HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-11-04November 4, 1957 .... continued COPOLLASTREET LIGHT The Board of Selectmen voted to reco;muend to the Merrimack-Essex Electric Co. that a street light removed from in front of the Copolla residence on Osgood St. be replaced at no additional cost to the town. ~ASS. DEPOT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Information on sn~¢ removal assistance from State Dep,t. of Public Works was accepted by the board. BOSTON & MAIh~ RAILROAD HEARING Mr. Finck read a notice form the County Commissioners in =egard to the Boston & Maine Railroad proposal for curtailment of certain passenger service. This meeting wil! take place onNovember 15,' 1957 at the Essex Agriculturat School Auditorium. The board voted to make eFery effort to attend this meeting. HOUSING AUTHORIT~ A letter to Mr. Sutc~iffe from Ed~rin C. Murphy, Chairman of the North Andover Housing Authority, relative to a proposed hearing on the necessity fo housing units for the aged in the to~n of North Andover. Date of hearing: December 3~ 1957. PERSONNELBOARD A letter from the Personnel Board requesting the Selectmen attend a meeting on Nov. 7, 1957~relatiye to wage classifications of employees under Jurisdiction of the board of Selectmen, was accepted by the board. Members ~.rill attend. MASS. STREET RAIL~AY CO. Mr. Sutcliffe reco.~mended a letter be sent to theN ass. St. ~ail~,~y Co. requestimg a representative meet with the Selectmen on November 8, 1957 at 3:00 P.M. to discuss the cempar~ proposal to curtail certain bus service to the Town of Nort~Andover. The Board voted unanimous~y on Mr. Sutcliffe's recommendation. .~LAG SHOP ~ TheBoard voted unanimously to request a representative from the ~mesbury Flag Shop to attend November 8 meeting at 3:00 P.M. to explain the itemized btll of new flage and repairsto the flag pole for the Town Building. STREET LIGHTS Mr~ Sutcliffe requested that a street lightsurveyforimproved street lighting near residence of Mrs. Oscar Gadabout, 21Merrimack Street, be requested from the Merrimack-Essex Electric Co. The Board voted unanimously to make such a request. November 8, 1957 The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all m~mbers present at 3:~O P.m. This will take the place of the regular Monday night meeting on November 11, 1957 '- a ho~id~y. The Weekly ~arrant. for payrolls and bills payable was approved amd signed by the board. EIf~ CONSTRUCTION CO. At a' scheduled meeting with the board a representative o£ the Elm Construction Co. stated that the bill as it appeared was actu~l!y offered to the tow~ at cut rates. .~r. Daw argued the time element. Elm Construction representative stated the Co. snfferred a ~reat loss and that the bill was nominally l~ for the Job concerned. The bill was for work done at the peat bog fire in October. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested Chief Daw make what he thought were the proper adjustments to the .bill. Co. rep. off~rred a book of standard rates from which bill was computed. It was agreeable to Chief. Daw and the Company representative that $80.00 be deducted from the bf!~ as it appears. EASTERN MA~S. STREET RAILWAY CO. Eastern Mass. St. Railway Co. representatives appeared before the board to discuss the proposed curtailment of certain bus services for the to~m Of North Andover. A list~ of bus routes checked on certain dates and relative to the number of passengers involved was read to the board. Chairman Finck requested that the board would appreciate a letter from the Company listing all discontinued bus routes to the to~n. Co. rep- resentative assured the board that such a letter would be forthcoming. The Selectmen thanked the men for attending this meeting. ~UROR DRAWN Town Clerk John Lyons appeared before the board to drqw a Juror for Superior Court at Salem, Mass., on December 2, 1957. Mr. Edwin Cunningham, 24 Cleveland Street, former wool-car~er, retired was chosen from the bom by~. Finneran. CYR~iRING ~. Barry of the Merrimack-Essex Electric Co. appeared before the board to discuss