HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-04-22292 April 15, 1957 continued and stated it was in need~of repair. The Board .directed~ a. letter.to..Mr. Carry referring the matter to him. PRECINCT TWO PLAYGROUND Mr. Sutcliffe suggested it was perhaps time to name the playground in Precinct Two. Mr. Finck stated the Board had recently requested Atty. Thomson take the necessary steps on conveying that land ~o the Town. It was suggested some thought be given to the subject in the near future. - ....... The meetingwas then brought to a close. April 22, 1957 The Board of Selectmen opened their regular weekly meeting with sll members present, Chairman Ralph E. Finck presiding, and the weekly Warrant was approved and signed with the exception of bill for expenses submitted by Domenic Bom.amc, Sealer of Weights & Measures. TREE PJ~OVAL Notices having ~eenn~osted on a hearing set for this date, the Board voted un- ' animously to approve the petition for removsl of one tree by Edwin Zabronowicz, 46 Thor.dike Rd. Mr. Conners, Tree Warden stated he had no objection. KOBOS COMPLAINT Mr. Lawlor, Building Inspector, and Mr. ~stretta appeared on the complaint of Mrs. Kobos of 40 Inglewood Street, that the undesirable condition op property adjoining her land was making it impossible for her to sell her house. Mr. Lawlor stated there was no violation of the Zoning Laws as far as the condition of Mr. Mistretta, s property was concArned. Mr. Mistretta agreed to remove a pile of loam end. to store a Town plow in the town garage. Since the complaint-' ant did not appear, the matter was closed. APPOIN~2~ENT While Mr. Lawlor was present, Mr. Finnsran suggested that Mr. Lawlor be re- appointed B~ ldtng Inspector for another year. Mr. Edwar~ Lawlor mentioned it was his thirty-seventh consecutive appointment to this Job, and the Board. praised him for the excellent perform.nco of his d~ties throughout the thirty- seven ~rears. RAIL ROAD CEOSS!~. Mr. Hill of the Boston &~&ne R.' R. stated to the. Board that from the yea r 1933 to 1951 three accidents had taken place at the North Main Street R. R. Crossing. Nr. Finck. thanked him for the information and stated that further discussion with the residents of that area will take place before approving a barrier to that crossing. Domenic Giarruso appeared before the Board to request that May 23, 24 and 25 be set aside for the Poppy Drive. Mr. Giarruso is chairman of the Drive. The Board voted unanimous approval of these dates. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Mr. Winwsr and Mr. J. Byron representing the V. F. W., appeared before the Board for approval of having a Contingent from Ft. Devans march in the parade and take part in the day. s ceremonies. Since it would involve, the expense of a ual for these men, it was suggested they should ask for a transfer from the reserve i~und to cover this expense. It was then suggested the Parade be short- ened as the now length~ route discouraged maz~ from Joining the march. The Board stated they would approve of any decision of the committee on this matter. TEACHERS WITH-HELD PAY Mr. O'Rrten appeared to explaiu to the Board the School Committee article for the next special town meeting~ concerning back pay with-held from certain school teachers. The article names six principals and teachers, and asks $2,46§.04 to P~V salary balances due to them. 1956 funds were lacking to complete the ~efund. Mr. O, Brten stated the difficulty lies in the State Retirement system. POLICE REPORT Chief McKee met with the Board and stated he had a .police officer watching the speeding along Marblehead Street .and Mass. Ave. That he had signs put up at Joe's Diner to prevent trucks from blocking the way to Barker Street. The Chief suggested a gate be replaced behind the Town Garage to prevent entry and thus less damage to the windows etc. Chairman Finck asked what provisions the Police Department has for administering first-aid. Chief McKee said all Police Officers have passed first-aid and they have a splint for the purpose of moving an~ene with April..22,-1957 - continued a broken leg. ~r. Finc~ suggested the Police Department keep periodicals on up- to-date criminal law involving police prosecution. Mr. Finck read a letter from Mr. Dully concerning the taking of loam from the clark Street stockpile by mechanical loader and trucks. There was a discussion of the condition of the lend-fi~ sanitation department. It was unasimous3.v voted to accept the Splint bill from the Police Dep,t on last weeks warrant. LAKESIDE AREA Dr. Kay met with the Board to discuss his letter of recommendation that the Board approve the purchase of a two-family dwelling at. 1986 Great Pond Road end the adjacent Filling Station. Dr. Eay informed the Board that Mr. Colgate has the intention of building a new station on.that land. Mr. Finck suggested the Board. of Health. e~haust all power available t~- them before consulting the Selectmen. CHAPTER 9O Mr. Foster and a'm~ber of the Lewis family appeared before the Board to object to the extent of land-taking on their' property. Mr. Finnarau suggested a Coun~r engineer be asked to attem~ the next meeting of the Board, and that all interested parties from Dale Street attend to voice their opinions or objections. The Board · .voted unanimously to conduct ~his hearing on April 29, 1957 at 8:00 .P.M. BILLBOARD A letter of application for the erection of a ~l~oard on 0sgond Street was'receiv- ed b~ the Board amd voted to be turned over to the Bui2~ Inspector-for invest- igatica. · - · GASOLINE STORAGE' The Board received an application for gasoline storage ~om Davls & Furber Nacb~e Co. and set a hearing for Ma~:6~ 1957 at 7:30. .,~Wood Lane Ccap3~t Mr.~FLuc~ stated the Board had investigated the comp3~t of loam romova~'from Mr. Desroseiere property, on Wood Iaue end found Mr. Dearoeiers to be violating :the so,Lug By-Iawa, and suggested he be cm~tanted concerntngthe correction of thls-situation end that the matter be cleared up by next meet~E. Mr.. Finok' added ~that if ~he ~ituation is not remedied by then, the Board ~13 instituta proper legal proceedings ag~st him. . The Board'advised a~letter be sent to Mr. Brassuer asking for au estimate on the cost $~ draft-ge for the Pleasant Street project approved at the Town Neeting. JOINT LOCATTON OF POLES A hearing was set for Nay 6, 19~7-at 7:30 ca a petition by the La~rence Electric CO. end~.the' New~Englend Tel.&Tel. for a Joins location of poles. AWARD The Board voted to have a parchment scroll ma~e up with suitable wor~ to be awarded to the Nassey girl for her acts of bravery when she saved the little McGuire girl fr~ severe burns. Mr. Finck said he would take care of the matter. 'Mr~Noone agreed he would take care of the town ~,,~l~g shrubs end lawns for the 'amount' of $40~00~ The Board advised Mr. Noons that the wesh~ ~ and warning of 'floors came under. J~torial service, and Mr. Noons agreed to dc the floors as soon as ~ossible. TP~I¢ LIGHTS At Mr. Sutclif£e,s suggestion the Board voted to request the State TrafI'ic Di~-ision to inst~l~ traffic lights at the corner of Great Pond Road and Osgcod Street. AF~L1 29, 1957 The Board of Selectmen met ca this Monds,v ewening with ~11 members present ~ C~-~men Ralph E. Finck presiding. The weekly Warrant was unanimously approved and signed by the Board. POLE LO~ATION A petition for a Joint pole location by the Lawrence Electric Co. and the New England Tel. & Tel. was heard, with Mr. Barry of the Electric ¢o. present. The Board voted unanimous approval of the petition. TREE REMOVAL A petition for removal of a tree ~b~ Edwin Zabronowicz, 46 Thorndike St. was