HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-31l~rch ~l~ 1~8 - cont~ued -
Mr. W. W. Broughton, Attorney Walter C.Toml~nson, Contractor; Ga'spar A. Titone,
Highway Surveyor Ira D. Carry, ~g~eer; BaJ. ph Brassenr, representatives of New England
Power Company; Mr. Richard W. Allen, Mr. Henry Hutchinson and Mr. Henry My were
presen~ at a meeting scheduled for the purpose of discussing surface water conditions
in the vicinity of Mr. Broughton's residence at 5~. Appleton Street, North Andover.
/2m _ir~an Finck explained to those present that at a previous meeting with the board
Mr. Broughtom had voiced, his contention that due to the erection of a pole and power
lines near his home by the New England Power Company, a culver~ which ordinarily took
care of surface water drainage had Been blocked' by debris, and was now rendered use-
less. That the present accumulation of water had caused considerable damage to his
cellar and septic tanks. Atty. Walter ~. Tomlinson, counsel for Mr. Broughton
repeated the situation known to all present and further stated that M~. Bro~ghton
was aware of the existance of twn drains in the area previous to work done by the
New England Power Company. Mr. Broughton then described the drains which he said
appeared to be built of granite blocks, two on each side, one on top and approx-
imately fifteen to twenty inches deep. Atty. Tcmlinson stated the power company.
was alerted to the situation and pumped out Mr. ~roughton's cellar. Two weeks
later the company was again, contacted but they then disclaimed any responsibility
for the sitmation. Atty. Tomlinson told the board that in his opinion the New
England Power Company is responsible for the present water condition and that, the
Board of Selectmen has the right to revoke or amend the permit granted the company
to erect the utility pole. He added that~the situation will Become more seriOUS
unless the power compan~ make correction as soon as possible. He further, stated
it was an engineering mistake to erect the pole on that', side of the street and
the mistake should he corrected at once. Mr. Carry informed the Board that to hiS'
knowledge this condition never existed before the pow~H: company went to work in the
area and that the situation must Be their repponsiBility. Atty. Finck asked Mr. .
Hutchinson for his opinion on the matter and was %old that the land had been very
care~y surveyed previous to their work in~jthe area and that no drains were
observed. Blue prints were sho~ to the beard and it was pointed out that if
drains did exist they would
a~on :in their survey, l~r. ~ut~t'e~' on ,the ?,lens as that was an important conside~
cau~son mon~lomed that subsequent to Mr. ,Bronghton.s
repor~ o~,the matter~ a crew of men, were',sent to_~the area and dug down for some
distance, but found no evidence of drains. On the ~asis of. all information we,have
on 'the matter, it is .felt,'.t~t the. New England Power Company is no~ responsible
for the present situation;, Caairman Finck then asked Hr. ALlen how he accounted
for the situation. Mr.~Allen answered that the' company feels these conditions
have existed Before and mentioned.,an eighteen inch wnter table in ~his area~ during
the dry season. When questioned by Atty. Tomlinsoh on the matter of seepage unde~ .
the road Bed, Mr. Hutchinson answered there mas slight water seepage on the opposite '
side, of,the road but it effected no change in mater level on the Broughton, side.
Atty~Finck asked Ralph RrasSeur, engineer, his opinion on, the situat[om. Mr. Brassenr
said,,he had never heard of a drain through that area. That:large rocks under the
road:bed would take care of gradual.drainage. ,However, that years of accumulated fill
has no doubt plugged, this typ, e of;drainage., He a~ded.that he found no indication of
any~culvert existing in ,the area., Mr.:Rras~eur further stated that a pond formerly
~existed in the area~ of these ,'lots of land. but it had been somewhat replaced by the
additien-of fi].ll Mr. Rrasseur displayed plans showing the water levels in the area
of the Broughten~.residence. Chairman Finch asked Mr. Rrassenr if he felt the towa
through neglect was responsible for damage, to Mr. Bronghton..Mr. Brasseur answered
that,he did nct-feel,,,,the town was responsible. Mr. Gaspar Titone statedhe felt the
situation could be remedied at not too great an ~ons¢~. Chairman Finck suggested
the mattex~be postponed for further investigation. He added that perhaps the problem
could Be alleviated if. the particular pole in' question was removed. Mr. Allen stated
his ccmpanymay be willing, to consider moving the pole and any earth or debris they
maybe responsible for. It.was Atty. Tomlinson.s feelings that if the power company
removed whatever they put there he and his client would he satisfied. Mr: Rrenghton
stated his only. concern would be that the drain be restored. Chairman Finck thanked
all present for appearing at this meetiug and asked ~he representatives of New
England Power Company for'their decision on the matter by next Monday eve~.
Mr. Cushing of Narblehead Street appeared before the board to inquire ~f the
Narblehead St. Railroad C~oss/~lg had ~ been made a public way. Cha~_~m~l Finck
stated there was no record of the crossing being declared a public way. The Board
directed the D.P.U. be petitioned to have the Narhlehead Street cross/rig and all
other crossings in the town declared a public way.
March 31, 1~5§ - continued
~r..Cushing, Custodian of the North Andover High School, speaking in behalf of
~r. bT~n~.ler, Superzu%endant of Public Schoolsj. requested permission of the board
to take chemistry tables free the old Johnson High School Building and received
the approval of the board who added that Yin. Chandler take anything else that could
be used by %ne school department.
The board voted to adopt recommendations by the ~errimack-Essex Electric Co§~any
for improved street lighting in the vicinity of Dawson's Market, Water Street.ar~lr.
~a~c~ai~efa6~ol~dt~eatsmrvey be made for improved street lighting in the
vicinity of 65 Third Street. The board voted unanimously on the matter.
The board received a letter free Atty Donald Smith of the Zoning Board of Appeals
requesting matters be initially referred to the Building Inspector before the
Board of Appeals. The board voted to refer the letter to Mr. Lawlor, Building
Mr. Finck read a letter from the Board of Public Works relative to conditions of the
Cummings' property at 216 Stevens Street and reporting the matter had been referred
to the contractor and that the condition would be corrected as soon as possible.
A letter free Hrs. Norman Flanders, Salem Street, requested the boards permission to
~ope Great Pond Road from Stevens Street to the Center for the North Parish Annual
Fair to be held on June 7, 1958. The board directed the Police and Highway Depart-
ment be contacted for their recom~endatien in regard to this request.
The board voted unanimously that any police officer~ or Reserve coming before the
Selectmen on any matters may do so only if the Police Chief is also present.
The board directed that Mr. 'Mattheson and Mr. Marine of the Lantern Corporation be
directed to meet with the board next Monday'at 8:4~ P.M. to discuss surface .water
conditions off Dale Street. The Chairman of the Planning Board ~s also invited
to attend.
The board voted unan~.mously to send Mr. Dine a letter requesting that he cite his authority
for his ruling regarding police officers not being paid from the Reserve Officers
Salary Appropriation when doing the work of a Reserve when a reserve officer is not
a~ilable ·
It was voted by the board that Hr. Carry, Highway Surveyor could awo-~d contract
for work on.Riverview Street repairs to A. A. Concrete if desired, for the ~ery
nature of .the e~ergency.
The board voted approval of electrical work in the Wa~er Neter room of the Town Bldg.
and improved lighting in the Town Shed.
The following annual appointments were made by the Board of Selectmen on this date:
Joh~ J. Conners - Mo~h Sup"t Edward C. Bulger - Animal Inspector
John J. Thompson - Wiring Inspector
Patrick C Cronin - Board of Registrars
Robert J. Burke - Zoning Board of Appeals
Johu-W. Hegarty - Personnel Board.
Roland C. Kerb - Personnel Board
Dewey A. Dyer -: Director of Civil Defense
Edward J. Ellsey -"Public Weigher
Domemic Reitano - Public Weigher
Albert E. Houle - Public Weigher
Robert Hebb - Public Weigher
John M. Barrell - Fence Viewer
Patrick Driscoll- 54 Lincoln Street- Fence Viewer
John Wilcom - Fence Viewer
James J. Maker - Custodian Tax Title Prop
James J. Maker- Auctioneer .
Alfred H. ~cKee - Keeper of the Lock-u~
Ber~ Bingham - Veterans Agnet
Bernard Bingham - Bu~ Agmnt
John C. Farnham - Sur. Wood,Bark, Lumber
John Fenton- Spec. Civil Constable
Domenic J. Bonanno - Sealer of Wts.& Meas.
Paul J. Greeley - A~.vport Liaison Officer
Joseph T. Noene - Towa Bldg. Janitor
Lillian McDonald - Selectmem's Secretary
Albert johnson - Fence Viewer
Special Police OFficers: Roland Ambie~l, Arthur Awley, LLoyd Bauchman, Jr., Lloyd
Rauchman, ~r., Otto Bishop, Deeenic Bonanno, Stanley J. ButurLia, Russell Chamberlain,
Roland Chartien, Fred G~ristie, Walter Corcoran, John Dolan, Augustine Donovan, Francis
Down, Robert Finneran, Domenic Giarusso, Archie Gourley, Malcolm Hamilton, Walter Ramiltmu
Frank Howard, John Hanson, Edward Johnson, Frank Lee, James Lustenberger, Edward Manning
James McCabe, WilLiam McEvoy, Raymond Ninardi, Philip Nidgeley, Sylvester Nurphy,
March 31, 19%8 - continued
Special Police Officers: Alexander Ness, Edward Phelan, David Rand, Fred Salois,
Albert SchoZteld, JoSeph Senia, John Slipkowski, Thomas Sped~, RoBert Stewart,
Walter Stamp, Carl Thrums, Edward Towne, James Thomson, John J. Wilcox, Charles Z~,!3] ·
The beard voted unanimously that a meeting be held next Monday evening to wkich the
Airport Co~,.~ssion, Mgr., and North Andover Liaison ~fficer to the Airport be invited
to attend for the purpose of discussing ~ ~d takings in the airport area. Y.t was
axknowledged that no official ~*ormation had y~t been received by the town in regard
to this matter.
The board voted to advertise for bids on the demolition of the Johnson High School
Building and Mr. Finck stated he would draw up specifications for the Job by Wed.
of this week
April 7, 1958
The' Board of Selectmen met on this date with a~.l members present and signed the
weekly warrant for bills payable and payrolls which was unanimously approved in
the presence of Town Treasurer James J. Naker.
Chief James P. Daw requested the Selectmen~s approval of a request for transfer
from the Reserve Fund to defray the cost of repaiz~E the fire alarm system which was
badly damage~ during the two late winter storms. The Board approved the request and
suggested the Selectmen forward the transfer request with a recommendation that the
transfer be approver as the expenditure was certainly unforseen.
An application for underground storage ~f 2,0OO g-~ons of gasoline by Richard L.
Eieder, Cyr Oil Company, was set dawa for public hearing on April 21, 1958 at 7:~0
In answer to the Selectmen's request for a hear~-~ relative to imformati~n on the exact
relocation of Route 110, The D~partment of Pablic Works r~"$!~ t~at ~ additio~l
i~*ormation to that given in November 1957 was ava~nble at present. Commissioner
DiNatale stated however that the Selectmen could meet with him on the matter if
desired on April 7, 1958 at 11:00 A.M. The Selectmen ¢~ed off this meeting
until such ~ime as more exac~ information was available.
The. board received a letter from County Engineer John O1 Narmaala requesting the
board to notify them t~e ~e of Town Counsel o~ approve the appointma, t of Atty.
Earolitz, Counsel for the County. Mr. F~eran motioned Atty Vincent Curcio
be appointed Town Counsel in the matter of 1-~d damage suits for land taking by
the c~unty on Dale Street. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned, the matter be considered later
in the meeting. The matter was reconsidered later on ~d Mr. Ftnck motioned
Harold Morley, Jr. Be appointed to represent the towa in this matter. Mr. ~eran
stated his earlier motion stili stands. Mr. Sut~*fe seconded Mr.. Fincks motion
and there was a unanimous ~te.
V.F.W. Post 2104
Mr. James Mattin representing Post 2104 requested the Selectmen's permission to
conduct a Poppy Drive Nay 23, 1958 and Nay 24. Mr. F~eram motioned permission be
granted, seconded by Mr. Sutc. l~fe and there was a ,m"~tmons vote.
Mr. Bronghton was told by the Select~en that the Electric Company had ~at~ engineers
at work in the area to determine the feasibility of movin$ the pole and that the
meeting would be held next week as notified. Atty. Tom~tnson, counsel for Mr.
Brough*mn introd~ced Mr. CAe~and Mr. Nars~-11, engineers hired by Mr.~roughton
to investigate the surface ~ater condition surrounding Mr. Rrougbton's property.
The engineers showed the board their ~rttten report with plans of the area. A~ty.
Finck stated since the Power Company was not represented at this meeting he did not
feel the board should view or discuss the report. A%t~. Tom~on requested a
witness from out of town be heard on the matter. Mr. Nattheson ~it~ to appear
before the board om another matter was asked by Atty. Tomlinson to speak to the
board. Mr. Nattheson stated he was not a witness, but stated however, that the culvert
did exist, and that f~l~ wns added to the pond before Mr. Rrougbtons house was buil~.
Atty Tom~-son asked Mr. Nattheson if water flowed freely previous to the closingof
the culvert. Mr. Natthesou answered that perhaps not freely but certainly the water
was kept at a lowmr level than presently. Mr. Broughton stated Mr. Nattheson had sold
him the land and t~,tlt his house. Mr. Finck stated the engineers report would be
taken under consideration and that the Power Company would be represented at next
Monday meeting.