HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-05-2626, 1958 - Continued- 371 ZONING NDTSANCE COMPLAINT Atty RagLiotta appeared before the Selectmen on behalf of his client Mr. Deprtmo ~o is trying to sell his home at the corner of Adams Ave. and Unity Ave. and claims the unsightly condition of Mr. Norman P. Scott's property is making it difficult for him to sell his hone. He mentioned a snow plo~ blade, tractor and building w~eckage cluttering Mr. Scott's property. Chairman Finck stated Building Luspector Mr. Lawlor had previously investigated the situation and at the tine of investigation found a nuisance did not exist. The board also stated the sno~ plow blade wns town property and they had requested the Highway Department to remove it some time ago. Mr. Finck asked Atty Ragliotta if the snow blade and tractor carrier ~mre removed would the problem be alleviated. Atty. Ragliotta stated the general condition of the property is definitely an eyesore. That considerable pipe and wreckage is piled up. Atty. Finck stated he would view the situation with the Building Inspector. Mr. Finneran motioned a letter be sent to Ira Carry, Highway Surveyor, requesting the enow plow blade be removed from the Scott property. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded this motion and it was put to a unnnimous vote. SUTTON HILL CO. INC. Atty. Roland F. Sherman forwarded L. C. Cyr Construction Company request for an extension of time for performance of contract with Sutton Hill So. Inc, with respect to Heath Road and Heath Circle construction, fromthirty to sicty days beysnd the June 1 deadline. It was explained that inclement weather conditions this spring had made the completion of the work next to impossible. ~airman Finck stated he felt a thirty day extenslen was sufficient. Mr. Ftnneran motioned a conditional extension be granted (of thirty days) , that this be conditional subject to the approvel of the Planning Board, and that the Pla.~ing Board be requested to acto on the matter. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded this motion and there was a unanimous vote. PLEASANT STREET EASEMENTS The board accepted aletter fron Atty. Vincent C. Curcio relative to the procurement of the necessary easements relative to tho installation of an underground drain on Pleasant street. Arty Curcio stated as soon as he had the necessary information fron Highway Surveyor Ira. D. Carry, he would proceed with the matter. TAX CC~LECTOR The board accepted a letter from James H. Dewhirst, Tax Collector requesting an opportunity to meet with the Selectmen to discuss Chapter 80 Assessments. The board directed that Mr. Dewhirst meet with the Selectmen on any convenient Monday evening. BUILDING CGDE A letter was received from the Planning Board recommending the Selectmen take the necessary steps for the adoption of the Building Code. Mr. Finneran suggested ~he Selectmen hold a public hearing to hear the townspeoples feelings on the matter. Mr. Fiuneran stated he felt the pubLis should also be made a~re of the Building Code proposal of the Fire Chief, and that of the Planning Board. Mr. Finck agreed that the people should know what they are voting on at town meeting. Mr. Sutcliffe feels the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Planning Board and Selectmen should be the parties tOnconsider the matter. He stated he was in favor of the hearing, but confident the townspeople would not understand the code proposed by Mr. Black~eell. It was decided to meet next week with the Planning Board, Building Inspector and Fire Chief to discuss the matter and possibly set a date for public hearing. JGHN T. BIAC~LL The board received a letter from John T. Blac~el!, Planning Consultant, relative to sponsorship of zoning amemdment proposals. He quoted section l0 of the Zoning Amendments and added that the Planning Board could act on its own initiative at the request of another town board, such as the Selectmen. AMERICAN LEGION BATNING BEA~ In reply to the Selectmen's letter requesting the Board of Public works consider opening the Stevens Pond bathing beach immediately upon the closing of the public schools, a letter from the Beard of PubLic Works signed by ~r. Deffy stated the AdvisOry Board had refused to consider opening the beach at an earlier date than June 23, 1958 and had approved a budget for a ten week period only. Mm. Sutcliffe motioned the Superintendent of Public Works and G~airman of the Advisory Board be invited to meeting of noxt week to discuss opening the beach at an earlier date-to prevent hazards of previous years and to insure the public with the proper protection at all times. Mr. Finneran seconded this motion and it was voted upon uamnimously. SETE P~VUE - T~ GARAGE Mr. Charles L. Qnigg, Jr. appeared before the Board of Selectmen and offered agree- merits relative to the hiring of a consultant for the purpose of conducting a site- plan revi~ for a new town garage. The board stated they would study the agreements and advise Mr. Quigg of any decision of the board in regard to this matter. 372 May 26, 1958 - continued ~ERGROUND STORAGE 0FFUEL 0IL Hcaringwas set for June 9, 295§ at 7:30 P.M. on the application by Dr. Philip C. Gnariui for a license ~o store 5,000 gallons of ~5 fuel oil underground at ~hady Knoll Nursing home on Prescott Street, North Andover. Fire Chief James P. Daw had approved the application. OUTDOOR SIGM An application for an outdoor sign by Edward W. Saul, Turnpike Gas Station was referred to the B~ilding Inspector for action. LAWRENCE GAS CC~PANY Lawrence gas Co. request to excavate at Ando~er Street between Turnpike amd Peters Streets to repair a gas main ~ras unasimouslygranted with the approval of Mr. Duffy. POLE LOCATI C~S A request for Joint ownership of poles on Hillside Avenue and Johnson Street by Ne~.~ England Tel. & Tel. Co. and Merrimack-Essex Electric Company was unanimously granted by the Board of Selectmen. A hearing for Ju~e 9, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. set on petition of Merrimack -Essex Electric Co. and New England Tel. & Tel. Co. for the repLacement of a pole on Adams Avenue. BLANKET H0~STY BO~D A Blanket Honesty Bond for town employees submitted by the Coffin Insurance Agency x~s approved by the board smd signed by Chairman Ralph E. Finck. MRS. ABBOT STEVENS A letter from Mrs. Abbot Stevens thanked the board for their kind expression of sympathy and for the tribute paidMr. Stevens in the resolutions offerred by the board in b~haLf of the Town of North Andover. FIREARm, S APPLI CATI ON Application for a firearms license by Mr. John R, Robinson, 26 ~hapin Road was considered by the board amd request was made that Mm. Robinson appear before the Board on this ~irst applieat~on, the usual procedure on first applications. BONELLI - CORRADINO PROPC~AL Mr. Bone21i appeared before the board with estimates on the cost of Hot-topping the area behind their business establishmen~ for the purpose of off-street parking. ~r. Finck stated hte matter should be taken under advisement until such time as Selectmen hear from the Board of Trade on the matter. Mr. Finck stated the School Committee is interested in just how much land is involved in the proposal. Mr. - Bonelli stated Mr. Chandler had been dc~,m to inspect the area and the amount of land had ~een discussed. Mr. Bonelli added that it is not imperative mo his business to have a parking area but that he is still interested in obtaining the additional land from the School Depar.tm. ent to widen the roadway. He stated it is almost impossible for trucks to gain entrance into the alley-~y as the roadway now exists. The board suggested ~mo Bonelli see Mr. Chandler to discuss the land to be obtained and seek approval of the Sd~ool Committee. ~NTTED SHOE ~YFACTURING CORPORATIC~ Mr. Finneran suggested the board seek an agreement from the United Shoe Machinery Corp. relative to their representations in regard to land where the~ proposeto build a ne~ factory. He suggested they include their offer to contribute $2500. to the cost of the new road~.my, and that such agreement be presented to the board by ne~t Monday. Chairman Finck and ~. Sutcliffe agreed wholeheartedly and it ~ras voted that such a representation be requested from Atty. Millar representing the firm and that the proposed purchase of land from ~r. Lund and Mr. Colgate also be invluded. NORTH ANDOVERBOOSTER CLUB The board accepted an invitation from the Booster Club to ~articipate in the parade on Sunday, June l, 1958 at 1:30 P.M. in ~onor of theepening of the Little ZeagueEnseballSeason. The board stated they would make every effort to participate. ~.ORZAL II~Y ~E~CEND Motion made by Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously that Tox~ Building Offices desirous of the closing of their office on Saturday, May 31, to create a long holiday weekend, do so at their own discretion and to notify the public through the newspaper. ESSEX. BITUNINOUS CC~G~ETE CORP. The board voted to request Essex Bituminous Concrete Corp. to appear on Wednesday afternoon to sign the contract for the reconstruction of High and Park Streets. G~APTER 90 ~INTENAMCE It was voted to notify the District Engineer that contract for Ahapter 90 ~intenance 373 May 26, 1958 continued- on Waverly Road, Plea~-~ut Street and Greene Street had been a~rded to Merrimack Paving Corp. and that it would bo appreciated if a District Highway Engineer would contact the Highway and PubLic Works Department on plans and specifications as soon as possible. RETLPJ~' C.~TIFIED CHECKS it was directed that certified checks for 1,000 dollars be returned to contractors having submitted them on ~ids for High and Park s~reets by certified mail. REG~ATIONAL COUNCIL ~. McEvoy and Mr. Bonauno appeared before the beard with the l~st of playE~oung instructors appointed for the year !958. Mr. McEvoy stated the list ~ould be typed and submitted to the Selectmen shortly. The Beard of Selectmen approved the appointments by the Recreational Council. Discussion took p!~ee on the membership to the Recreational Council. Mr. -Finck asked Mr. McEvoy if he was satisfied in the change to five members this year rather than' the weven members of other years. Mr. McEvoy stated he prefers the seven members and mentioned the wonderful work of the past year by formes member John Moran ~o was eliminated when the membership was reduced to five this year. Mr. PLuck stated he would go along with G~aimman of the Recreational Council that ~a seven man board be appointed and reco~,~end John Morna be reappointed. Mr Finneran stated his feelings on rccord and that he ~ould be glad to hear recommendations of the Recreational Co~ucil before next annual appointments. Mr. SutcLiffe stated he feels the smae an Mr. Finneran and is in favor of a five man board but would honor recommendations of the Council previous to next annual mappointments. Mr. Boaanuo stated he ~t along with Ma'. McEvoy as f~ as Mr. Moran was concerned. BOARD OF PUBLIC WOREB ,The board suggested a letter be sent to the Board of PubLic ~Yorks requesting that any work planned for streetsto be hot-topped be completed previous to hot-topping operations .... It was also suggested that rep~ws be made to excavations on Middlesex, Second and Sutton Streets. PGLICE DEPARtmENT ;~r. Sutcliffe suggested the Chief of Police be called in to discuss a traffic officer on ~duty on Main Street as promised a year ago. Mr. Sutmlfefe stated one was observed for ~bout two ~.~eks and hasn ~t been seen since. Mr. Finneran suggested the Chief be asked to institute ~ Traffic Education Prograr. and that it be a consistant one with a traffic cop on the beat. Mr. Finck stated ~pter 90, Section 28, relative to no-fix tickets should be adopted by the department. Mr. Finneran .suggested a check program on the care of the new cruisers and Mr. Finck suggested a Patrolman SpeciaList Safety Officer and Maintenance M~n in the Police Department be discussed with the Chief. It was decided the Chief be invited to next Monday meeting and that the above subjects for discussion be placed on the agenda. A letter was directed to Mr. Dewey A. Dyer, Director of Civil Defence, relative to the listing of his telephone number for the convenience of the pubLic. 2b/s was felt to be a reasonable request as the town pays for the telephone service. Mr. Dyer's phone number ts at present ~,~ eted. TGi! GARAGE The board directed ~r. P~lph Brasseur, ~ugineer, be requested to meet with the board on Wednesday, Ma~ 28, at 2:15 P.M. to discuss a site-plan revue for a new town garage. G~LPTER 9O DALE STREET As estimate request for payment to Martin M~*let Construction Co. for $2,730.60 to be paid by the town for work performed to date on Dale Street was approved by the board. May 2~, 1958 Atty. Flnck called to request that letters be sent to Mr. S. Forbes Rockwell and Mr. Bridges requesting they attend meeting of the hoard on June 2, 1958 at 8:15 P.M. r ~l~tive to United Shoe Mach. Corp. proposal to locate a new factory in the town of North Andover. Letters wer~ also directed to the Board of PubLic Works, Board of Health and Attorney ~rles Tz~bly to meet with the board on June ~, 1958 relative to land-taking procedures at Iake Cochickewick.