HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-09-23September 23, 1957 continued
area surrounding the bog could be excavated. Mr. Daw s~ ~d it was a three acre
lot, and that he would keep the Board informed on the matter.
Members of the Thomson School P. T. A. appeared before the board to request that
certain traffic changes be made in the area of the Thomson SchoOl. Mrs Weigland
presented the Board with a list of traffic signals signs, etc. requested ~y the
P. T.A. Chief McKee was present and stated he was very short of men, that the
Bradstreet School and St. Michael's School were covered by AuXiliary police. Mr.
Dyer was present and suggested if ~ of the male parents of these Thomson School
childred were interested inJJoining the Civil Defense there may be more available
auxiliary police. Mr. Dyer also mentioned he would be glad to appear at an~ P. T. A.
meeting and speak on Civil Defense. Mrs. Weigland said she would make a note of
that. The Board voted that a request for ~g signals to be placed at the corner
of Mass. Ave. and Waverly Road, be made to the State Department of Public Safety.
Chief McKee agreed to the placement of signs in the area and tba Board said they
would person~qly inspect the area to make certain that safety protection be given
these school children.
As scheduled, Mr. Dyer' and Chief McKee met with the Board to discuss the powers of
the auxiliary police. Mr. Dyer stated it was very necessary that the auxiliary
police know when and how they were to be used. Atty. ~ skated that was entirely
up thethe Chief of Police, as was the actual comm-~s in periods of non-emergency.
He added that giving uut tickets was strictly up to the police depar&~ent under the
statutes. Mr. Finck also stated the au~+~wy police were certainly a necessary part
of the community. Mr. Bonnano stated he felt that a violation taken to the Police
Station was not effective. Mr. Dyer stated he wanted to avoid a misunderstauding
between the departments and Chief McKee agreed that there was no reason why the
departments should not function in an agreeable manner.
Two applications from the Lawrence Gas Compan~ to excavate on Merrimack Street
and Milk Street for the inst~ll~tion of gas m~us end approved by Mr. WLLliam B.
Dully, were unanimously approved by the Board of Selectmen.
Mr. Finck ~ead a letter from the Board of Health requesting that legal council
be appointed for the removal of the Walsh piggery on Turnpike Street. Upon motion
of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe, end put to a ~,,~bmous vote, Atty.
Vincent C. Curcio was appointed legal council on the matter.
Recommendations from the Merrimack-Essex Electric Compar~ on street lighting for
Lincoln Street and Barker Street were unanimously approved. Mr. Frost mentioned
in his letter of rece~endation that certain tree branches blocking the lights
on Lincoln Street should be trimmed. The Board agreed~ that Mr. Conners should be
A copy of the ammendment on the Beaten & Maine Pm~lroad petition to the County
Commissioners was accepted for the Selec~en' s files. The a~enflment provided that
the North ~ Street Crossing be blocked only to vehicular traffic. The Boston
and Maine agree~ to provide suitable suitable warnings and cross walk to pedestrian
A letter to the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen req~sting he meet with the
Personnel Board on September 26 was accepted by the Board and Mr. Flnck agreed
he would attend said meeting.
A letter from Mrs. Leah Rubin of Chelsea requesting information on a local goat
farm and its owners, was referred to Town Clerk John Lyons.
.~n invitation from the American Legion Au~ 1 ~ary to attend their installation on this
same night was received by the Board, and a letter of regret stating reasons wh~ the
Board was unable to attend was directed to the Auxiliary.
The Board examined a plan which ~r. Schruender submitted this day, and found it
not satisfactory. Motion was made and seconded that the applicant be requested to
submit a new plan of more exacting der-fl,
September 23, 1957 continued
An application for an. outdoor sign to be placed at Joe's Diner on Osgood street
was referred to the Building Inspector for investigation.
An application submitted by the New England ~el & Tel Compan~ for a pole location
on the Corner of High and Prescott Streets was accepted by the Board end a he,ring
on the matter set for October ?, 1957 at 7:30 P.M.
~ ~X~M ~ ~~-~
September 30, 1957
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Ohsd.,mm~'
Rslph E. Finck presiding. The Weekly Warrant for payrolls and bills ~ayable
was unanimously approved and signed.
A hearing was held on the petition of Mr. A. C. Kastindin, Osgood ~treet for the
removal of a tree. Upon the approval of Tree warden John J..Conners, the boar~
voted unanimon~ly the petition be granted. An additional hearing' on the petition
of Mr. John J. Costello, Greene Street for the removal of one' tree, and approved
be John J. Conners, Tree Warden was unanimously granted by the Board of Selectmen
A letter from Dr. Julius P. Kay, Chairman of the Board of Health, r6co~ehding the
town employees be given the Asiatic Influenza vaccine i~ desired was acceptedland
approved by the Board of Selectmen. It has been recc~mehdud by the State Dep't
of Health that wherever there is a concentration of employees, the vaccine should-
be administrated, espediall~ in view of the anticipated epidemic.
The Board accepted a letter of thanks from .the Western Electric Compen~. in reference
to" the commendable management of traffic by the North Andovar Police Department · ~
during the Compax~'=s Open House Week.
A co~untcation i~om the Civil Service Division on the list of available men
for police ap~oi~..t~?nt was accepted by the Board. The Board ~urther request, ed
the names of available, me~ be obtained along with ~hose available for pr.0motion
to police se:ge~t.
Town Clerk John J. Lyons appeared before the board with a certified copy of the
petition of Charles G. Melamed ami Gertrude Melammd for assessment of damages.
Mr. Finck stated since Atty. Arthur A. Thomson had been appointed a Judge, he
wou~d no longer be able to try cases in court,' and therefore the Board should
appoint ne~eueuncil to represent the town on this matter. Motion was made~ by Mr.
Sutcliffe that Atty Charles A. Trembly be retained, seconded by Ralph E. Finck
with Mr. William A. Finneran stating he was opposed to such an appointment as
~r. Thomson ~ad already been appointed on this matter. Mr. Finck repeated ~th~.t
Judge Thomson could not try the case under the law, and the motion became a
maJorit~ vote ~ith Mr. Finneran on record as opposed. Mr. Finck suggested Mr.
Thomson be notified of t~e change and .request that he submit his statement to th~
Beard for services rende~,d to date on' the Melemed matter. And that Atty.' Trembly
be notified on the mAtte~.
A hearing was set'for October 14'; 1957 at 7:30 P.M. on the petition of the
New England Tel. & Tel. Co. and the Merrimack-Essex Electric :GO .ml:~:u? for a
!cJotflt.~.location of poles along former private ways connected with ~Lfflin Drive
and Mood~ Street.
Mr. Finck read a letter from Mr. Roland B. HammOnd relative to Mr. Schrueuder's
proposed Miniature Golf Course and stating himself opposed to the issuance of.
a'license for this purpose. The Salectmen noted that since Mr. Schruen~er's plans
were not yet complete, action on this matter would be further postponed.
The Board voted unanimously to award the work on the Town Garage Door: to
Lawrence Plate &'Window Glaes Co., for the proposed amount in their agreement
dated September 25, 1957.~ Amount stated net totsl $269.00/ This vote was made'
with the inclusion that the doors to be instulled should be of the type withou~
glas s.