HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-21April 21, 19~8 continued -
neighbors and himself also pay taxes and the gravel pit area is a mess. Mr. Ph~lan
an abuttor of considerable distance, stated the pit was an industrial operation and
the moning should be considered. Mr. Finck stated zoning matters should be ~eferred
to the Building Inspector. Discussion took place on previous use of the property
before zoning law was put into effect. Mr. Thornton spoke vehemently on condition
and use of the gravel pit. Mr. Heider explained the PZmm~ing Board stated the
gravel pit existed 100 years ago and may continue to operate as such. Mr. Kellner,
an abuttor., stated he owned land opposite the pit and that as innocent as the gas
permit ray seem, it is obviously going to be used
mentioned several trucks parked on Cyr p~operty.
to Pmarley Rea and will be used to haul bush from
· strong language that the granting of this license
as a freight depot. ~r. Thornton
Mr. Heidmr explained trucks belong
the hill. Mr. Thornton voiced, in
was an underhanded deal and could
be compared with the manner in which a permit was obtained for the "phony" shopping
cen~er. Mr. Ftnck addressed Mr. Thornton stating that town officials were acting in
~goo~d' faith and should not be maligned. Mr. Thornton was warned to lower his voice and
direct his questions to the Chairman. Mr. Phelan suggested the matter be investigated
as a nuisance. Mr. Ficnk assured those present the matter would be looked into and
since there were no further questions the hearing was closed. It was noted that
the license had already been granted.
At a hearing on the petition of Merrimack-Essex Electric Company for permission to erect
5 poles on kChestnut Street, the board voted unanimously that permission be granted.
Mr. R. Ashton Smith, Dale Street, appeared before the board on surface water conditions
o~ his property due, as he stated, ~o access surface water caused by the condition of
the Lantern Corporation property. He showed pictures he had taken in the area. Mr.
Finck explained a late phone call from Mr. Marino apologizing for no~ being ab~
to attend this meeting. Nr. Banran, ~ Chairman of the Planning Board was called in
and agreed to write to the Lantern Corporation on the matter.
Present at a hearing scheduled for this time were Mr. G. Clayton Towler amd Mr. Warren
D. Lodge, owners of Taxi ~usinesses in ~own. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned ~here be a limit
of four taxi licenses Zssued in ~he Town of North Andover. Mr. Finneran seconded the
motion. Mr. Finck stated he'd like to know if such a regulation would be constitution-
al under the law. Mr. Finck stated he would look into the matter and regulations would
be adopted if proper. Mr. Towler stated fares should also be taken into consideration.
Chairman Finck stated that might be considered upon recommendation of the various
cab owners.
Mr. Sorenson appeared before the board as requested and offerred the boand a
$25,000 performance bond certificate and liability insurance papers. Mr. Sorenson
stated if he was awarded the contract the job would be completed within ninety days.
Mr. Sorenson informed the board he had razed six or seven shhools in this area, has
had vast experience and excellent results. Mr. Sorenson added he has the lowest
insurance rate of any wrecker around. Mr. Norman Scott questioned the amount of
public liability insurance and stated it was not sufficient. Mr. Arthur Payne
vouched for ~. Sorensons character, type of workmanship and guaranteed the job
would be well performed. Others present spoke in praise of Mr. Sorenson and his
type of work. Mr. Scott loudll repeated his feelings that Mr. Sorenson was in-
sufficiently covered with insurance. Mr. Fimck thanked Mr. Sorenson for attending
the meeting and stated the matter would be taken under further consideration.
John J. Lyons, Town Clerk, was present for the drawing of a juror for Superior
~ ~.ourt at Ne~wbu~ryport. Nay 19, 1958. Mr. Philip Sutcliffe drew the name of
Mr. Frederick D. Whittier, 933 Great Pond Road, a farmer by profession. The board
directed that Mr. Whittier be so notified.
Mr. John Thompson, Wire Inspector, shall be asked to attend next board meeting to
discuss wiring permit fees.
Mr. Giarusso, Dog Officer, attended this meeting as requested. Mr. Sutcliffe asked
Mr. Giarusso if he considered this dog a nuisance or vicious. Mr. Giarusso answered
he did not think so, that the dog does bark but felt that a dogs priviledge. Mr.
Finneran asked if the dog had to be chained and Mr. Giarusso stated the traffic was
very hea~y in this area and did not blame the Grigoli's for chaining the dog. The
board asked Mr. Giarusso if he could effect an amicable agreement between the Grigoli's
and Montgomery's concerning the dog. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested if the dog was not
kept outside so long perhaps his barking would not be so annoying. Mr. Giarusso
agreed he would attempt to make such an agreement with both parties concerned.
April 21, 1958 continued -
ChairmanRalph E. Finck read petition before the board requesting d~struction of a dog
owned by Mr. Roland Walker, 16Water Street. Petitioners are residents of the
Water ~treet area. The petittonwas handed to Mr. Giarusso for investigation. It
was also referred to the Police Department for investigation and report by next
board meeting.
The board accepted a letter from Senator John F. Kennedy who offerred his assistance
on matters pertaining to expansion of the Lawrence Municipal Airport. Mr. Sutcliffe
referred to a newspaper item relating to expansion plans for the airport and pro-
posal of a miniature golf course on airport land. A letter was directed to the
lawrence Airport Commission requesting this board be kept informed on all p2ans
and m~tters, referring to the airport expansion. It was also directed that a letter
be sent to Mr. Paul J. Greeley, North Andover Liaison Officer to the Lawrence Air-
port, requesting he attend next meeting of the board to discuss matters pertaining
to airport plans.
The board directed a letter be sent to Atty. Roland H. Sherman, representing the
Sutton Hill Corp., Inc., and the North Audover Planning Board to attend next meeting Of
the board to discuss surface water conditions e~isttng from Sutton Hill Road to
Milk Street.
The board received a letter from Reverend Vincent O. McQuade requesting application~
for a license to store 20,000 gallons of fuel oil underground. The board set a
date for the hearing subject to the return of eaidapplicationand plans.
A letter and attested copy of ~the vote of the County Commissioners appointing Atty.
JohnJ. WiLlis to represent the county on suits for laud damage on Dale Street. Mr.
~inck mentioned original letter of Co~,~issioners requesting the Selectmen appoint
town counsel and stated he objected to the policy o~ the Commissioners on this
matter. A letter was directed to the County Commisssioners stating board desire to
have own appointment of Atty. Harold Morley, Jr. recognized and affirmed due ~o the
fact that the Town of North Andover is assessed for all legal costs and fees relating
to said suits and damages. An imme~f-te reply is requested.
A survey is requested for improved street lighting in the vicinity of i67 Gray St.,
residence of Mr. Alfred Boush. The board also accepted a letter from Merrimack-
Essex Electric Company informing board on their policy for maintenance of street
lights in town.
The board voted unanimously to grant the Lawrence Gas Company permission to excavate
on Waverly Road to install gas service for Anthony Abate. Petition was formerly
approved by Mr. William B. Dully, Superintendent of PubLic Works.
The Board of Selectmen made the following~appointments on this date:
James,:McClung, Personnel Board of Appeals - 1 yr.
Donald Foss, " " ,, ,,
The board accepted a letter from Dewey A. Dyer, Director of Civil Defense, relative
to National Civil Defense operations to take place on Nay 6, and Nay 7, 1958.
The South Broadway Associate request permission form the board to use Den Rock Road to
Wilsons Corner for their annual Road Race. The board granted permission and
directed the Police Bepartment be so notified. The date for this road race is
NaY 4, 1958.
A letter form Atty. Joseph A. MiragLiotta representing Vincent DiPrimo and Salvatore
Paladino of Adams Avenue and Unity Avenue, North Andover, requests board action to
restrain Mr. Scott from using the northern part of Unity Avenue as a dump a~ea. The
matter was referred to the Building Inspector, Martin J. Lawlor, for investigation
and report by next board meeting.
Mr. Finck stated he did not feel the Recreational Council should havebesn cut down to
five members as past members were of good standing. Mr. Sutcliffe stated board has
already voted the membershi~ to five. Mr. Flnneran stated his feelings were still
the same, that it should be a five member board.
April 21, 1958 continued-
The board directed Mr. Ira D. Carry, Highway Surveyor be requested to submit a
written petition to the board requesting the Selectmen take proper action in
regard to easements on drainage project under Article 30, 1958 Aunual Town Meeting.
A letter was directed to the Zoning Board of Appeals requesting information on
whether or not a permit was e~,er applied for under 5.4 of the Zoning By-law.
The Board directed that Harvard University be called to inqnize whether or not
their school curriculum provided for the conducting of surveys. If so, the
town of North Andover is interested in.having a survey conducted for the ideal
location of a new Town Sar~ge. Mr. Finck stated he felt the school may provide
reich sight studies.
On April 23, 1958 Harvard College, Office of the Dean of Engineering, was contacted
on this matter. Said office stated that if it is possible for the school to conduct
such a study, the North Andover Selectmen will be advised within a few days.
April 28, 195B
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman Pmlph
E. Finck presiding. The Weekly Warrant for payrolls and bills payable was approved
end signed by the board.
Atty. Finck read a letter from Mr. Russell E. Jenkins, County Engineer, relative to
Seiectmen's request to rebuild Dale Street via Appleton Street to Salam Street,
th~s eliminating the wide curve at the end of Dale Street. Mr. Jenkins stated
he would be glad to discuss this matter with the board but added that funds for
this y~ar would not e~end to this end of Dale Street. He further stated perhaps
this project could come under the 1959 appropriation for the completion of Dale St.
Recommendations for improved street lighting ~' the vicinity of 169 Gray Street,
residence of Mr. Bonsh, by Nerrimack-Essex Electric Co. ~ considered by the
board. It was voted unanimously to approve a 1000 lumen light be placed in front
of Mr. Boush's residence. The board voted not to consider farther recommendations
for Gray Street at this time. A sur~ey was requested for improved street lighting
in the vicinity of 28 Second Street.
~Nanny HaJJ r~resonting Atty. Roland Sherman and Sutton Hill development was present
to discuss thex x excess surface water driange coming from Heath road and spilling
over property on Nilk street. Also~ present we. re residents of Milk~s.t.re.e.t who ~h~.~V~on
been ~thered by the condition.~ Mr/HaJJ told the board that he ~-e~ ~ne cona~m
w~uldlbe remedied a~ sonn as the good weather permitted paving of Heath road. An
e~ra drain is to be installed to take care of the run-off water. Mr/HaJj also told
Miss Nadeline Gillen, one of the residents, that he~ felt hi.** firm would be willing
to take care' of some of the damage to her property which wa~ caused by the drainage.
Nartin lawlor , building .inspector, was authorized by the board to make another
inspection of property on Adams avenue and Unity avenue where Norman Scott is reported
to be depositing fill and other material. Mr. lawlor stated he had inspected the
area during the week and found that there had beton material deposited there. Chairman
Finck told Mr. Lawlor to make another instpectien during the week and order the ~
condition taken, care of or legal action against Mr. Scott would result.
Mr. lawlor was also asked~ to ~ake an inspection of the gravel pit on Mill road to
determine if a business is being conducted there. N~. and Mrs. Charels Thornton of
Mill road and Edward W. Phelau of Turnpike street appeared before the board in ~
refere ce to activity at the gravel p~t. They stated that trucks owned by Perley Rea
are being stored there and that lime was being stored there as well as being sold
from the premises. Mr. lawlor said that when he visited the area during the week
he found two trucks parked there, could see no lime of any great quantity and felt tha
it was not a nuisance. Mr. Thornton said that there were five trucks in the area one
day during the past ~ week. Mr. Phelan asked if the gravel pit itself was not a
violation of the zoning by-law. Richard Heider, re~resenting the Cyr Trust, onwers
of the pit, stated he could not answer the legaility of the pit without counsel, but
felt it was in comformace with the by-law. Mr. lawlor was aksed to check the area
further during the week. Mr. Hsider stated that if the trucks were such a problem in
the area he would have them removed.