HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-29 OCTOBER 29, 1956:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with all
members present, kreekly bills and payrolls were approved.
I.~r. John Harrimanand Charles Stillwellmetwith the board to request that they drawup
and inser~ in the warrant, an article amending the ~own by-law, section 5 to read nine
members rather than seven for the Advisory Board of the town. They discussed briefly the
articles for the new proposed school and informed the board that they will have a meeting
on Thursday evening and will have a report for this board on Monday evening next.
Hearings were held on the removal of a tree petitioned by Parker Barnett, 241 Middlesex
St. and the board voted unanimously ~o instruct the tree warden to remove the tree.
Hearing on the petition of Arthur Keating, 378 Salem St. was held at 7:30 and therewas
no opposition. The board voted to instruct the~ree warden to remove the tree.
The Board approved the applications of the following persons for license to carry a pistol
or revolvsr. All applicants appeared before the board.
Albert A. Gulyas, 35 Merrimac St., Austin P. Stevens, 193 Foster, St., James A. Barry,
120 Greene Street, and James E. Fitzgerald: 31 Phillips Court.
A reply receivedfrom the School Committee relative to the status of Barbara Armstrong
which states that she is no longer regularly employed bythe School Department. She works
occasionally as a substitute . Her namecappeared on the payroll regularly from January to
~June 1956 because she took Ruth Turner~ Connolley4s place, when she resigned.
The Board voted to notify the town treasurer of this information~.
A letter was received from the Singleton Construction Company stating that during the
recent rain storm on October 23, las~,there resulted a cave-in at the New Gul~ Service
Statidm.~due to the Water Dept. not backfilling properly.' They asked that the board discuss
this'.matter with the sub-contractor j. F. Smith and try to come to some agreement.
Mr. J. F. Smith was present and he discussed this with the board. He ssid he had gone to
Mr. Duffy and tried to have him go down while Mr. Singleton was there but he didn't show
up until 3:50 P.M. ~r. Duffy said they should have back.~illed the place. F~ said_there
was no reason why they should have a cave-in six weeks after the Job is complete.
Mr. Kirk stated that he felt that the bosrd should hear from Mr. Dully and since he was
away, they would have to w~it until ~e Came back. It was' vo~e~d to' send~a copy of the
letter to Mr. Duflby and request that a report be ~iven to this board by Mandayevening next.
A letter of~cknowledgement will also be sent to the Singleton Company.
A letter received informing the board that in accordance with the provisions of Section SA
of Chapter 718 of the Acts of the current year the sum of $27,024.15 has been made available
by the General Court forth is town from the proceeds of a loan to be issued by the Common-
wealth. There were further instructions as to how ~e money should be setup and after
some discussion by the board as to what streets should be the first to be considered, Mr.
Kirk suggested that the board get legal interpretation on the letter so that there would
be no misunderstanding when the projects come up.
~r. Finneranreported that~.~. Jenkins had contacted him and has asked for specific informa-
tion~on the authenticity of the new information relative mo the so-called Bradstreet House.
The Board voted to send a request to John Osgood of the Historical Society requesting
information on this matter and also inquiring if the site of the Bradstreet House was
originally on the other side of the street and if so perhaps the sign can be relocated at
the proper place.
A letter will be sent to the Lawrence Airport Commission inquiring why Ym. Burke was
not invited to their meeting on Monday~eveming, October 22, 1956. This came to the
attention of the Board through the newspaper item. Mr. Burke reported to the Selectmen
on that night but he had not been notified of any meeting to be held. The Board had felt
that they were at a point of understanding that Mr. Burke would be notified of each
meeting and whether or not there woul~b9 need of his presence at the meeting. The Board
will suggest that Mr. Burke be notified of all meetings to be held.
The Board went over the articles for the new school building as proposed by this committee
and after some discussion they tabled the matter of setting a ~ate at this time. They
would like to have the report from the Advisory Board Committee and also feel that the
~ownspeople should know as much as possible about the matter before the meeting.
A letter will be sent to the School. Building Committee advising them of this action.
OCTOBER 29, 1956: continued
The Board voted to send a letter to the Board of Public Works requesting that a copy
of their report on the Water'Survey be given to the Selectmen even though it is only
a preliminamyreport.
After a report from Mr. Finneran, the board voted to send a letter to this company
advising them that excavations made by them will have to be completed bythemand
the streets will then be checked by the board. At the presnet time the Highway surveyor
does thework and the material ~s furnished by the Gas Compare. The board feels that
this will be vest for all concmrned and they will be expected to notify the Selectmen '
after the street has been put back into its original condition.
The Board appointed Mary Flagg, as clerk in Precinct three (democrat) to replace
Gertrude~Gillespiewho has resigned as clerk in this precinct.
The board also appointed various persons to act as tellers in the variousprecincts
to count the vomes. The warden will appoint these people if and when he needs
them. A list is available in the Precinct officers file.
NOVEmbER 5~ 1956: ·
The regular weekly mee6ing of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
An application for a license to store 8,000 gallons of .gasoline, additional to the
2,000 gallons now stored and to be in underground tanks and a Mfg. storage cap. for
two vehicles aboveground was received from Cyr Oil Co. by Wilfred L. Cyr,' said gasoline
to be stored at 1046 'Osgood Street where the present Lakeside Filling station is located. '
A hearing will be held on October 19, 1956 at 7:30 P.M. on this application.
A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the applica{{on of Edward M. N. Norris, 701 ~alem
Street for a license ~o store~ 5,000 gallons of~soline in two underground tanks.
A~roval was given by the Fire Chief, there was no opposition from abuttors .and the
board voted unanimously to grant th?. license.
The Board voted to grant a mermit to the American Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. Frank 01ms,
to hold their annual 'Poppy bay from November 8 through November 11, 1956, Fee ~to be
~request for permission to engage legal counsel for a problem existing at 1986
Great Pond Road at the Haphey proper~ywas received by the board. The Boar~ voted
to'appoint Attorne~Arthur A. Thomson to act as counsel for the Board of Health and
so notified them.
.Later the Board voted to rescind the above vote as Atty. Them~on declined to act as
counsel for the Board of Health due to ethical reasons and the board voted to appoint
Atty. Arnold H. Salisbury to act as legal counsel for the Board ~of Health.
Notice received that lights have been installed on pole' 3102 Du~ton Court, poles
~350-357-360-353 and 363 on Osgood Street, poles 314 and 317 0sg0od Street.
Notice received that the 1956 Chapter 90alto~ment has been setup for the Town
of North Andover for work on Dale Street: State $15,000, County, $7500, Town $7500
witha total of $30,000. The Board is requested to forward a letter advising that
they wish this money encumbered as noted above. Mr. Finneranwill take care of
this matter.
MOODY STREET- CHAPTER 80 work completed.
Letter fromIra D. carry, Highway ~urveyor, advising that the work under Chapter 80
of the General Laws has been completed on Moody Street, under article 53 of 1955 and the
total c~st of this work is $4,527.21with a balance of $1,055.79. to be turned back.
The Board voted to notifyRalphBrasseur of this matter and request that he apportion
the cost so that ~xe actual assessment against the property owners may be recorded
at the Registry.