HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-10CHAPTER §0- asses~ents
The Bdard voted unanimously to request an opinion from Attorney Arthur A. Thomson
with respect to the various articles of the 1955 warrant, namely #44 45 and 47
to determine if the board can legally dispense with these assessments on these
particular streets with the exception of Moody Street. Copies of plans, articles
and other pertinent information will be sent to Attorney Thomson for his open, on.
SEPTEMBER 10, 1956:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
A hearing was held on the petition of thesecompamies for permission.to locate poles,
wires and cables on Dsle Street, approximately 10 feet west of Appleton Street, lpole,
The Board voted unanimouslyto grant this request.
Two petitions from this company for permission to construct a line of underground
electric conduits from existing manhole on the easterly side of Elm Street .near the
northerly line of Water St. southerly a distance of approximately 75 feet to.a proposed
pole to be located approximately.27 feet southerly from Water St. 2 ducts.
The second petition for permission to locate poles, wires andfixtures on theeasteriy
side of Elm Street, at a point approximately 27 feet southerly from Water Street, ,1 pole.
Samuel Rockwell came before the board and asked that the board refuse this petition.
-He has talked with the company and is quite sure that the petition will be withdrawn.
He would like to avoid having a pole located at the Wiley House on Elm Street..
Later Nr. Barry from the Lawrence Electric Compar~ came before the board and informed
them that the two petitions have been withdrawn as requested.,
Bids were received from Essex Sand and Gravel Co in the amount of $6.50 per ton for
400 tons, more orless of Type I-1 Bituminous concrete to be laid in placeon Sutton
Street in accordance with specifications of the Mass. Dept of PubLic Works. '
Bid from Trimount Bituminous Products Co. at $7.60 per ton less 2% town pay day.
Bid~ramH. H. McGuire& Co. $7;6Oper ton.
The Board voted to award the contract to the Essex Sand and .Gravel Co. on their low
bid of $6.50 per ton,
Robert Owens, 288 Greene Street requests the removal of a pine tree in front of his
property. Mr. Connors stated that this was an undesirable tree and a hearing was set
go September 24,' 1956 at 7:30 $.M.
f~llisonKirk sen~ a letter =o the board requesting that .they do something about having
a~telephon~ installed at the waiting room of the B & M Station in NorthAndover. This
had been requested, previously but another letter will be .sent tothe B & M Railroad and
also to the telephone company
A letter will be sent to the B & M R.R. relative to the flashing Lights on the ~gate
arm at the Sutton Street crossing which had been requested previously and a reply
stated that the work would be done in the near f~ture. The lightshave not'beeniin..
st~lled to date.
Request for permission to e~cavate 28 feet in street at 31 Walnut Avenue to install
.... gas service for RanSom1 Taylor was approved ~ the ~ard and had ~an previously
approved ~ W,~am B. Duffy. Ira D. Carty will also be notified.
N.E.T. ~ T. CO.
Form showing the underground work recently completed by this company' in North Andover
was received and is to be filed with Munc. grant dated 2/13/1956 recorded in Book 7, page 310.
Reply received advising that the commissioners have no legal authority to pay the bill
submitted to them by the Selectmen for services rendered in searching for the body of the
boy who was drowned by Stevens pond.
SEPTEMBER 10, 19S6: continued
A copy of an accident received from the Board of Public Works~ on Antonio
Giarrusso who received a cut on the top center of his head at the bathing
beach when he struck a pipe holding up a trat door on 9/6/1956.
A letter received from William B. Duffy informing the board that there has been
considerable damage done at Grogan' s Field and an attempt made to enter the Club
house. He requested that the Selectmen notify the Police Chief to take the necessary
action. The Board voted to refer this matter to the Chief and that he make a report
as soon as possible.
Mr. Duffyreported that there some very bad ditches on Pleasant Street and on Chestnut
Street from excavation which was no~ done by his department. The Board voted to
refer this complaint to Mr. Catty, Highway Surveyor and request that they be taken
care of by his men.
Releases were received from Elsie Donovan for her daughter Loyce who was injured
at one of the playground and from Domenic Bonnano for his daughter Josephine who
was injured at the playground.
A reply received ih'om Caroiynn McQuestem with respect to the completion of .the
town history, which she had promised 5o complete by the 2nd or 3rd quarter of this
year. She has completed 26 chapters and has four or five other chapters t~ write
but is unable to give a definite date of completion but will do all in her power
to complete this history.
A bill for $200 was received from Mr. Salisbury for services rendered to the Board
of Health on the Stefanowicz case and the board again referred the bill to ~the Board
of Health for payment.
Notice received relative to Public Law 660 and the subsequent Federal appropriation
making available certain federal funds as grants to municipalities for the
of dewage treatment facilities. The Board felt that this maturer would be taken care
of by the Department of Public Works, William Bj Duffy, Supt.
Letter received from Philip ~ller informing the board that he is now employed
permanently by the Fire Department and is resigning from the Police Department where
he was employed as a Reserve Officer where he enjoyed working very much.
A letter was received from Attorney Charles W. Trombly informing the Board that at
a meeting of. the Democratic Town Committee on August 15, 1956, it was unanimously
voted to inform the Selectmen that the deliberate violation of law committed by them
in the appointment of precinct workers meets with disapproval of this committee.
The letter requests that the board rescind their action, otherwise they offer no
recourse than to have the' individual violators of law prosecuted and the
appointment of persons in violation of law rescinded by the Courts. He
that he trusts that the board will not persist in their illegal actions and that
they will rescind the same and appoint the persons in accordance with the law.
Mml Finneran stated that any answero ~o this letter would just precipitate~.another
weird hogwash of conversation and would subject the town to a type of publicity
which it seems is not necessary.
A complaint about the traffic at Osgood Street and Great Pond Road was received by the
board and they voted to have Chief McKee check on the possibility of having stop
lights in this area ~here the traffic is very heavy. Letter to be sent to the Chief.
The Board voted to request a survey of lights on Dale Street from the old Railroad
bridge to the residence of Mrs. Mon~s as the result of e request from H. Ashton Smith
for a street light at his propeety.
The board voted to inform Mr. Carty that the incinerator in the town yard should be
cleaned out by his men and the barr~lls emptied every day as it is very unsightly.
A group of residents from this area met with the board to discuss the condition
which still exis%s there. Mr. Dcherty informed the board that he had put a 2~'
trench there and it was washed away with the recent downpeur of rain. Mr. Marine
was presen~ and he stated that the Tree company left a large hole there and he had
nothing to do with it. There was a lengthy discussion about the condition and Mr.
Narino said he was willing to do anything to help straighten the matter out.
Mr. Kirk had talked with Ira Carty and he had promised to take care of the matter.
He was contacted by telephone and promised that he would fix this road in the morning
and the board will check the work to-morrow evening as will the residents who were
present. The Board will request Paul Desroniers to meet with them next week to discuss
the removal of loan from his land and Martin Lawlor, building inspector will also be
present. All the residents were satisfied if Mr. Carry will do the work he promised
~e do. This will be checked with the Highway surveyor by the board cf Selec.tmen.
James Barmen complained that a resident of Court Street is. obstructing the road
and this has been going on for the past six months at 37 Court Street. The board
referred this matter to the Chief .of Police for investigation and report.
The board discussed the matter of removal of loam at Chickering Road and Mass. Ave.
by Mr. Rennie and the members of the Planning Board sat in on the discussion. Mr.
Finneran felt that this was a violation on the part of the town official.
Mr. Finck inquired if the other party had a chance to be heard and Mr. Finneran stated
that he had not opportunity to be heard tonight.
Mr. Ftnck stated that the plan had been approved with c enditiens and the plan has been
approved and recorded.
Mr. Kirk inquired about subdivision in au agricultural area and he was satisfied that
this could be done.
Mr. Nicetta stated that he did not think that Mr. Lawlor shuuld issue any. permits
until all requirements have been met.
Mr. Finck inquired of Mr. Finneran if he had any question about the manner of approvals
by the Planning Board.
Mr. Finneranstated that if the Selectmen or their agent have a question of a violation
of the zoning laws, they have a right to imvestigate.
Mr. Finck stated that the main purpose of regulation of subdivision is to make the
developer realize the laws. He said that too many subdividers do not take care of
all the problems and it is up to him to prove he is removing loam within the street
line. The building inspector may ask subdivider ~o show that he is taking out loan
at streets and is abiding by plans.
Mr. Nicetta stated that the Planning Board will have an extra approved plan of sub-
division for Mr. Lawlor.
Mr. Finneran informed Mr. Lawlor that the Selectmen would be glad ~c appoint counsel if
he will direct his questions to the board.
Mr. Kirk stated that he should go ~o the chairman of the Planning Board and no other
members to discuss these matters. Mr. Lawlor stated that he would bring Mr. Farr in next
Monday ravening.
After further discussion the board voted to retain Atty. Arthur A. Thomson as counsel
since Mr. Lawlor was not allowed to see the plans. The board discussed this matter
on September ll, 1956 and a% that time retained Mr. Thomson to straighten .this matter
SEPTEMBER 17, 1956:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with all
hembers present. Weekfqv bills and payrolls were approved.
The Board of Selectmenunanimo~sly passed the ~ollowing vote and was certified by
Raymond Broadhead, Clerk of the Board of Selectmen:
~ED:that the sale of $175,000-2.60 percent Sewer Bonds (Nos. 1 to 175) of the town,
~ October l, t956, payable October 1 $20,000 in 1957 to 1961 and $1~,000 in 1962 to
1966, and reciting that they are issued pursuant ~oChap~er4~ of the General Laws
as emended and a vote of the town duly passed, to Arlington Trust Company of Lawrence
at the price of 100.14 and accrued interest is hereby approved. Dated September 17,1956
and signed by Raymond Broadhead, Clerk of the Board of Selectmen.
A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the petition of John J. Willis, for removal of two
trees on Pleasant ~treetwhich interfere with his driveway. The Board voted ~o instruct
the tree warden to remove the t~o %rees.
Mr. Desrosiers was notified by certified mail to meet with the board on this day but
he has apparently not returned from Canada as the letter has been returned. Another meeting
will be scheduled a~ a later date.