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Augus~ 11, 1958 continued:
Mr. Albert Melo, engineer from the Department of Public Works appeared before the
Board to discuss the probable location of Route ].18 through North Andover. Mr.
Melodisplayed a plan of the greater Lawrence area. Mr. Melt stated the departments
willingness to cooperate with the many communities effected. Mr. Sutclif~e e~ated
he felt North Andover taking the brunt end of the situation in that the state was
taking so much more land in this town than in other communities effected. MrJ Fin~k
stated he did not feel it was necessary to place an access to the rou~e in North
Andover. Mr. Melo suggested the board go on record as not favoring such an accass.
before the Commissioners. The plan showed the North Andover access starting at
Main Street to Waverly Road, .to Marblehead Street, to Beverly Street and onto the
freeway. Mr. Sutcliffe requested a copy of the plan and was assured his request
would be presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Finck stated the plan shows land-
t~king near the Veterans Housing Project and suggested the line be changed. He
also asked if the access could be altered. Mr. Melo answered there might possibly
be some adjustments made if at all possible. Mr. Finck suggested he visit the
Department of Public Works on Friday to further discuss the plan. Mr. Finneran
asked if the Town playgsounds would be protected. Mr. Melo stated that would
also be possible and that the request should come from the board to the Commissioners.
Mr. Finneran asked w~at pattern Route 110 w~uld serve and was informed that Route~
11o connects Route 1, 128, and 2. That it is a continuous loop parrelling Route
128 from SaLisbury to Worcester to Foxboro and eventually to the cape. Mr. Melo
stated 110 should take care of the western traffic to the north and south shores.
Mr. Fimck asked how soon construction would start. Mr. Melo stated it was imposs-
ible to give a definite answer but possibly in two years.
Sgt. Fleming and Patrolman Lanni representing the Police Association appeared
before the board on the matter of vacations ~o the Police Department. as governed
by the Rules and Regulations for the Police Department and the Wage and Salary
By-Law for town employees. The board suggested they take the matter ~o the
Personnel Board, the proper authority in this instance. It~ was mentioued~ that
in other towns and cities the Police and Fire Department ~acatton provisions were
the same whereas in North Andover they now dtfferred. Sgt. Flemming and Patrolman'
Lanni agreed to discuss the matter with the Personnel Board.
Residents from the airport area appeared before the board on the mattmr $$ permits
for-buildings to be erected near residential homes. Mr. Finck stated the Airport
Commission was meeting tonight and that Nr. Norkeski will call this office as
soon as the meeting is over. Mr. Finck added that the question now is how close
to' the north-south run~y does North Andover wish ~o keep free of building.
The ~board voted unanimously to include Mr. Joseph V. SulLivan of the Board of
~.?~Public Works, Mr. John McDuffie and Mr. Patrick Cronin of the Board of Registrara
in the group insurance program. A letter was directed to Town Treasurer James
Maker advising him of such.
Atty Finck read a letter from Atty Roland Sherman which requested information
relative to the dissatisfaction of the board with the work performen by Cyr
Contractor on Neath Road and Heath Circle. The board directed a letter to
Atty Sherman stating that a drainage pipe was destroyed on Heath Road causing
water to gush out amd considerable damage mo proper~y in the area. It was
added that the Planning Board will also have to pass recommendation on the full-
fillment of this contract~
Chairman Flnck rend a letter from the School Building Committee relative to surfac~
water drainage comditions in the new Franklin $chool area as it effects proper~y
owners in that area. The letter included a report from the architects for the new
school stating that surface drainage conditions in the Roasdale and Newitt Avenue
area have been a matter of common knowledge for many y~ars. Said report also
stated the condition at present has been somewhat alleviated d~e to the installation
of drains in the school area. Ail surface drainage at the site is channeled directly
into the State Highway drain along Andover Street. The board accepted this letter
from the School Building Committee, Mr. Francis B. Kittredge, Chairman.
Correspondence from Mr. Francis B. Kittredge, Chairman of the School' Building Committee
requested the cooperation of the board in extending the Town's street lighting
system to include the unlighted areas in the rear of the present High School building.
Plans were attached showing the contemplated extension. The board woted unanim-
ously to refer the matter to the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company for survey and
August 11, 1958 continued
The board accepted a letter from Mr; William B. Duffy, Sup't., Board of. Public
Works stating the board had turned bver to Town Treasurer Maker a check for
$1750.O0 to pay the entire cost of a short extension of the .water system Omn
Cotuit Street. In order to use this money an article would have to be inserted
in the warran~ for a Special Town Neeting. The article is presmuted to the
Selectmen for insertion in the warraut for next Special Town Meeting. The board
agreed to do so.
A letter from the County Commissioners infz~me~ the Selectmen that due to the fact
that the Directors of lthe B ston & Maine Railroad were not notified of a Hearing on
the boards~ petition for the laying out of a public way, at grade, across the Portland
Division of the Boston & Maine Railroad, the date of Taesday, September 23, 19%8 at
10:30 o'clock A.M. has been set for the new HEARING. Nr. Finck stated his disappoint-
ment A~ the ~e~ycmf this matter but 'that it. ~m the responsibility of the County
Commissioners to have notified the railroad on this matter.
A requisition form requesting the eligible list of those 'eligible for appointment
to the Reserve Police Force was signed by the Ck~irman of the board.
Chairman Finck read a letter from Mr. Dully stating Mr. Di~e's viewpoint r~lative
to the payment of a police officer on duty for the protection of his employees
wken ~working. on b~sily traveled highways. Mr. Duf~ returned all the payroll slips
.for work of this nature to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Fioneran suggested it come
out of the Reserve Police Officer Appropriation or the $1,000. appropriation of
Special-Town Neeting of June 9, 19%8, Mr. Finck seconded.this suggestion which was
put inthe form of a motion and there was a~maJority vote. Mr. Sutcliffe disapproved
.Wis motion stating that any department could do 'the same thing. A letter was
directed to the Chief of Police on this matter.
Aletter from'the Department of' Commerce stated Federal matching funds under a
701' program~.were not available for an individ,,~l study such as a site-plan
revue for a new Tows'Garage. Letter also stated .that .if Mr. Brassenr has the
necessary qualifications and makes application, the dspar~ment will be glad ~o
place his name on the list of consultants. ~ The board accepted this information
and suggested they meet with Mr; Brasssur on August 25 at 8:00 P.M. to further
discuss these matters.
The .Board received a letter from the Department of Public Utilities notifing that
~.a public hearing will be held on August 18~ 19%0 at 10:00 A.E. in the State House
relative ~o the propriety of rates and charges requested for revision by the
.~Western Union Telegraph Company.
The board referred to 'the Highway Dspar. tment for payment a recommendation from
the' Department of Public Works that $1225.80 be paid contractor Mallet for
a~ work performed to. date on Dale Street under Chapter PO contract.
Chairman Finck read a letter from Attorneys Lynch and ~Wt~lts stating they had been
retained, as l~gal counsel by Mr. Smolak ~or land damage on Dale Street. The boara
voted'to refer the communication to Atty. HaroldNorley who is representing the
town o~n such suits.
The board accepted a recon~en~dation from the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company for
improved street lighting on Russell Street and Heath Road at' Milk Street.
The ~awrence Gas Company requested permission 'to excavate on Chestnut Street to
install gas service f~r Mr. Giles. The reques~ was referred to Mr. Joseph Lawlor,
Building Ynsepctor for investigation. Mr. Finck stated he felt the la~d in this
area might represent a sub-division.
The board g~nted the Lawrence Gas Company permission to excavate on Salem Street
for the purpose of installing gas service.
Chairman Finck read letter from Atty William A. Cross representing George L. Cleaves
of Needham who sub-contracted with James ¢. Wright to perform the work of boarding-in
the old Johnson High School Building. Atty. Cross requested advice of the board
on what is necessary mo obtain payment for Mr. Cleaves. The board directed a letter
to Atty. Cross stating that Mr. Wright had not yet signed the release senm ~o him
on May 8, 19~8 and that as soon as we receive said release properly signed and
witnessed along with a new statement for $200000, the board would take action on
August 11, 1958 cmtinued:
The board received a communication from the Department of Public Wroks relative to
town request for the installation of stop signs at S~evens Corner stating that
a stop sign was not warranted on Park Street at Osgood Street. Nr. Finck stated
he had talked with the department and convinced them that a stop sign was
necessary at that corner more so than the others. Re further added that the
department would take steps to approve stop signs on ~1 streets intersecting this
A letter from Freedom, Inc. requested the board appoint a resident of the town
whose parents were imigrants and who has participated in Civic activities ~o
receive a Good Citizenship award at the State House on Constitution Day. The
board voted to request Town Clerk John J. Lyons make recommendation of an
eligible nominee to receive this award.
A letter from Atty. Tomlinson, representing Mr. W. W. Broughton, 59 Appleton Street,
requested permission from the board to install a 10" drain under Appleton Street
along the line of the abandoned right-of-way located at the Southwest of Broughton
proper~y. The board directed a letter be sent to Mr. Brough~on, copy to Atty.
Tomlinson, granting permission for such.
The board stated a meeting had been arranged for next Monday evening with the
Lawrence Airport Commission at the Lawrence Municipal Airport for the purpose
of discussing hangar locations at the airport. A few residents of the airport
area appeared before the board for information in regard to said locations and
waze told of the coming meeting of the board with the commission.
The board agreed to contact the Electric Company and request that they replace
the present light at Calzettats Vegetable stand with a stronger light. Mr.
C~lzetta stated the new light was less strong than the one previous.
A letter was directed to Mr. Carmelo Marine stating that the board would start
precedings for taking over his performance bond covering contract for work on
Woodstock Road and Wood Land due to the incoepletion of said contract. The
board suggested Mr. Marine attend a meeting in the near future for the purpose
of discussing this matter.
August 15, 1958
I, the Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts,
certify that at a meeting of the board held on August 15, 1958, of which meeting all
members of the board were duly notified and at which a quorum was present, the
following vote was unanimously passed, all of which appears upon the official records o£
of the board in my custody:
VOTED that the sale of $125,O00 3½ per cent Sewer Bonds (Nos. 1 to 125)
o-~e town, dated September 15, 1958, payable September 15 $5,000 in 1959
to 1983, and reciting that they are issued p~rsuant to Chapter 44 of the
General Laws as amended and a vote of the town duly passed, to the Secend
Bank-State St%eet Trust Company, Boston, Massachusetts, at the price of
100.151 and accrued interest is hereby approved.
August 25, 1958
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman
Ralph E. Finck presiding.
The Weekly Warrant of payrolls and bills payable ~s unanimously approved and
signed by the board in the presence of Town Treasurer James J. Maker.
Mr. Narino appeared before the board in reference to his performance bond covering
work on Wood Land and Woodstock Road. The Board stated there wasnt much they
could do untildtheymetwith the PlanningBsard on the matter and suggested such
a meeting be held on September 8, 1958 at 8:15 P.M.