HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-30180' DAMAGE CLAIN: Arthur P. Kirk informed the .board that he was zravelling on Suttc ~ t ~ t ~and s truck a large hole causzng his tire Sc blow Out. T~e estimatend$~or~- is $19.30. · Mr. Kirk immediately contacted ~r. Catty. who investigated the holes and agreed t~at they should be filled in immediately. The board voted to allow the $19.30 for this damage. JANUARY 30, The regular weekly meeting of the Board cf~$electmen was held at ?:30 ~.M. with Z~ members preeent~ 'Weekly~lls and payrells were a~prcved. Mr. Broadhead was in Ohio a~ a convention. HEARING 0~ DRAINAGE COMPLAINT: Atty. Maurice Close, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Beilia came before the board discuss the problem of wazer draining Over their l~nd on'Waverly ~est Park area, off Mass. Ave. Mr. Close exnlained that there is a bulvert on Mass. Ave. which runs through the brook ~nder the '~iper Supply Cc.~ and the W~ter and debris runs onto the land in question and is undermining it~ Re said there are two culverts, one installed by the Commonwealth and ~the ot~r by 'the zozm. He has ~been unable to find anything that~gives the te~m the authority ze allow this water te run over this land. He has ccnzacted the Commonwealth an~ their engineers and in their opinion their culvert'was O.K. Mr~ Close said that the land is being eazen away and in the spring it is,much worse. Re felt thaz the to~m could assert their authority:an~ build a drain cf some kind zo :hange the'course of this drainage~ .... There was further discussion about the' sasement.'which had been obtained by the state in 1900 and the plan isn't too clear as to where the lots are: 'Mr. Kirk informed Mr. Close that the Board of Public ~/Iorks hgs permi~s'ion to have a drain in this 'area but it is. used' only at crucial times. He'~also stamed that now thaz they have had this discussion, he would like to s~art with the Highway Department and with the State Deparzment of Public Jerks and find out just what is going on. This was agreeable to all concerned and the Selectmen will report back"'to Mr; Lane's office as soon as they have additional information. The plan which Mr. Close had is listed in Book 180, Pa~e 600, Pla~O2~ az the Registry ....... · 'The~ Board voted to send a letter to Nr2 carty to.see if he has 'an~ i~emen~ for the culver~ he installed and after they rec'eive a reply, they will contact the State Departmenz. NEW'ENGEAND BREK 00: Mr'. Vial of this company mez before the' bbard zo ~hiscuss their ~rnduct ~which does no~ conform with our building~laws but Mr. Vial informed the to~n .tha~ it'has been approved in almost every town w~ere they have requested peri,lesion to have the bu~ding inspector approve an application for use of these, bricks. He .mentioned specifically Andover, ~eading and Wilmington as having sO instructed ,' th,.e~r ~building inspector. Mr~ Kir~ felt that this ~should be,~given t'o ~he town ,counsel and he asked that the board be allowed 'to study this for awhile. Mr. .~ :~ ,:.-c?i'al safd he wo~ld check the places menzi6ned and send a no~e to the Selectmen as to their method of changing the building la~s.' He s~id the~e is one ~e~est in North Andover to use these bricks and the application has been made by Ted Gaumond. BIDS-FoR TOWN REPORT ' ~ ~ ". ' -' - One bid was received for the printing of: the to~n reports from +.he Bee Publishing Compsru. y o~n their bid of $6.95 per page. CIVIL DEFENSE': ' Dewey Dyer, CivLl Defense Director met with the board ~o discuss the possibility of using Auxiliary Police on Sundays in various parts of the~own. He .said thgy need more training and this would be a valuable way of g.etting 'f~eld ~braining. These men would not be used when regular officers are available. Mr,"Kirk felt that the best way to take care of this situation would be:to have a meeting with the chief and possibly the representative of the Police Relief Association as well as the Auxiliary police representative and all agreed that would be the right thing to do. A hearing was sez for February 13,' 1956 at 8:00 ._ .~,~ BUDGET FOR CIVIL DEFENSE: · ~Nr.. Dyer informed .the beard that he had .neglected zo put in a budge't for his department and he had figured that about $1500 would be sufficient to maintain his department. They have $90,000 worth of equipment and certain maintenance is required.. He talked about an article but Mr. Kirk felt that a bndget item would be the. best way of taking care of this mazt~r and then it would, be renewed each year. He'' was given the necessary forms and ~ill present them to the Selectm~n az their nexz meeting. 181' JANUARY 30, 1956- continued INVITATION.: "The board received an invitation to participate in groundbz-eaking exercises in Methuen for the substructure of the Merrimack River Bridge marking the start-of construction of New Route 28 on Friday, February 3,' 1956 at 3:00 P.M. The Board members ~Lll make an effort ~o attend this affair. NE,¥ ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE RATING CO: A~let~er and application for a survey was received from Percy C. Charnock, ~M~ager :and:the board voted to send the application back so that a survey can b~ made in the near future. DEPT. OF PUI~IC ~'IORKS. _ A letter was received from H. Gordon Gray informing them {hat the Mastar Highway Plan for the Lawrence, Lowell and Haverhill area wLll be published in book form and it will be ready for distribution in abou~ six or eight~weeks. Cobies of this' report will be: sent to the officials of North Andover at which time they' will have.an oppor- tunity to study them in detail and the recommendations made as well as' an opportunity to discuss any changes they feel.would be of gr?at benefit to..the to~n. ~LAWRENCg GAS COMPANY: ~,, -. Permission was granted to this compan~ ~o excavate ~o install approximabely580 feet of 6" steel gas main from the river bank at Ferry Street, .continuing on.to the intersection of North Main Street, corner of Sutton Street. Permission granted to excavate 38 feet in street t~o instali gas service'for':~incent ~ Boylon at 'about 300 Pleasant Street. · · NE~ ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. ~CO~ . .' .-. Petition received for permission ~o lay and maintain underground condui{s '~nd manholes with the wires and cables to be placed therein, on Osgood Street, approximately ,. 8 feet of underground conduit between Pole #299 and Manhole #619. A hearing ~as se~ for February 13, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. Petition for. permission to maintain buried cable, manholes, handholes, with~the wires and cables therein on Sutton Street approximately 765 feet of buried cable between Pole #2994 and Pole #3000. A hearing was set for this petition on February 13, 1956 · at 7:30 P.M. MASS. SELECTMEN'S ASSOCIATION: Notice .received of a hearing to be held on January 31,~ 1~56 at 10:30 A.M. a: the State House on a bill prohibiting Selectmen from~ac~i~as Police Chiefs or members of Police Departments H-240. No action taken by the board. '.~Caiim!Tor damage in,the amount of :$2~.00 to replace' a re'ar ~spring in ~the~'~{~omobile ',owned by 6illiam Burris, Jr. 49 Beverly Street was' received'by the board. 'M~% Burris claims that his car struck- a: hole i~ the rbad: on ;Prescott Street, causing, the~aamage. The Highway Department and Board of Public 'i;orks claim that ~%kis hole was not"caused by their men and suggested that the board con,act the Eawrence Gas Company who had excavated there some time ago. ~The BoardvOtedtto send a letter to the Lawrence Gas. ~ompany.explaini~g. that~this Claim .WaS the result of their excavation and see what they plan to do about:~it. MIFFLIN D~ C O~ . ~ 'Mr.-Ca~y replied to our letter.of January 24th relative io ~he co~m~aini ~o~f Mr. Emsr~son about water draining onto Mifflin Drive and causin~ d~mage. .Mr. ~arty stated that Mifflin Park drain is in. perfect condition and the wate~ which is, causing the damage is from DouglAs Road which was bulldozed after Mifflin Drive was completed. In the spring he will have ditches, dug enabling the water from Douglass Road to flow into the catchbasin on Mifflin Drive. The Board voted to send a copy of this letter to Mr. Emerson. BROXEN FENCE- SUTTON STREET Mr..Car~y replied to the board that the fence broken by the hurricane d~mage on Sutton Street.wLll be replaced with a chain link fence as soon as it is possible for this work 'to be done. The Board feels very strongly that there is a serious condition~isting at this lo- ca~ion and in order to avoid any serious accidents they will request that Mr. Cory have this fence repaired in the immediate future and that he report a progress report to the Selectmen at their nex~ meeting on February 6, 1956. REVOLVER PEP~IT GRANTED: The Board granted a license to Edward J. Ryan,. Jr. 850 Osgood Street, to carry a revolver for target practice. Application was approved by Chief McKee snd Mr. R~an appeared b~-fore the board as requested. TOWN TREASURER,~ 'REPORT Mr. Maker presented his report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1955 and the board voted to accep~ Mr. Maker,s report. 182 TRADIN~ POST GOI~PL~INT: The Board re-directed a letter to Joseph Alosky relative ~o the conditions existing at the Trading Post about ~hich complaints have been received by various members of the board. Mr. Finneran infromed the board that Mr. Alosky should have received the first letter of complaint rather than Mr. Lawlor, who is the auctioneer, no~ .the o~ner. NO PARKING- ONE SIDE OF PARK STREET: Chief McKee requested that the board hold a hearing on the matter of "NO PARKING" on the south side of Park Street from Chickerihg Road ~o Osgood Street. The ~Chief explained that there is considerable double parking in this area and in case of fire it would be almost impossible for the trucks to get through, when there~ is a party or other entertainment a~ the V.F.'N. The Board voted to hold a hearing on this matter on February 20, 1956 arm?:30 P.M. in the Selectmen's Office and to so advertise this vote. VfIDENING OF OSGOOD S~%EET: Mr. Finneran brought up the matter of requesting the Board of Public~Wor~s~Jto con:inue the widening of Osgood Street ~o Chickering Road and ~o improve~ Chickering Road, if. possible. He mentioned that the State,Department is building a .four'lane road at Western Electric and if this could be continued up ~o Chickering Road it would be of grea~ value as there ~vill be considerably more traffic in the future. .The Board voted to send ~this reques: ~o Russell E. Jenkins, District Highway Engineer. DEPT, OF PUBLIC '~VCRKS-~ .... ~ Notice received, under Chapter 91 of the Generai L~s, of the application of the De- partment of. Public ~,'~'orks of Lawrehce Gas Company for a~ticense to construct-a' gas pipe under the Merrimack River in the city of Lawrence and the town of. North Andover and the office of the State Department of Public Works on the sixth day of February, 1956 as 2:30 P.M,, is the place and time fixed for the hearing. .. .~' No action takenby the board bu~ the will make an effor~ to attend. LIGHTS IN TO~"~ BUILDING: The Board voted to send a notice :o each department head asking their' cooperation in having the lights in the town building turned off when the last person in the building leaves, and also that he or she, lock the front door of the town building. .- REQUV. ST FOR "SLO~SiGN'' .~ .~?' The board received a reques~ for a "Children-Go Slow'; sign ~o be placed, on ~averley Road near Railroad Square and also near Maple Avenue. There is considerable traffic in this area and also quite a number of small children. The Board voted to~'refer this m.a%~er to the chief .of police .for investigation and recommendation. · MEETING OF ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS: The Board voted unanimously :o hold a meeting with 'all Depertmen: Head~ °~ discuss future plans and any other matters which might be interesting to all ~conc'ern6d% These quarterly~meetlngs had been discussedsome time ago and~the board finally de- ci.ded .~o take action and hold a meeting this month and every three months ~thereafter. The meeting .will be held at 8:00 P.M. and letters w11] be sent 'out after th e'/:meeting .on February 6~h, 1956. - '~ JANUARY 30, 1956.~ ~ ' At a.,previous meeting held by the board on January 23," 1956, it ~was voted~ %o approve a/$2OO increase for the Chief of'Police 'in order to sera proper sal'ary.ra~ge'~for him. They felt that he had been in the Department for over 27 years and that he should receive at least $10.OO more, weekly than the next man in line. They'agreed thai.he ~hould so ..inform the Advisory Board ~hen he appears beware them and that ~the Select~em'.qill verify this information if the Advisory Board so requests it. The Board also voted' to have it on record that if, in the'future, Chief McKee retires or is no longer ~6rkin~'~n-the De- 'Cpabtment, that the new chief would start a: a lower salary and grad%ally' r~ACh.~ the maximum by step-rate increases. - ......