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April 1, 1957 ---continued
Police Dept garage. The Board. unanimously.awarded .the.. contract to Eastern
Garage Door whose low bid was $245.00. Overhead Door CO. bid $290.00
Selectmem Finck and Sutcliffe ~et with Lawrence Mayor Buckley smd Alderman
Guilmette in Lawrence last week to discuss the nuisance of smoke in North
Andover emanating from the Lawrence dump. The cause was said to be due to
burning pLastic waste that is too combustible to burn in incinerators. The
matter was deferred until some other method of disposal could be determined.
Chairman Finck read a letter from the Board of ~ealth requesting approg~l of
hiring legal council concerning approval of a subdivision applied by the
Iantern Corp. Chairman Finck suggested the Board contact the BosJ~d of Health
for definite reasons wh~ legal advice is necessary. The Board unanimously
Chairman Finck men~iomed the Board was in receipt of a questionaire f~om the
Departmant of Commerce and that this office would in time answer the questions
Motion was made by Mr. Finneran to approve the .purchase of the copy-machine
with a question on the price. $329.00?
Mr. Dewey A. ~er suggested in a letter /~om the North ~ndover Board of Trade
that this Board approve the printing of a transcript of no~es ~aken a~ the
Town Meeting of June 30, 1956 by. the public stenographer.~ The Planning Board
agreed with this Board that it would be to the advantage of the Town to own
the Transcription. Mr. PLuck suggested' Mr. Dyer should be thanked for his
Boards. suggestion, and that Mr. Dunn be contacted to appear, before this Board
.As soon as possible.
The Dog Officers report was accepted and approved um~n~mously.
The list of Auxilliary Police as appears in the Town Report were again unan-
imously reappointed by the Board. In addition the five following, were app-
Arthur Asley~ II Main Street
John Hanson, 41~ Main Street
Bruce T. Sutcliffe, 92 Main St.
Roland Chretian, 1 Beverly St. -.
The chairman read a letter from'the County Commissioner relating to possible
work on Salem St. The matter was tabled until a future meeting with the
On this date the Board acce~ted Mr. $utcli~fe,s resignation ~ith reference to
the very excellent Job he did as former chairman of the Recreational ~oancil.
Mr. Sutcliffe moved that the Board reappoint the remaining members for another
year, and add the name of the one applicant to the vacancy created by Mr.
'Sutcliffe,s resignation. Mr. John J. Moran, 19 Waverly Rd. was unanimously
voted to the .Council
Mr. Finck read an invitation from World War I Veterans to attend their
I~stallation April 10, 1957 at Eagles Ha~.l, Broadway, Lawrence. Mr Firmeran
moved all members make every effort to attend and send a letter of acceptance.
The persons interested in the Lakeside Gas Station appeared before the Board
to discuss the approval .of a petition to replace underground storage tanks
with new ta6ks of greater gallonage. Parties interested in the granting of
the permit were Mr. Colgate the petitioner, Mr. Oureio his legal council, Mr.
GasPs,an who would manage the new station, Mr. Gilman and a representative of
the Cyr '0il Co. Objectors to the gmauting of a permit were the Board of Health
represented by Dr. Kay and Mr. Carom, The Board of Public Works represented by
Mr. Sullivanand the Western Electric Co. represented by Mr. Vance Peterson.
Dr. Kay said that gasoline is a deadly poison and that in the interest of every
person in the community he could not approve the petition. He also pointed
April l, 1957--continued
out that the new pumping, stationis .very close.by and_ this .involves. a great-
er danger. Mr. Sullivan..~tated. that.the Board of. Public. Works. agrees.with
Dr. Kay in every respect, and strongly objects to the petition. Mr. Peter-
son said the Western Electric CO. employs 6,000 to 7,000 persons whose
health and welfare are of interest to the Co. Mr. Petsrson said he would
go along with the decision of the Board of Health. Arty Ourcio mentioned the
present tanks which they could very well continue to use, with greater poss-
ibilit~ of seepage as they are very old, the existance of underground tanks
at the new pumping station, and suggested the Board of Health should handle
this case as they did others in those surroundings. Chairman Finck read a
letter addressed to Dr. Kay from a consultant engineer, stating there was no
way of preventing contemination of the water supply from seepage from this
particular area, and the Town should take whatever steps necessary to pre-
vent use of Station and storage gas tanks. The Letter mentioned the town has
the authority to purchase land to protect it's own water supply and should
do so. Atty Corcio questioned opposition if:they were aware of 500 gallon
tanks of fuel oil stored in underground tanks at the pumping station. Mr,
Sullivan stated these tanks were below the water level and never held more
than 200 gallons. Mr. SulliVan added there' s a large slope at Lakeside Station
where seepage could only travel down to the water supply. Mr. Corcio also
wusstioned a new swimming pool being constructed at the Conutry Club, and
Dr. Kay said that filter beds had been installed to prevent seepage and that
contamination from a awimming pool was very slight. Atty PLuck asked Dr. Kay
about the State approving this permit with stipulation that tanks .be encased
in concrete vaults. Dr; Eay said he could not understand it as they had been
se firmly against it at the start. Dr. Kay mentioned that Mr. Colgate gives
the impression he's being picked apon whereas he knew the Board of Health had
condemned the place before he bought it. Nr. Colgate said he had invested 50,
ooo dollars in the purchase of the Station~and was sick of being given the
run-around. That if they wanted him ~S~pu~ up .'a monstrosity there he would.
Mr. Oarcio stated Mr. Colgate was running..~p, terrific expenses and the question
of extra gallonage should be passed on 'or ~obJections Justified by definite reasons.
Mr. Finnsran stated the decision was a very serious one. Atty. Finck agreed
it was as it concerned the Board 'of He~lth~ andproceedsd to quot~ the Licensing
Laws.in the best interest of the Town. Mr, Colgate said he was disgusted and
would sell the land to the Town if necessary. Mr. Colgate was very upset and
felt the situation very personsI~.~ The Board then unanimously voted to invest-
igate all avenues and postpone ar~ decission at present,..
Mr. Evans appea=ed before the Board with material and a proposal in the inter-
est of his Co., Charles M. Evans & Ass., and requested the material be mailed
back when the Board was through with it. The Board agreed to study all pro-
posals within the next two days and come to a decision by Wednesday night.
Tree Removal
Standard Construction requested the removal of a tree on Johnson Street and
the matter was referred to the Tree Warden.
Tree DepSt. Truck
Five bids were opened by Atty Finck on a Tree Dep't. truck and the contract was
awarded to Lowell Notor Sales for the amount of 1,299 do2lars.
~ letter was read byMr. Finck from Mr. O'Brien Sup't. of Schools asking that
the cafeteria workers and six schoolyard supervisors be included in the Wage
Survey program.
Atty Thomson met with the Board and asked that discussion.of the Marino Bondbe
postponed until next week as ha had forgotten to bring home the file. It.was also
decided to cancel the matter of the J. C. Damon claim as the Board wished ~o think
over. Atty. Thomson then brought forth a map of Great Pond Road with the County
Commissioners plan ~ 1956 to widen the road. There is a question of how much'
should be paid b~the town per acreage. It was stated that former takings were
at the rate of 3~ per sq. ft. Hr. Finck proposed deferring the matter for
a week,
Mr. Curcio appeared be£ore the Board as an emissary to Fr. Long of St. N. ichaelSs
Catholic Parish and asked if the Board would consider naming the proposed new
bridge after Monsignor Shea, a man .of fine cmmunity spirit, and that it would
be an honor to the community for the .bridge to bear his name.
~T~is meeting betreen the Board of Selectmen,...the Planning Board..an~.represent.
atives of the Lantern Corp. was concerned with further discussion on submitt-
ing plans and subdivision Bonds to the proper requirements and specifications
of the rules and gegulations as acceptable to the Planning Board. There was
also discussion on recording proceedure.
Arty Finck read a letter from Mr. Dyer, representing the Board of Trade, re-
questing a transcription of notes taken by a public stenographer ~ at the Town Meet-
lng of June 30, 1956. It was agreed by this Board and the Planning Board that it
would be to the benefit of the town to own such a transcription. The Board agreed
to contact Hr. Dann, the stenographer, to discuss the matter. The Board agreed
to th~nk the-North Andover Board of Trade for this suggestion. These notes would
concern changes and ammendmemts to the zoning laws.
It was agreed to award the contract for two new cars for the Police Dep't. to
the .~hawsheem Motor Mart, and that they and the Police Dept should be so noti-
The Board unanimously agreed that. the Selectmen. s Department. should have a petty
cash for the mailing of certified letters etc. It was decided petitioners should
pa~ for the certified mail, and that Mr. Maker be notified .
,It was unanimously voted to. send Mr. Cahlll of the Towa-Li~e Restaurant a letter '
· of warning that if in the future if ar~ similar complednts should come before
this particular Board an anmomatic temporary suspension-of license would take
place for five days. That ~. Cab. ill be advised to operate his business in con-
fortuity with the North Audover Licensing Laws. That he also be advised ~o pro-
cure a police officer when holding 'large parties.
It was unanimously agreed to advise Chief McKee that ar~ future complaints from
his department, to this Board should be processed through the Chief of Police
along with his signature of approval.
April 3, 19~7
On this date the Board of Selectmen awarded Summer D. Charms & Ass., 183 E~se~ St~,
Boston, Mass., the Wage and Salary Survey Job.
April 8,1957
The Selectmen. s weekJqymeeting commenced with all members present and Chairman
Finck presiding
Tho weekly.warrantwas approved aud signed alengwithforms of the appointments
of the April 1, meeting.
Representatives of Standard Construction Co. appeared before the Board, as did
John Conners, Tree Warden, stating that notices for tree removal had been prop- '
erlypostedandpetitioned for removal of two trees fronting their property.
Mr. Censors said he had no objection and the Board unanimously voted the trees
be removed,
Chairman Finck read a letter from the Secretary of the commonwealth of Mass. 'and
it was voted to refer the letter to the Police Dep't. to be'returned to this office
next week.
The Board unanlmons2y' voted to accept a letter from' the Advisory Board informing
the Selectmen of the resignations of Mr. John Narriman, Chairman, Mr. John Hanson,
Secretary, and Mr. Richard Whipple. The Board is also informed of newly elected
members Mr. Charles Stillwall, Chairman, and Mr. Antoine Duhois, Secretary.
Nm. Finck read a letter of comple/nt from Mrs. J. Eo~os of 40 Inglewood St. con-
corning undesire~le looking proper~ a~oining her land. The Board voted to refer