HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-20187. FEBRUARY 20, 1956: ADJUDICATION OF S'I~EETE: A hearing was held on the adjudications of four streets as follows: MIFFLIN~DRIVE- from ~Sddlescx Street ~o Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Catty informed the Selectmen in writing that this street is now in 0roper · condition for acceptance. There was some discussion by various residents but all agreed that the street should be. accepted. Mr. Kirk made a motion that the street be ad~udicated.$ the vote was unanimous. All abutters were informed of the hearlg, notice sent %o the mo~n clerk and notice was proporly advertised. PU~IAM ROAD- from ~Afflin Drive to Green Street. Mr. Carty informed the board that the street is now in condition foracceptance - by the to?m. The Board voted unanimously to adjudicate this street since all.abutters were properly notified, novrn clerk and it was properly advertised, and ~there was no opposition. %'~ST BRADSTP~ETROAD: from Mifflin Drive to Green Street. Mr. Carry informed the board t~at this s~reet was now in condition for accep{ance by th~ town. T~ere was considerable discussion ~y various residents relative ~o the drains. Mr. Alvino stated that there isn't much can be done now as the street has the advantage of the drains. Mr. Carry stated that this work was let ou~ by,.con~ract to Cyr Construction Co. and it Nas up ~o them if the drains were not correct. Mr. Catty assured those present that he would take care of the drains after the snow goes away and when street is properly levelled the drains'willwork. ~e'~oa~d vote~ unanimously to adjudicate West Bradsnree~ Road from MifflinDrive ~o Green Street. All abutters'had been notified, town clerk and it was properly advertised. : ~ ~OODBRIDGE ROAD fromMifflin Drive to Tyler~oad Mr. Carty informed the Selectmen that this~street was now ~n condition foracceptance by the town. The board voted unanimously to adjudicate this smreet. Abutters had bee~ notified, also the tc~m c!~rk and it was properly adwertised. ~ FENCE REPAIRED: ~Mr. Carty reported that the fence at the causeway on Sutton Street.has been. repaired ~by the Nesbitt Company. ~EPART~ENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH: Notice received that a public hearing will be held in Room 511 State House, BostOn, on February 29, 1956 at ll:O0 A.M. on the report entitled: TO~'~ OF NORIH ANDOVER REPORT ON SE~RAGE SYSTEM FOR EAST SIDE DRAINAGE AREA, JULY 22, 1955, Camp, Dresser & McKee, Consulting Engineers and the plan is ~ntitled: NORTH'ANDOVERREPORT ON S~,~ERAGE SYSTEMFOR EAST, SIDE DRAINAGE AREA,MAP SHO;~iNG PHOPOSED. S~RAG~ SYSTEM. ~N0 action taken by the board. CERTiFICATE A certificate of insurance cove.~Ing, all signs in North &udover was received from 'the Gulf Oil Corporation but it was returned for correction from Andover'~o North Andover. · SN~REMovAL EXPENDITURES: ~. Carry informed the Board that he has received bills amounting to $807.49 for expenses during the recen~ snow removal emergency declared 2/11/1956 · DAMAGE CLAIM: A letter and copy of a notice which was served on the Town Clerk was received from Atty. John J. Lynch. The claim is brought byMr. Lynch in behalf of Linde K. McKee a minor who brings this claim through ~her father and next friend, of ll3 Moody Street, North Andover. According to the notice, Linda K. McKee was injured as a result of a.fall upon a defective sidewalk on the easterly sidewalk proceeding northerly along Elm Street located approximately 12 fee~ northerly from the intersection of Elm and Water Street a~ the first game entering the D & F Co. property. Said defect consisted of a hole in said sidewalk approximately 5 to~7 inches in depth and 15 to 24 inches in width and located about 3 feet 'from the curbing where the incline for the driveway Joins with the 'rest of the sidewalk. The hole was partially covered~and adjacent thereto was an ~nnatural accumulation of snow and ice. Linde received severe personal injuries including the fracture of the radius and a crack in the ulna of the left forearm. ~he Hoard voted 'to refer this matter to Atty. Arthur ~. Thomson for investigation anddisposition. DEPT. OF PUBLIC ~ORKS-BIL~S .FOR TREE WORE~ T~o bills in the amount of $694.42 and $586.20 for work done in 1954 were received by the Selectmen. This work was inspection services in connection with ~ree trimming in North Andover. The Board voted to return these bills ~or further information as we have no knowledge of that the bills are for and who is required to pay them. 188 FEBRUAR~ 20, 1956: continued D~BT=oOF PU~ICWORKS: Notice received that a public hearing will be held on Monday, March 12, 1956 at 10:30 A.M. in the hearing room on 100 Nashua Street, Boston to all parties interested in petitioms for the impro~emenm, development, maintenance and protection of tidal and non-tidal =tvers, s~reams, harbors, tidewaters, foreshores and shores along.apublic beach, including the Merrimack and Connecticut Rivers. Ail petitionsshould be filed ~iththe Department not later then Mar~h 5, 1956. Nq action was taken by tbs board on this matter. CULVERT. ON MASS. AVE. AT ~AVERLEY ROAD: No reply was received from Zra D. Carry relative so an easemenz and the'matter of whether or not the water runs onto ~own land at the above location. Ralph Brasseur was mo have reportedmo this boa=d at this meeting. The board suggestedtha~he be contacted again and ask that the report bemade available by February27'~ 1956; COmmITTEE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP~T A letter was received from Roland R. Siskind, Chairman, advising the selectm~n that Mr. John O,Malley, Executive Director, will shortly con~act the proper authgrities in North ~ndover for a buildzng p rmit for the ~sign now erected at the' int~r~ection of Osgood and Sutton Streets. He stated that they regret that a misundertanding has arisen and assured the board that in any future industrial development acti..vity affecting the town of North Ando~er, the assistance and advice of the board ~Lll~be~'sought. '~The Board voted to hold this letter over for~ one week before sending a reply. N.A. BOAPJ) OF TRADE: A letter was received by the selectmen tn~wflich it was stated that 'the oa~d of Trade have come mo the conclusion that the action of this board with regar~,to sign"mentioned above was ~lse and businesslike. No action' taken. FIRST ~ARTEBLY MEETKNG OF ALL DEPARTMEN~: Chairman William A. Finnsran opened the meeting on behalf 'of the Board of 'Selectmen and welcomed' all the officials' and thanked them for' their interest and attendance. In order to get the meeting off to a good start Mr. Finneran informed those present of a few of the thought~of ~this'board in regard to' these meetings, the purpose of them, the necessity and the eventual outcome of them. He s~ated that he felt it would promote a closer feeling between all depa~t..ma~ nt officials at this time and since all businesslike Organizations have-'t6p discussion periodically during the business year, he stated that it was no unusual' for our town governmen~ to hold similar meetings. He felt that a year fro~n'0~ .~e should be amply.prenared for our next to~n meeting width each departmentmvA~0f. the others needs~and be ready to "give or tal~e" So to speak, in 'order'~th~t~the most important items shall be presented at a town mse~ing with the comolL, te ba?in~g of our complete goveznmental~ body.~' ' .~ He ~stated' that the board does not propose to know all the- ~swars to all ~own~ ~roblems but they do feel that with the experience and help of each departmen~offSbiaT, ~ they can find all the answers ~o all problems. Mr. Finneran firs~ brought up the item of a'to'wn garage and explained 'the necessity of 'a new garage where we have more motor equipment .than' th~r~ is gara~e~s~ace~ He .~entioned that ~he land may not be adequate but4e felt that department' heads could~ give their views on the necessity of a new mown.garage. John J. Conners s~a~ed that they definitely need more .room. He has vehicles oarked in various places and there is no ~oossible way of heating the presen~ garage with the system we have now. . Mr. Finck felt thht this should-be-given a' great' deal of consideration sin~'the town is growing, there is a possibility that the ~own building may ha.Ye to be enlarged in time and that fact should be considered before..deciding on a new garage .in the rear of' the building. It was.suggested'.that am inventory of present equipment be made by. those'~ chaEge and then determine the,proposed future needs. There-was an inquiry 'by Js~mes Maker as to the size of the land and if it:would be sufficient for this project. Mr. Kirk mentioned that centralized locati6n' might be the answer.' MrJ Kirk suggested that~a survey be made' of all equipment~and have a report'0f this inventory for the ne~t.group meeting. The next item discussedlwas a new fire station and Mr. Finneran mentioned the~ Old Cen~er school land as an ideal spot. He s~ated that a survey is to be made in the near future by.the N.~. Fire Insurance l~ating ~ssociation at no cost to the ~o~n. Mr. Cronin stated that as he understood it, in order to take the land now used as a playground, it would be necessary to ~o through legislation. The next item discussed was a new precinct~. Mr. John J. Lyons, to~n clerk, stated that he felt it should be in the cenmer. Mr. Cronin presented a list'of street and the number of families involved which could be changed over to precinct one and ha felt it would work out fine. He stated that ~his is a matter which should be t~en up at once as there are no~'~ 1813 voters in precinct ~wo. - Charles Trembly s~ated that he felt that there should be more voting places in the if they expected the voters mo come ou~ and vote. He suggested that the Library be used as a voting place. LIBRARY AS VOTING PLACE: Mr. Trombly felt that would be adequate space in the basemenms but there ~re others who thought it ~as not large enough. Mr. Finneran mentioned the proposed road which might go through the land mmv Sought as a location for a new school. Mr. Trombly stated that they were aware of this road. Mr. Finck stated tham the Planning Board should be cons'idered in these future plans and Mr. Kirk Suggested that,a member of the Planning Board go along with the board, of Selecmmen when they meet with l~r. ,Volpe next'week to discuss this new road. It was suggested that the whol~ Advisory Board be present at the nexm meeting and Mr. Finneran stated that ~they arenot opposed to having all departments oresent but in order to gem cff mo a good Start they felt that if each department.~ere represented it ~ould be sufficient for the f~rst meeting. Be suggested that all items f. or the agenda of the next meeting be left atthe Selectmen's Office and he hoped that each deoartment would leave their suggestions in the near future. ' - There was a shorm discussion on the Master Plan and Mr. Nicetta suggested that there be a partial rezision every five years. ~ said it shows mrojection of growth in the future. - Mr; :T~ombly.felt that the Department Heads could coordinate ', b~dgets on ,Capitol ~ '~h,~her than upkeep and every department should try to project their department for four yeare. The question of whether or not the renormer should be present ~as discussed and it was felt that ell '~'ere in favor~ of'having the Teporter present"as ~ the~ tbwnspeople · t~,~,.~ .sh°ul~d know what is going on; ·' Mr.., Murphy will be invited to 'a ttedd the ~next meeting FEBR~UA~M 24, i956: ' The Board of Selectmen' met at 4:30 P.M. on the adjudication of the extension of Prospect-Street. Ail abutmers were notified, also the town clerk'and 'itVw~s properly advertised. 'Mr. Finneran and Mr., Kirk were present; Mr'. Br0adH&ad had previously, stated that he would go along with the adjudication if the other two members' agreed. Mr, Carry had informed the Selectmen that thes mreet"was- in~c ondition' for~acce provided that the fence at 65,:~and~the hedgeat 67. Prospect Street,,is removed. ,Pawl Dyer was present and he informed the board that'he would remove the fence anda letter, will be sent to Mr. & M~s. ~apaez with respect~to removal of the hedge. Notice w~ll be' sent to the Advisory Board ~f this action by the boar~; FEBRUARY 27, 1956: The regular weekly'meeting 'of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with all members present, l'~eekly bills and payrolls were approved. HEARING: ~ ' The-hearing on A~bert SteinBerg's anplication, for storage of sasolzne? ' and~ fuel. oil was postponed due to a late notice in the Tribune. The hearing will-be held on March 12, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. with all abutters to be again notified, a notice to the Tribune and a notice .to Mr., Steinberg. The Board voted unanimously, that in the future al! application for gas s~orage must be accompanied with a plot plan. If the insmallation is not put into effect within 90 days, the license will be revoked and a new application will ~be nec, SNO~ REMOVAL E~ERGENCY FIGURES: -'- Mr. Carry informed the Board· that 'for the ~mergency declared on Februar/-!8, 1956 .~9 A.M. the bills amount to $3,%2.7.70 and have been oresented mo him for The Board of Selectmen voted unanimeusly'~o certify, th~ sram-of $3~527.70-ex~aymentendedthe emer~ncy to be paid from available funds in the treasur~..~ pending the approval by a m?Jority of the Advisory Board. · REV~VEB PEPJ~IT APPLICATION An application for a revolver permit was received from James ~. Thomson who appeared a.t the meeting. The application was approved by Chief M~Kee and~ the · board gr~nted unanimously to grant the license for target practice. Mr. ThomSon resides am 45 Sawyer Rd.