HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-10March 10, 1958 continued - was adopted. BG~RD OF REGISTRARS Mr. John J. L~ons, Town Clerk and Mr. Fred McCormack of the Board of Registrara appeared before the Selectmen to protest payment of a payroll bill submitted by the police officers who worked at the polls. A minimum pay of $2.0G per hour was requested. Mr. McCormack stated the moneywas not provided for in their budget for payment of this amount. Mr. Finck suggested the Board of Ragistrars, Chief McKee and Officer Lanni, President of the Police Relief Association appear at next Monday board meeting to discuss the matter. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested the meeting take place before next meeting. The board adopted'Mr. Finck's suggestion. PETITION TO STORE LUMBER Mr. Norman J. Scott of 51 Adams Avenue, North Andover, appeared before the board for a mdecision on his petition to store lumber on land owndd by himand situated ~elow the east runway of the Condon Airport. Mr. Martin J. Lawlor, Building Inspector, appeared to give his report on his findings and stated he did not think the Zoning By-.Law would ~llow such a nuisance. Mr. Scott sta~ed the storage of lumber on his= property would not be a nuisance and that he intended to remove the lumber within 90 days. Discussion took place on whether or not the situation would present a safety hazard to children. Mr. Scott furtherstated he intended to store his lumber there anyhow and was only being courteous in reqUestingpermission of the board. 'He added that if he was not granted this request he would discontinue payment of taxes. Mr. Scott left the meeting at this point and Mr. Lawlor wentto the Assessors Office to determine the e~zctzoning of the land. The~Board of Assessors returned with Nr. .~Lawlor and it was determined that this land is zoned as a residential area and that this status would not allow for storage of lumber on Mr. Scotts' land. The board vetedunanimously on Mr. Lawlor's recommendation that Mr. Scott's request not be -granted as it is prohibited in the Zoning By-Law. The Board directed that Mr. Scott be so advised. OAS OLINE STORAGE ~Mr. Finck read a letter from the State Department of Public Works recommending the board vote to ex%end the completion date of Mr. Martin Mailts's contract for work on Dale Street to June 30, 1958. The board VOted unanimously to grant this extension. GASOLINE STORAGE A hearing was set for ~rch 24, 1958 at 7:45 P.M., Selectmen's0ffice, ~n the ~pplication of Mr. WilliamRobinson, Holbrook Road, for a license to store underground .~2000 gallons of gasoline at 41 Second Street, North Andover. The board directed that the hearing be advertised and abuttors notified. ADVISORY BOARD The Selectmen considered the letters from the Advisory Board notifying the Selectmen Of reductions made in the 1958 budgets of Town A ~co~mtant, Town Building Maintenance, Building Inspector and~ Wiring Inspector. Mr. Ginck suggested the Selectmen attendj the Advisory Board Hearing on Wednesday evening of this.~week. pEP~CNNE~ BOARD Mr. Finck read letter of resignation from Chairman Richard G. Haltmaier of the Personnel Board requesting said resignation take effect as of day after Annual Town Meeting~ The board accepted the resignation and directed a letter be sent to Mr. Haltmaier commending him for his fine contributions to the town and stating the boards regret for the loss of his valuable service. PROCLAMATION A National Library Week proclamatioh by the Selectmen wasread by Mr. Finckand referred to news reporter Mr. Robert Finneran for publication ' JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING Mr. Finckread a le~terfrom Atty. Saul D. Nwartx, Boston, notifying the board of an outstanding claim of ~156.00byhis client, Able Building and Wrecking Co., for materials spld to Mamas C. Wright, Needham contractor for work on the boarding-in of the 'Johnson High School building. Mr. Finck suggested Mr. Wright be notified to appear at next board meeting to discuss his contract~ith the town for the boarding-in of the Johnson High School building. Mr. Finck. announced the contract was made between the town and Mr. Wright and not with an Atty. or Mr. Cleaves who subcontracted the Job from Mr. Wright. The board had an assignment of rights to Mr. Cleaves sigued by Mr. Wright but noted it was not a legal document since it did not bear witnesses and was not notarized. FREEDG~, Inc. A letter from Governor Furcolo as chairman of Freedom, Inc., requested that the board appoint a campaign hhairman to represent the town in raising funds for Freedom Znc., This organixation aids adults and childred in refugee camps i~ Europe. The board appointed ~o~m Clerk John J. Lyons the local chairman. 846 March 10, 1958 continued - BID REGULATIONS Mr. Sutcliffe brought up the matter of issuing bids on all purchases over Gl000. as provided by state statute. Chairman Finck and Mr. Finnsran agreed that the proceedure should be enforced and directed that the department heads be reminded of this provision in the General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 4B. BASKETBALL TE~.M The board cmmp!imented the North Andover High Schoool Basketball team and all connected with said team for their wonderful performance in ~inning the Class C State Championship. They were also commended for their record throughout the season. The board directed that a congratulatory letter be sent the School Department and also that a letter be sent to Mr. McEvoy, Pres. of the Boosters Club, stating the willingness of this board to participate in any celebrations to be given the Championship basketball team. STOP SIGNS The board directed a letter be sent to the State Department of Public Works requesting approval af signs recently installed at the corner of Niddlesex and Third Streets, Middlesex St. and Herrick Road9 and Middlesex Street s~ud Greene Street. REORGA~K£ZATION OF BC~DS Mr. Sutcliffe asked the board if they were satisfied with the present set-up of the Board of Selectmen and stated that he was satisfied. Mr. Finck agreed that~ he was also satisfied with the present set-up. Mr. Finneran stated the board was aware of his own feelings on the matter. Mm. Sutcliffe asked Mr. FLnneran if he could spare the time to act as chairman of Selectmen. Mr. Finneran stated he felt he has always done a good Job at anything he has undertaken. Mr. Finck ask ed Yin. Finneran if he wanted the chairmanship of the board of Select, men. Mr. Finneran answered that he wnuld~bidetb~ the decision of the board. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mr. Finck be made chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Finneran did not second the motion. Mr. Finck stated he preferred not to second the motion at present. Mr. Finck then motioned Mr. Finneran be made Chairman of the Board of Public Welfare. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded this motion. Motion was made by Mr Finck that Mr. Sutcliffe be made Chairman of the License Board and Mr. Finneran seconded this motion. Mr. Sutcliffe then motioned Mr. Finck be made Chairman of the Board of Selectmen$ seconded by Mr. Finneran. Clerks for the variOUs boards were voted as follows: Mr. Finc~ motioned Mr. Sutcliffe clerk of Selectmen, seconded by Mr. Finneran. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mr. Finneran clerk of Licensing, seconded by Mr. Finck. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mr. Finck clerk of Public Welfare, seconded by Mr. Finneran. ABSENTEE BALLOTS Mr. Finneran brough~ up the matter of absentee ba!loting in the Annual Town Elect- ion~ He stated that several persons had requested such action be taken and that the matter should be considered and studied now in order that balloting could take place next Narch for those eligible. Chairman Finck noted that the matter must be acted upon 90 days before annual town meeting. ROUTE lt0 Chairman Finck suggested the board send a letter to th~ Commissioner of Public Works requesting a meeting or hearing on the proposed relocation of Route llO. He stated such. a meeting was promised last July and as yet no action has been taken. He further stated that such information would be vital to many towns- people who may be effected by the relocation of this route. LAWRENCE PLATE AND ~YlNDO~ GLASS CO. The board directed that aletter be sent to Mr. Wefers of the Lawrence P2ate and Window Glass Co., advising him that October 1957 bill for $269.00 for repairs to the Town Garage could not be paid until next special town meeting when the Selectmen would insert an article calling for the payment of said bill. WINTERPPARI~NG BAN The board of Selectmen directed that the Puli ~e and Highway Departments be notified that the Bard of Selectmen are the proper authority to place into effect or lift the ~ubnter parking ban. The ban had been lifted this week by. the Police Chief and Highway Surveyor. March 17, 1958 The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members presen~ and Chairman Ralph E1 Finck presiding. The Weekly Warramt for payrolls and bills payable was ~m~im- ously approved and signed. JUROR Town Clerk John j. Lyons was present to assist in the drawing of a Juror ~o serve