HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-05-05May 5, 1958- continued
Chairman Finck read a letter from Senator Saltonstall relative to the Selectmen's
request for to~m consideration and assistance in regard to certain land taking
by the City of La~reace for expansion of the LAwrence Airport. Senator Slatonstall
advised the board he had taken the matter up with the Civil Aeronautics Administration
and a report would be forthcoming.
A letter from the Lawrence Airport Co~rw,.~ssion relative to Selectmen's request for
all information concer~ing airport development plans, was read by Chairman Finck.
The letter referred to the liaison officer for the town who is invited to aL1
meetings of the co~,~ssion and stated such a device was perhaps the best metho~
for adequate communication between Airport smd Town. The Board of Selectmen
acknowledged that Mr. Greeley, Liaison Officer was not always able to attend all
meetings of the commission. Mr. Sutcliffe stated his disapproval of the Commission
for recent actions brought out in the newspaper. Mr. Finck stated additional
information concernln~ the airport would be a~ilable by next meeting and ~he matter
was postponed until such tine.
Mr. John Thompson, Wire Inspector appeared before the board to discuss the handling
of fees in regard to electrical permits. March 1958 Annual Town Meeting established
a fee of fifty cents per permit. Discussion took place on possivle method of
collecting fees. Mr. Finck suggested Mr. Thompson hold office hrs. one night a
week to accomodate the public. Mr. Thompson felt that would be highly unsatisfact-
ory sspecially to persons and electricians from out of town. He suggested the fee
should be collected where the permit is obtained. Mr. F~eran asked the method of
procedure on a permit. Mr. Finck asked if it wouldn't be advisable to sen~ applicants
approval and disapproval forms. Dtscuseiou followed.. Mr. Sutclfffe asked if the
Town Clerk would be willing to collect the fees and handle permits. Mr. Thompson
stated the Town Clerk had expressed his willingness to do so. The board suggested
Mr. Thom~sen discuss the matter further with Mr. Lyons, Tox~n Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs, John Heinann referred the board to the petition of Water Street~restdents
requesting the beard take action to destroy a dog owned by Mr. Roland W-a~ker, 16
Water Street. He stated the dog had bitten his daughter on the face and she had
two &cars under her eye as a result. He further stated the dog is still running
loose on occasion despite the dog officers order that the dog be restrained. Mr.
Finck explained the law in regard to the period of restraint following a.dog bite
in relation to rabies and stated if this happened six weeks ago, aparently the
danger is over. Mrs. Hheinann stated the dog has bitten others and neighbors al 1
fear the animal; Mr. Finneran asked Mr. Giarruso if the dog is licensed. The Dog
Officer replied that it was and renewal of license would take place this week.
Mr. FLnneran stated thru matter seemed serious enough to hold a public hearing and
motioned it be held next Nonday at 7:30 P .M. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion.
It was a u~nnimous vote.
Chairman John Corrigan and Mr. Robert Dulude of the Personnel Board appeared before
the Selectmen as requested to discuss the Wage and Salary By-Law as it applied to
vacation and sick leave. Mr. Corrigan stated the By-Law was not devised to take
away benefits to employees in effect previous to its enactment. Discussion t~k
place as to how much accumulative sick leave employees received previous to the
new By-Law. Treasurer James J. Maker referred to Chapter 42, Section ~IB of the
General LAws which was accepted as a By-Law at Special To~m Meeting of April 27, 1955
Mr. Dulude read the sectign b~t could~ find no mention of 30 days accumulative sick
leave. Mr. Co~igan stated if no record can be found relative to the Selectmen
having granted a specific number of days it would have to stand at 15 days. The
board stated they wo~ld look into the matter and suggested the Personnel Board
check vacation provisions for the police personnel. Mr. Sutctiffe asked for the
Personnel Board interpretation of '~ork week~ and w~s told it applied to a
straight week and not Just working days,in their opinion. Mr. Finneran later
checked the record book of Selectmem's Minutes and found on May 23, 1955 the
Selectmen had voted to allow sick leave to accumulate to 30 werk~ng days or s~x
weeks. The Board directed that the Personnel Board should be informed on this matter.
The pl~ing Board appeared before the Selectmen, as requested, to discuss the
pub2icatiom of the Zoning By-Law and Building Code. (2mtrman Finck stated the
Building Code as it stands presented by Mr. Blackwell, was much too demplieated
and ~ £ficult for a layman to understand. Mr. Barmen, Chairman of the Planning
Beard, suggested a Joint meeting of the boards to discuss the Building Code. He
reminded the board that copies of the code had been delivered to the Selectmen
shortly after Town MeeZing. Mr. Ntcetta asked for a clarification of statements
appearing in the newspaper to the effect that the Building Code had not been made
available to the Selectmen as promised at Town Meeting. He stated the code had beton
Nay 5, 195§ - Continued
delivered on Apzil 7. The board referred to the Joint meeting and the Planning
Board agreed to set a date and notify the Selcetme~.
Chairman Dr. Julius P. Nay, Mr. George Carou and Mr. Jewett of the Board of Health
and Mr. Deffy of the Department of Public Works appeared before the Selectmen at a
meeting scheduled for this time. ~n previous letters to the Selectmen the foLlow-
ing matters ~re referred to by the Board of Health for discussion at this meeting.
1. The feasibility of the town pSrchasing two parcels of real estate at the corner
of Osgood Street and Great Pond Road. 2. A request for legal connsel to continue
procedures to condemn residence at 1984 Great Pond Road, property owned by Mr.
Colgate. 3. Board of Health intention to condemn Town-Line Restaurant owned by Mr.
Cahill, at ~hich alcoholic beverages license i~ concerned. Discussion took place
on the land involved in Board of HeS.lth request for purchase. Mr. Duffy stated
Board of Public Works i$ comp. lete accord with Board of Health on purchase of
land bordering on lake as .there is sewerage seepage and it is located very close
to the new pumping station. Mr. Finck asked if the Board of Health letters were not
in conflict as this same land was referred to in their request for legal connsel on
condemnation procedures. Dr. Nay stated no, that land to be purchased may take
a year when occupants could be removed within three weeks if house is condemned. He
added the Board of Health wants bbth actions. Atty. Finck stated he would discuss
the matters with Atty. Trcmbly and Atty. Salisbury and contact the Board of Health
during the week on the matter. Dr. Nay then referred to the Town-Line Restaurant
which he stated was far below health operation standards and that his board intends
to 'condemn the establishment as a Eestaurant. The Selectmen stated if the B~rd of
Health condemns it as a restaurant then the license matter will be acted upon .by
the Licensing Commissioners.
Chairman Finck read a letter from Harvard University relative to Selectmen's request
for information at to whether or ~ot the ~niversity, as part of theLr curriculum,
conducted sight-study surveys, referring to town consideration for a new Town Garage.
Reginald R. Isaacs, Chairman of the Harvard Department of Engineering and Applied
Physit~ smswered that some s~udy planning does take place as class projects, but
the loc~tien of a new town garage wnuld not present asuttable problem for class
project. G~d~man Finck suggested the board write to the State Dopartmnat of Commerce
asking for assistance in locating a consultant or study group to determine the
best location for a new town garage.
Chairman Fin~k read a letter from the Board ~of AppealS advising that Mr. Daniel
O'~eary, 2_l Wilson Road, was the newly appointed m~ber effthe Board of Appeals.
Mr. O'Leary replaces Atty. Donald F. Smith, former chairman and present member.
The Selectmen directed that Civil Service be requested to submit a list of persons
eligible for appointment to the Police Department Reserve force.
Mr. Martin Lawlor, Building Inspector reported to the Selectmen that when invest-
igat~ the gravel pit on MiLl Road, owned by Cyr Trust, he could find no violattob
of the Zoning By-Law. Mr. Finneran motioned the matter be close~. Mr. Sutcliffe
seconded the motion and a unanimous vote followed.
Chairman Finck asked Mr. Lawlor if land owned by Mr. Scott in the vicinity of the
Lawrence Airport is being used in violation of the .~.oning B~-Law. Mr. Lawlor
mentioned t~o vehicles parked on the property, lumber stored neatly, but stated
in his opinion thare was no violation. Mr. Fimneran motioned the matter be closed
and a unanimous vote carried.
Mr. Lawlor mentioned a Winthrop Avenue complaint of zoning v~olation and informed
the board he had advised the owner of the property *.o remove a trailer. The board
suggested Mr. Lawlor give the owner w~itten notice to remove the trailer.
Tn the presence of ~r. Jsmes J. Maker, Town ~easurer, the weekly War~ant was unan-
imously approved and signed by the Selectmen.
A letter from Atty. John J. Willis, legal counsel appointed by the County~ Commissioners
to handle laud damage suits on Dale Stzeet,. was read by Chairman Finck. Mr. ~_Llis
stated in reference to Evans vs the County et al for land damage on Dale Street, he
had been able to effect an amicable agreement. Mr. Sutcliffe then brought up the
matter of two attys, representing the town o~ these suits and stated heddtd not. feel
the town should pay the e~ense of two attys. He further stated the County Commission-
ers had specif£oaLly requested this board to name counsel, and had suggested if the
town did not choose to name council would the board approve Atty. Earelitz, legal
counsel for the Commtssiouern, ~opresenttng the defendents. Mr. Sutcliffe added if
they did not accept the board appointment they ~ould have apoointed Atty. Earelitz
as stated in their letter. ~airman Finck stated the Count~ will no doubt abide by
I~Y 5, 1958 - Continued
the Selectmon's ~ishes in the future but felt the si~nation wculd have to remain as
it stands. He stated letters had crossed in the mail and Commissteners were not
aware of the appointment until ~o o late. Mr. Sutclif£e motioned a letter be sent to
the Commissioners stating the Town will only pay legal counsel appointed by the
Selectmen as requested by the County Commissioners. Mr. Finneram seconded the motion
and there was a majority ~ote. Atty Finck explained his disapproval of the motion
lies in the fact that the County Commissioners have the authority to appoint under
the statutes and the motion could not be effective.
Merrix~ck-Essex Electric Company made recommendation to the board as a result t~
their sur~my for imp oved street lighting in the vicinity of 28 Second Street. The
Board voted unanimously to accept recommendation that lights on poles 60, 63 and 65
be changes to 2500 l~men ,lights. In addition the board voted to request a surly
for improved street lighting on Appleton Street in the vicinity of Paul Dysr res-
idence. Mr. Dyer had spoken to Mr. Ftnneran on this matter.
A letter from ~r. Russell of New Jersey requesting information on the addition of
Flonride to the drinking water supply was referred to Mr. Edward R. Greenwood for
consideration. Mr. Russell was not in favor of flouride.
The ~1 ~iscussed Mr. James C. Wright's bil~ of $300.00 for work performed at
the old Johnson High School Building. Mr. Finnerau motioned the bill be adjusted
to $250.00 due to breach of contract and payment be made NubJect to receipt~of a
signed release. Mr. Sutcltffe motioned the bill be adjusted to $200.00 with a ·
signed re~ease. Mr. Finck seconded Mr. Sutcliffes motion and there was a majority
vote. ~atrman Flnck explained he felt the amount should be $200.00 ~e to the
fact that a hazard e~sted in the town because of the negligence of the contractor.
Mr. FLnneran stated he felt the job worth $250.00.
A request by the Gas Company to excavate on Beverly Street for gas service to Mr.
Marino, and on Middlesex Street for Mr. Coco, approved by Mr. Dully, ~s umanim-
onsly granted by the board.
Merrimack-Essex 1Electric Com~ny and New E~glamd Tel. & Tel. Co. petition the board
for a Joint location of poles on Etllside and Margate Roads. The Board voted a
hearing be held on Nay 19, 1958 at 7:30 P.M.
Upon motionOf ~. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe, the board voted unamLm-
oualy to petition the Advisory Board for ~1250.00 transfer from the Reserve fund
to cover the additional cost of tearing down the old Johnson Nigh School b~lding.
2own Meeting action under Article 20, raised $2000.00 for this purpose but the
lowest bid received is $3,250.00. A ruling from Mr. Herman B. Dine, Bureau of
Accounts, stated the additional amount could be requested from the reserve fund
due to the fact that the cost was unforseeen.
Chairman Finck explained the petition of Mr. Bonelli and Mr. Corradino for off-street
parking at the rear of their, property at 64 ~in Street. Their proposal is to lease
this property to. the town~ for $1000 per year providing the town will agree to hot-
top the par~ing area. They also seek an additional strip of land from the School
Department to widen the driveway. Mr. Finneran suggested the petitioners appear ~
before the School D~partmont in regard to the additional land. The board directed
a tettmr be sent to the School ~mmmittee and the Board of Trade informing them on :
the matter. A letter was directed to Bonelli and Corradino advising them to pet-
ition the School Committee on their request for the additional land.
Mr. Duffy had requested the board purchase a new rope for the Flag Pole at Mam-
ox~tl Park. The board referred the matter back to the Board .:of Public Works as
this is parks and plaYErounds and comes under their Jurisdiction.
In reference to .a leak in the Town Building roof, having received am estimate from
Geor~geHorme Co. for $2~.00 the board directed another estimate be obtained before,
assigning the work. Mr. Finneran offered to contact another local firm on the
Chairman Finck mentioned he felt the Police Department should have accop~ $~
the Annotated Laws in the station as they did not always.have access to those in th~s
office. Mr.. Finneran motioned the Chief be authorized to purchase a set providing
the cost was taken from Police Department expense appropriation. Mr. Sutcliffe sec-