HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-06-10June 10, 1957 continued.
readily accepted. Miss Nary Cronin, Health Nurse, stated she thought the Blue Cross
coverage was greater. Mr. Williammon, representative of the John Hancock Ins. Co.,
stated he felt the Blue Cross along ~th the John Hancock Life coverage was a much
better deal to the Town. Mr. Lafond of the Tree Department stated he was in favor of
Blue Cross along with the rest of the Tree Dep't. ~r. Sherman (H~ncock Agent) stated
the duties required of the T. Treasurer under the present policy should be assumed by
the Company. Mr. Lafond stated there was extended E-raytherapy under the Blue Cross
not ~nclud~dinnder present policy. The Agen~ from Metronolitan Life Ins. Company
arrived to state that his Co~par~was not aware of the s~ateddispleasures with the
present coverage, and that as far as the bookkeeping was concerned, on mar~ occasions
he assisted Mr. Maker on the necessary work. That the Company would Be glad to in-
clude additional benefits specified by th to~n. Mr. Finck thanked those present and
stated the Boar~ would consider the facts concerned and reach a decision in the near
The Board of Selectmen and Mr. Sumner D. Charm ~et ~rlth the heads of the departments and
the Advisory Board in the Company Room of the Fire Station. Mr. Finck introduced
~lr. Charm to the group and ~r. Charm stated that he would be pleased to answr~r any
questions on thw Job evaluatiok report O~he=tthau rates. He thanked all Dep't Heads and
employees for their help and cooperation du~ing the survey interviews. Mr. Charm stated
his report would be available on June l?, 1957. Mr. Finck asked that the report be
Z~p~di!r~.article form and Mr. Charm agreed that it would. Mr. Charm suggested that
funds should be appropriated to cover the adjustments for one years .salary. He stated
that most jobs were not out of line but thnt a few isolated Jobs were in need of an
increase. That the area wage on key Jobs were judged by comparable rates of towns and
cities of equal size. Mr. Daw questioned the difference in hours in the departments.
Mr. Charm asked how the employees felt about an equsl hour week. Mr. Lafond stated
most employees are interested in a five day week. Mr. Charm snswered Mr. O'Brien~s
question about Janitor hours by stating that most custodial Jobs were handie~ differently.
Mr. Charm stated reduced hours ~]1 not reduce pay by law. Mr. Charm further explained
the purpose of the personnel board and this phase of the meeting was closed.
*Mr. Ashburn reported to the Selectmen that the old Johnson High School building would
soon be turned back to the town by the School Committee as'the scavenging of the
~zilding was almost complete.
*Dr. Kay when questioned, stated that the Board of Health only made recommendations
on the Town Sanitation Site and that the mechanics of the ~ite was up to the Highway
Department. ~b~*~m~u Finck said he was interested in the supervision of the dump
and would look into the question in the near future.
*Ch~mn Finck stated he felt there w~uld be the need of a new town garage in the
near future and that thought should be considered when finance planniug.
*Mr. Finck also remarked on the condition of a road after excavation jobs had been
completed. He stated he felt there was much passing of the buck on this responstbf]~ty.
*CBu~man Finck said he was consideriug a revision of t~e By-Laws for a near future'"
town meeting.
*Dr. Ashburn read his proposal for a skating rink at Brooks School. He mentioned that
t~ere would be an artificial skating rink available to the to,ca children at certaiu
hours of the week if the town would agree to assume a $1~000 a year maiutenance expense.
Dr. Ashburn suggested a committee should be formed of townspeople to determine the
feasibility of this proposal.
The Board of Selectmen returned to their office in the Town Building to continue
their business agenda.
The Board directed a letter to Mr. Lawlor, B,,41ding Inspector requesting that he
inspect property on Wentworth Ave. belonging to Mr. Louis Sirois of Beverly Street,
for a violation of the ~,~g Code. To also inspect property adjacent to the
Rea property .on Turnpike Street fo~ suspected violations.
The Board of Sele~%men directed an article be prepered for an an~endment to the
~by-la~m on setting a building fee.Article 3, page 49 of the November 1956 Special Town
Meeting be mmuended to read: except that if the construction or alteration be of an
educationaL, municipal, or industrial bud.lding,-- this amendment is for the purpos~
of setting a fee for the new proposed elementary shhoul b~11 ding.
June 17, 1957
The Board of Selectmen met~dth all members present and ch~4~manFinck presiding.
Tree Warden John Connors appeared on the application of Mr. Arthur Robinson, 202 High
Street for the removal of one tree. Motion was made and seconded that the tree be
removed. Mr. Connors recommended the same.
Chairman Finck read a letter from Rep. John C. Bresnahan stating that the Representative
was in complete agreement with the Board on the suggestion that the B~idge be named the