HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-02June 2, 19~8
The Board of Selectmm met on this date with all members present and ~airman
~alph E. Finck presiding.
Application by Mr. Jo.hn R. Robinson, 26 Chopin Road for a firearms license ~as
approved by the board. This was a first application for such.
Chairman Finck read letter from Mr. John 0. Marmaala, County Engineer, relative
to procedure for making certain railroad crossings in the To~.m of North Andover
public ways. Mr. Harmaala submitted a copy of a petition from the countyjfiles
relating to the laying ora railway through a public way. Mr. Finneran motioned
that a petition be prepared for the board by next Monday and that a letter be
sent the County Commissioners requesting information on whether or not other
railroad crossings in town are a public way. Other such crossings are on
Sutton Street, North Main Stzeet, Elm, Chtckering Road, Osgood and Stevens St.
~. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and there was a unanimous vote.
A request for certification of character on application by Mr. Frank D. Ashburn
for incorporation of Independent Schools Foundation of Mass., Inc. was received
from Mr. Edward J. Cronin, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Mr. Finneran mo~ioued
the board certify as to the character of the applicant. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded
the motion and there ~ms a unanimous vote.
The board received approval of appointment of Edward A. Manning as a Reserve
PoLice Officer and signed ~the appointment form.
The board received a notice of public hearing to be held in the office of Division
of Sanitary Engineering, Room 511, State House, Boston On Monday, June 9, 1~58 at
I:30 P.M. fnmm the Department of Public Health and relative to acquisition of land
owned by Arthur B. Colgate at Lake Cochi~d~ewick. Mr. Fin ~k csdled attention to
the meeting to be held on Wednesday~ evening with the Board of Health and Board of
Public 'W~rks relative to this matter.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and Unanimously upheld,
a hearing was s~ for June 16, !958 at 7:30 P.M. on the petition by Merrimack-
Essex Electric Company and New England Tel. & Tel. Co. for the removal tf two
poles, on Great Pond Road.
Recommendations for improved street lighting on F~rgate Road by the Merrimack-Essex
Electric Company were unanimously adopted by the board.
A letter from Mr. Leonard Windle of High Street was ur~nimously referred to
Mr. A1 Boeglin, Engineer in charge of the reconstruction of Nigh Street, with
the suggestion that Mr. Boeglin get in touch with Mr. Windle and explain the
plans for the reconstruction of said Street.
G~airman Finck read the copy of a letter from Mr. William Eruschwitz to the
Board of Health relative to tests on North Andover water sl~uce the removal of.
flouride from the water supply by vote of towa meeting. The letter was accepted
for the files.
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. Finneran, unanimously upheld,
Mr. Joseph Morkeski of Sutton Street was appointed Associate Liaison Officer to
· the Lawrence Airport Commission. Mr. Finck mentioned it was not possible for
the present Liaison Officer, Mr. Paul Greeley, to attend meetings of the
commission and that it was advisable to appoint an associate officer who could
attend such meetings.
Motion made by Mr. Sutcliffe that Mrs. Mabel Merrick be made eligible to the town
group insurance program was seconded by Mr. Finnoran and voted upon unanimously.
It was agreed that Mr. John J. Willis of the Beard of Public Works would also
be eligible and that a communication be sent to the Town Treasurer on the matter.
June 2, 1958- continued-
Mr. Fiuneran stated he noticed in the record of the Selectmen 's Minutes that a
request was made to the County Commissioners, unknown to him, that Dale Streot
be hottopped instead of tarred as stated in the contract. Mr. Finneran stated
he feels it a waste of time to hottop Dale Street and that furthermore it is
not necessary. He stated the added cost would be approximately $1C,000 and
tb~t the specifications in the original contract are satisfactory. Mr. Finck
stated he wanted an analysis of Mr. Finnerans statement regarding the request
for hottop. Mr. Finck stated the board had discussed the matter and the request
was ~made in accordance %~th the wisheo of Mr. Wilkims of the Department of
Public Works. Mr. Finck further added his request was for tmformation relative
to procedure. Mr. Finneran stated he wanted to go on record as not in favor of
hottopping Dale Street and motioned that the board abandon the request and go
along with the specifications of the original contract. Mr. Sutcliffs seconded
the motion and addedhe had not been aware of the request for hottop. Mr. Finck
stated he was opposed bo the motion, that the original contract specified oil
which he felt would be most unsatisfactory. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he was not
in favor of ~iling the road bNt would go along x,lth the contract if it states
Mr. Duffy of the Board of Public Works and ~r. Charles A. Stillwe!l of the
Advisory Board appeared at a meeting scheduled for this time for the purpose
of discussing ,an earlier opening date for the bathing beach as requested
by the Board of Selectmen. Chairman Finck asked how they felt about the open-
~img of the beach on the date §rammar schools close. Mr. Stillwoll stated his
board is not inffavor of opening the beach early, that it was up to the parents
fo keep their children awmy. Mr. Duffy pointed out that life guards would not
be a~ailable until after ~e 20th of ~un% and brought out fact that Advisory
Board had cut their appropriation $450.00 at Town Meeting~ Mr. Stillwel! stated
his board his board in favor if it can be done within the budget. Mr. Sinck
stated it may be possible to place ~. Corcoran, L Supervisor, on early, l~r. Duffy
· stated he felt that was asking Mr. Corcoran to accept too much responsibility.
Mr. ~inck asked if one guard wasnt be~ter than none and called attention to an
incident of a ysar ago when a life could have been lost except for the heroic
actions of a local police officer. Mr. Dully suggested the Selectmen attend
the meeting of the Board of Public Works on LThursday evening and d~scuss the
matter wi~ the full board as he was only a representative of the board. The
Board stated they would do that and added it was tha responsibility t~ the to~n
to give adequate pro~ectien at the bathing beach upon~. the closing of the schools.
Mr.' Duffy brought up matter of raising manholescovers under Chapter 90 project.
That the cos~tw~d amount to approximately $400.00 which would exhaut the
se~er appropriation before the end of year. Mr. Stillwell suggested a transfer
from the Reserve Fund when expenses ~re exhausted as that would constitute an
Mr. Forbes Rock~ell and Mr. T~rner Bridges appeared ~or scheduled meeting with
the board. Mr. Finck acquainted the members of the G~eater Lawrence Steering
Committee for Industrial, Developmmut with the representations of the United
Shoe ~,~chinery Corp., and actions of the To~n im making preparation by
Special Town Meeting in making it possible for the industry to come into the
To~.m of North Andover. Mr. Finck asked Mr. Rockwell and Mr. Bridges to study
the plans and recommendations and make recommendation on whether or not it is advisable
for the business to come into town. ~Lr. Bridges stated it appeared that tax~ise
· revenue would more than cover the expense of the roadway in the first year.Mr.
Rockwell stated it was likely to assume United Shoe would bear half the expense of
~the road. Mr. Roc~ell stated the location was an excellent spotfor it. Mr.
Finck stated the board would be glad to discuss matter of sharing cost of road
and that the matter would be f~rther discussed at the hearing sponsored by the
Planning Board on Thursday evening. The gentlemen were thanked for attending
this meeting.
Mr. Lyons appeared before the board to request the board continue payment of
the T. Clerk telephone bill from To~ Building Funds until next yea~ when
provision for payment of such can be provided inTo~m Clerk expense The board
agreed to do so until such time. Mr. Lyons also mentioned duties of To~m Clerk
involve handling of gasoline storage licenses and fuel oil storage licenses.
Mr. Finck stated it was his feeling that anything initiating in thio office
should ramain herc. Mr. Lyons stated that actually the application should be
ir~tiated through his office, that the Selectmen set date of public hearing
and hold said hearing, but preparation and .~ompletion of said licenses should
take place in his office. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the To:m Clerk be a~lowed
to handle the matter. Mr. Fiuneran oeconded Mr. Sutcliffe's motion and the
vote was unanimous.
U~ne 2, 1958 - con'hued
The Planning Board, ~ilding Inspector and Fire Chief ~.~erc present at a scheduled meeting
with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the adoption of a building code and the
setting of a public hearing on the matter. Mr. Finck stated the Selectmen's
feeling that the code proposed by the planning Board and that proposed by the
Fire Chief should be explained to the townspeople. Mr. Barmen and Chief Daw
discussed the proposed codes. Mr. Da~ stated the code prepared by Mr. Black~zell
~s not applicable to future building and that the National Building Code
A hearing ~ms cot for June 18, 1958 at 7:~0 P.M. in the Bradstreet School. Mr.
Finneran suggested copies of the codes be left in this office for the benefit
of the public who may ~..dsh to view said codes previous to the hearing.
In reference to the request of the Cyr Construction Company for an extension
of performance ur. der contract bond for Sutton Hill Co. in reference to the
construction of Heath Road and Heath Circle, F~. Bannon stated the Planning
Board had voted to go along with the vote of the Selectmen to e~bend said
performance for a period of thirty days.
It ~s voted to request the Police Department install "Slow Children" signs
on Great Fond Road near the residence of A.D. Barns, at crest of hill~ and on
Dale Street near the Lantern Corporation project.
Thc board voted to grant request of Mrs. Teal to rope off Academy Road to
the Historical Society in addition to streets previously named for the occasion
of the North Parish Annual Church Fair to take place on June 7, 19~8.
The board voted to send a letter to the School Building Committe r~lattve to
a complaint that surface ;eater in the location of the new elementary school
site ~ns draining off onto He~..~tt Avenue and causing considerable damage to
road and property. It ~ms rcquested that action be taken to eliminate the
condition especially when installing ourface ~.ater drains inthis area.
June 3, 1958
Chairman .Ralph E. Finck directed a letter be sent to Mr. Henry Wilkins of
the Department of Public %.Iorks~ Danvers, requesting all facts and f~gures
relative to the hottopping of Dale Street and that a co~y of which be given
Mr. Firm. oran ·
June 5, 1958
It ~s directed that a letter be sent to the Department of Natural Resources
requesting a sign rc~ding "B01~ORD ST2TE FC~EST" be changed to read "State
Forest" as this sign ia located on C~mpbell Road9 North ~dover and is mic-
leadinE to motoristc as they think they are in Boxford when they actually
are in the Tm~m of North Andover. It ~:ms also directed that a copy of this
letter bc sent t~ Mr. Rodgdon ~ose residence is located near this sign.
une 9, 1958
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman
Ralph E o Finck presiding.
First application for a firearms license by Mr. F~li~.DBnh~tt~, ~ ~aipin
~t~i, w~s approved by the board and signed by Chairman Finck.
A group of interested North Andover residents appeared before the board to
request the American Legion Bathing Beach be opened immediately ~pon the
closing of the grammar schools. Atty. Finck e:~l~ined the situat~ or. in so
far as the Advisory Board and Board of Public Works ~s concerned and recalled
the situation of last year when except for the he~otc efforts of a local police
officer a child may have drowned. Residents asked what could be done to bring
about an c~l.~opening of the beach and ~ms advised by the board to contact the
Board of N~' and Advisory Board on the matter. The Selectmen assured those
present they were very much in favor of the opening of the beach as soon as
school closed.
Upon recommendation of Tree l.~arden John J. Comtors tho board voted to grant
petition of 2.~ss Catherine Lavin that a tree in front of her home bo removed.