HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-09-08JURCR DP~WN Er. John J. Lyons appeared at this time with the Jury box that' a Juror may be drawn for Salem Superior Court (Civil) October 6, 19S~. Er. Sutcliffe drew the name of Mrs. Harriet Flanagan, 291 Middlesex Street, Housewife. The hoard directed that Er~. Flanagan be so notified. HOUSING AUTHORITY Mr. Edwin Nurphy, Chairman, Er. Irving Howes, Er. Bernard Bingham and Mr. Ra2mond Fountain of the North Andover Hous~g Authority appeared as scheduled for the purpose of appoiSting a new me~ber to their board to fill the unexpired term of Mr. John McNiff, recently resigned. Er. Finck stated that under the General Laws it is necessary to make nomination and vote by ballot in the matter of this appoint merit. Er. Murphy nominated Er. Daniel Grieco and Er. l~untain nominated Mr. Thomas L. Foulds. Er. Sutcltffe motioned the nominations be closed~ motion was seconded by Mr. Murphy and voted unanimously. Balloting took place. Mr. Thomas L. Foulds was of£icially e~Dc~ed to fill the unexpired term which ends March, 19S9, The balloting was five to two in favor of Mr. Foulds. Miss Gillen: I~ILK STREET The board received a letter from Smart & Flagg, Inc. in reference to the level of Milk Street and its effect on Public Liability Insurance for Miss Gillen of 59 Milk Street. ~ It was noted that this was a copy of a letter to the Highway Dep't. BROOKS S~00L SKATING RINK Chairman Finck read a letter from ~[r. Frank D. Ashburn, Headmaster of Brooks School relative to the proposed increase cost to the Town of North Andover for its share~in the cost of maintenance and use of the rink. The increase proposed is $800;00 over the $1700.00 figure of last year. At Er. Finnerans suggestiou the board decided to meet with Mr. Ashburn and the Recreational Council next 'Monday at §:00 P.M. to it~rther discuss this mat~er. "' LAKESIDE FILLING ~STAT~ON The board accepted a letter (~opy) to the Board of Health from Atty. Charles Trembly relative' to his impression of the conference held on August 27 as it related to a sanitary disposal system aud gas storage system for the Lakeside Filling Station. The letter ~ms placed on file. Mr.' Sutcliffe questioned the status of the Lakeside Filling Station aud Er. Finck replied that the letter only pertained to Atty. Trombly's interpretation of what transpired at the' meeting. lawrence Gas Company The board voted to grant the La~ence Gas Company permission to excavate on Johnson Street, C~adwick Street and 'Salem Street for the installation of gas service. NERRINACK ESSEX ELECTRIC CC~BANY The board-voted unanimously to grant permission to the Merrimack-Essex Electr~ Company to remove one pole on Chickering Road. POLICE SEK~G~REPORT The board accepted a report from Sgt. Donnelly concerning his duties as the officer in charge of his shift. TA~LOR CC~PLAINT Er. Daniel 0 'Leafy and Er. Fenck appeared before the board to inquire of the findings of .the Building Inspector in his investigation of the Taylor home. Er. Taylor has been accused of violating the Zoning By-Law by c~nducting a business at this address on Wilson Road. Neighbors were present at meeting of last week as ccmplaintants. Chairman Finck stated Er. Lawlor had been unable to find any proof that a business exists at the Taylor residence. Er. O'Leary mentioned there was much activity in the past week. Mr. Finneran asked if there was any noise coming from the garage of this residence'. Er. O'Leary stated there is cc~siderable noise early in the A .M. and a light in the garage at night along with nightly noises. Mr. Ftnckstated it would 'be necessary to obtain concrete proof of a business being maintained that would be substantiated and accepted in Saperior Court. Er. Funck stated the business is possibly nebulous at present but the potential growth is obvious. Er. Finck explained a coutimuous report wi~h a history of the development of the business would be beneficial inform- ation. ~OOL BD~LDING COMMITTEE - STREET LIGHTING Er. Douglas A. C~andler met with the board relative to Street Lighting plan for rear of the North Andover High School. Mr. Chandler explained there are no lights at rear of building at all but the problem is incidental to the football score board .~hich is of interest to t~ North Andover Womans Club. Mr. Finueran suggested perhaps the electric company weuld install underground wires. Er. G~ndler stated the cost is almost prohibitive b~t that he would inquire. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the lights be installed according to plan submitted by Addan, september 8, 1958 - continued: Parker, Clinch and Crimp. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was unan- imons. Mr. Chandler stated he would inquire about underground wiring and advise ~the board. Chairman Finck stated the board would take up the matter of street lights for the new Franklin School while Mr. Chandler was present. Mr. Finck read letter of recommendation from the Nerrinack-Essex ELectric Company. Mr. (handler pointed out the proposed locations on the plan. Mr. Finneran metioned the street light request be granted, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously. Mr. Chandler was thanked for attending the meeting. MEETING OF DEPARTMENT HEADS The board set a meeting of department heads for October 6, 1958 at 7:00 P.M. in the Company Room of the Fire Station. It is directed that all Department Heads and all members o~ the ~town boards be invited to. attend. 397 TREE DEPARTMENT Er. John J. Connors, Moth Superintendent and Tree Warden, met with the board.and stated~ his need of a crane to take down a few trees that are too dangerous to climb. ~ He, added howmver, that to do thisbe would have to transfer funds, frm~ one expense appropriation to another. This would only be possible by a vote of Special Town Meeting. Er. Finneran suggested he request a transfer from the Reserve Fund with the understanding that. the Reserve Fund would be replenished by transfer of ~unds at the next special tew= meeting. Er. Connors stated he had 'recently sent out bills .to private property ow=ers for the removal of trees effected by the,~zthh 'Elm disease. Zu so doing he advised the property owners to appealto the Commissioner of the State Dep 't. of Natural Resources for an abatement whereby the property owner would be responsible for one-fourth of the bill. This is in line with the laws governing this'particular matter.. Mr. Connors further explained the reply of the state in regard ~ to -this matter is that there are no state funds'for such. The law provides ~that if the property owner is no~ satisfied with the decision of the commissioner, the local Board of Selectmen may be appealed to for abatement. Mr. Co==ors.asked permission of the board to bi21 the property owners for one-fourth of'the amount of ~ for the, removal of the tree or trees. The board voted unanimously tha~ the Tree Department send out bills for one-fonrth of the cost of removal. · The board voted to request a traffic survey at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and ~a~rly Road for recommendation of a means of eliminating or alleviating the hazards to pedestrians at ~this intersection. This action followed a report by~ Dr. Rapisarba of Woodl~ade of several near accidents to ckildren in the area required to cross the intersection on their way ko and from school. The bcard directed that the Department of Public Works 'be coutacted on this matter. STEVENS CCRN-~ SORVEY The Board of Selectmen voted to request-the Department of Public Works advise the Selectmen on, their' progress of the survey request for Stevens Co=her. $~T LIOHT ~D~T ~&r Finneran requested a survey for improved street lighting in the vicinity of Murphy residenceat 26 Second Street be =equested of ~the electric company. Septemberr 15, 1958 The usuaL, weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen took place on this date with all members present and ~airman Ralph E. Finck presiding. The Weekly Warrant for payrolls and bills pa~ble was unanimously approved and signed by the board in the presence of ~£own, Treasurer James J. Maker. FIREARMS LICENSE' The board granted a Firearms License to Mr. Hollins of Cabot Read. Mr. Hollins is twenty 2wars old and had written permission of his parents and approval of the ~mt'ef of Police. This was his first applieatiou for such. LAWRENCE GAS CONPANI The 'board voted unanimously to grant the Lawrence Gas' Company permission to excavate on Andover Street to install a gas service for Mabel Sarcione, 426 Andover Street. This application was approved By Mr. Duf£y, Sup't. Public Works. ADVISORY BOARD The board received a copy of recommendations for the setting up of town appropriations sent to the Advisory Board from the Association of Town Finance Committees. The board stated the matter would be taken up with the Advisory Board at a later date.