HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-23June 23, 1958 - continued:
Chairman Finck read the recommendations and suggestions for improvement of to~
e~ipment for protection aga~st fire fr~ the ~tual Fire Inspection ~r~u
of New ~g~nd. ~, Sutcliffe motioned the letter be referred to the Fire ~ief
and t~t he be directed zo con. ct the S~ool Depar~ent on rec~en~tions
conceding their department. ~is ~s a~eed to ~n~s!7.
~e b~rd cen~dered ~ letter fro~ the P~ng Bo~ in reply to bo~rd re~est
for ~o~tion re~tive to Gas Company re~est to lns~ll gas se~ce to
~ildtng on fo~er Bolton property off ~estnut Street. The letter s~ted there
was nothing before their boar~ conce~g the ~bdi~sion of ~is ~nd. ~.
~ueran motioned the Gas Co,any rc~est and copy of Pla~ing Bo~d letter be
refe~ed to ~. ~fy, ~t he ~y apprc~ the re~est before the Selectmen ~ke
~ther ~ction on the ~tter. The ~ard a~eed ~sly.
P~k~NG B~
~e board considere~ letter from Pla~ Board ~ reply to bo~d request for
~o~tion re,tire to pro~sions under the new Eoning By-Law oe~ining to
the conversion of a t?zo f~ly house to a four f~ly restdence~ P~ing
Board s~ted a~ ~ch ~uces must first go before the Board of App~ls
for appro~l. ~t ~s ~er s~ted ~e ~il~g Inspector h~d not isle
a ~ld~ug pe~lt for ~ch~ ~til a pubic hea~g ~d been held by the Board
of Appeals. It ~s ~ggested a c~y of this letter be sent ~ ~e ~ild~g
The board received information from ~. John T. Blac~,ell, Planning Consultant,
relative to new motel provisions and regulations.
The board accepted the ~mekly report of trafficcviolations and tickets issued for
same from the Chief of Police. The board viewed patches for the Police uniforms
ar~ directed t75 poises of emblem 319 be ord~red~ the cost of which ~i~l come out
of Police Depsm~ment E~.~enses.
~'~n reference ~ a bill from Dr. Florence ~. Hood ~or diagnosis and treatment of
patient ~hry ~hndry, Summer Street, North Andover was considered along ~fth report
from tho Police Department a~ High~y S~rveyor. Chief McKee stated Mrs. Mar~ry
reported her ~_njury to his department on ¥~rch 24, 1958 at 3:45 P.M. Nr. Catty
stated there was no record of report in his files. The urmnimcus decision of
the Beard of Selectmen ~.~s that the To:m of North Andover was net responsible
for this bill ~mder the provisions of the Statutes.
~YA .~Y R~D
Nm. Robert Finneran appeared before the board as a to~m citizen and asked if
I~averly Road at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue could be repaired. That
the road at this section ~ms badly ~uudermLued. The board stated they ~ould
investigate the situation and advise h~.m on action that may be taken,
Chairman PTnck read a notice from Divil Defense Director s~ating the suspension
of traffic direction by auxiliary police for the summer.
A copy of letter from ..v~. Duffy to Chief NcKee rel~tive to assigning a police
officer to Osgood Street for the protection of Public Works employees working
to install ~..uter service to new building nex~ to the Little Red School House,,
~s read into the minutes.
~r. Harvey of Prescott Stmeet appeared before the board to inquire if an~*Zuing
on the ~genda pertained to Prescott Street. Mr. Harvey stated he didnt feel the
residents of Prescott Street ~.~re informed of the United Shoe Mash, Corp. proposal
as soon as pocsib!e and thus his reason for present inquiry. ~hairman Finck assured
Mr. H~rvey he had been informed through the mcdtRm of the newspaper the day follo~ing
the Seloctmen's receipt of the proposal. Mr. Harvey stated it didn't look that ~y
that as far as he ~ss concerned it looked as if the Selectmen ~,~ere tr~ing to hide
something or put something o~r. The boa~d explained their only duty was to present
the proposal to the to~mspeople at special To~m Meeting as soon as possible. Mr.
Finneran stated the record of minutes of c~ meeting are open to ~fev and ~ll show
no action by the Selectmen on matter other than presenting to to~m meeting. Mr.
Finck stated he resented the inference tl~t Tc~,?. Officials ;~uld attempt to hide
anth~r.g from thc toL~spcople.~,~. Finck .~rthcr stated the residents ~mre informed
by the ne;.~cpaper ~nd thr~,gh notice to abutters from the P!~nn~nE Board.
June 23, continued:
Mr. Harvey then brought up matter of a zafety hazard at corner of Prescott Street
and Chickoring Road. He ztated high bruch s_ud grass obliterates the view on the
left coming onto the higb~y and that a wide curve of two lame traffic on the
right creates a danger ~;hen entering tho high~Y from Prescott Street. ~. Harve~
stated ho had reported the matter to the Police Department but ~.ms advising the
selectmen of the situation .~lso i-u an effort to get come action on the matter.
Mr. Finneran motioned the Police Department be checked for any action they may have
taken on the matter and that the board then -~u-ite to the Department of Public
~orks requesting they take the necessary steps to relieve the hazardOUs conditions
from thi~ intersection. Mr.. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and there ~as a urm nlm-
CUe vote.
Dr. Kay, Mr. C~ron and Attorney Charles Tz~mbly appeared before the board for
a meeting scheduled for this time. Discussion took place ~ the amount of lsmd
to be taken at Lake Cochichewtck ~uder article 8 of June 9, 1958 Special Town
Meeting. Atty. T~ombly statedt~he~State Department of Public Health had rec~mmend-
ed the whole parcel, house and filling station, be taken for the protection of
the ~uter supply. Dr. gay stated the North Andover Board of Health has goneoon
record as recommending the same. The hoard voted unanimously to go along. ~,Lth
the recommendation of the Board of Health. Atty. Trembly ~s advised to prepare
the land-taking procedure. Mr. Finck asked about the tf~ne involved and ~... Tr~o~blY
advised about thirty days. The cost ~s est,.mated at ,$9,600.
Boston Globe Stream and Forest Dlub Proposal:
~. Larsou and two fellow members of the Stream and Forest Club of the Boston Globs
(~airman Sulli~un and' Mr. Dully of the Board of Public Works and residents ~. Carl
Thomas, Mr. Robert Tool, ~. Sz~lect, interested parties to the matter appeared at
a meeting scheduled for this tine. Mr. Larsou explained his proposal to convert
the present building on this property on Boxford Street into a club house for their
members and te eventually~construct a~trcut pond and target range. Mr. Thomas
asked if the pond ~;ould' interfere in any ~y with the present brooks in the area~
and was assured it would not as the law ~.~uld prevent thom f~om doing se. Mr. Lateen
stated the Club intent to be a benefit and asset to the commmmuity. That the target
range range would be in conformity ~th state and local safety dep~rtment regulations.
Mr. Lateen stated they ~.~ere not a poor club and that club house and area :.mmuld not
be an eyesore to the public. He added tha~ thay ~uld ge glad to share their facil&
ities ~.rith local, scout groups, members of the Police Department who may desire _~to use
the target.range and any townspeople :.f~o have previOUsly enjoyed the area for. hunting
purposed etc. Mr. Szelest stated as long as they did not post the land keeping out
he and his friends ~.fno often have.used the area for hunting, or flood his land he would
not protest. Mm. _~inck asked ~d~en a definite plan of the l~cation could be presented
to the board and ~.~s assured by the middle of J~ly. Mr. Sutcliffe asked how many
members in the Club and ~.~s told appromdmately 145. ?;m. Einck suggested the meeting
be adjourned and asked if the members of the Public Works department had any questions
to ask. ~.~. D~ffy and ~.~. Shul~i~n stated there :.mrs no questions. ;;m. Fiuck
suggested the Club representatives meet ~*ith the Plarmimg Board on July 7:1958 as
they had rei~sed to attend this meeting stating they only met on matters or.. their
appointed meeting. The Club membzrs stated they would do this and the meeting
· adJourned.
Mr. Bonslli left a plan ~.th the Selectmen concerning the strip of land o~med by
the School Department ~nd ~ich ~zonld be necessary to enlarge the drive,my into
his proper~. The board directed the school Department be contacted Friday morning
for their decision relative to this matter.
p0hrD S.W~EET
Motion made by ~!r. Sutcliffe that the Department of Public Works be contacted
to make necessary repairc to Pond Street, a Chapter 90 road, that the road is
bre~ing off at the shoulder causing a ham~rdOUs condition. The board agreed to
this motion. "
~@. Finneran mentioned ~s. McLak~L~n of Osgood Street had contacted him as to
procedure for moving a hOUse and barn from one location in North Andover to
another. The board set e meeting date of June 30, 1958 at 8:30 P.M. to which
;.~c McLellan, her contractor for'the Job, Ne~r England Tel. & Tel Co. and
Merrimack-Ecsex Electric Company representative be invited to discuss the
exact rOUte and location and procedure imvolved. ~t ~s suggested when such
information :~mo available the local Police Departmeut~ and Fire Department be
Mr. Finck suggested a letter be sent to the Board of Public b~orks relative to
a co,rage problem in front of the Casals and Long house on Sutton Strett.