HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-10-14320 October 7, 1957 continued CHAPTER 718 Mr. Sutcliffe made the motion that an~ money left over f~om Second Street be applied to Third Street with the provision that the Highway Department finishh Third Street if necessary. The Board voted unanimously on this matter. ' SCHRUENDER APPLICATION At the request cf the Selectmen the ~ Board appeared before the Board %0 discuss the Schruander application as it might concern the Zoning Laws. Mr. Finck stated the letter from the Planning B.oerd on the matter was not satisfactory and requested cooperation on the matter. Mr. Nicetta stated the decision was entirely up to the B~ard of Selectmen. It was mentioned that 25,000 sq. ft. per business was necessary in the area. Mr. Bannan added there were two problems concerned, zoning and licensing. There was seem discussinn on whether or not a miniature golf course represented a building structure. Mr. Finck ~hanked the Planning Board for their assistance on the matter. Mr. Schrusnder arrived and Ch~ Finck stated a ~cision would be made after investigation into the Zoning By-law, SPECIAL TOWN MEET/NG Earlier this evening the Beard ~f Selec~aen adjourned ~o the Bradstreet School Auditorium to attend a Special Town Meeting. Both articles petitioned by the Board of Selectmen were approved. They were the matter cf the Brooks School Skating Rink made available for town use, and~ the payment of the Nason claim for land-taking damage. Articles two and three were deferred until the next' Annual Town Meeting upon recommendation of the Advisory Board. The Selectmen returned to their own meeting at 9:15 P.M. October 14, 19~7 The full board of Selectmen met on this date and signed the weekly warrant for payrolls and. bills payable. HEARING At a hearing for a Joint location of poles by the Merrimack-Essex Electric' Co.. and New England Tel. & Tel. Co. it was voted unanimously that said petition be granted. STATE DEPAR~NENT OF PUBLIC WORES Chairman Finck read a letter from the State Dep't of Public Works approving the installation of flashing beacons at the intersection of Turnpike Street and Waverly Road. The letter also stated that ~he Selectmen. s request for lights at the Corner of Great Pond Road and Osgood Street was still under investigation. A copy of this communication was given ~ws reporter Frank Murphy to publish.' ' THOMSON SCHOOL TRAFFIC A letter from the Department of Public Safety end report from State Police Traffic Bureau regarding conditions at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Waver~v Road was read by Chairman Finck. In brief, the report, stated that safety precau- tionswere adequate in this particular area. STREET LIGHTING Recommendations from Mr. George Frost of the Merrimack-EssexElectrtc Ccmpar~ were held up until such time as it was determiuedwho was responsible for the request that street lighting be improved in the Western Electric Compaz~anea~ of Osgood Street. HOUSING FOR THE AGED Mr. Ed~ C. Murphy, Chairman o f the Housing Authorit~, ~rote an apology to the Selectmen for ove~-looking an invitation to a board meeting for the purpose of discussing housing for the aged. Mr. Murphy explained that the Housing Authority is working on the matter of housing for the aged. A request from the Gas Comp.any to excavate on Great Pond Road for the purpose of-installing gas mains was unaaimou~ly approved by the board. POLE REMOVAL A Joint request from the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company and the New England Tel. and Tel Compan~ to remove one pole was unanimous2y granted. A hearing was not necessary on this matter. CIVIL DEFENSE$ A copy of a letter sent to }~r. Bonanno, Auxiliary ~olice, from Civil Defenss Director Dewey A. Dyer containing instructions on duties of the Auxiliary and explaining the responsibility to the Police Department was read and accepted. INVDTATION The Board accepted an invitation by the Greater Lawrence Guidance Center for ,,Open House,, on October 20, from two to four o'clock at the Parker Manor, and stated they would make every cffort to attend. GROUP INSURANCE A letter from the Prudential Insurance Compan~ was read by Chairman Finck stating that Reserve Police Officers are eligible under the group insurance progrsm. UN DAY CPL~IEi~N Upon motion of Mr. Ftnnerau, seconded by ~. Sutcliffe, Reverend Ernest A. Brown, Jr. was appointed North Andover chairmau for UN DXY~. It was suggested a certificate be obtained and award made to Rev. Brown. Transaction for such would be throUgh the Committee for the United Nations. (National) ANMENDMENTS TO FIREARMS LAWS The Board. received the. amendments to Section 131 of Chapter 140 of the General Laws' dealing with the issuance of license to carry firearms to go into effect November' 19, 1957. The Board directed that the new forms be ordered. Under the new laws a finger- print record will be kept on all applicants. STREET LIGHTING Petition of Russell Donnel~y for addition~ street lighting on Moody. Street was referred to ~Mr. Frost of the Merrimack Essex Electric Co. for surv~,y, recommendations. FIRE DEPAR~NENT Petition of the North Andover firemen to canvass the town for the purpose of selling 'tickets to their &nnual Bad_I was unanimously granted~by the Selectmen. M~XL BOXES Mr. Sutcliffe mentioned that many people had requested a mail box at the Corner of · Maple Avenue and Second Street. Mr. Finneran mentioned he had similar requests that amail box should be placed on the carner of Greene Street and Parker Street. The Board voted unanimously to request that Postmamter ~hi21 consider the installation ~of 'letter boxes at the above mentioned areas. HEARING ON PARKING REGUZATIONS The Selectmen held a hearing on the.following proposed traffic regulations: (1) That Middlesex Street be made one way north from 2hird Street to Greene Street. (2) T~at no parking be allowed on Middlesex Street from ~averly Road to Third Street on the northerly side traveling east frc~ Waverly Rd. (3) That there be a twenty-five mile per hour speed limit enforced on Main Street from Chickering Road to Sutton Street. ~4) That one hour parking, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., be enforded on Main Street from Second Street to Sutton Street. Many residents of the areas effected appeared to either approve or oppose the reg- ulations or parts of them. The Selectmen discussed the four regulations separately. #1. Chief McKee stated objection to thdm rogation on 'the grounds that it would tend to direct the f~ow of traffic to the Sutton, s Corner area, a heavy traffic area in itself. Atty. Trombly stated he was in favor of #1 and added that the speed of traffic ~in that area is considerable. Mr. Hilton spoke for his neighbors and himself and stated all were in favor of #1, that it might alleviate the danger of accidents in the area. Ne stated there were mar~ near accidents at the corner of Greene and ~idllesex Streets. Mr. Warren Merrick objects to #1 as it will add to the conJestion of traffic in other vital a~eas. James Thomson stated he objected to #1 and is in favor of lea~-ing it as it is with the possibility of stop signs at the Corner of Greene and Middlesex .Street. Mr. Nicetta stated he would prefer some other means in prefer- ence to. one wa~, perhaps the stop signs as suggested. Mrs. James Thomson mentioned that Greene Street was preferable to Middlesex Street in icy weather and in bad weather mar~ residents came into ~Liddlesex Street from Greene St. #2. Mr. Jim Daw criticimed limited one side parking on Middlesex Street and asked wh~ not all the way down, stating the street was Just asI r~o~ on the lower end. #3. Chief McKee stated he would have the street posted. Suggestedthat Middlesex Street be posted as well. #4. Chief McKee suggests it could be tried out temporarily ( one hour parking on Main Street). Chairman Finck suggested a patrolman be put on du~ to enforc~ present regula~- ions. Mr. Caren opposed one hour parking from Saunders Street to Suttons Corner. Said it wou~d interfex? with his funerals and questioned the result of over-parking. Chief McKee stated the first ticket would be free, the second etc. would be subject to fine. Others present at the hearing were Mrs. Bohrer, Mr. and Mrs. Dimauro, Mr. and Mrs. Broadhead, Mr. Mrs. Hilton, Mr. Leo Galleazi and others. ELECTRIC WIRING REQUEST Chief James Daw, Fire Dep't., and Joh~ Thompson, Wiring Inspector, appeared before the board in regard to a request by Jo~m Cyr, Jr. to the Merrimack Esse~ Electric Co. to run electric wiring to his house on Second Street from the St. Michael School service 322 October 14, 1957 -- continuzd line rather than the Second Street line as the Electric Compar~ prefers. Both J. Daw and J. Thompson stated Mr. Cyr, s request was net only reasonabl% but it would be a far safer method. The Selectmen agreed to communicate with the .Electric Compan~ on behalf of Mr. Cyr, to suggest that Mr. Cyr,s request be considered. MEETING OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Mr. Finck asked Dr. Ashburn to introduce Mr. Chandler, new Superintendent to the schools to the gathering, which he did, and Mr. Chandler mentioned how pleased he was to be in North Andover and hoped he would have the pleasure .of meeting everyone in person soon. Chairman Finck brought out the necessity of a new T. Garage and discussion took place on where it should be located. Along with this the subject of the Old Johnson ~Ligh School building was discusssd and what possible use of it could be made. Dr. Ashburn suggested that two commissions be set up to study both situations. Chairman Finck stated he intended to approach the Advisory Board by next annual town meeting with the suggestion that a Town Engineer and Town Legal Con~cil be employed. Ne feels much money could be saved by the town by such a move. Atty. Finck suggested a Traffic Commission to study traffic conditions and problems be appointed. Mr. M~lott was introduced as Chairman of the new Personnel Board along with board member John Hegarty. Mr. Mylott stated the difficulties encountered in the administration of the wage plan, and added the ~oal of the board is to achieve facts ~nd figures in preparing for next years budget. Ne briefly outlined the progress of the board to date. Mr. Finck asked Mr. George Caren if he had any information on the Flu Vaccine. Mr. Caren answered that the vaccine was on order and expected soon. Chairman Finck in speaking of additional warrants f~ special town meetings stated the Board of Selectmen would take the responsibilit~ of ~uture warrants with the emception of the Annual Town Warrant. Mr. Finck requested the School Committee adopt some policy on the matter of school rallys before and after football games. Chairman Finck asked if some of the Department Heads would mention some of the larger expense items on the agenda for next year, and they were sta~ed as follows: a fire dep't umbulsnce, mewmen for the Police Dep't., ~a new truck for the tree department, teachers and equipment for the new elementary school. The Selectmen added an appropriation for Chapter 90 read work. Mr. Maker, treasurer, closed this discussion with the state- ment that the town now had a debt of $1,958,O00.00. Chairman Finck thanked sdl for attending and suggested another meeting before the next armual town meeting. TRAFFIc RULES AND REGULATIONS The Board voted to adopt the following traffic rules and regulations, and that the Police Chief be so notified~ (1) That Middlesex Street ho~b~emade a one way street from Third to Greene Street as proposed, but that stop signs be placed at the corner of Third and Middlesex Streets and the corner of Gremne and Middlesex Streets. In addition, asspeed limit of 25 MPH be enforded on Middlesex Street. (2)That no parking be allowed on Middlesex Street from Waverly Road to Third Street on the northerly side traveling east from Waverly Road. (3) That there be a 25 MPH speed Limit enforced on ~in Street from Chickering Road to Sutton Street. (4) The proposed one hour park~_ng on Main Street from Second S~reet to Sutton Street was continued for two weeks. It was voted that a .patrolman be assigned to this area immediat~ly to check parking conditions, and that a report be made to the Board of Selectmen immediately following this period. BUILDING PERMIT The Board voted to grant a building permit to the new skating rink and that it be based on the $ll,000 constructed building. It was advised the Building Inspector be so advised. October 21, 19S7 The Selectmen met on this date with all members present and CHairman Ralph E. Finck presiding. The weekly warran~ for bills payable and payrolls were unanimou~ approved. ~WRENCE DUMP tChairm.~ Fi~..ck~ suggested, and th.e board agreed, that Alderman Gerard Guilmette be requested o mee~ on weanesoay afternoon a~ 2:00 P.M. with this board to discuss the continued annoMance of the Lawrence Dump to the town of North Andover. It was agreed that if