HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-09June 9, 1958 - continued POLE LOCATION Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously, petition by New 'England Tel. & Tel Co. and Nerrtmack-Ecsex Electric Company for the removal of one pole on Adams Avenue ~..~s granted. S~PY~E OF F~ OIL Et a scheduled hearing on the application ofMr. Philip C. Guarini, M.D. for a license to store underground 5,000 gallons of fuel oil at Shady Kuoll Nursing Home, 140 Prescott Street, the Selectmen voted unanim~usly to grant said licm~se. At this point in the meeting the Board of Selectmen left to attend a specfa~ town meeting at the North Andover High School Auditorium. The Selectmen re- turned at 9:30 to resume their meeting. J~HN WIT,T.IS ARTICLE Atty. ~Yil!is appeardd before the board to discuss Article 24 passed at Annual T~ Meeting and for which he ~e the petitioner. Aparent!y this article responsible for all articles concerned with United Shoe Machinery Corp. being stricken from the Warrant for this special town meeting. Mr. ~'Sllis stated the article as approved by the Attorney General and cited by Town Moderator was not the came wording as his article in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting and that Tox~n Clerk Mr. Lyons must be responsible £or the change in wording. I~r. Finck stated he never ~ms in favor of the article as it denies the people their right ~ vote. Mr. Willis stated he was here to request that at next special or annual town meeting he be allo~ed to submit the article in its proper original form. The board suggested Mr. Wi~l~s prepare the article and submit it to the Selectmen andit ~uld be included in the ~.~rrant for next to~m meeting. Mr. W~l~ts stated he ~uld do so. S~.TOR K~NEDY Chairman Finck read a letter from Senator Eennedy r~lative to land-taking a~ the La'~rence !~unicipal Airport by the La~mence Air~prt Commission. Senator Kennedy suggested the board continue to discuss the matter with the Airport Commission. Mr. Finck stated Mr. Morkeski, recently appointed Liaison Officer to the Co~,~,~ssion had at~ended the last t~ meetings and was keenly observing the actions of the commission. PLEASANT STREET DRAINAGE Chairman Pinck read letter from Atty. Vincent Curcio relatige to accomplishment of Article 30 of the 1958Annual To~.mWarrant and bill for legal services in the amc~ut of 75.00 was approved. STREAM & F~T CLUB- B~,TON GLOBE Chairman PLuck read a letter from the Stream & Forest Club of the Boston Globe stating their desire to purchase land on Boxford Street for a conservation camp and their intention to construct a trout pond and erect an approved target range. Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by~m. Sutcliffe and put to e unanimous vote, it %ms agreed to set up a meeting on June 23, 1958 at 8:30 P.M. to -~.ich representatives of the Stream & Forest Club, the North Andover Planning Board and Board of Public Works should be invited. PK~S G~ BOARD The Bm rd of Selectmen accepted a letter from the Personnel Board relative to vacation and sick leave provisions of the Wage & Salary By-Law. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORF£ Chairman Finck read letter from the Board of Public k~orks requesting police enforcement of la~ protecting the water supply. The letter also requests police protection to Public Works employees and public %~en %~rking on ~ter insta31~_tions. The board voted upon recommendation of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcltffe and voted unanimously to refer the communication to the Chief of Police for recommendation. APP OI~,~f~2~ TS The follo~,ing appointments of cpecial police officers ~cr¢ made by the Selectmen upon request of Civil Defense ~irecter Dewey A. Dyer: Edw~rdLaycock, 91Main Street Joseph Bumyea, Pleasant Stree~ Anthony Furnari, 224Marblehead POLE LOCATI ON :~ hearing was set for June 23, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. on petition of New England Tel & Tel. Co. and Merrimack-Essex Electric Co~pan~ for the placcmcnt of a pole on Beverly Street. ADDING FA CFI~E An agreement on the maintenance of an adding machine in the Sclcctmen~s Office was June 9, 1958 - continued referred to the Department of Public ~elfare. GAS COMPA~.~ Y A ~as ~ompany request ,to excavate on Andover to repair a gas main was granted by the Selectmen upon approval of Mr. William B. Duffy, Sup 't. Public ~.~orks. June 2.1, 1958 On this date the following matters were acted upon by the Board of Selectmen: PC~IC~DEPAR~CENT A letter ~ms directed to the Essex County Retirement Board relative to the questionable necessity of the retirement of the North Andover Chief of Police at age 65. All information relative thereto ~s requested. A letter '~s directed to the Chief of Police requesting a patrolman on Main St. (~mlk~ng) daily and r~ghtlyand that a report of the number of hours patroled be ~bmitted eachMondayto the board. A careful chcck of speed violations was also requested. It was further requested t~at the stop sign and cross ~mlk on Hcrrick Roadbe painted as soon as the road has been hottopped. £ letter ~ms directed to A-B corporation requesting price mn~ormation on a certain emblem for the Police Department. June 16, ].958 The Board of Selectmen held their u~mlweekly meeting on this date with all members present and ~.~rm~n P~lph E. Finck presiding. POLE LO~ON Petition by New England Tel. & Tel. Co and Merrimack-Esoex Electric Company for the remedial of two poles on M~rbleridge Road was unanimously granted upon motion of Mm. Finnerm~ seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe. S~.00L BUILDING COM~TTEE ~hairman P~lph E. Finck read letter from Chairman F. B. Kittredge of the School Building Cemmittee relative to surface ;rater drainage at the new elementa~ school site. ~M. Kittredge stated Sclectmen's letter had been referred to the contractors that proper draimage may be installed. STREET LICHTING Lerrimack ~ Elec. Col that street lights had The board accepted notice fro~ been installed on poles 2095 and ~;304 on M~rgate Road. The board accepted Mass. Depar~ent of Public Health notice of a~p~owl of acq- uisition of land for the protection of Lake Cochiche'~ick, the town water suppler. GAS G~[Y P~QU~T At the suggestion of Mr. Finck the board held off action on request of Gas Company to excavate on Academy Road (near #147) to install a gas main until information was received from the Planning Board relative to ~.~ether or not pland for a sub- divi8ion in ~e area had been approved by their board. The board directed letter requesting such information be sent the PLanning Board. TU,'$[HISTORY Mr. Finneran read letter frem~.~. William D. Harris, Houston, Texas, former N. A. resident, requesting a copy of the History of North Andover published, as he thought, during the Centenial of 1955. The board suggested Mr. Harris be advised that thehistory is not yet available and that;Cts. McQuesten be sent a copy of this letter. INJURY P~P ORT Dr. Florence J. Hood, Chiroposidt, sent report of injury to patient ~.~ry Nandry, Summer Street, North Andovcr, ~o received ank~Le injury due to hole in road on March 2~, 1958. Teport stated incident immediately reported to Police and , Highway Departmnets. A bill ~,~s enclosed for $102.00. The Board of Selectmen voted to request a report from the Highx.~y and Police Dep~rtmcnts before taking any action on the matter. Motion by Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and a unanimous ' ~te. C.D. CGM~.~dNI~TZON S~TEM C0.~PLtINT Chairman Finck road letter from ~. William F. Howarth, 2~7 Fa~dlese~.Stre~t, in complaint of Civil Defense comzauutcation set up in To~m of North Andover. Mr. Sutcliffe mot!sued a conference be set for Juno 30, 1958 mt 8:30 P.M. to which Mr. Howarth, his rails operators and C.D. Director Dewey A. Dyer be invited. Thic ~mc voted upon unanimously.