HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-25August 25, 1958- continued:
At a scheduled hearing the board voted unanimously to grant the North Andover Fire
Department a license to store underground 1,000 gallons o~ gasoline at the rear of
the Fire Station. There were no abutters protesting this application of Chief
James P. Daw.
Application by Cyr Oil Company for a license to store an additional 1, ooo g. llons
of gasoline at ~Mrrimack College, underground, was also ~ranted unanimously by
the Board of Selectmen.
Application by Mr. Robert S Kearage, Robert's Hardware, 128 Nsin Street for a license
to buy and sell firearms and license to carry firearms was referred to the Police
Department for investigation as required in the General Laws.
Upon recommendation by Town Clerk John J. Lyens, the Board of Selectmen voted ,,~-
imously to appoint Mr. Carl A. ~omas, 4 A~bl-~d Street, as the North Andover nominee
to receive a Goed Citizenship Citation from Freedom, Inc. on Constlt~tion Day, Sep~-
ember 17, 19S8, in the Hall of F~ags at the State House, Boston.
Division of Civil Service notified the board that no eligible list was a~ilable at
present for appointment to the Reserve PoLice Fcree. Civil Service provided a
form for a provisio-,T appointment but the board prafarrred to wait .until a list
was a~ilable for permanent appointment. It was directed that Civil Service be
reqaested to send such a list when it became a~ailable.
The board made note of a telephone, conversation with the Dopartmont of Public Works
relative to their approval of stop signs at the intersection at Stevens Corner with
the exception of Park Street at Osgood Street. Mr. Brooks of the D. P. W. stated
the. department could not warrant the installation of a Stop sign on Parker Street as
it carries the greatest flow of traffic through the intersection and the greater
flow of traffic cannot be interrupted by a stop sign. The Selectmen were not
satisfied with this decision and feel something is definitely needed on Park Street.
The board voted unanimously to request the D.P.W. to re-study the loca~on for
recmmuendation on the most suitable means of eliminating the dangers of this
Mr. Henshaw delivered a check to the board in the amount of $337.00 representing a
dividend to the towa on the cance2at~on of their group insurance policy. The
board turned the check o~er to James J, Naker, Town Treasurer.
The Board of Selectmen wted unanimously to grant-permission to the Lawrence Gas Co.
to exca~te on the Salem Turnpike to install a gas ,~+~.
The board accepted a letter from the Housing Authority .notifying the board of the
resignation of Atty. John NcNiff and requesting a meeting with the Selectmen for
the purpose of appointing a new member to fall the unexpired term. A meeting was
set for September 8, 19S§ at 7:4~ P.M for this purpose.
Police : PU~LrC WC~KS
~irman Finck read letter from Chief McEee stating h~s refusal to sign a payroll
for police officers hired by the Boarddof Public Works. The board directed a
mee~ng be held with Chief McKee on September 8, 19S8 at 9:00 P.M. for the purpose
of'discussi~E this matter.
Mr. Daffy notified the board that tools were missing from his trucks when parked
in the Town Garage and requested the garage doors be fixed on the Highway Dep't.
side of the garage. The board directed Mr. Daffy be tnformed that it will be
some time before the garage situationcan be satisfactorily remedied and that in
the meantime he keep all trucks locked and tools safely stored away. It was added
that Mr. Brasseur, Engineer, is now.making an estimate of the cost of repairs to
the present garage, addition to the present location and a site-study for a
possible location for a new garage. It ~s directed that Mr. Duffy also be advised
that '~aliciens damage" coverage has recently been added to the To~m Insurance program.
Bids were received by the Board of Selectmen at this time, as advertised, and the
following proposals were opened and read by Chairman Finck: Holiins -- Lawrence Tank plus 1~ cents per gallon.
Fay & Driscoll: Boston Tank at delivery plus .00975 per gallon.
Breen Oil Company --" " " one cen~ per gallon.
C~r Oil Company-- " " " .009~$ per gallon.
August 25, 1~58 - continued:
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe the bids were taken under
advisement. Thfs was a Unanimous vote. Later in the evening the board reconsidered
the proposals . Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the hid be awarded to Oyr Oil Company, the
lowest bidder. The ~stton was seconded by Mr. Finneran and there was a unanimous
vote ·
Mr. Brassenr met wi'~h the board as requested and discussed the To~ Garage program.
Mr. Pinueran made a motion that Mr. Brassenr be retained to perform the site-plan
revue(1958 Annual Town Meeting appropriated $1,000 for this purpose) and that he
have a report ready for presentation at next annual Town Meeting. Mr. Sut~liffe
seconded this motion and the vote was ~nimous. N~. Brasseur stated he would
contact the Department Heads for the needs, present and future.
The board was notified by Merrimack-Essex Electric Company as to the additional
expense to the street lighting appropriation should the town vote to extend the
street lighting to the rear of the North Andover High School as requested by the
School Building Com~kttee. If 21,000 lumen mercury vapor lights are installed
on poles 1 ~o 9 the cost to the town wnuld bo an additional $900.00. The board
voted to request that Mr. Kit~redge and Mr. C~andler ~t~nd board meeting of
Septenbor 8, 1958 at 8:45 P.M. to discuss this matter. In the meantime it was ·
suggested that the Street Lighting appropriation be checked to determine
whether or not the towa could assume this additional expense for ~the remainder of the
Mr. Martin Lawlor, Building Inspector reporte~ to the Selectmen that in his opinion
Mr. Scott of Adams Avenue is not in violation of the zoning By-Law. He mentioned
there are two vehicles and a plow stored on the property. The board stated they
thought the plow had been removed and directed a letter to~ the Highway Surveyor,
Ira D. Carty, requesting the plow be moved to the T. Garage as it is ~own property.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Satcliffe and voted unanimously, it was
decided to adopt recc~mendation of the Building Inspector as to his findings
regarding this property.
Mr. Lawlor stated he had received several cmmplaints against Mr. James A. T~Ylor' $f
Wilso~ Road cLaimLng that he was conducting a steam pipefitting business from the
garage of his home. Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Fanck of Wilson Read stated the Taylor~s
were operating under the name of Industrial Piping and Home ;Heating and, that they '
had recently placed an advertism~ent in the newspaper using their home telephone
number. Mr. ~0'Leary stated there were ears and trucks pulling in and cut of the --
Taylor~s driveway all day and that there is hammering and banging from I~e. garage
early in the morning. Mr. O'Leary furtyher states the area is residential and a
business in the area would be i~ .violation of the Zoning B~-Law..Chairman Finck
stated .it weuld be necessary to have more tangible proof to show a violation o~
the Zoning By-Law. Mr. Lawlor stated he had investigated the matter and Mr.
Taylor had stated he was acting ~nder advise of Atty Thomson. Mr. & Mrs. Taylor st
stated they were not conducting a business but merely answering the telephone·., Mr.
Maim stated he had changed a garage door but there was no stock or materials
kept in the building. Mr. O~,eary stated he h~d difficulty getting into the
street with trucks parked there. Mr. Finck advised the Building Inspector would
have to inspect the premises and if he E~und a violation would report his findings
to the Boax~idof Selectmen. Mr. Fizmerau stated the Building Inspector should
continue his investigation and report to the board in two weeks. This was also
the decision of the board.
At a meeting scheduled for this tine with the Precinct Wardens and Board of Registrars,
Mr. Sutcliffe addressed the group and s~ated complaints had been made that
spare workers had ofted been chosen by Wardens in preferamce to the regular
appointed officers. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he felt that was an unfa~ procedure as
spares are appointed as a reserve list in case a regudar cannot work. Mrs. Weeks
brought up the matter of police officers receiving mope pay than a precinct worker.
She stated this a most unfare procedure since in her opinion precinct workers
worked nuch harder than any police officer at the polls. Mr. PLuck stated the
matter of money was entirely up to the Board of Registrars. Mr. Lyons stated
Andover paid its' workers as follows: Wardens $20.00, Clerks ~.?.00, Tellers $1~.00,
while North Andover pays" ,, " 14.00 " 13.00 " 12.00.
Mr. Pinck stated a special town meeting in the fall might take care of the matter.
Mrs. Weeks stated her refusal to work at the polls and receive less money than a
police officer.
The board received a letter frc~ At~. Charles Trombly relative to the land taking
of the Colgate properties at Lake Cochichewick, his legal fee and a statement for
AUgust 25, 1958 continued:
appraisal from F.M.& T.E. Andrew. The board voted upon motion of Nr. Sutcliffe
seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously that the fees be .paid from the
contingent fund if the money was available.
The board placed on file a request for appointment as a Constable from Joseph ~_xelro~.
A request for certification from the Secretary of State on the application for
incorporation from Campion Hall was unanimously certified by the Board of Selectmen
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, the
Board of Assessors were granted permission to move into the office now occupied by
the Highway Departmmmt and the Highway Department granted permission to move into & share
the office now occupied by the Planning Board and Board of Appeals. This decision was
made after receiving the approval of all departments concerned.
The Pla~§ Board submitted a bill for legal services to their board from Atty.
Anthony J. Randazzo. Upon motion of Mr. FLnneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and
voted unanimous, the board directed a letter to the Planning Board suggesting
they pay this 2ce from their expense appropriation.
Mr. Fimck mentioned meeting' with the. Airport Commission and that eve~ the commission
wa~essurprised to learn that more than three k-ngars were to be ins+~11 ed at the
a~rport. Mr. Finck stated until such time as specific number of b~ngars and exact
· orimt~om of sane is made kno~m to the Selectmen a building permit wtll not be granted.
Mr.. Finneran mentioned he had received a cu,plaimt from residents Of the Sutton St.
area that a considerable increase in surface ~ater has been noticed since the
work of excavating for ~a-gars at the airport commenced. The board d~rected aletter
to the Airport Commission requesting that this condition be remedied.
Mr. Sutcliffelmotiomed the Police Department be advised that an officer answering the
telephone~'shonld not only identify the department but also give his name. Mr. F~.P,~-u~
seconded the motion and there was a ,,~imous vote.
The board voted to include Mr. Fred NcCormack of the Board of Registrars in the town
group insurance program. It was directed that Mr. Maker, Town Treasurer he so advised.
Mr. Ft~eran state~ that Mrs. John Coolidge, Andover, Street, had mentioned her
interest in the old drinking water fountain for horses at the site of the former
Johnson High School building. '.Mr~-.Finneran suggested the board keep Mrs. Coolidge
advised as to the disposition of said fountain.
The. board voted to request +.~t Mr. Car~y, Highway Surveyor, place a street sign at
the corner of Brook and Turnpike Streets.
September 8, 1958
The Bd~-sofnSkl~c~m~met on this date with ~ql~lmembers present and (hairman Ralph
E. Finck presiding. The We~kly Warrant f6r payrolls and bills payable was ~-
imously approved and signed by the Selectmen
1At a hearihg on the application of Mr. Robert S. Koarage, Robert's Hardware ,
Main Street, for a license to carry firearms and license to buy and sell firearms,
the board voted unanimously upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by.Mr~ Sut,l~efe
to grant said licenses. These were first applications.
Mr. Robert Dill, 18 Stevens Street, North Andover appea~ed before the board to
request permission to move the house located at 1964 Great Pond Road to a loca~on
on Bradford Street appromimately 100 yards from the cornerof Gmeat Pond Road and
South Bradford Street. The moving of the house is contingent on the a~rd of
the bid for such by the Board of Public Works on Thursday of this week. The
b~rd suggested the matter be referred to the telephone company, electric company
and local Tree Department following action of the Board of Public Works in awarding
the bid. This is a Chapter 90 road and therefore under the Jurisdiction of the
Town. A permit from the state is nora necessary.