HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-14April 14, 1958 continued -
the business is not licensed as he felt it should be. Mrs. Prou3.x gave the board
complimentary tickets to the Horse Show to be held on April 20, 1958.
Mr. Ftnck read letter from Rep. Thomas J. Lane relative to Airport Commission plans
for expansion of the Lawrence Municipal Airport and certain land-taking involved.
Chairman Finck refer~ed to a certain paragraph in attached letter from C.A.A. to
Rep. Lane wherein statement is made that the town was informed on the matter over a
year ago and remarked he did not feel this was true to the extent that plans were
showa hut ir. formation on land-taking was not volunteered. Mr. Finck stated that
Mr. Caffrey, Commission Secretary, had suggested perhaps amicable agreements can still
be reached. Mr. Finck stated perhaps the board should take an attitude of "wait and
A letter from the Boston Hill Ski Development Corporation containing proposed improv-
ments to the ski area was read by Mr. Finck and referred to the Zoning Board of
Appeals by a unanimous vote of the board.
The Board of Selectmen received an invitation from the V.F.W. Post 2104 and Auxili~
to their annual joint installation of officers to be held:on April 19, 1958. It was
voted unanimously that hoard members would make every effort to attend.
Upon approval of Police and Highway Deparzments in regard to request from Nrs. Norman
.Flanders, Salem Street, to ~bpe Great Pond Road from Stevens Street tothe Center for
the Annual North Parish Church Fair to he held on June 7: 195~, the Selectmen voted
.:~'unantmously to grant permission on said request.
Mr.. Sutcliffe stated Chief NcKee and he had visited the Grigolis and Nontgomery's
on' this date b~t the Grigoli's were not at home. Mrs. Nontgomery stated the annoying
condition still axists and requests something be done about it. Mr. Sutcliffe then stated
he felt the board should have a definite recommendation from the Dog Officer before
making a decision on the matter. Mr. Finneran approved Mr. Sutcliffe's suggestion
aud added he did not feel the Nontgomery's should have to put up. with the constant
nuisance. Nr. Pluck stated sentiments at hearing appeared to be infavor of the
.Grigoli's and asked for the record of the minutes taken:at.the public hearing. After
reading the record, Mr. PLuck asked the board for a. motion. Mr. Sutcltffe motioned
Mr. Dominic Giarusso, Dog Officer, be asked to attend next Monday meeting to give
his recommendation on the matter. Mr. Finneran seconded this motion. It was a
majority vote with Mr. Finck opposed, stating his decision was ready.
.The following claims for damage were viewed and acted ~pon by the Board of Selectmen:
Mrs. Catherine Dineen, 145 Main Street Andover, made claim for damages sustained to
her~ car when a Highway Department Plow slid into her parked car on Main Street Northl
Andover. After thorough investigation the board voted the town was liable in this in-
~ stance and upon receipt of a signed release the town would make payment of $30.00 for
cost of repairs.
~M~. Vincent Doucet, 358 Lowell Street, Lawrence made claim for damages sustained to his
car ~nen the Highway Department Refuse Wagon backed into his car on Oak Avenue. After
the usual investigation ~he board voted the town was liable in this instance and upon
receipt of signed release will make payment of $96.00 for cost of repaJ.rs.
Mr. Guy B. Howe, Jr., Howe Heating Corp., Andover, made claim for damages to an
oil truck for towing necessitated when truck became mired in an excavation on ChestnU~
Street. The Department of P~blic Works advised that nc excavation e~isted in the area.
The Police Department received no report on the incident. The Selectmen ~oted unan-
imously that the town is not liable in this instance.
Mr. George W. Stoessel, 107 Second Street made claim for damages to his car when a
Highway Department truck rolled into the rear of his car which was parked on Cleveland
Street March 15, 1958. The board noted that only one estimate on cost of repairs had
been submitted and directed Mr. Stoessel be advised to submit another estimate.
Claim .by ~r. Robert L. Teel, Boxford Street, North Andover for damages to his car on
Foster Street involving an accident with a Highway Department truck was investigated
bE police and Highway departments. Mr. Teel never reported the accident to the Police
Department. The Highway Department reported Mr. Teel responsible for the accident..
Tile Board of Selectmen voted unanimously that the town ~s not liable for this clai~.
April 14, 1958 continued -
Mr. Fin ~k mentioned he had received a complaint of access Surface water donditions
from Sutton Hill Road to Milk Street. It was suggested t~t improper drainage in
the Sutton Hill area had caused present condition. A letter was directed to. Atty.
Roland H. Sherman, representing Sutton Hill Co., Inc., suggesting if condition is
responsibility of said company, the situation be corrected as soon as possible.
Mr. Sutcliffe suggested something be done about limiting the number o£fTam~ licenses
available in this town. Mr. Finneran motioned a public hearing be set for next
Monday night at 7:30 to see whether or not the board should adopt regulations govern-
ing the limit of Taxi licenses to be issued in North Andover. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded
the motion and there was a unanimous vo~e.
Mr. Finneran made a motion that a SLG~ CSILDP~N sign be placed on Boston Street
as there are considerable children in t~e area. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded this motion
followed by a unanimous vote.
The following appointments were made by the board on this date:
Richard L. Holder - Personnel Board of Appeals - 1 yr.
Atty Harold Morley, Jr. - Personnel Board of Appeals - 1 yr.
Arty Ralph E. Finck - i, ,, ,, .
Mr. Ftnneran motioned the El~etrtc Company make a survey, for improved, street lighting
in the vicinity of the Copolla residence, Osgood Street. Motion seconded by. Mr. Sutcliffe
followed by a unanimous vote.
The board voted that Mr. Ira D. Catty, Highway Surveyor, be asked to submit a full
· m~itten report on how the Highway garage doors were broken. Said report to be
ready by next meeting.
A letter was directed to the Commissioner of Public Works a~klng for some gea~antee
in writing that Chapter 90 Dale Street project be completed this year. Copy of
said letter to District Highway Engineer.
A letter was also directed to Mr. Russell E. Jenkins, District Highway Engineer,
requesting consideration be made in regard to continuance of Dale Street to Salem
Street bia Appleton Street, therefore e2iminating the wide curve at end of Dale St.
The board wo~ld appreciate an opportunity to discuss the matter with the proper
The board directed a letter to Ira D. Carty requesting a list of streets he felt should
be hot-topped this year. Said list to be submitted by next meeting.
The board vOted to request Miss ~ary T. Finn submit a statement of accounts by
April 30, 195~.
April 21~ 1958
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman Ralph
E. Finck presiding. The Weekly Warrant for payrolls and bills payable was approved
and signed by the board. Town Treasurer appeared as usual for the signing of the
Petition for the removal of one tree by Mr. Charles Rambay, ~1 Phillips Court
was granted unanimously upon recomendation of Tree Warden John J. Connors.
At a publichearing opened at 7:30 P.M. as scheduled, on the application of Mr.
Richard L. Heider, Trustee for the Cyr Trust for a license to store underground
2,000 gallons of gasoline at a gravel pit owned byOyr Trust on MillRcad, and at
which Mr.:Cyr and Mr.Heider were present along with abuttor Mr. Bradbury, Mr. Finck
read the application and asked if there were anY objections to the granting of said
license. Hearing no objections the board vOted upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe,
seconded by Mr. Finneran, Unanimously approved, to gran~ said license. Mr. Bradbury
then qUestioned the Cyr Trust intent for the future use of this land. Mr. Heider
mentioned the low taxassessmentwhem the landwas first purchased and how the
assessment had been raised considerably due to their improwment of the land, and
how the road had been re-built at their own expense. He stated the gasoline storage
will eliminate hauling over the road at considerable fire risk. Nr. Bradbury stated