HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-13AUGUST 13, 19~6: The by-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with members Finneran and Broadhead present, i,~. Kirk is on ~acation. CO~.?LAINT-re: Wood Lane A group of residents came before the board to see what could be done ~o relieve the condition existing in this area, particularly since the storm of last Sunday. Morris McKenna, 278 Greene Street informed the board that Mr. EeRosa lmd. ta~:en the ~op soil off ~.~e land and the water rtms do~m over the property of mar~f of the ~es~idents causing serious da~mge. He said the condition is worse since the~rees were removcd. He stated t~mt Mr. DeRosa or I~ir. 1.~rino had put driveways in and blocked up the na~,ral drain thereby causing this condition. The Board felt that they should have ~. Dercsa and Mr. Marine come in to s meeting and discuss this condition and have them explain the reason for their actions. They will also contact Mr. Carty ~o see what can be done in this are. John Doherty told the board that he had spent two weeks putting in a la~en and it was washed away. Others present were Robert Q.~en, I~tr. Killen and Mr. Jules. They s] ~ agreed that the water floods Waverley Road and makes a hazardous condition there. SPEEDING: Mr. ~9~Moro informed the board that there is excessive speeding a~ the corner of Greene Street and Waverley Road and he felt there should be SloM signs posted. The Board voted to refer this matter to the Police Chief, for recommendation. L~.WRENCE ELECTRIC CO: HE~ING: A hearingwas held on the petition of the Lawrence Electric Company for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures on ~e~sterly side of Chickering Road, a~ a point approximately 195 feet northerly from Pleasant Street, 1 pole. No opposition was offered and the board voted unanimously ~o grant this request. LAWRENCE E~ECTRIC CO: Notice received that street lights requested by this board have been installed on ~iiddlesex Street, Mass. Ave. Main Street and Chickering Road and the small lights have been removed. STREET LIGHTS RECG~ENDEDBYLAW. E?~mCTRIC CO: Mr. George Frost informed the Selectmen tha~ a survey has been made to improve the lighting on Osgood Street from the intersection of Sutton and Osgood Streets and they reco~mend that seven 21,000 lumen mercury vapor lights be installed in addition to the ~o previously recommended in the vicinity of Joe's Diner. The cost of these additional lights would be $66h.00 per year. The appropriationwas checked and there is not sufficient money.,to take care of this expense. In view of this, the board voted to request t~o 21,000 lumen mercury vapor lights on poles 3l~ an~ ~l? Osgood Street and to continue these lights onMain Street from the. corner of First and Main Streets to Waverley S~e as previously recommended. The recommendation will be kept on file for future use. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: Noticc received that by order of July 30, 1956 the Board of Selectmen granted this company locations for and permission and consent to construct, ~tain and operate transmission lines for the transmission of high and low voltage electric current and for telephone use over and across certain public highways in North Andover as requested in their petition dated July ll, 1956. The Lawrence Electric Company hereby accepts this permission and franchise and hereby agrees ~o perform a~l the~erms and ~urovisions thereof. Witnessed on the3~d day of August, 1956. by W. E. Casey, Vice president. UNITED NATIONS DAY: The Board voted umanimously to appoint Reverend Ernest Brown, bl Chestnut Street as chairman of the Committee for the United Nations Day celebration and his name has been submitted to the national chairman. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: The Board granted permission to this company to excavate 12 feet on Walnut Stree~ to install gas service for Roland Kerb, lh Walnut St. Mr. Cartynotified and form approved by Board of Public Works. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS: An article to be inserted in the warran~ for the next special tox*nmeeting was re- ceived: To see if the town will vote to accep~ i~om Andrew E. Alvino the sum of $900 to be used by the~town and applied towards thecost of extending the water system onMass. Ave. easterly, from 0sgood St. The board voted to accept the article and hold for the next special to~m meeting. JOHN J. SI{EA CONST. CO: RE:COMPLaiNT: A letter received from I,~r. Shes ad~-ising that the condition which existed on k~eir property has been correc=ed and a fence will be erected at a later date. 231 AUGUST.13, 1956-continued NE~ ENGL~ND ~. &TEI. CO: LA~RENCE ELECTRIC CO: The board approved a petition for joint pole rclocation on Osgood Street, approxi- mately 2572 feet south of the North fmdover and Haverhill to~m linc, 1 pole. (removc 1 polc) No hearing requircd. REQUEST FOR T.W~NSFER FROM RESERVE ~UND: Mr. James ~.4~ker presented four copies of a request for a transfe~ of $26.00 from the Reserve Fund for the sale of land and the estimated cost if ~28.00. T~ere is a balance of $2.00 in this appropriation of Custodian tax title expenses. T1~e reason given is the unusual demand for land. The board voted to refer this request to the Advisory Board for their approval. DRAINAGE EASEMENT: A copy of a drainage easement from Frank and Stephani Barbett was received from Atty. Arthur A. Thomson. ~ere was no plan~it~ the easement and Mr. Thomson ~ill be contacted so that~e may have a copy of same. LA~gENCE ELECTRIC COI~5:ANY The Board set a hearing on the petition of this company for permission to locate poles, wires, and fixtures on the easterly and westerly sides of Winter Street at points appro.~hnately 415 feet and 568 feet northerly from Foster St. 2 poles. The hearing will be held on August 27, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC A reply from Mr. Frost informing the board that they have checked the street lighting on Beech Avenue and there is now a 2500 lumen light on pole 3106 which is about h~ * way between Mr. Old' s residence and the house nex~ to him. This is a short stree~ and this company feels that the 2500 lumen light should provide satisfactory illumination. Another light will require the installation of a new pole. The board voted to accep~ the letter ~rlth no further action to be taken. With reference to Dufton Court l,~r. Frost informed the board that a 2500 lumen light could be installed on pole 7184 opposite Dufton Court on Andover Street if Andover street is heavily traveled but ~they feel that the installation of a 1000 lumen light on pole 3102 ~.~ould be sufficient. The Board voted to request one light on pole 3102. ARTICLES- SFECiALTO~,~I~EETI~IG: The Selectmen voted to cml~ for Bids for the purchase of the old 1940 C!etZac~L Tractor as authorized at the special town meeting. Bids will be accepted up until eight o'clock P. M. on August 27, 1956. HIGH~AYDEPAR~NT: Reply received from Mr. Carty informing the board that the fence on Stevens Street was r epaired about three weeks ago. Reply from Mr. Carty informing the board that the c~tchbasins which needed attention have been repaired. On Waverley Road from Greene Street to the Holy Sepulckre Cemetery the road has been graveled amd oiled and this work was completed some time a go andre =cad is in very good condition. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING: Mr. Lawlor called to say that the sign requested~yJoseph Faro, at Joe's Diner is in accordance with the town building laws but he feels that ~. Faro requires a state license since this is on,ate highway. The application for the local approval ~ill be returned to the Outdoor Advertising Division~clth no hearing requested. JURORS DRA~N: Raymond Broadhead~drew the name ofWillismMcEvoy ~o serve as a~raverse juror at Salem Superior Court on September lC, 1956 for the matter ~£ Civil Session. Mr. McEvoy is a fire-fighter and resides a~ 28 Second Street. Mr. Finneran drew the name of Nelson Riley, 36 Silsbee Road ~o serve as a juror on September 17, 1956 at Lawrence at a session for criminal business. Mr. Riley is a bookkeeper amd office manager for the Wipex Co. North Andover. REQUEST FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE- EV?~RETT WOODHOUSE Everett Woodhouse, police officer, came before the boar~ and requested a six months leave of absence. He has a new position with Lumbermen's Mutual Co. and he would like to try it ou~ for six. months before giving up his position in the Police Dept. The board will request permission for a tkree months leave of absence from Civil Service. Under the law they may grant a three months loave of absence ~rithout approval from the Division of Civil Service but they mus~ be notified. Later they will request an cztension of the leave of absence for Mr. %~oo~%ouse which probably will be approved by the Director of Civi~ Service. T]ds leave of absence will become effective on September 15, 1956. "232 .~UGUST 13, 1956- continued POLLING HOURS: Town Clerk John J. Lyons met with the board to discuss the hours for the polls on the coming election. Mr. Lyons suggested the hours of ten to seven in the evening. Mr. Finneran inquired ~Jhat the hours were four years ago and he stated that they were from 10:O0 A.M. to 8;00 P.M. Mr. Finneran stated that he would prefer to go along with the ssme hours, particularly since there are so muny new voters and it would be more convenient. ~r. Broadhead made this a motion ~nd it was voted unanimously so that the polling hours ~ill be from lO:O0 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. RECREATIONAL COUNCIL-POLICE SERGEA~T: Members of the Recreation council and Sergeant Hilton met with the board to discuss the possibility of using the school yards in the evening so that the groups of boys who hang around the to~ ~ill have something to keep them off the street. Sst. Hilton said that one member of the council had suggested a Shuffle Board area which could be made a hot topped area. There could be a bench and a railing where they could talk and watch the game but there mus~ be lights. His first thought was the Bradstreet school and then he mentioned that the town considerable land and it seems that some of this could be used. There was further discussion and'suggestions and ~the question of money for the · lights was discussed. The School Department will have to be contacted for permission to have lights, if the school yards are to be used. Mr. Sutcliffe ~rlll. check on his appropriation and on the cost of having a flood light and will report back to the board. In this way, they will also get the reaction of the residents in the Bradstreet school area before any money is expended. COMPLAIN~ BATHING BEACH: ~ Mr. Sutcliffe informed theboard that the bathing beach is the dirtiest place he has eyer seen.~There is no supervision there and there are no doors on the bath houses. The girls had plastic curtains~ which they used to dry themselves off. They should have older people for guards. The Life guards play cards when they should be watching · the people in swimming. Mr. Sutcliffe feels that.the Beachshould be underthe Board of Public' Works. or under the Recreational council. The board voted to call this matter to thes~tention of the Board of~Public Works and ask for~ a report on same. AIRPORT CO~ISSION: The Board discussed the matter of appointing a man ~ho could sit in on the meetings of the Airport Commission as s non voter but more as a liaison officer. In this way the Selectmen would be familiar with ~ll activities-of the Commission. They voted to send a letter inquiring~ if such an appointment would be agreeable to the iirport commission. : - TELEPHO~E CO: The board voted to send a. letter to Mr. Desmond of the telephone company and also to Russell~ E. Jenkins relative t~ a telephone wire at the Crockett Convalescent Home which was underground before Chapter 90 work was done and now Mrs. Crockett has re- quested that the ~lre be placed underground as it was before. COMPLAINT~ SMOKE-LAWRE~CE DUNP. The Board voted to send a letter to'Alderman Gerard Guilmette relative to' complaints from residents in the Riverview Street areaabout the-.black smoke coming from the Lawrence Dump and which is very annoying to all of them. Mm. Finneran had occasion to be in that. area and he' agreed that the smoke ~as most annoying. They will inquire if something can be.done to relieve this condition. STRIKE S~TUATION: Jddge Arthur A. Thomson, and ~hree representative of the Stevens Company, Chief of Police McKee met ~*ith the Selectmen to discuss the strike situation. Mr. Thomson made it cioar that there was no criticism of the local Police Department but there have beensome incidents which have happened and it was felt that the police should be more alert and should be on foot rather than in the cruiser. The only thought is to prevent anything, further fromhappening. There are certain rights available to a worker to ~e employed. The group would like to have a general under- standing with the police chief.. The 'police might proceed on the theory that picketing is a lawful thing and trouble could arise. Chief McKee then came into, the meeting and Mr. Finneran informed him that they all felt that this was an opportune time to discuss the strLke and he, on behalf of the mill owners appreciated the excellenm police work to date. Mr. Thomson stated that as difficulties arise between workers and o%mers, ~here is a chance that it may lead ~o something which may gain momentum. There has been action on the part of the pickets to disrupt traffic and they have no right to disrupt normal traffic. The slow' walking of the pickets tends to stop the ~raffic. Some incidents have been tossed off as unimportant. There have beentelephone calls and threats to homes of those working. A large boulder was held by one person and such things tend ~o exercise a kind of intimidation. One organizer hit a man but he did not prefer charges. Police would be more effective if they were on foot and located certain spots. The point is.-if the organizors are able to frighten the employees then there is the tendency that conditions will get worse and this should be smopped. Chief ~.;cKce was fsmiliar with all the incidents mentioned and he does not feel ti:at additional help is needed at this t/~e. ~Ie said that his ~en are scattered around on foot. There ~s discussion abou~ ears parked on both sides of ~sgood Street which maP- .es it bad for cars ~o get through. C~ief ;~cKee ~ill s~rai~hten this out. ~r. Thomson inquired if it ~ould help is a State Police 0fficerdrove through there and if so, the chief might suggest this ~o the Commissioner ~o have an officer drive throu~,hthere occasionally since this is State hi~h~,ay. ~e suggested that it might be practical for one ~entleme~ to keep in touch ~rith the Chief and he also stated that there are legal measures available but it must be sho~a~ that the loca~ police are no~ able to cope ~ith the situation. Chief ;~c~ee did not feel tha~ this situation existed at ~he present ti~e. However, he will keep in touch with the mill representatives. PRECINCT OFFICERS APPOINTED: -EXAMINATION of persons The Board of Selec~en held an examination of all persons whose names had been sub- mitted b~ At~7. Charles W. Trnmbl~, chairman of the Democratic Committee with the first person exam/ned at 7:05 P.M. and continuousl~ until all who had reported had been examined by the Selectmen. Chairman WiLliam A. Finneran and Raymond Broadhead were present. ~r. Ar~hu~ p. Kirk was on--cation. Attorney Charles W. Trembly, chairman of the Democratic Committee and Attorney Chamles H. McClere, representing .the State Democratic Committee was also present. The Selectmen asked each persons various questions from a I/st of ten which they had prepared. Seventeen persons appeared before the Board and among these seventeen, were Mrs. Elizabeth 0'Rrien and Domenic Giurusso who came up fro~ the Beach to be present. Mr. Trembly wanted this put into the record. Hr. Fiuneran and Mr. Rroadhead asked questions of each pers6n and Mr. ~cClure also asked various questions. Attorne~ Trembly called Mr. Fimnsran,s attention to the fact that the secretar~ was not taking notes on the questions asked by Mr. 2{c¢lure · or the answers given by the non/ness. Mr. Ftnneran stated that the Selectmen were giving the examination and that the Secretar~ would', take notes on the questions and answers given ~y the Selectmen and the nominees. Mr. McOlure would he given the opportunity to ask ar~ questions he wished after the Selectmen had completed their questioning..Mr. McOlure asked that Mr. F/nneran,s denial'of his request-be noted in the record. Mr. Trombl~ and Mr. 'McClure protested to the Selectmen that qualifications of an individual did not make a satisfactory precinct worker.. They. stated that while a ?erson~o workmayto gainbe ~ualifiedsuch experience.and s~perience is desirable, they must be given the opportunity Mr. Trnmbiy protested against the question put to most of the persons present: ,,~ow long have.you been a Democrat?,, Mr. Trombl~ felt that the question should be- "Are yourto ask antheenr°lledquestion.member of the Democratic party now?., However, the Selectmen continued Mr. Tromb~ inquired about the Republican list of four names and wh~ they were not examined. Mr. FAnneren explained that the four names .in question were not submitted by thechairmen of the Republican part~ but~ere given to the Selectmen as persons interested in appointments and were acceptable to the chairman as w el~ as an~ others appointed by the board, and could be placed on file in the event of an~ ~acancies which might occur. After all persons were examined Mr. Trombl~ informed the board that they were-no~ asking for an~ specific position for these people but if one of them was not appointed then the matter would be taken to court. Mr. Fimneran told ~he chairman that he didn,t understand wh~ he got so purturhed about the selectmen holding an examination since his letter to them which accompanied the list submitted referred to the right of the selectmen under the law, to hold such. an examination and that /f .they did, it was a6reeable to him provided that he Was allowed to be present and be heard. Mr. T~ombl~ stated that the reference was merel~ the outline of the statu~e involved. The Selectmen took the matter of appointments under advisement until they had an opportunity to go over the exeminatians of each person and informed those present thAHruSt the completed list would be available for the press on'Wednesday morning. .~T?~m~, ly_ ?~.l~itted a supplemental list to be used to fill an~cancies. u.~' Aa, l~.Sb: SPECIAL MEETING: The Board of Selectmen met on this day to appoint the precinct officers for the coming year. After careful consideration of all persons whose names were presented by Atty. Charles W. Tronb]~-, the Selectmen voted to appoint all who were examined to various offices. Two others who were not present but who ware officers last year and who .notified the board that they were not able to be pres&nt, were re-appointed this year. The complete list of Precinct officers is on file in the Selectmen,s office and a copy will be given to Town Clerk John J. I4'ens. The Selectmen felt that all the persons examined from the urSginal list were found to be qualified to work at the polls as counters or checkers. The Selectmen ruled the Supplemental List out as it was received on August 13, 1~6 and since the appointments have to be made by August 15, there would not be sufficient time to examine the persons listed. In all fairness ~ ull concerned, the Selectmen did not feel that an~ appointments should be made from the SUpl~lementa1 list without such an~minatien in view of the fact that all others were examined to check their qualifications for the positions in the precincts.