HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-16JULY16, 1956- continued Chief Daw~aswilling to pay these two bills from his appropriation butMr. Kirk felt that they should be paid from the Contingent Fund rather~han have Chief Daw deplete his appropriation and have to ge~ money from the Reserve Fund. Ne then made a motion mn connection with this bills and the subject discussed that the Selectmen approve the bills for p~ayment and charge them to the Contingent Fund. Itw~s also suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to theSkin Divers Association for their services rendered at the time of this~ragic accident. Mr. Dsw will provide the names of the proper persons to be notified. DEPT, OF PUBLIC WORKS: CHAPTERgO. A letter was received from N.-Gordon Gray, ChiefEngineer relative to Chapter 90 work whichstated that in view of the strong desire expressed by the citizens for the im- provement of Dale Street, the City of Lawrence officials are willing to defer the im- provements on the North ParishRoad and the construction ofthe bridge at the North Andover line until next year, it appears thatDale Street should be the 1956 Chapter90 project. However, it is not the policy of this Depar~men~ to dictate to local authori- ties and Commissioner 7olpe has requested me to'set a date of July 19, 1956 at ll:O0 A.M. to meet with the Selectmen for a conference. The Board discussed this matter and Mr. Kirk made a motion that the Chairman be instructed to designate Dale Street as the project for Chapter 90 work on Dale Street for 1956. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhead and declared to be unanimous. The Board willmtillmee~ with the Commissioner to discuss this matter as well as other matters of importance. PETITION FOR SPECIAL TOWN~ZETING: A,petition containing over 200 signatures of registered vo~ers was received by'he board which requested that the Selectmen calla special ~own meeting and insert the article as written. The names~ere certifiedbythe ~own clerk and the petitioneris Domenick Nangano. The board voted unanimously ~o hold a special town meeting on July 30, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. in the former Court Room and to include two articles petitionedbythe Board of Public Works, one for transfer of money from one account to another in the Police Department and a fifth~ticle submittedby.Ira D. Carry fo~ authorization to the Selectmen to sell the 1940 Cletrac Model E. sidewalk ~ractor. The warrantms opened at 8:24 P.M. and closed a~ §:26~ P.M. REQUEST- RE TRANSPORTATION PROBL~{: WESTERN ELECTRIC: Mr. Charles Farringuon came before the board and informed them that he is interested ins~arting a business in North Andover with respect to transportation and using beach wagons as vehicles. Mr. Farrington is from Pennsylvania but his family resides in Lawrence although he hopes to make his home in North Andover eventually. He would operate from this area and he is in the process of forming a corporation, ,under the name of Farrington Industries. Ne inquired as to the numbez of taxilicenses in town. Mr. Kirk stated that.the first thing to do would be to locate and have a definite site. He suggested that he check the new zoning plans and find a suitable place. He was advised to talk this matter over with the Planning Board firs~ and then come to the Selectmen at a later date. THOMAS J. MCGRAIL,JR: *RE: SETTLEF~NT OF FIRE CLAIM: A letter received fromM r. McGrail advising the board that the check for the settle- ment of the fire claim on the Highway Department would be issued in the~ery near future. The estimate of damage submitted was $800 which~asfar out of line with the actual damage and this matter had to be ironed out to their mutual satisfaction. Mr. McGr~lasked that the board inform Mr. Carty that the check is to be ~urned over to the~easurer and that hew ill not beable to use the loss check to pay for the damaged tractor. He further~ated that he had no knowledge of another settlement of an accident which occurred last March. No furthersction~skenby the board and the check will go to Mr. Maker. REVOLVER PERMIT APPLICATION: The board~anted .a license to carry a revolver to John J. Roche~ 350 Osgood Street for target practice. Mr. Roche~as present at the meeting. The application for a license to carry a revolver from Carmine Calzetta, 476 Johnson Street~as no~ approved as.Mr. Calzetta did not come before the bosrd. Ne will be so advised. CERTIFICATE OF CIL~RACTER: The Board signed aeertificate of character for Hugh Dowlimg, Francis Street, whois employed by the General Baking Company. JULY 16, 1956: continued DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Notice received that the Con~nissmoners voted to approve as of June 12, 1956 the work done ? t~he S. electm?n u~. d.e.r t.h.e__p~rovisions of Chapter 90 in the improvement of Grea~ Pond ~oaa uncer contract ~o. -o020 dated October 4, 1955. Contract was sublet by the Selectmen to J.J. Donovan Construction Co. Inc. PETITION-N.E.T.&.T.C0-LA~;RENCE ELECTRIC CO: The Board voted unanimously to gran~ permission to these companies for joint pole locations listed on order No. 6276 dated June 21, 1956 on various streets in the town and list of s~e is filed with petition and order.. No hearing~ns required. ARTICLE FOR SPECIA~ TO~,~ MEETING: A letter received from Mary T. Finn, Town accountant recommendi~g~that an article be inserted in thew~rrant of the next special ~own meeting to transfer the sum of $2,531.35 from~e Police Sergeant,s appropriation to the Regular police appropriation. She ex- ptsined that because of. the delay in appointing the ~ergeants they were paid as patrol- men from the other appropriation. The board included this article in the warrant. JURY LIST: The board voted unanimously on 17 persons to be added to the jury list, if the question- naires returned show that they are willing andable to serve. The list will be made up in theory near !~ture. SERGEANT HILTON: Sgt. Hilton met ~rith the board and infor~ed them that he had just ~inished lecturing twelve youngsters for one half hour after they had been brought into the Station from Val's restaurant. He suggested that perhaps a few dollars could be spent to havea suitable place for these boys ~o spend their time, such as Orogan,s field or perhaps the Schoolyards if they could be lighted. He mentioned the Recreation Council as being interested in such a project and perhaps they might have other suggestions. He stated that Mr. Vaillancourt had been very cooperative but it is a difficult problem and all that is needed is a little thought in the right direction. Mr. Broadhead suggested that the Student Council in the High School might know what is needed and suggested that a letter be sent to the chairman of the Recreation Council at this time and ~o the School Department later in the year. Sgt. Hiltons~ated that at one time Mr. O'Rrien, Supt. was interested in such a project at the Bradstreet School but the matmer was dropped. The Board thanked the sergeant for comin~ before them with this suggestion~and for his interest in the young people of the ~own and all agreed that something should be done to help keep them off the streets. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: ~ petition received for permission tolocate poles, wires, etc. for the transmission of high and low tension electric current and for telephone use over and across certain public highways in the town, the wires to be strung across said public highways between towers and poles located on privateproper~y in the following locations: Suttons Mills, across Sutton Street to S~ift Terminals Inc. B & M Railroad proper%y across Elm Stree~ to property of B & M Railroad, 'Across Chickering Road to proper~y of B & M R R; from property of B & M R R across 0sgood Street to property of B & M ER and across Stevens Street to property of B & M RR. ~ hearimg~as s~t for July 30, 1956 at 7:~o P.M. Ju/~ 24, 1956 The Board of Selectmen met informally to-night to approve payrolls and bills. A few matters of business were acted upon. All members were present, with Raymond Broadhead presiding as Clerk of the Board. WESTF~ ELECTRIC CO: STREET LIGHTS: ~ reply to our inquiry with respect ~o street lights asrecommended bythe Lawrence Electric Company~as received and they informed the Selectmen that the layout as described in our letter is unobjectionable and they concur with our proposal ~o install additional lighting. The board voted unanimously to accept the zecommendation of George Frost and have five 21,000 lumen mercury vapor lights installed on poles, 350,353,357,360 and 363 on Osgood Street, and a letter will be sent to Mr. Frost. APPROVAL FROM ADVISORY BOARD-RE: TRANSFER*RESERVE FUND. Approval of the transfer of $2,O43.10 from the Reserve Fund was received from the Advisory Board, the money to be used for priniing of warrants, deposit for mailing, legal notice in Tribune -427" @ $2.00 per inch, 3800 hooks and 3500 envelopes and printing and 3200 addressed, inserted for the special town meeting held6/30/1956. This monay~as transferred to the Advisory Board expense appropriation.