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JUNE 4, 1956:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmeu was held a~ 7:00 P.?L with
all members present, lVeekly bills and ~ayrolls were approved.
A hearing was held on the petition of Vincen~ A. Salvo, 22 Center Street, ~?alttham~
for the removal of a tree in front of his property on Chadwick Street.
Mr. Connors had inspected the tree and. felt that the tree should be removed. The
Board vo~ed unanimously ~o instruc~ the Tree ~arden to remove the tree.
A reply from Mr. Carry informing the Board that the ~wo catch basi~s reoorted by
the Selectmen as in bad condition on Pleasan~ Street have been repaired'.
The board signed a certificate of charac%er for Richard F. Brow~'~ 74 Russell Stree~
who is employed by the Hathaway Bakeries, Inc. This is a renewal. '
The Board approved the reques~ of this company If or permission to e~cavate 365
feet on Mass. Ave. and Bacon Ave. to install gas main.
They~ also approved the reques~ for permissi6n to excavate 13 feet and 27 feet in
s=reet on Bacon Ave. to install gas services at 16 and 27 Bacon Ave.
The Board voted unanimously ~o grant the ne~ition of these .two companies-for
permission to have joint locations on Sou~h Bradford Street, approximately 192
feet north of ~inter Stree% 1 pole. No hearing required on this petition.
Petition for Joint or identical pole locations for these two companies r~questing
per~tssion ~o loca~e poles, wires, e~c. on South Bradford Street, northerly from
a poin~ approximately 127 feet north of :~inter Street, 4 poles,(remove 7'telephone
poles). A hearing was se~ for June 18., 1~56 at 7:30 P.M.
A request for a permit to hang a sign over the sidewalk on the~ store of Dorothy
Norwood, d/b/a/ Norwood's Shoe and ClOthing Store, 87 Main Street, was approved
by unanimouslvo~e of the board~ The si~u is about 4 feet long, 3 feet' high and
ten feet loom the ground and will weigh about 27 pounds, and will be made of light
wei~t shee~ metsl. A bond for $1,000 accompanied the request. .,~ '
The Board voted u~animously ~o grant this permit.
~he list of eligibles for appointment as P~serve.officers came befSre the board
toni,~.t. ~he list contains three names, Daniel Quinlan~_.Arthur ~awson and James
E. Fitegerald. However, the list had been returned to Dmvil Service requesting
an e.xtension of two weeks and we did not receive i~. The Board instructed Mrs.
Dearden.to contac~ Civil Service to-day and find'out if we can have'another
extension and also that %hey ret~rn the list.
John Addison, %~8 Foster Street, who is a licensed electrician and has been for
the past ~thirty years informed the board that John ~hompson, wiring inspector,
insulted him and told him that his work w~s all wrong. He has six circuits in
and .Mr..Thompson claims he needs bushings on the television steel tube connectors.
At the suggestion of Mr. Kirk, the chairman con%acted Mr. Thompson by phone and
asked that he send the board a written report advising them what is wrong with
the wiring. It was finally agreed that the Selectmen would contact, the State
Examiner of Electricians and ask him ~o come out and meet with ~fr. Tho~oson and
Mr. Addision. Mr. Kirk felt that this: should be done in a hurry ss Mr. ~ddison is
without, service.
~r%inLawlor came before t~e board to discuss the new ruling that all elevators
must be inspected by the local inspector. In the ~ast this was done by the State
inspector. Mr. Kirk checked the law on this and since it is in the'law that it
is actually the duty of the building inspector they d~cided not to con,acm the
the s~ate as to their authority ~o require the building inspector to tske this
There was also discussion about the Col ga~e construction Company as ~o their
building without a permit and no% complying with the fire laws on houses on
Mass. Ave. Mr. Lawlor had already s~opped him from continuing building a~ the
corner of Chestnu~ Street and ~ilk Stree%, because he had no permit from the
Board of Health.
The board voted ~o invite Mr. Colgate ~o meet with the Selectmen on June 18, 1956
a~ 7:30 P.M. %o discuss this violation relative to fire doors on Mass. Ave.
Mr. Lawlor and Fire Chief James Daw will also be present.
JUNE h, 1956: continued.
Daniel 0'Leafy, 21 Nilson Road requested that the shade on the light on.pole
~ 1563 in f font of his property be shaded to prevent the light from shining
onto his po~ch. -
Fred Phelan complained about the condition of Chadwick Street and said itvas
in very poor condition and dangerous. The board voted to send a letter
Mm. Bendroth to have this repaired.
A letter advising the board that they have discussed the possible removal of
pole .2707 and because of the length of the soans between poles ak thislocation
i~.would no~ be possible ~o remove pole 2707. They are proceeding with the
installation of lights on poles 2706-2708 a~d 2709 as requested and they feel
that with improved lighting in this ares, pole 2507 should be more easily seen.
No further action taken. -
A list of names of persons who desire to be appointed .~s Precinct Offt'cers
all of whom are registered democrats. Atty.' Charles T~ombly, chairman of the
Democratic committee presented the names, on May 31, 1956.
Andrew F. Coffin, chairman of the Republican party did not submit~a' ~is~'of
names, but informed the board that he would accept the. names given to him-~by
the selectmen and would go along with any other aopointments made by the board.
The ext~nsion of ~o weeks on %he .list for. 1~serve patrolmen expires on June
.5, and the board voted to instruct Mrs..'Dearden ~o contact Civil Service'and
ask that we be given another ~o weeks before making ~opointmants. The list of
names had.been returned~in error to Civil Service so t~at appointments66uld
not be made. Mrs. Re~tlyat Civil. Ser~ice informed Mrs. Dearden to send'~a
letter requesting another extension of two weeks from June 5, '1956;
~ second letter received relative to the loan of ~50,000 which the C0~issioners
are seeking for. permanent improvements to be made this year. The board Voted
unanimously to approvethe program of the commissioners and to so notify them at
once ~.
D~2~ ~0CK D~IVE*IN THEATRE: -. ....... & ~ ~ .1
The Bo~rd voted unanimously to send a registered letter to Mr. Shay requesting
that they install Blinker lights on Winthrop Ave. in the vicinity of the Drive
in theatre, possibly at the same. location, as last year. ~e have had no ,reply
our letter of May 9 last.
Chief McKee reported that he checked Clark Street and there are two doors and
part of the cab of the old truck originally parked there. He suggested~that the
men from the Highway Departmmnt pick up this Junk and put it in the'dump so clear
this street. The Board voted to request Mr. Carty to clean up this are from
the cement posts about 100 yards from the dump and remove all material or debris
· from this street.
Chandler H. Foss, 103 Lyman Read requests the removal of a hickory tree which is
on the proposed sidewalk and this tree is dead.~ Also 'an oak tree on his proper~y
whose limbs hang over the s~reet and are dangerous. This matter was referred
the tree warden for disposition.
Mrs. Pauline Blood requests permission to have a building~ 20' x 40' ~13' moved
from Bay St~e Road onto Mass. Ave. and down to Inglewood St~reet. Building will
be moved'on a carrier. She has written to Mr. Jenkins~ for a permit but has re-
ceived no reply. The board voted to send a letter to Mr~ Jenkins and inquire if
they intend to gran: this permit. ~ If they do, then. this~ boar~ w~ll act On the
request before them.
John Lyons received a copy of the decree recently issued by the County Commissioners
relative to Great Pond Road and~ Pond Street, North Andover, in connection v~Ith
Chapte. r 90 work, also a print of the plan. ~he board voted ko send this to Mr.
Thomson if he has not already received a copy so that he may proceed with the
taking of the land necessary.
A special town mee~ingwas held in the Bradstreet School Auditorium a~ 8:00
P.M. for action of eigh~ articles. Ail articles were acted upon'favorably with
the exception of.article 4 which was stricken from the warrant.
JUNE 4, 1956: continued:
Insurance b£ds were received up until nine o'clock P:M. and the board opened the
bids. After careful emamination they voted unanimously ~c award the bid ~o the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company on their Iow bid. This is a package 'deal
and the hoard felt that this was better for all concerned. Mr. Flynn of the
Me~. Co. will be notified by letter.
The Board voted to reques~ Chief McKee to m6et with ~hem on June 18, 1956
at 7:30 P.M. ~o 'discuss the s~op sign a~ Sutton's corner.
JUNE 11, 1956:
Arthur P. Kirk'and Raymond Broadhead me~ a~ 5:00 P. ~.. to aoprove payrolls ahd
bills.'~ Mr. Pinneran was not present.
A letter received from Asst. County Engineer A. J.. Crawford' infor~ing the Board
that the County Commissioners have issued the decree in relation to the alteration
of Great Pond Road and Pond Street in 'N rth Andover and a copy of the decree and plan
have been-sent to the ToYm Clerk. The {eking of land will become void unless en=ry
~ is made and possession taken within ~wo ymars and we are reeuired t6 send a notice
to abutters whose land has'been taken, as soon as the' entry ~as'been made.:'
" The Board voted to send this to Mr. Thomson for his advice;as to the'ir signing the
'~ enclosed'form n,o=ifying the Commissioners that entx~y has been, madeon, the-'lan~.
.,'"AT~"L ~_E~HUR A. THOMSON re: 'Article 31. 1956
A'letter sas received from Atty. Thomson, with. reference to the request of the Board
of Selec=man that he proceed with such action as might be necessary to effectuate
the vo=e on Article 31 of the Annual Town Meeting. : Mr. Thomson. has talked with
counsel for,Mrs., John Coolidge and. she is' still adaman=, in her-decision not~:=o,
voluntarily relinquish title to the premises in question'. Mr. Thomson~ ,further:~quoted
..a par~ of Section ih of Chapter 40 Of the General Laws~which is applicable .to'~this
matter. According to the law it is required that a ~o~ thirds vote be made for an
appropriation of money to be raised by loan or otherwise..
Mr. ~homson was advised by the Town Clerk that the vote of the Town-Meeting on
April 7, 1956 on Article 31 of the warrant' was in the aggregate sum ofI 320, 170 of
.~ ,?-~ which were affirmative and 150 of which were negative. Since the~ affirmative ~ote
.,.1; was not:two thirds as r~quired by the sta~u~e ,itwould appear~that~th~ purpose of the
Article has become ineffective. Mr. Thomson advises, that in his opinion the Board
.... of Selectmen may not at the present time successfully proceed with eminent domain pro-
? ceedings ~ ~%ke the land of Mrs. John Coolidge.
The Board voted to send a copy of Mr. Thomson's letter to the-Schhol committee~ and
the School Building committee and~advise .them that it was the considered opinion
of the Board of Selectmen that in view of Mr. rhomson's ooinion and the information
.~ contained in his letter that there is nothing further to ~e done byl the Board~0f
.... Selectmen at the present time.
~ ?~A communication from~the to~n clerk was received by the board in recognition of' the
~ ~ ~ ~observance one ye~ ago this week of our Centennial Celebration which will be in-
'~,~: ,~' scribed on his records. No action~s taken-by the Board. ' ~ '
A bid for group insurance was received from Mutual~ of New.York on June 9, 1956-'
but the,.bids wmre closed on June 4, 1956 at 9:00 P.M. The Board voted to inform the
company that the 'bid was ~oo late but ~o thank them for their interest.
' The Board Called a special ~own meeting to be held on June 30, :1956 at i:30 P.M.
in the' Veterans, Auditorium, North Andover High School and to include the articles
of the Planning Board and the three articles which w~re 'held over from the annual
~:._- ~own meeting. The warrant was opened at 5:30 P.M. and closed at 5:35 P.M..
'1.John Oegood' will submit the ar:icle of the planning board ~o-morro~ so {het it may
'be prepared and posted on June 19, 1956.