HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-16June 16, 1958 - continued STRFAM & FO~W~ST CLUB - BOETON GLOBE The board dizected invi~ttions ~o the meeting of June 23, 8:30 P.M. rcLutivc to pi~opozal of the Stream & Forest Club of the Boston Globe be sent to Mr. Antoni Szelest of Bedford Street and Mm. Carl Thomas of Ashland Street, interested parties to this matter. TRAFFIC P~PORT The Board accepted the weekly Poltce Repast submitted by ChiefMcKee and tags issued by his department from June l, 1958 to present date, relative to illegal parking on Mains Street and other traffic violations. MARB~.D STREET P~ILR ~0AD CBOSSING A prepared petition and plans to the County Commissioner requesting that M~rble- head Street railroad crossing be made a public ~my under Chapter 160, Section 104 of the General Laws, were approved by the board. It was agreed they be submit- ted to ~he County Commissioners immediately. AMEN~T TO TP.%FFIC RULES A~) GtDERS The board voted unanimously to adopt the following amm~dment to Article VII, Sect ion l0 of the Traffic Rules and Orders, enacted by the Selectmen on May 9, 1938, so as to read: Northeast bound drivers on Herrick Road at Middlesex Stree~ South~.~est bound drivers on Third Street at Middlesex Street .~!orth and southbound drivers on Greene Street at Middlesex Street Said amendment to be advertised and certified copies sent to the Department of ~blic Works' of the Commonwealth. The above action of the board is a necessary part of procedure when seeking approval from Mass. Department of Public Works of the erection of isolated stop signs. SPEEDIHG Mr. Robert P. Dalude, Mr. Richard Lafond and ?.~. Frank Slipp, residents of Stevens Corner area appeared before Selectmen to protest excessive speeding through the Stevens Corner intersection and area. ;~. Lafond related incident of the afternoon ~zhen a car traveling at a terriffic speed hit a b~mp and all four ~eels left the road. The ear ~.~ent out of control and ended up on a neighbors la~m. He mentioned the many children in the area and that the accid- ent could have been serious. He stated he contacted the Police Departmcnt and Officer Sullivan investigated the accident. The driver of the car was found to be involved in another accidezut the previous e~ning. M~. Lafond added the car was impounded because of fault~, break~. The driver of the car was a 16 )mar old boy xdth 'a license of four da~, and it ~s mentioned that his license may be revoked. It was suggested that stop signs be placed at all streets intersecting Osgood Street high~ay. Mr. Ftnck stated beard ~r~ld seek approval of the State Dep~rtment of Public Works on installation of signs. Mr. Dulude stated residents would certainly appreciate this action of the board. Those present were thanked for bringing the matter 'to the attention of the Selectmen. The board directed the Department of ~ublic ]'.~orks be petitioned for approval of said stop signs. TRANSFER FRG~ RESERVE FUND Chairman ~harles A. Stillwe!l returned Advisory Board approval of request for transfer of $1,000. from the Reserve Fund to the Contingent Fund. Discussion took place on legal feem and Mr. Finck e~plaimed Selectmen's duty under statutes to authorize the hiring of legal counsel for all departments, except school. WEEKLY WARRA~ The weekly ~mrrant for payrolls and bills pa~mble ~,as unanimously approved by the Selectmen in the presence of To~n Treasurer, James J. Maker. Mr. Sutcliffe brought up matter of police enforcement of law forbidding out-of- town residents from fishing and boating on Lake Cochichewick. Mr. ?inneran mentioned la:¢ passed in 1912 restricting the lake to town residents only. Discussion took place on appointment of a Deputy Conservation Warden under the · statutes. Mr. Sutcliffe stated Mr. Walter Stamp ~.ms willing to volunteer his services in such ~ capacity, without pay, provided he had ~the authority of en- forcement. Authority of Fish Warden or Special Police Officer, or both, discussed by ~he board. ~r. Finck felt the board did not have power to appoint such authority in this instance. ~. Finneran stated he felt if any board has the power it would be this one. Mr. Sutcl~ffe motioned the board invest police powers to enforce tbis law in the person of Mr~ Stamp, Sp. Police Officer. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion. Mr. Finck apposed and stmted he felt the board had no such authority under the statutes and would only subject individuals to false arrest. 88O Juno !6, 1958 - continued - TREE C0~LAINT Mr. Sutcliffe stated Mr. Proctor of ~oodsteck Road had .called his and Mr. Conners attention to a dead ~ree on property owned by Mr. A~thur Colgate which constituted a ha~rd to c~l~en and residents. He s~ted the ~ee ~'larden ~d responded the trec be removed ~t ~at it is not under his ~u~sdic~ on it is on pr~te property. ~e B~rd voted to sen~ Mr. ~lgate a let~r request- ing he ha~ the tree r~oved as it is a t~eat to the ~ety ~nd ~e~are of ~il~en and residents ~f the neighborhood. L~ COG~ECE ~-TA~ ~. ~ck ~ggested a meeting ~th the ~ard of Health and their legal ~sel bm held on J~e 2~, 19~8 at 8:00.P.M. to discuss ~nd-~ng procedure of the land to be ~ken for ~e protectzon of the ~orth ~ndover ~ter ~pply at ~chtche~ck. The board a~eed to hold this meeting. ~E 24, 19~8 A~ TG~ ~i~n Finck ~ggested a meeting ~th the Ad~sory BOard and To~m Moderat~ to dls~cs Article 2h adopted at A~ual To~ Meeting ~d the necessary precedes to be followed ~ ~end this B~Law off coting the rights of the ~speople to vote on Special ~c~.m ~.~eeting ~tters in~l~g ~oney. The board a~eed to schedule sai~ meet~g for J~e ~0, 19~8 at 9:00 P.M. Z~NG ~TT~ Mr. ~meran s~ted ~ resident had asked h~ if the new Zou~ng By-La~ allowed a t:zo f~y home to be con~erted to a four f~ly house ~d refe~ed to a recent con~rslon ~ng place in to~. He ~dded t~t t~.~ ~ars ago residen~ ~d been re~sed ~ch a re~est by the Boar~ of App~ls. ~. ~nn- oran motioned the p~v~g B~rd be cOn~cted for t~o~tiou re,tire to ne~- Zoning pro~sions for s~e. ~. ~tcliffe seconded the ~otion and ~ere was a Unsnaps ~ote. ARTI ~E 5!, 1958 A~..WUAL TG~N i"~ET!NG ~e board sUggested Mr. Carry affix his glo-nature to contract for resurfacing streets under Article 51, 1958 Annual To~m Meeting and that he also sign the vOuchers for payment of bills under.this article. -h~A~ ~ S COP~2SP 0~DE; T Mr. Robert Finneran iV-%rmed the board that he hod recently been assigned Tribune Correspondent ~o the To~m of Andover and that his duties as such for the To~m of .~orth ~dover ~.~ld terminate around the first of July. He stated Mr. Frank ~mphy would assume duties of North Andover Correspondent at that time. (Mr. Murphy is no~ Andover reporter and was formerly North Andover Reporter. ) The · board ex~ressed their regret Lu losing ~. Finneran and congratulated him for the excellent performance of his duties ~.ile in the town of North Andover. PP~CZNCT WOR~S Letters ~mre directed to the chairmen of thc Republican and Democratic To~ Committees requesting lists of those eligible to work as precinct officers be submitted the Board of Selectmen no= later than July 1, 1958. June 23, 1958 TS.~ Board of Selectmen held their regular ~.~eekly meeting onthis date ~ith all members present and Chairman Finck presiding. JOINT PGLE LO~&T!~ The board approved a petition by Merrimack-Essex =lectricW Company and .~ew ~hgland Tel. Tel. Co. for the placir~ of one pole on Beverly Street. C~{APTER 90 ~?~INT~L~NCE The board considered copies of ~hapter 90 I'Iaintenance agreement for work to be done on Bo.xford Street, Waverly Road and Pleasant Street. The board qUestioned the footage of roadway outlined in the agreement and it was directed that Mr. Pm!ney of the State Department of Public Works be contacted to meet with the Selectmen on %ledn. esday afternoon to discuss this phase of the agreement. D;.LE STREET The board approved payment of estimate on work accomplished to date on Dale Street and directed the High~y Department be notified said estimate be paid. BOXF~ STATE FGREST Tho board accepted a letter from the Depa~;tment of k~atural Resources stating a sign reading '~oxford State Forest" on Campbell road North Andover will be changed by deleting the word Bo:~.ford. This ~.~ill avoid con/~sion to drivers ~.~o may think they are in Boaford when they are actually still in the To:,.m. of North &ndover. The BOard directed a copy of this letter be sent to ~,M. Hodgdou of Ca~pbell road and that he be thanked for calling this to our attention,