qray to ask,'if it is possible, to consider the construction of the bridge in North Andover and that~ they feel it is very important to have the local half of the 5ridge constructed first as .it will inconvenience the least number of people and serve the maximum number.of~p~ople in the town and also the inquire about'the new route from the by pass. DISPOSAL SITE CO.~:LAINT: Mr. Finneran has received complaints about the dumping at the new disposal.site and the board voted to invite the B6ard of Health and Mr. Carry 'to'meet with them next Monday at 8:00 o'clock to discuss this matter. CO~%5:LAINT-PARKED TRUCE: The Board voted ~o write a letter ~o Mr. Grande who has a truck parked up on Clark Street and ask that he have it removed as soon as possible. It was suggested that the duief deliver this letter ?ersonallyand obtain a receipt for same. COMPLAIN~PARKING: .... The board received a complaint from Mrs. Sheehan, 1OO Main Street, relativ~ ~o a car which parks on the sidewal~ and partly on the 1 and at this home. The board suggested that the chief contact Mrs. Sheehan and sec if the situation can be rectified. An officer was sent down there but he informed Mr. Sheehan that he could do nothing about the matter. COMPLAINT TRADING POST: The Board-voted to send'a letter to the Trading Post ~o request that they clean up the place as there, have beau many complaints relative to old furniture left on the outside of the building which is not very good. SUTTONS ' MILLS-FS~CE: The bcerd voted ~o send a letter to Suttons Mills asking that they'try ~o repai~ the the fence at the causeway which is dangerous 'and which was damaged during hurricane.