HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-06 The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.~. with all members present. ?;eekly bills and pa5~olls were approved. TRADING POST: k letter from Joseph J. Alosky received, informing the board that the condition existing au the Trading Post has been clarified and cleaned up. Mr. Alnsky will see to it that no items of an undesirable nature are left overnight. Mr; Kirk informed the board that he had looked ~ over the location and there had been an improvement made over the week-end. COUNTY C0~SSIONERS_ ~.B. HOSPITAL ASSESSMENT: Notification received that in accordance with Chapter lll, Section 8~ of the General Laws, the to~n of North Andover is assessed by the County Commissioners as follows: 65 percent on basis of valuation $?,905.19 and 35 oer cent on basis of patient days used by the to'~n in proportion to total all patients, ~1,491.49 with a total assessment of $~,396.68. patient days of This item is taken care of on the Cherry sheet and is referred to the Board of Assessors. Mrs. NcCubbin, clerk of the Board of Assessors informed Mrs. Dearden that this item comes through on the Cherry sheet, a= a later date. LU~ER~NS MUTUAL CASUAL Ef COMPANY: A safety Suggestion was received with the necessary form to be signed and returned after the suggestions have been completed. This matter applfe~s ~o · the School Department and %rill be forwarded to Mr. F~ancis J. O'Brien. ClTIL DEFENSE: Dewey Dyer, Director, submitted a budge= in the amount of *~1500 and explained in a length letter tha~ his department has been fortunate in receiving consider- able aid in the form of Federal sums and in the-pas: year his department is DefenseC°nsideredunitbYforaanYNewreSp°nsibleEngland. officials in the area as being a model Civil In vie~ of the amoun~ of equipmen~ involved Mr. Dyer believes that =here should be an annual departmental budget. The amoun~ requested has been kept to-a rock bottom bare minimum. ~He expects to be reimbursed upward of $800 and during the past year he has acquired some %5250 in federal matching funds so that ,ac=ually the expenditure will amount ~o the low~ sum of less than $700. CIVIL DEFENCE - SURVEYS OF IRAFFIC FL~%', EVACUATION, ETC. A lengthy report was also received fr~ Mr. Dyer but since the board has planned a meeting with departmen% heads in the near future, this will be held over until next week. · Since Mr..Broadnead was abeen= a= the last meeting, it was explained ~o him tha= Mr. Dyer had met with the board and discussed this budget item. Mr. Kirk s~a~ed tha= the board had two choices; submit thie item as a b~dget item or have an article in the next special town meeting warrant. Ne feels that the to~ has established a Civil Defense Depar~men~ and wi~h all the expensive equip- ment, there should be a budget for the maintenance of this equipment. He then made a motion tha= the budget be accepted'by the'~board ~nd s'ub~{itted to the Advisory Board. He felt tha~ there ;vas a laxity' ih submitting the'budget at such a late dat~ but since it is the first time a budge~ has been submitted and since the Director was out of state, he felt it could be over-looked .a~ this time. Mr. Broadhead szated that he did not agree that the budget should be accepted and it was starting a precedent in accepting at this late date. He was opposed to the amount requested and he felt it was needs but the idea of accepting this budget would affec~ anyone else who submitted one. Mr. Finneran stated that he would be willing =o second the motion, since there is so muc~ involved and he didn't think it should be included in a special =own meeting warrant as an article. The mo~ion was so carried and the vo~e was de- clared to be a majority vote with Mr. Broadhead opposed. REQUEST FOR LICENSE TO O~N, OPERATE, DIG ~.ND ~%42~SPORT GRAVEL: A let=er in the form of an application for a license ~o o~n, operate, maintain, dig and transpor~ sand and ~ravel in the to~n of North Andover was received from Arthur B. Colgate of the Colgate Construction Company. Mr. Kirk felt ~hat this was hem a proper application and the Board of Appeals has Jurisdiction over gravel, etc. as shown in the 'Board of Appeals by -laws, Section 2 (d). The Board ye:ed to ~efer this application =o the Board of Appeals for their ac=ion DRAINAGE- MASS. AVE. & 7~AVERLEY ROAD: Mr. Carty submitted a permit which he had received from the Department of Public %Yorks allowing him to install a 36 inch s=orm drain along the northeasterly side of the road from station 305 40 to a s~ation 3,1~ 90, as shown on a plan of the Gran~ee on file in the Mass. Dept. of Public -orks office, entitled "Proposed Storm Drain Mass. Ave. & Lyman Road, North Ando~er, by Ralph B. Brasseur, Jan.1946. The Town of North Andover shall be responsible for the maintenance of the drainage system authorized by this permit. Where the surface of the roadway shall be disturbed, it shall be reStored to the satisfaction of the engineer. Date of this permit is 2/25/1946. The Board will con~act Mr. Catty and look over this location ~o discuss it further with him~ and they ~ill report nex~ ~nday to board. 184 PEBRUAR~ 6, 1956: continued N.E.T. & T..CO- LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: The Board approved a petition of these companies for permission to abandon and remove poles and fixtures located along the following public ways: Chickering Road, approximately 1321 feet northeast of Dufton Court, remove 1 pole. N. E. 'BRIC~ CO: The B~ard received a letter from 'Mr. M. B. Viall relative :o the use of the brick made by his company and he stated that.he has been informed that if a town is operating under certain sections of Chapter t/143 of the General Laws, and a material or form of useage, of a material have been accepted by the Bureau of Standards, then that town can adop~ its use without a vo~e of the town meeting. It is suggested by the office of the Secretary of State that our To~n counsel rule on this and advise if it is within the power of the Building Inspector or this board to approve. The Board voted ~o refer this to the Building Inspector ko see if the nown is operating un~er' Chapter 143, and re~ort back to this' board. HOUSING AUTHORITY LAW: Copies of the HouSing Authority La{v with the Acts of 1955 incorporated therein was received by the board and placed on file. ' MEETING OF DEPARtmENT HEADS: The Board discussed the. meting ~o be held on February 20, 1956 a~ 8:00 P.M. with Depar~ment~Heads or their representative ko discuss various matters'which might concern all departments. The Board voted to have an agenda, and s~art out ~ith several items for discussion and then hold other mat~ers over until the next quarterly meeting. Mr. Finneran wiI1 inform Mrs. Dearden as to the con~en~s of the letter to be sen: out. PARKED ~RUC~: Mr. Grande received a letter from the Select'eh, delivered by a police Officer and they voted to have the police check .~o see if the truck has been removed and if not, then a registered l~tter will be sen~ to M~ Grande informing him that the truck is on ~own land and that there is a law against leaving unregistered vehicles on :own property. PRECINCT T~'f0-CHANGES: . .: ~he Board made t~e following appointments in Precinct Two. Alfrea G~rneau, WARDEN, Alice Cawllaro, CLEP~K, Helena Reilly, DEPUTE 'iIARDEN, Winif~ed Sullivan,DEPUTY CLERK Rose McEvoy, BALLOT CEERK, Harold Ackroyd, BALLOT CEEP~, Elizabeth Shea, DEPUTY .BALLOT ~.EP~, Clara Sutcliffe, DEPUT~ BALLOT CLERK, Stephen McGrail, INSPECTOR Elizabeth O'Brien, INSPECT~, Marion Curg~, DEPUTY INSPECTOR, E. ~.'lalter Champion, DEPUTY INSPECTOR. No other changes were made on this day. SNOW EM~GENCY DECLARED -February lC, 1956 At nine o'clock A.M. the Board of Selectmen declared an emergency at .the request 'of Highway Surveyor Ira D. Carty for the removal cf snow. SNO~ EMERGENCY DECLARED: February 11, 1956 The Board of Selectmen delcared an emergency at 10:4OP.M. o~' this davy atthe re- quest of Ira D.' Carry, Highway Surveyor.