HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-05-12May 12, 1958 continued
The Memorial Day Committee appeared before the board to request a transfer from the Reserve
Fond to cover additional expense cf Fort Devans Contingent. It was suggested that
next years ~udget be adjusted to cover this e~ense am last year it was necessary to
make the same request. The board vetedto make application to the Advisory Board for
a transfer of $125.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Memorial Day expense account.
Mr. Hans Christensen, president of V.F.W. Post 210~ requested the boards permission
in writing to conduct a Poppy Drive on May 23 and 2~, 1958. This request was granted.
Mr. Melvin F. Coombs, Lynn Architect, appeared before the board on the site plan
request approved at Town Meeting with an appropriation of $1,000., and was told
the situation relative to the necessity of a new Town garage. Mr. Coo~be stated
he would require more definite information such as number of vehicles to be housed,
size of each peice of equipment etc. Thc board explained such information cculd, be
obtained from the department heads.
Mr. Qutgg also appeared before the board on this matter and after brief discussion
agreed to contact the different department heads this week on the matters to be
considered and report to the board next week.
Nr. Travers of Methu~n appeared before the board to question whether' or not the
beard ~ms considering calling for ne~ bids on the razing, of the Johnson High School
Building. He stated he was interested in submitting a bid, and that it was
possible his company could bid 'lo%mr than the present low bid. It was the feelinE
of the board that the matter was closed and Mr. Travers was so advised.
Mr. Andrews representing the United Shoe Machinery Corp. us introduced to the
Selectmen by ~. Henry Lurid, Chairman of the Board of Assessors ~hd explained that
Mr. Andrews %ms interested in land situated behind his garden center and along the
Boston & Maine Railroad right-of-way. Mr. Andrm, s stated his company3was.interested,
in building a new plant of appro~tely 50,000 sq. ft., a one story building to house
appro~mately 75 employees, on this particular location. He mentioned it would
be necessary to amend the Zoning By-Law to do so as th~ land is only zoned for
industry 200 ft. back from the street. He stated he ~s also interested ina
new roadway to the plant that access be from Chickertng Rcad. Mr. Andrews showed
plans of the possible lay-out and stated his estimate of the building would be app-
ro~imately one-half million dollars. He further stated his was areliablecompany
established over 60 years ago, world-wide, but central office in Boston. The
board stated they'd be ~,illing to cooperate in the' encouragement of new industry
· to the town and' suggested a meeting with the Planning Board nest Monday evening
to discuss the necessary changes in Zoning and to possibly set a date for a
epec~al town meeting to expedite the matter. Mr. Andrews state~ he'd be interested
in au estimate on time and was told the processing may take thir~ days. Mr.
Andrews also stated his willingness to contribute $2500. towards nm~ roadway' to
be put in by the to~u. ~r. Finneran suggested-the Article be drafted this week
and board would call town meeting ne~t Monday. Board suggested ~. Andrews secure
the em~ct measurement of land to be asqutred for xoning chande. Selectmen will
inquire as to cost of roadway this week. NrY Andrews stated he would not be able
~ attend meeting next Monday as he would be in Texas on that day but would send a
representative from the company. Mr. Andrews was thanked for appearing before the
board and offered all possible cooperation on the matter. A letter was directed
to the Planking Board requesting they attend nex~ Monday meeting to effect plans
on the above matter.
Chairman Finck read a letter from Mr. John T. Black, mil, Planning Consultant hired
by the To;m to compile the new Building Code. Mr. Black~¢ell invited the board to.
attend a meeting with the Planning Board on May 21, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. The board
agreed to attend this meeting.
Chairman Finck read letter from Senator Kennedy and the attached copy of letter from
the C~.A. and stated the C~A.A. letter defeats itself on its statutory rules on
hearings. Mr. Finck also stated there is a safety feature to be considered in
regard to the expansion of the airport. Atty Finck referred to paragraph five of
the C~.A. letter stating North Andover Officials were aware of the Master Plan
over a year ago at a Joint meeting of Lawrence and North Andover officials. Atty.
Finck stated this was not altogether true as at that particular meeting a revised
Master Plau was promised the North Andover officials and to date no such plan has
been submitted. It was Mr. Finck~s opinion that State representatives should take
an interest in the matter and said he weuld get in touch with the repFesentatives
this week. A letter was directed to May or ~ckle¥, Francis Jones and Andrew Caffrey
of the Airport Commission and City Solicitor James P. ]Q~ne requesting a meeting be
held in the Mayors Office to discuss the above matter. Meeting date preferably Friday
of this week.
May 12, continued -
Chairman Finck read Board of Assessors letters to the Selecumen and Building Inspector
relating to the fact that as of this date no notices of building permits issued for
the year had been received at the Assessors office. Mr. Ftnck stated that forms for
such notices had been purchased in the past by the Assessors who felt it was now
the duty of Mr. Lawlor to purchase said forms. Mr. Lawlor has assured Mr. Finck
he shall do so.
The board receivedan invitation to participate in the Memor~tlDayParadefromthe
Memorial Day Committee. The board stated they would make every effort to participate
in the Memorial Day services.
A Prison Industries Neeting, Massachusetts Correctiomal Institution, Walpo!e, will
take place onMay 23, 1958, at 10:30 P.M.
In answer to theSelectments request the Department of Commerce submitted aLlst of
consultants who maybe referred to in t~mplans for a Town Garage site-plan revae.
Thc board accepted the list and stated they would censider it atthetr leisure.
Chairman Finck questioned why the Town of North Andovor was accorded a Class "C"
rating on fire insurance when other neighboring communities received a "B" rating.
A letter was d~rected to the North Andover Insurance Association requesting they
contact the Massachusetts Rating Association in an effort to secure a better rating
for the town. Mention was made of the three additional regudar fireman on the force,
which should certainly be in the towns favor.
The board viewed au estimate from Castrtcoue Roofing aud Siding of' $25.00 for repairs
to the Town Buildtug roof, Repairs necessary due to a leak over the Assessors Office.
Appz~vlous bid for the same amount had been viewed by the board at last weeks meetini.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously, the
contract was awarded to Castrtcone Roofing for the specified amount of $25.00.
A letter from Rev. E~nest Brown, North Parish Church and a bill for cost offn~, tires
for his car, due as he stated to condition of roads in town specifioallyAndover St.,
was referred to the Board of Public Works.
In reference to the complaint against the dog owned by Nr. Roland Walker of Water
Street, Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the board restrain the dog for thirty days. Mr.
· inneran amended the motion that the dog be restrained ~ntit further notice fr~m
the. Beard of Selectmen. It was directed that Mr. Walker be notified by certified
mail, receipt requested. Mr. Finck seconded Nr. Finneran's motion and it was
a majority vote with ~. Sutcliffe opposed.
I~y Ih, 1~58
At a special meeting of the board at which all members ~mre present, Chairman Ftnck
presiding, the follo~Lug business was acted upon:
Contract for the demolition of the old Johnson High School Building was awarded to
Gilbert Sorensen for his contract bid of $3250. It was directed that .Mr. Sorensen
be requested to appear before the board Monday, May 19, 1958 for the signing of
this contract agreement.
The board directe~ that bidsbe requested through legal advertisement for 1500
tons of Type I-I Bituminous concrete to be laid on High Street and Park Street. Said
bids to be received at this office not later than 7:30 P.M. on Nay l9, 1958.
The board also directed that bids be advertised for 1000 tons of Type I-I Bituminous
Concrete to belaid onWaverly Road from Msin Street to Middlesex Street, on Pleasant
Street from Davis Street to Stevems Corner and on Greene Street. Said bids to be
received at this office not later than 7:30 P.M. of May 1 g, 1958.
The board directed that the Highway Department be requested to submit a list of
street signs to be painted and installed for this year.
It was directed that the Town Accountant submit an account of appropriations once a
month with total appropriation and balance to date included in the account.