HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-03 NOVemBER 25, 1956- continued
the' names of those opposed to this gravel pit and new road before the meeting closed.
Mrs. Edwin Phelan Benjamin Kellner
Edward Phelan Bernard Kellner
Charles Thornton
Those in favor were P~ichard Holder, Don Shea, George Daly, Mr. & ~rs. Dandeneau
Fred Chase, George Rea.
A Mr. Brad~arry was opposed to it but would say anthing for or against it.
The Board vo~ed unanimously to take the matter,under advisement at this time.
~kly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with all
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
The board received a letter from Governor Hotter relative to the Hungarian situation
and asking that they cooperate and appoint a chairman as well as the hhairmancOf
the board acting as honorary chairman. The Board voted to appoint John J. Lyons to
act as chairman of this committee in conjunction with the City of Lawrence.
Mr. Finneran informed the other members tha~ he had received a call from Ms, or
Buckley. s secretary asking that North Andover Join with LaWrence, Methuen and Andover
in the drive to help the Hungarians and the board agreed that they would do this and
still have Mr. Lyons act as chairman for this town.
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on December 4, 1956
at 200 Common Street on the petition of Gertrude and Ellen Driscoll for a change
in the zoning classification of a parcel of land situated on the easterly side of
Winthrop Avenue and extending northerly 435 feet more or less from the Shawsheen
from existing B-1 Residential Distric~ ~o Local Business District. Noaction was
taken on this notice.
A letter and an Order of Notice on the petition for the alteration, relocation and
specific repairs of the highway known as Dale'Street, from Salem. Street to the Box-
ford town line, in North Andover was received. The hearing for this petition has
been set for December 18, 1956 'at 10:30 A. M. and it is important tha~ this'Order
be placed in the hands of a Deputy Sheriff as soon~as possible. The~board voted to'' ,:
request Mrs. Dearden to contact Deputy Sheriff Louis Silverman and see that he re-
ceives the Order in question.
A petition for permission to e~cavate~160 fee~ in street to install gas main on
Pambrook Road was approved by the Board and also by the Board of Public Works.
~ petition for permission to excavate 32 feet in street .to install gas service for
~WorksJ°Seph. Quarterone, Pembruok i~oad was approved by the board and by the Board~of Public
Mr. Finneran informed the hoard that this work had been started before the permit
was approved and that a change had to be made as the pipe wou~d have interferred with
the sewer pipe on Pembrook Road. He talked with an official at the Gas Compan~ and
he agreed that this should not have happened and that he will see that it doesn't
happen in ~the future.
Mr. Eirk said he felt that it would be in order to send a letter to this company to
inform them that we are .not satisfied with the follow up work and this has been
to our attention by various town. officials.
Mr, Finneran said that the Cyr Construction Compan~ is doing the road work now and
tha~ it is necessary to leave the ditch, for three weeks in order for it to settle
before it is completed properly.
Mr. Kirk suggested that we include in the letter that excavations should be filled
with gravel for the waiting period and that we suggest that after Oyr Construction
checkedC°mpany tohaSseeC°mpletedif iS istheirsatisfactory.W°rk~ we should be notified and we will have the location
A letter will be sent out at once as vo~ed.
Acopy of a Resolution adopted by the City Council of North Adamsewas received and
requests the support of this board for this legislation. This resolution is in connec~
tion with a sales tax, so called, or some other broadening tsx which will achieve
the same result. No action was taken by the board at this time.
· letter informing the board that the Mass. Legislature has authorized and directed
the Division of Youth Service to make an investigation and study relative to the
necessity and feasibility of grants by the Commonwealth to cities and ~owns for the
provention and control of Juvenile delinquency. The Board voted to refer this mater-
iai to Sergeant Hilton, through Chief McKee and ask him to reporm back ~o the board
by December 10, or ~efore so that our report may be sent in on time.
The board discussed the complaint made by I,~s. John Griffin with respect to the trailor
parked at Mangano.s shop on Chickering Road. Mr. Lawlor investigated this complaint
and he informed Mr. Finneran that it is used in the construction of the buildings and
that it wil2 probably be. taken to New Hampshire for a year while they are building
there but will be returned to North Andover. It is not equipped for living quarters
and is s part of their business equipment.
The board discussed this with Atty. Pmlph Finck and he felt that it was a part of
the equipment and that since it~as not living quarters, could not come under the by-
law with respect to trailors. However, he informed the board that he would tske this
mariner up with his board next Monday evening and report back to the board at that tine.
Mrs. John McGuire of Stonington Street has requested that a shield be placed on a
street light on Morris Street which shines into her home at night and is very
annoying. The board will send this request to the Lawrence Electric Compare.
Joseph Dineen, Wood Lane complained to the board that his water is rusty and dirty
and he had taken it up with the Supt.~ of Public $~orks and nothing has been dofie
about~ it. The Board voted to send a letter ~o th'e Board of Public Works advising
them o~this complaint.
The Board~discussed the matter of limiting the vehicles passing over Mill Road to
a weig~ of not more than five tons. Mr. Heider and Mr. Bredbury were present.
Mr. Fiunerane~plained that he had discussed this matter with the Highway surveyor
and it was his?thought that the road should not be posted for five tons hut it
should be posted for a speed limit of 2S mi. per hour.
Mr. Broadhead stated that insofar as the hearing is concerned he agreed that no
weight limit should be put on at this tine.
~m. Kirk suggested that speeding be controlled between the clay pit and the highway
and that trucks be not allowed to use the lower end of Mill Road and Johnson Street.
He felt that the board had no right to control this enterprise and he has no reason
to believe that Cyr Trust Company is not operating in good faith and they are willing
to cooperate. There may be reasons for complaints if private property is involved but
these people have legal recourse.
Mr. Kirk made a motion that the road not be posted on any w~ight
l~r. Finneran felt that the truck~ should be limited ~o Turnpike Street into MiL1 Rd.
and to twenty miles per hour and tha{ the police should check the speed amd also the
overloading of trucks in this area.
Mr. Kirk mentioned that the board should have a co. nference from time ~o time with the
contractors to see if they continue to operate in good faith.
Mr. Heider, speaking for Cyr Trust, said they w~l~ complay w~l ~11 regulations amd
~11 trucks w~l stop before entering the highway.
Mr. Kirk mentioned that there had been one unfortunate incident. A gentleman who was
~ former owner of the pit made a veiled threat ~o one of the residents and he wanted
Mr. Cyr to know that this board was aware of this threat..Also that it was not a
determining factor in the decision of this board.
Atty. Ralph Fimck discussed the matter of this complaint and stated that in order
to have a commercial parking area they would have to go to the Planning Board.
He understands that an application for a building permit had been made but it was
not granted. He wanted it understood that his board is acting under the presaht by-
laws and not the new ones which have not been approved. Under the existing by-law
Mr. Rea cannot keep trucks parked in this area. As far as the Planning Board is
concerned the complaint is premature as the application was denied under the present
by-laws. Mr. Rea will be notified of this feeling of the board.