HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-13185 FEBRUARY13~ 1956: The regular weeklymeeting of the Board of Selectmen was held all~embers present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. 7230 P.M. ~ith HEA~ING ON NEW ENGLAND T. & T. CO: PETITIONS: A hearing was held on the petition of this company for conduit location on Osgood Street, approximately 8 feet of underground conduit between pole #299 and Manhole #619. The Board voted unanimously to grant this request pending approval by William B. Bully of the Board of Public ,~orks since there is considerable excavation work to be done. The Board vo~ed unanimously to grant'he petition for buried cable location on Sutton Street, approximately 765 feet of buried cable between cole 1~2993 a~d · pole #3000, also pending approval by Supt. William B. Duffy of the Board of Public Works, due to the amount of excavation to be done. MEETING POSTPONED The meeting relative to the use of Auxiliar~ police on Sundays has been postponed .until further notice. LA¥~RENCE GAS COMPANY: A letter received from this company relative to the damage claim in the amount of $2? .00 for damage to the aumomobile of ~tlliam Burris, Jr. 49, Beverly St. North Andover. The trench has been inspected on Prescott. Street and it is in good condi- tion. They will contact ~. Burris through their contraetor L. C. Oyr Company and make all nscesssry adjustments. No further action taken by the board. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: Notice received that a 1000 lumen light has been installed on pole 3939on Johnson Stree9 as requested in our letter of January 6, 1956. The light was turned on January 31, 1956. N.E. FIRE RATING ASSOCIATION: Notice received that the application from the Selectmen requesting a review oD conditions in North Andover has been listed for attention. However, it will be some · little time before they can reach North Andover orang .to many other previous.~commit- merits. No action taken. TO~ TREASURER'S REPORT~ ~r. James Maker.presented his report, on the "Free Cas~".at the end of the year 1955. Surplu~ 'revenue, excess and deficiency $147,347.63 less outstanding ~axes J19,377.57 lesving a total of free cash in amounm $127,970.06.as against $106,681.99 in~19g4. DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS: Acknowledgment of our letter of February 4, 1956 relative to the possibility~of the Department improving Osgood Street from ~?estern Electric plant ~o Chickering ~oad. The le%ter has been forwarded for consideration.'~o Robert $. Foster, Jr.~Assistant Chief Engineer and we will doubtless hear from the Boston office in the near ~uture. The Board discussed the ~atter of the cut-offwhich has been suggested for Route 125 and voted to send a letter to ~r.' Foster to ask that he give us any information possible on this mat~er. ~ ..... NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POST OFFICE GLE.%KS: An invitation received by the chairman of the board .to attend church services-.on Sunday February 19, in connection ~ith their purpose of helping combat commuhism by 'fostering a more active religious life. Mr. Finneran will make an effor~tol~ttend. RABIES VACCINE NOTICE-1956 Notice received that the County commissioners have contracted for rabies vaccine and all orders must be gJ~ven by the board of health or its agent. The contractor for the year 1956 is Wyeth Laboratorie~ 230 Commerical St. Malden, Mass. ~The county cannot reimburse for any vaccine not purchased under the contract from the bo~tractor named above. This is in accordance with Chapter42 of the Ac%s of 1939. ~._. NE~ ENGLAND BRICK CO: Mr. Lawlor called to inform the board that he knows of no time when the town yoted to operate under certain sections of Chapter 143 and also that he does not apprb~e of the type of brick referred to by the N.E. Brick Co. Mrs. Dearden checked with JShn Lyons, Town Clerk and he also stated that the t o~ has never accepted Chapter 143 on any section. The board voted ~cs~ndr~ letter to this company informing them that we are not operating under Chapter 143 and also note that our building inspector does not approve of the brick ~um out by ~hetr company. PRECINCTEOFFICERS hIST In addition to changes made last week in the'Precinct Officers li~t, Rita Markey in precinct three, Deputy Inspector, ~ms replaced by Gladys Houghton, 87 Buckingham ~oad. Frank Wallwork replaces Harold Ackroyd, as B~llot Clerk in Precinct two. 186 FEBRUARY 13, 1956: continued FENCE ON SUTTON STREET: Mr. Car~y informed the board that the fence ~ill be repaired as soon as themen can ge% over here ~o £ix it. I~rs. Dearden no%iced that the fence had been repaired on Tuesday, 2/14/1956. DRAINAGE- ~ASS. AVE. & ¥~AVERLEY ROAD The Selectmen had invited Nr. Catty to mee~ with them some day last week to look over the location of the culvert at the above location but no appointment was made during "'the ~eek. The board voted to request that Mr. Catty have Ralph Brasseur find-ou~ whether or noz there is an easement available and also if the weter runs onto ~own land. They would like a reply by next Monday. evening. A letter will be sen~ ~o Mr. Car~y. CHIEF MCKEE* G.w3J~DE,S TRUCK The Board vo~ed ~o instruc~ Chief MoKee to check further and see if the truck is completely removed from C3m rk Street. He had reported that the truck was being dismantled and removed from the location. . SLOT SIGNS: Chief McKee reports that he has one sign available and wilt place it at the corner of ~?averley and Main Street and when the new signs come in he will place another one further up on ;¥averley Road. · · CHAPTER ~: A letter will be sen~ to Mr. Jenkins requesting that all of Greene Stree~ be included in Chapter 90~ work from Mass. Ave. %o the Bridge if this is possible. LAWRENCE GAS CO: COMPLAINT A letter advising this company that Joseph Kort of 14 Brew~ter Street had c6mpiained about an excavation made some time ago by this company and which was repaired~temporarily but there is still wa~er there and he ~ould like ~o have it taken care of. T~e~-mDoal~d voted to refer this ~o the Lawrence Gas Company for their action. GY~OLINE STORAGE: APPLICATION: An application,s received from Alber~ A. S~einberg, 1159 Osgood Street, for a license to store 1,O00 gallons of fuel oil in one under ground tank and 1500 gallons of gasoline in one underground tank az the above premises. A hearing was se% for February 27, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. for both applications. PA~ING OF TRA~.OR: .~Mrs. Candiano, 412 Mass. Ave. inquired of the Selectmen if she could park a trailor in their back yard during the win~er monzhs. They plan to take trips in the summer but it ~ill no~ be used for living conditions az any time while it is parked;.-~Taey have a spare lot of land in back of their home and they ~ould use this for a~ Parking area. The %railor will be about 35 ' long and will be attractive. The board discussed this for some time and referred ~o the by-law made at the-special tow~ meeting of Augus~ 23, 1953. They felt that they had no power to grant a oermit to Nre..Candiano to park the trailor nor could they insist that the zrailor be'removed. It is to be li~ted as a motor vehicle and not a home. SNO,? REMOV~ Et,ERGENCY DECLARED AT 9:00 A. N. by BOARD OF 'SELEC?~N-REQUEST b~!'iRA CARTY.' · ae regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen wa~ held a~ 7:30 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. HEARING ON "NO PARKING RULE" A hearing was held on the new proposed "/~o Parking , the southe'rly ~'~e of Park Stree~ fromChmckering' i%ad ~o 0sgo~d Street. rule on Mr. John Hayes spoke to the board abou~ the condition existing a~ this location and s~ated tha~ there are three shifts from the mill every 24 hours and large trailor ~rucks speed down there on the last lap of their day ~rips. He feels there should be an inlet and an outlet into the ~.F.W. parking area. H~ also mentioned that there is a fire hydrant on' the southerly side of Park Street and cars coming ou~ of the V.F.W. would not have clear vision either up or down the s~reet. There are three trees in the street,~ which should come do~u and there would be plenty of parking. Mr. George Laycock s~a~ed that ne fel~ that parking on the other side of the,imtreet would be much better particularly on accounm of the fire hydrant. " Mr. Kirk fel~ these #ere interes~mng observations as did the other members'2 · Mr. Laycock s~a~ed that =ars park on the highway on Saturday and he understood that ~here was a law against this. ' ' Mr. Finneran stated that the chief of police should have been a~ this hearing ~ but they will take these items into consideration before taking action. ~r. Hayes also suggested that this street should be a 25 mi. p.h. zone as th~' trucks really speed down there. Mr. Broadhead made a motion that the matter be taken under a~visemen~ and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Laycock and Mr. Hayes both s~a~ed that they were willing to have no parking on either side but wo~ld prefer that it be on the northerly side. Tais mat~er will be discussed with the Police Chief.