HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-02APRIL 2, 1956: continued GENERAL RELEASES: Releases were received from William Glennie, Belmont Street in consideration of the sum of $43.10 to be paidby the town for damage caused.to his automobile when it struck a hole on Sutton Street. Release fram Charles Buchanan, 707WaverleyRoad in consideration of the sum of $26.40 to be paid by the to~n for damage to his automobile when it struck an indentation on ~averleyRoad. APPOINTMENTS: A copy of allappointments made by'the board onMarch 27, 1956 was given to the Town Clerk for his records. DOG OFFICERS REPORT: A report from the Dog Officer'from April 1, 1955 to April 1, 1956 was received giving the report of dogs destroyed,-damage to livestock, dog bites and calls attended ~o, kennel licenses and dogs licensed, etc. The amount taken in was.S898.00. Stanley Buturlia is thedog officer. ACCIDENT2EPORT: A copy of am accident report was received from the Board of Public ?~orks~ ~ederick R. Christie was injured when his foot slipped as he was ~aking a chlorine cylinder off a truck at the Pu$ping station amd he injured his back. BOARD OF PU~IC WOP~S: Mr. Duffy reported a bad hole at 402 Johnson Street caused by excavation by the Lawrence Gas Company. Mrs. Dearden called Mr. Bendroth and this was straightened out by that company. REVOLVER PERMZT APPLICATION: Ed~ard. J. Callaghan, 55 Perry Street made application for a license ~o carry a revolver for targe~ practice.~ He was advised to come before the board but he did not appear in the past two weeks. Mr. Broadhead made~a ~motion that the license no~ be granted, and if he wishes to re-appl~, a new application will be .necessary. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE: · . A letter was received~ by. theboard relative to letters sent to this bb~aittee which were received from various architects with respect to a new elementary school. Mr. O'Brien ex~ulained that the committee interviews~ all these architects and will probably do the same thing when. the time comes. INSURANCE: TRONAS J. MCGRAIL JR. A letter was received from Thomam J~ NcGrail, Jr. re: Fleet~Auto Liabili%y Policy#6 CA34547, Aetna~Casualty and Surety Co. stating that he had been con- tacted by the companyin regard to the increased liabLlitylimitswhich are carried on th~ above policy. According to Mass. Bodily inJuryrate manual, munictoali~ies are limited to $24/100,000 limitsand the town new'carries $100,0OO/300~0~O limits. ~here are certain exce~tions~in the law ~th mresp~ct to the proprietoryfunctions and policemen and firemen. In order that the policy limits maybe properly apportioned the Aetna requests that the Board of Selectmen seek~an~opinionfrom Town'Counsel on the matter. It wo~ld be appreciatedif the board would advise Mr. McGraii of the opinion so that he may forward same to the~ company. .The Board voted unanimously to refer this matter to Atty. Arthur A.~Thomson for an opinion. LA'~ENCEEL~CTRIC COMPANY: The Board voted onmotiun .ofMr. Kirk not to install~ a street light on pole 2971 in f~ont of Schruender's filling station as they do not feel there will*b~amy benefit from such a light .but they suggested that the Chief of'Police be contacted amd see about having some-reflectors on this pole.which they feel would be more affective. BLUE CROSS BLUE SHI~IO: A letter was received from David R. Pet~e relative to the ~ccepta4ce-by the town of. Chap~er~32 B of the G. L. andsuggssting that he would be pleased tomeetwith the Board of Selectmen at their convenience to discuss~ the ~ospital-su~gical- medical program and offeramy hel~ in the decision of the Board. The Board voted to accept the letter and place it on file and t~ey.will, conmac~ Mr. Petrie at~ the pro~er time. U.Vote. N.E.~ T & ~CO.~LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: ~ ~A petition for Joint or identical nolo locations was received and a hearing #as set for ~pril 16, 1956 at 7:40~P.M. Permission requested ~o locate poles, wires, etc. on Prescott Street, approximately 25 feet southwest of Moody Street, l~ole. 197 APRIL 2, 1956- continued .SIDE~';ALK SIGN APPLICATION: An application for a permit mo have a sign a~ the James P. Hainsworth Insurance Agency 150 ~in Street, was received by the board. A bond in the amount of ~000 was also received. The board help up the permit pending a description of the proposed sign. DIVISION OF CIVIL ~ERVICE: A letter from Civil Service informing the board that as a result ~f the examina- tion held on October 29, 1955 for promotion to Police Sergeanm, that the eligible list has now been established for this.service. If the board wishes mo fill vacancies am this time, a requisition blank is enclosed. ~/~en this is received, proper action will be taken. ' The Board voted unani~o~s, ly to t~ble this matter until after the annual mown meeting PETITIONS FOR ARTICLES TO BE~INSER~D IN WA~w.RANT OF NEXT SPECIAL T00~/~ MEETING. .~o petitions ~o raise a sufficient sum of money"~o extend'the wate~r system on Putnam Road from the present terminus near ~[ifflin Drive two hundred feet mo'Nards Greene Street and mo raise a sufficient sum of money mo extend the sewer sysmem ~wo hundred end eighty feet on Putnam Road from Mifflin Drive, both petitioned by Andrew F. Coffin an4 others. More than 100 signamures were listed on each petition. DAMAGE CLAIM: A claim for damage to a Ford Truck owned by Hilton Oil Co. caused when .the mown snow plow backed into it was received by the board in the amoun~ of $202J65 No.report was received, other than the .claim and estimate. -' The Board voted to request that Mr~ Lawlor of the High,'my Deparmmen~ make the necessary report to the selectmen. They held up a voucher #1755 for various parts required for repairing the plow in the amount 'of $196.50, and v.o~ted mo request that Mr. Carty give the board an~xplahation of this eXpenditur~ before the voucher will be approved. : COMPLAINTS-GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Er. Kirk informed the board that he has had numerous complaints about the garbage not being collected and in some instances it has been five or six weeks since ~r. Gallant has been around in certain sections. ~r. Kirk mentioned lower Clarendon ~Street, E. ]~[ater Street and Beacon Hill Section. The board voted ~o refer.this complaint mo the Board of Health. '~ · MONSIGNOR SHEA: The Board voted unanimously'to ~ake pr6per recognition of: Monsignor~Shea, stating that his death was a great loss mo the Town of North Andover. Mr. Ki'rk' suggested that the mown offices be closed Thursday morning during~the funeral hours ~to permit all ~o attend the services if they so desire. Mr. Kirk made a mo~i0n that the records of-the Board of Selectmen be suitably inscribed and that they b& spread with a resolution to be written in the near future. This ~as a unanimous rome of the' Board a~d the'Selectmen Will"~ttend the funeral on Thursday morning. ' ..... SERGEANT H~TON: Sgt. Hilton came before the board to discuss the article in S.aturday evening paper relative mo the police department. He 'did not think it was a proper article and asked the reporter to inform him who the 'information came from, a source ~lose ~o the Selectmen. Mr. M~rphy stated- that they do not divulge their source of informa- tion. Sgt. Hilton felt that ~he was interfering ~ith his livtihood and that it was important to him. He referred to the duties of the new'sergeanms, one ~o be placed in charge of investigations and stated that this would happen inthe morning so that it would be necessary for one s~rgeant to be in the station days. He stated further that the article was not good for the board and that actually it hurt them. The Board informed Sgt. Hilton that they have made no decision to date and they did not feel that they were hurt in any way. Mr. Finneran s~ated that the reporter has the privilege of printing or writing his 'own articles. Sgt. Hilton then talked with Nr~ ~xrphy, the reporter and said he would feel quite hurt if he, Sgt. Hilton, wenm over to the Tribune and did some talking but Nr. Murphy informed him that it ~as his privilege. No action was taken by the board on this matter. APPOINTNENT: John J. ~hompson was apoolnted '#irlng Inspector for the ensuing ~ear upon the unanimous vo~e of the Board. William Lafond was appointed Graves Registration Officer by the unanimous vome of the board. Other appointments were tabled until later in the month.