HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-15248 Th OCTOBeR 15, 1956: .. e regn~ar weekly mee~zng of the Board of selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bil!s and payrolls were approved. HEARING ON REMOVAL OF TREES: Hearing held on the petition of Alfred Gielbunt, 40 Milk St. for the removalof a tree in front of his property. On recommendation of John J. Connors, ~ree warde~, the board voted unanimously to instruct Mr. Connors to remove the ~ree. Hearing held on the petition of Mrs. Pulverenti, Wood Lane for the removal of a tree in front of her property which should have been removed under the contract but for some reason was not removed. The board voted unard$ously to instruct Mr. Connors to remove this tree. BIDS-TOWN INFIRMARY: No bids were received by eight o(clock P.M. for floor covering and resurfacing at the Town Infirmary. The board voted to re-publish the request for bids and to change the date to eight o'clock P.N. on October 22, 1956 for accepting bids and the work to be completed by November 19, 1956. CHAPTER 80 assessment Salvatore Reitano came before the board to discuss the assessment hemceived under Chapter 80. He explained to the board that he has a corner lot on Mifflin Drive and Woodbwidge Road and he is assessed for both~treets which he doesn't think is fair. There is no house on the lot and he doesn't believe that he has received sufficient benefits for the amount of money he has been assessed. Mr. Kirk explained th6 basis of the cost per foot and the fact that the lot is a corner one makes the difference. The selling price would be higher for this lot. Mr. Finneran stated that Mr. Reitano has had the benefit of catch basins, drainage pipes, etc and his lot is on two accepted streets. Mr.~ Kirkstated that he can' t see how the policy of the board can be changed and still be fair to everybody but if some way is pointed out where an abatement can be made, then the board would be glad to go along with it. · Mr. Reitano stillstated that he didn't think i~ was fair bu~'ifnothing could be done, thenthat was that.'The Board had previously'deniedan abatement. BRADFORD STREET: Sam DiMauro, Lawrence Constantino and Carmen Durso came before the board to'~iscuss Bradford Street. The Board had requested Mr. Brasseur to give them a plan but he had informedthe Secretary that he did not have a planand didn't believe there was one The street had been ine~istence prior to 1830 and it became.a town way when North became incorporated. Mr. Brasseur stated that there may be some old records in Salem but it would take time to look them up. Mr. Brasseur had stated that many streets were 493 feet wide and they just called them'a fifty foot.street. William B. Duf~ywas contacted aboutamap and he has a blue print showing thes~reet and water lines which he stated was~aken from the original assessors maps. Members of the Planning Board came in to discuss this matter of Bradford Street and Mr. Blackwell, came alongwiththem. Mr. Constantino stated that Mr. Brasseur had planned to give the information he hadj to the Board of Selectmen in wr~iting. They are being held up with the building and are anxious to get the matter straightened out. .~ .Walph Finckstated that it is a very important matter and should be considered very carefn~ly. It,s decided that if a letter is not received fromMr. BraSseur in the morning then he will be contacted and requested to inform the board of th~ basis of his presentation of his plans and also all information as to the acceptance of this street and where the information came from as to its being a fifty foot street. Mr. Constantinoalso stated that about twnetyyears ago, Barbagello, who now lives on Bradford Street'had some trouble about his building and the board suggested that the secretary look this up and perhaps we might find something. PLANNING BOARD: ~ letter received from this board relative to the construction of an addition to the Little Red Schoolhouse at 1250.Osgood Street which is now underway. The opinionof the Planning'Board is that the Schoolhouse presently operates under a non-conforming use and the Board would like ~o be informedunder what provision of the existing Zoning By-law a permit was granted for this addition. The Board voted ~o send a letter ~o Mr. Eawlor and also ~a copy of the letter received from the Planning Board and ~equest information as to the permit issued. A letter will be sent to the Planning Board advising them of~thesction taken and .they will be notified later as to the issuance of the permit. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL ~F TREE: Parker Barnett, 241 Middlesex St. requests the removal of a tree in f~ont of ~is property and a hearing has been se~ for October 29, 1956 at 7:30 REQUEST TO MOVE STATE SIGN: The Board received a reques~ to have a sign moved at the "Bradstree~ House,, a~ 179 Osgood Street. There has been some recent discussion about this house and there is a possibility that it may not be the "B=~dstree~ House" as it has long been known to be. The Board will send a letter ~o Russell E. ~enkins in the State Department relative to this request. 249' OCTOBER 15, 1956: continued I~- CIVIL SERVICE: Notice received that Chapter 629 of the Acts of 1956 makes two important amend- ments to the civil service law: 1. Lu the law governing suspensions of civil service employees for.. periods of less than five days.(This provision is effective November 6, 1956.) 2. Requires that the imposition of punishment duty upon any civil service police officer mus~ be made in the manner provided in the civil service law. (This provision is effective if on or after November 6, 1956 the Board of Select- men accept the provisions of Section 2 of the Acts of 1956. BOARD OF HEALTH: Reply to our letter received. Mr. Boylan is a contractor and the bills recently approved were for Plumbing inspection and Sanitation Inspection made at lot 19, Pleasant St. The violation caused by an over-flowing sub-surface system is at his residence at 222 Pleasant. Emergency measures to correct the violation have been taken by Mr. Boylan and he hopes to have the matter cleared up when his articl is voted upon at the next special town meeting..In reference to Lot 19, Pleasant Street, no sewer is available and the area is in the proposed sewer area in the sewerage ~ystem report for East Side Drainage Area. REVOLVER PERMIT LICENSE CANCELLED: The Board voted unanimously to cancel the license recently issued to John Spires who gave his address 123 Main Street and itwas found that he does not live there and has no~ been there for more than a year. The Board voted ~to notify the Commiss: er of Public S~fety of this revocation and also the Chief of PoLice and to notify the State PoLice through the Chief of Police. A registered letter will be sent to Mr. Spires at the address given informing him of the action of this board. INSURANCE: R~chard Whipple c~me before the board and presented copies of the new revaluation figures on the various .town .building which they have just completed and they are prepared to make adjustments in the amount of insurance to be carried on the Town Buildings. A list of the various buildings and the new amount of insurance premium was listed. The cost of fire insurance and e~tended coverage for the year 1956 will approximately $6,115.54. Each member received a copy of this report. OCTOBER 22, 1956: The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. DEPAR~,~.NT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Letter received from 'Edward J. McCarthy, Highway Traffic Engineer informing the Board that the letter from this board concerning the hazardous condition at Chadwick Street has been forwardedto his Depantment. This condition will be investigated and when the report is received, Mr. McCarth~ will communicate with this board. P~-~ENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION: £ letter received expressing the sincere thanks of this association for the prompt action of the Selectmen in having the Auxiliary Police Patrol the area around the school. The board accepted the letter with thanks. TRANSFER FROM RESERVE FUND: Chief NcKee requests the transfer of $664.55 from the Reserve Fund to the Police Department expenses for wages for the p. olice officers who worked at Stevens Mill during the strike. The board voted to~fer this request to the Advisory Board for their approval. DEPARtmENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Notice received that the following highway will be plowed during the fiscal year ing June 30, 1957 and the Department of Public Works under section 11, Chapter 84, G. L. will assist~in the cost of plowing this highway: Route 133 from Route 125 to the Boxford Line, 1.60 miles. LAWRENCE GAS CO: Permission was granted to this company for permission to excavate 15 feet on High- land St. corner of Chadwick Street to install gas service for William Bootman. Approved by Wm. B. Dully and Ira D. Carty notified of this excavation. LAWRENCE ELECTP~C CO: The Board voted to accept the recommendation of Mr. Frost and will request a 2~00 lumen light on pole 3893 in the vicinity of Lurid, s Garden Center and will also suggest that a 2500 ligh~ be installed on Chickering Road near Pleasant Street as requested some time ago. With respect to Main Street from Sutton, s Corner to Waverley Square the bourd the board will wait until the beginning of the year when the new budgets are pro- posed. Mr. Broadhead will check on the lights on Dale Street to make sure they are the proper lights ~o be installed.