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June 30 195~ - continued
directed the Fire Chief be requested to meetiwith the Selectmen on July 14, 1~58
at 8:00 P.M. to discuss the matter of a new Fire Station as suggested in the Board
of Trade letter. The board also. directed that the Board of Trade be thanked for
their interest in these matters and that the Selectmen will certa~y, consider
their suggestions.
The board considered letters submitted by the Chief of Police. ea~ from the Methuen
and Andover Police Departments relative to the hiring of a police' officer for
the protection of town workers installing service on busily, traveled roads. Bo~
letters stated payment of the police officer was the responsibility of the depart-
ment hiring same. Mr. Sntcliffe stated he is definitely against the Board of
Public Works hiring an officer for such purposes an]i e~ecting the Police Depart-
ment to pay the officer cut of its own appropriation. Mr. Picnk stated he feels
it is a matter of public safety and therefore the responsibility of the Police
Depar~t. Nr. Finneran stated he felt the Board of Public Works was better able
to estimate the work to be done in. the course of a year and should make provisions
for police protection in the Public Works budget. Mr. Sntcliffe motioned the Board
of Works pay for the expense of hiring a police officerwhen hiring protection for
their workers. Fro. Finneram seconded this motion and there mas a majority vote.
Mr. Finck stated he was apposed due to the factthat it was a Public Safety mat~er
and that Mr. Dully didn't have enough moneyin his appropriation. Mr. Sutcliffe
added that neither did the Police Department appropriation contain enough money
for something of this mature.
Mr. and Mrs.' NcOlellan wore present'at a meeting arranged by the board, on thein
petition to move their house and bar~ located at 43 0sgood Street, North Andover~
to Appleton Street. Mr. ~o~l-~ger was presont as representative of the New..EnglA~
Tel. & Tel. Co. and Nr~ Griffin of the Merrimack-Essex Coml~ New Engl~ Power.
Mr. Calvin Snell of the North Andover Fire Dep~rtmsut was also present. Mr. Finck
read Section 18 of Chapter 85 of the General Laws pertaining to .the moving of
hwildings which states no person sb,ll move abuilding 'in a public way without
the ~written permission of the Selectmen. Mrs. NcLellan ststed there were tw~
buildings in~lved, a house and a barn. Mr. Bo,,~ger stated it was necessary
to have the h~h of the buildings loaded and unloaded. Mrs. McLel2an stated
her contractor Mr. Trembla7 was not available this evening and; she did. mot
'have such ~*ormation but estimated the hsighth to be approx. six feet above
wires. She explained the route w~uld be ~rom: Osgood Street to &-~ove= Street',
to Johnson Street to Salem Street to Appleton street, approximately b-~ * way down
Appleton Street. Mr. Griffin stated there were eighteen locations, where the'j.
Electric Company will have to move wires. Mr. Calvin Snell stated, there are possibly
three locations involved with their-wires. Mr. Bcaulanger stated ~here ~1 be
many more locations for their company and stated in some instsucea la,ge cables
are involved. Mr. Griffin reqUested the moving schedule and the number.of hours
involved. Mr. Finck suggested the McLellau's obtain all information desired'
from their contractor, and submit to the power cmmpanies land Selectmen'. Mrs.
McLellan stated the project wnuld take place between the 12th and 17t h cf August.
· The power companies stated they would reqUiee a' 48 hour~ notice from the 'Selectmen.
Mr. Finck stated it would be the responsibility of the NcLe~l-~ !s to pay for
poXice officers at the scene of the project. The meeting adjourned with Mr. & Mrs.
McLellan in agreement .to produce ~11 necessary information as' soon as possible.
Mr. W1~lt,m Wo~m~th, James Nutton, Richard ~lade, De~glas Wilson, Bud Noyes were
present at a meeting scheduled at this tine per request of Mr. Hogarth. He and
.~t, radio ~m operators desired to discuss the present Civil Defense co~e.~nieaticns
set-up in the Town of North Andover and reqUest that. they be included in the set up.
Mr. Dyer, Director of Civil Defense was also invited to attend t~is meeting and
had with him Mr. Calvin Snell, Engineer in the Fire Department, Mr. Reimitis,
radio comm~alications repairman ma~ar"t~ Mr. Domenic Bo--~uo, Lt. in the Civil'Defense.
Mr. Finck read Mr. No~arth's letter of reqUest to those present wherein Mr. Newarth
stated the present .comm,nieations set ~ in North Andover is. ~nadeqUate. Mr. ~Finck
explained Mr. Dyer's reason for being present and Mr. Dyer proceeded .to read.a
prepared report relating the size of the local staff, the c~m,.~mtcattons set up
and points required by the Federal Communications as against points credited.to
the North Andover Civil Defense. Mr. Finck interupted to state point of meeting
is to cooperate w~th each other and discuss Civil Defense assistance. That.per-
sonal animosity should be discarded and the interest to the to~n considered. Mr.
Dyer handed his report to the Selectmen and mews reporter stating his aware of the
intent of the meeting and insisted on reading an additional s*J:tement. When Mr.
Howarth was given the floor he lrtated many towns and cities were making use of
ham operators and their cmmunications set up but that Mr. Dyer was definitely
against making use of he and his radio operators. Mr. Dyaer answered hecwLll be
glad to accept vulumteers but mot with'cc~dittons attached. He informed the
board +~t Mr. Ho~ma~ch was interested in ~lunteering his services with the
provision e~At Civil Defense purchase equipment cfr their use. Mr.
stated other towns and cities are glad to do so ~ith matching funds and that in
(continued after z~xt para.)
June 30, 1955 continued -
AR~OLE'~-1958 Annual Town ~eeting:
The majority of the members of the Advisory Board attended a meeting scheduled for
this time to discuss Article 24, 1958.Annual Tow~ Meeting, which amemded the Town
By-law relating to the presentation of articles for Special Town Meeting. Discussion
took place as to the original intent of the Article. Ail were in agreement that
its intent was to awid the nuisance of Special Town Meetings and the raising of
large sums of money at Special Town Meetings when the representation of voters was.
very small. Er. Finck e~plained the point of this meeting wassto decide whether or
not the townspeople ahould have the privilege of veting on all articles presented
in the Warrant for Spae~al Town Meetings. Mr. Finck then read Board of Trade
suggested Article concerning a necessary quorum at all Town Meetings. Zt was the
general feeling that a required quorum wnuld be good protection for the town.
Mr. Finck suggested that action on such an article should wait until next Annual
To~n Meeting. Er. Stillwell stated it was the feeling of many that 200 veters
should be the required number for a quorum. Mr. Broadhead and Mr. Smith both
sta~ed 200 voters would be most difficult to obtain at Sp. Town Hesting. Mr. Rrett
stated the point of interest is that a quorum ~uld certainly take care of the
situa~ion. Er. Hanson agreed thata quorum was most secure. - It was suggested
that: perhaps a. quorum could be called at the Selectmens' suggestion or descretion.
Mr, Finck suggested wmeeting of the Department Headsa in the fall and that in the
meantime the article could be phrased and prepared for discussion. 'Mr., Hanson
suggested the closingof the warrant at an earlier date~ that the Advisory board
~Aght have more time to study the articles. He also suggested ,that' all maintenance
articles go into· the budget, that man~,articles,are Justin nuisance; 'It',was
agreed by allpresent that the article in question ~uld be discussed at'£all
meeting of Department Heads and that action on which wuld take place at nex~
Annual Town Meeting.
~.most. instances it had proved highXy successful. ~r. Reimitis e~plained thet-
' in most cases' it had not been successful in that operators were not always at
hadd' or,the equipmaat was stored away and inaccessible. Discussion took place
on the ,'advantages and dieadv~tages of hamradio operators in ;Connectiou w~th
-..Civil 'Defense opprations. Mr.' ~inck suggested Civil Defense and. Ham Operators
should get together and ~rk out something that ~ould be beneficial to the' town.
Er..,Finckalso stated that radio operators present seem to be volunteex~ng '.their
~ services in good faith.Mr. Finck stated the meeting, would close on that~x~e
i and that,.tho Selectz~ :would expect a report onl:the results of thsir accomplish-
ments at the proposed meeting between the two parties w~thin t~ weeks.
M~. Dyer'wns akked:to e~plain b~ B~ore ~e bo~,~ reg~d ~ m~g ~
ed ~eck at ~s home ~d ~t ~s ~s r~son for re~es~g the check be ~
~ ~s home. ~. ~ck ~es~d 1~. ~ ~t ~ necess~ ~pers ~ ~.
, . ~e ~d of 1S ~ e~ress~ ~e~ ~cere re,et at ~e loss of Pa~
Ro~d F. He~. ~fic~ Heg~ ~ ~te ~d~ o~ ~es on ~s
~. ~. sucre mo~omed ~e ~d go on reco~ as ~ c~ded ~c~
Hegel, for'his ~ent p~o~ce of ~ties as a Ponce ~c~ ~ ~e
To~ of Nor~ ~ ~d ~t a letter of p~o~ ~ Be s~t to ~s.
o~ a~e~t on ~s mot~n. ~e bo~d ~ also ~ress ~ ~ ~ ~e
fo~ of ~o~s.
*be Board ef,-Health reported 'to the Selectmen that ~rs. Walsh of Turnpike Street
insists on,keeping pigs inspire of being refused a permit and being advised by
legal counsel that she cannot do so. The ~ard of Health requests the Selectmen's
opinion', on the m~tte~. The Selectmen advised the Chief of Police and Health Agent
visit ~Mrs. Walsh and inform her that she cannot operate a piggery in the Town of
North Andover. They further advised that Ers. Walsh be taken to court if she
refuses to abide by the regulations of the Board of Health.
Mr. Myron S. Lewis,of Pleasant Street reported that a street light at the corner
of Gilbert and ~aldwin Streets has been out for three weeks. He stated that previous
to that time the light was on day and night for about six months. The board
directed that the light comps~ be advised to replace the street light immediately
and make certain it is operating properly.
i 86Jene 30, 1958 continued -
The Board directed a letter be sent to the Lawrence Airport Commission inquiring
as to whether or not the construction taking place at the Lawrence Municipal
Airport is in conformity with the requirements of ~he Town Building ~odd and
Zoning By-Law. An immediate reply is requested. Copy of board letter, to be sent
to Mr. Joseph Morkeski, Town Liaison officer to the Airport Commission.
Nr. Einck read letter from tho School Department relating vote of the board in
reference to Mr. Bonelli's request for additional land from the school department
to emlarge the entrance driveway to the rear of his property on Nain Street.
?he School Department stipulates they will release the required amount of land
to the Selectmen. providing a retaining wall and chain link fence of a specified
measurement be erected along the new property line adjacent to ~ho Bradstreet
School. The board directed Nr. BonneLli and Mr. Ooradino recei~ a copy of this
letter and that they be advised to comply with the conditions set forth therein
if they wish to obtain and accomplish the end result.
Mr. Sutcliffe stated Nr. Scofield had approached htmthn the matt'er Sf his son's
request to take a Civil Service Fireman examination' while in Korea. Mr. sutcliffe
did mot know whether this was possible but motioned the Board oontact Civil
Service on the matter. The board agreed CivE1 Service should be contacted to wee
whether or not the young man could take. this exam while in Korea.
July 1, 19~8. Civil Service contacted on this date relative to above matter and
advised all persons m~st be at point of examination and that they have no law
allowing SUCh a provision. This information came from Mrs. CampbeLl of Civkl
July 10, 1958
A letter ~as directed on this date to the Department of Pnhlic Works, Danvers,
requesting that Dale Street be hot-topped instead of oiled as specified .in the-
original contract. This was stated as a majority veto of the board. ~xt~a Work
Orders were requested to be seat to this office as soon as possible.
July 14, 1958
The Board of. Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Q~airman
Ralph E. Finck presiding.
Upon recamzendati~n of the County Commissioner's office, the board approved an
extension until September 1%, 1958 for the cempletion of the C~apter 90 rebuilding
project on Dale Street, now being done by Contractor Martin Nailer.
Route 210 Rearing:
Mr.' Finck read notice of hearing at City Hall, Lowell on July 15, 1958 at 2:30
on laying out of Route 110 from the Department of Public Works. The beard statad.i
its interest in the location ~f Route 110 through North Andover and all members
voiced their intention to attend this hearing.
Chairman Ralph E. Flnck read letter from Department of Public Works, Highway Div.
relative to beard request for stop signs at Stevens Corncr. Letter stated the
request is vnder investigation and information will be provided as soon as.
a decision has been made on the matter.
The board received letters from L. C. Cy~ Construction Co. and Atty. Roland W.
Sherman, Sutton Hill Co., Inc. requesting approval of the board in reference
to the comple~ton of Heath Road and Heath Road Circle. The Oyr letter requested
a meeting with the board in this respect. The board referred to the complaints
of residents of this area in respect to the inadequate s~rface draimage of .the
work project. The board directed Cyr Construction Ca,party and Atty. Sherman be
notified that the board will mot approve the completion of this work project-.
until the above stated situation is remedied.
Mr. Finck read letter from the Board of Public ~orks relative t~ the sewmreag
problm~ in front of the Caeale and Long house on Sutton Street. Mr. Dully stated
the condition is .caused by the large amount, of g~_ound or surf$cp ~$er_~a~ic~
enters the sewer pxpe. Tha~ the sewer pipe ms an 1~ inch type ma~ o~,y ~ ~ncaes
pf sewage was passing through. The Board v~ted to request the Board of Public Works
to meet with them on July 2§, 1958 at ~:00 to further discuss this problem.
~r. Finck read a~tter ~rom A1ber~ Cruikskank ~ reference to ~e use of ~ ra~o
f~ ~Z d~e ~o~es for bo~
~ D~SE
In a lst~r ~ ~. D~r he s~t~
It ~s ~ly ~ ~ adopt ~e rec~ti~ ef ~e Ne~ A~r In~e
Ag~ts Assoc~ to a~ ~li~ ~ m~ci~s ~s~ co--ge to ~e t~
s~e of ~e ~ce.
The Board granted the Lawrence Gas Co. permission to excavate 30 feet at 51 Woedbridge
Rond to install a gas service for Leon Beauchesne; 27 feet on Spruce St. to install
a gas service for Thomas Cantone and about 4~ feet on Nass. Ave. and 175 feet on
Spruce St. to install a gas main. Approved by Wi2J~am B. D~ffy, Supt. of Public
Requested a 'tranSfer fron the Reserve Fu~d;to cover salary to Nfs. Mayer covering
for Mrs.' l~cDonald on vacation.
Paul Dyer and three other property owners of the Appleton St. area appeared before
.~he Board and presented a petition opposing the granting of a permit to move the
honse and barn from North Andover Common to lot ~12 of the Estate of ~arl D. Niller.
(2mirman Finck ,-s~ted that the position, of *the cpponente ~ll be considered ~hen
the permit for relocation is passed upon by the Board.
The Board received a request for the rmcvA1 of a tree at 17-1~ Stonington St.
Hearing to be held July 28th at 7:30.
cooperation on the proposal of maintaining the bell and perhaps the clock on the
site of the former Johnson High School. It ~as suggested that instal2ation of
the bell be made in the present Nigh School. The Beard agreed that every cooperation
will be ex~suded.
Notice o~ hearing .before the Industrial Accident Beard on July 18th, 10:00 A~M.
in reference to George Eama. Hearing to take place at Essex County Superior
Oourt~ La~r ence.
Nr. Finneran brought to the attention of the Board the follwing requests: a shade
on-the street light at 58 Appleton St., a"slow children" sign on ~reat Pond Rd. meat
the A.D. Burhs: residence; a street sign permit for the Ventre place of business,
138 Nain St. The last ~s referred to the building inspector.
~ (~ ADDITI(EAL ~ S2A~
James Daw met ~ith the Board to discuss the need for an additional Fire Station as
recommended by the Board of Trade. It ns decided to postphone action on this matter
until the fall.
Requests two signs
Dcmimic Gearusso requests two signs, reading "Slow Children', be placed on Sal~ St.
near Appleton St. on curve.
JULY 21, 1958
A L- ointed trolman:
At a special meeting of the Board Paul'U. LaFond was approinted permanen~