HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-08-12TOWN YArD .... The Board met with Chief Daw, Sgt. Hilton, Mr. Dully, Mr. Connors, Mr. Sullivan end Er. Snell on the Town Yard work project. It.was agreed that all departments would cooperate on the cleaning up of the yard and that Mr. Catty would have it o~led when made ready. There was a.discussion on the garage doors and Mr. Finch mxplained the present condition of the doors was due to vandalism and that. th~ PoLice Depax~ment were investigating the matter. Chatmman Finch stated the heating plant and doors would.have to Be repaired before the cold weather. Chairmen Finch stated that there should really Be a new garage since the present one was insufficient and that perhaps the matter could be'taken up in the fall. Ail were thanked for attending the meeting. It was agreed that the Town Yard work project w~uld ccmmmnce Wecluesdey at 8:00 A.M. STREET Nr. James B~gbsm of Waverl~ ~oad complained of insufficient street lighting om WaverlY Road from Turnpike Street to the cemetery. The Board directed a letter Be sent to the Ne~-~-Amack Essex Electric Ccmpsm~ requesting a survey of the area for proper street HOUSING ~OR '£~ OLD AGED The Board of'Selectmen met as scheduled with ~r. Christopher McOarth~ of the State Rousing Authority and the following representatives of the North Andover Noueing Authority; Mr. Edwin Murphy, Mr. Irv~_~ Howee, Atty. NcNiff, Mr. Broadhaad. :~r. ~.NcOarthy. expl~ed the set up on the .new housing mxite describing theirSize amd appro~Ate cost, assistance fron the gtate, the maximum cost per single person and per.. couple etc. Mr. NcCart~ stated the program comes-under Chapter 668 .and suggested possible wording of the Warrant for such a project. It was 'agreed that local~ the program would Be administrated by the North Andovor Rousing Authority. Mr. Finck thanked -~ ~ present and stated that the Board of Selec~- would be glad to cooperate in' the matter if their, assistance was desired. Mr. NcCart~ left material on the program for the Selectmen's files. ~,. OIL. BIDS The Board of Selectmen accepted all proposals on the ~,-~ OilBtds for the. Town Building~ Towh'.~Shed, PoLice Station and Fire Station, and advised those pre. sent that the matter of awarding the contract would .be taken under advisement. Sempanies present.were: Charles Ehito' 0/1 Co., ~-~, Fuel 0il Oo.~ Brien B~others, Kent Fuel 0il, Cyr Tr~foly. OL1 Co. ~o. Audover Coal & Oil ¢o., and Bresnehan Fuel 0il Co. The contract' was "later awarded:to:the' Cyr O11 Compaz~ for their low Bid of e0094 less ~ to Octl, · per. Boston T--~ price. GASOLINE STORAGE A hearing was set for Septembar 9, 1957 on the appl/cation of the Western Electric to store inf~-~ble fluids at their p~--t at 1600 Osgond Street. Fire Chief Daw will first inspect the premises. LAWRENCE DUmP The~Board accepted a lsttor fr~ Alderman O~--tte on work being done at the Lawrence Dump. ~. The Board also accepted a card' from the State Board of ~ealth relative to our letter of AuguSt. 6, 19~7 requesting assistance on the ~che and soot problem. Mr. Finch stated he and Mr. Sutc]~ffe met with t~_e Lawrence Ma~or and Alde~m G~*~-,tte on last ~rsds~ afternoon --~wore promised +.~-t eh__~e would be no more fires:is the Lawrence ,NOORADKANIAN Sm~ Atty'~ocr~--~, wrote the Board that he had taken care cf his shrubber~ the d~Z follewing the first letter from the Board. Mr. Finch Stated he would contact Mr. Moor~- to inspect the corner in question, ~URFA~E DRAINAGE The Board accepted a letter farm Mr. and Mrs. Authonz Bellia concerning surface ~re~ge at the .corner of Waverly Road A~ Middlesex Streets. The Selectmen mentioned they had made a~survey on this matter and agreed that there was quite a bit of work uecess&r~. WAT~ SUPPLY The Board of Selectmen appointed Mr. Duf~y to represent the Ton~ of North Andover at the Me,-,-imack Valley Wate~ ~upp~ meeting to Be bald in Audover on Sept. 9, 19~7. The appointment of Mr. Sidney P. White of Andover. ~u','A'ON STREET The Beard sighed an agreement for the N-~tenamce ef~Chapter 90 Roads in North Audovor f~om the State Department of Public Worhs. STREET LIGn~ANG ~e Board received suggesti_m~_- for street lighting on Boston Street from ~he Lawrence EleCtric ¢ompaz~ and .voted approval of the recommendations. N~TN MAIN STREET P~,~0AD C~O~SiNO '.308 August NORTH MAIN STf~.ET RAILROAD CROSSZEG The Board accepted a letter fram Attys. I~ach & ~ill~ advising the Board that they had been retained by interested parties on the petition of the Boston & ~ Rai2m~ad to have .the crossing eliminated. WA~E SURVE~ A questionaire on wages to town employees from the Town of Ipswich was referred to Er, Sumner D. Charm. TOWN ~EEI~/NOS ~ letter from Mr. John C. Powers of SudS, 'Mass recluesting information on Satur~ Town Meetings was referred to Tow~ Clark John Lyone. PERSONNEL BO~D Mr. Finneran expressed the feeling that the te~n was divided into two factions, ~ town safety and town labor, and that one member fx~m each should be on the Bersonnel Board. Mr. Finck stated that itwas onl~ uecessary'i~m one employee to represent the Town Employee's Association and that the Personnel Board would h~ve a better t~lauee of power with one to~n e~ployee member. F~r. Finck and Mr. Sutcliffe agreed that the town employee should be' appointed for one year on~, to be re-appointed if found satisfactory. Mr. Finneran motioned thattwe town employees be appointed for a term of. two,years; The motion was denied. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned that John W. Hegar~ Be appointed for~ aterm of one year, seconded by Mr. Finneran end approved unanimously. Mr. Finck stated he ,: hoped the remaining members to the Personnel Board would be impartial.. Mr. Finnaran moved that Er. John Corrigan be appointed-for a term of two years, seconded.by:Mr~. Sutc2/ffe with unanimous approval. Chairman Finck ncm~tuated Mr. Richard Baltmaler for a:term of. two years, seconded by I4r. Sutcliffe with a ummimous vote. Hr. Finneran~ nominate'd Mr,: Leo ~lott (John) for a term of three years, seconded by Mr..Sutol~ffe with a unanimous vote. Mr. Finck nominated Mr. La~rence ~arcon for a term of three years,, seconded By Mr. Sutcliffe and followed by a unanimous vote. This completed the appoint- ments to the five-member Personnel Board. Mr. Flnne~an added he would Bave liked to consider Mr. Delude of'Court Street for the records. Atty. Finck suggested the Personnel Board. should have five certified copies' of the Ju~ 29, 1957" Town Meeting vota.fron Mr. 'John,LTone, TownClerk. . . . ' r ' TRAFFIC LIGHTS The Board of Selectmen ~oted vuen/moue~ly to ~.nquire again 6f s~ de~[ai;n made.om, oar: request of last Ma;~- for traffic 1/ghts at the corner of ~reat Pond Road and Osgoed Ste. Th~e request was sent to the State DepOt of ~b~l/c Safety along with three o~hor requests for' the same dating Back to last ~. ,' The Board of Selectmen'appointed the precinct officers for the coming year. It was carefully noted that all appointees were qualified workers. The complete list of precinct worker~ can Be found in the Selectmen. s files. A copy was given to Town .Clerk John J. Lyons and Tribune reporter Frank MurptF. Ail workers appointed ware notified by appoin~nemt form. Au ;t 19 ? The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all memBer~ present and Chairman Ralph E; Finck presiding. The Weekly Warrant for po~rolls and bi21s pa~able were unanimously approved and signed. JUROR DRA~ Mr. Suteliffe drew the name of Carl A. Thomas, North Andovar school cu~ for Jury service in the crim~iuel session of Superior Court which will open om Sept. 16 'in Lewrence, Olenio application for Wines and Malt Beverages- Package Store see License ~hnutes. A letter from Mr. Duff~ on the reconstruction of Second Street was withheld to Be referred to the contractor to be awarded the work contract. scHoo Bus The Board of Selectmen acting on a suggestion from the Police De~ Traffic Eeport directed a letter be sent to the School Committee requesting a change of moxming bus route to eliminate Western Electric traffic congestion. DAMAGE COMPLAINT A letter and three estimates from F. C. Adamson Sr. for damage received on Sutton Street while the ~orth Andover Water Department were raising their catch basins and manhole covers, was received by the Board of Selectmem and referred to Mr. William Dully for investigation.