HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-09-29September 22, 1958 continued- Fire Chief James P. Daw, Board of Fire Engineers First Deputy Edwin Koenlg " " ,, Second Dep~t~ C~lvin Snell" " " Charles Foster~, 9 Pleasant Street Atty. Harold Morley, Jr., 256 D~le Street Harold W. Trombly, 281 Niddlesex Street D~n Fisher, 150 Great Pond Road It is understood said co~,.~£ttee will submit a report of their investigation to the next Anm,~l. Town Neeting. September 29, 1958 The Board of Selectmen held their usual weekly meeting on this date with all members present and Chairman Ralph E. Finck presiding. The weekly ~zrrant for payrolls and b~11~ payable was unanimously approved and signed by the board. GASOLINE STORAGE -Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted n~euimously, Mr.'Joseph E. E. Giard was granted a license for the storage of 500 gallons of gasolt~e underground at 7 Bodges Street, North 'Andover. This wasa scheduled 'hearing with no abuttors present to state objections to the application. APPLICATZON FOR GASOLINE STORAGE Application by the Bos.~on Ski Development .Corporation for underground storage .of gasoline and dcisel ~uel at Boston Bill was returned tothe applicant by the Board of Selectmen due to the lack of a detailed plan of the area. Mr. Lyons was advised to obtain a better plan before the board would set a hearing date on the master. ;WESTERN: ELECTRIC Mr. Shaughnessy and Mr. Vance Peterson appeared with Chief Alfred H. NcKee to discuss with the'Board, of Selectmen the matter of traffic patrol at the Western Electric Plant on Osgood Street. by officers of the North Andover Police Depart- merit. Nr. Peterson explained the need of two police officers at 4:30 and 4:45 P~.M. It was stated they could get along with one officer at present from. 3:00 / o'clock to 4:50 butjthat it was urgent they have two officers between 4:30 and · -~5:00 P.M. ,Mr. Sutcl~ffe asked if there was any'reason why the company couldn't use their own guards for this purpose and cited the ~ee of guards at the Raytheon Plant in Andover. Mr. Shaunessy explained it was against the company rules to do so. Also stated it would be against their better judgement'to place a guard on the State Highway to conduct traffic. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he felt the State 'Police should assume this responsibility. The company officials stated they had contacted the State PoliCe on the matter and been told it would be impossible ? to handle the matter due to their shortage of men. Chief McKee stated he had the same problem, au ~mmm~fficient number of police officers to cover the ~own. Chief McEee~me~tioned the difficulty of covering school traffic and Western Electric at the same time. Mr. Finck stated he felt it was the towns responsibility to provide protection to the taxpayers and suggested the Chief could arrange a m~keshift schedule until next Annual Town Neeting. Mr. Finck asked the Western Electric representatives if one man would solve the problem at present. They stated it may be possible but within six months 12,000 more people would be moved into the plant. The board assured Mr. Petersen and Mr. Shaugbuessy that au attempt would be made to solve the problem as soon as possible. .CC~NITY CENTERS Mrs.' Ell$ott, Mr. Ross and Mr. Drummond of the Community Centers appeared before the bcardas agreed at last meeting. Mr. Finck explained that the Board of Selectmen ,retold give their ~holehearted support to the Community Cmnters ~und raising campaign but that under the statutes it ~uld be impossible ~o render financial aid from the town. Mr~ Drummond stated he had receiven unfavorable coment o£ the Town paying money to the Brooks School for use of their skating rink. Mr. Finck explained that this was allowed under the statutes since the Towa leases the rink. Mr. Finck explained that Community Centers is incorporated under Chapter-180 and that the board cannot appropriate money or present an article to Town Meeting for a private concern. Mrs. Elltott asked if the board would offer a proclamationduring their campaign and was assured of the support of the board in this respect. Mr. Ross thanked the nm, spaper reporter, Mr. Frank Murphy, for the favorable write-up in last weeks newspaper and thanked the board of selectmen for their fine support and backing in this matter. September 29, 195~ continued: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Mr. Rock,eLl and Mr. B~i~ges appeared as scheduled to discuss the Greater Lawrence Industrial Plans. Mr. Bridges stated the committee plans to appoint an executive committee ~th one representative from the to~n~s and two representatives from the city of Lawrence. Mr. Finck stated he was disturbed by this representation and the money that has to be appropriated to put the program into effect. With an executive committe ~. Finck could see no necessity for a paid executive. Discussion took place on the amount of money that ~ld have to be appropriated, possibly $7500.00, with the possibility of nothing being realized by the Town of North Andover. Mr. Finck stated he did not think the townspeople would ~c for this at Town Nesting. Mr. Finck mentioned the Joint meeting of boards and departmaut heads scheduled ~or ne~t Monday evening and suggested the matter might be discussed at this tine. Mr. Turner A. Bridges and ~r. S. Forbes RockweLl were cordially invited to attend this meeti.ug and were thanked for their work as members o~ the Steering Co~m,&ttee to the Committee for Industrial Development of C~eater Lawrence. OSG00D STREET TRAFFIC A resident of Osgood Street appeared before the board to petition for a sign on 0sgood Street between Sutton Street and Great Pond Road which would warn drivers of children in the neighborhood. He mentioned a school bus-stop in the area and a total of nine children from age 4 to 12. Mr. Finck suggested ~ the State Department of Public Works be contacted to conduct a survey of the area and give reco~,~,~endation to the town on a suitable sign and the placement. thereof. Mr. Finneran made this m motion seconded by ~r. S~tcliffe and voted unanimously. STREET LIGHTING ~. James Poor, Superintendent of J. P. Stevens MiLls, North Andover petitioned the board for improved street lighting in the vicinity of the mill. The board suggested a sur~ey of the area be made by the Electi~ic Company and that recommendations be sent to the board. ~. Poor also mentioned a hinge was still missing from the chain link fence on the Stevens Pond bridge representing a hazard to anyone who might lean against it. The beards/stated ~the High,my Department had been asked to repair the fence a week ago and that action would be taken to effect the repair of the fence. HOUSING AUTHORITY Mr. Fountain and Mr. Foulds appeared before the board to discuss the wording of am article for Special Town Meeting on housing for the aged. The article sought Federal or Sta~e aid and the board felt the Federal Aid should be elinir~ted from the article as there might be a considerable waste of tine in securing Federal aid. Mr. Ftnne~an suggested the Authority get in touch with Mr. McCarthy of the State Housing and seek his advise on the manner in which the article should be presented. ~m. Fountain stated they had a suggested article by Mr. McCarthy and that he would seek the vote of his board on the revised article. The Selectmen stated .it w~s possible the warrant for next special town meet~.ug would be opened at ne~ Monday meeting. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOPJ~S - ROUTE llO Nr. Finck read a letter from the Mass. Department of Public Works relative to the proposed Main Street access to the proposed re-location of Route llO. Co~,.~ssioner DLNatale stated his department was studying a mo~f~icatiou to the plan which would eliminate the used for an access road from Main Street through the Housing project and public playground and that as soon as a satisfactory plan was worked out they would be happy to meet with the board for a review. ~. Finck read D.P.W. letter from Chief Engineer E. J. McCarthy relative mo board request for Toute Lie re-location plans of this area. Mr. McCarthy stated it was not the policy of the department to issue plans of proposed roads until aL1 the details had been worked out. He further stated if the board wished to view present plans they could do so at the Boston office.~ LA~R~CE GAS COMPANY Upon motion of M~. Ftnneram seconded by Mr. Suteltffe and voted unanimously, permission was granted the Lawrence Gas Company to excavate on Waverl~ Road and Spruce street for the instaLlation of gas service. LAND COURT ~e board accepted for the files a notice of pendency in Land Court the petition of Aldolph A. DsNuccio et al for registration of land on Main and Green Streets, North Andover. BOILER ~NSPECTI 0NS Tho board accepted certificate~ of boiler inspections for t~m boilers and air tanks.from Lumbermens Ynsurance Company. A recommendation on the flushing of drains in the town shed boiler wns referred to Town Building Janitor J. Noone that recommendation may be complied with. September 29, 195~- continued: CIVIL SERVICE The board directed requisition for appointmen~ of two ~eserve Police Officers be sent Civil Service that an eligible list be made a~ila~le to the Selectmen for such appointment. Further that Civil Service be advised of the shortage of a~ilable reserves in the Town of North Andover and the seriousness of the sit- uatiou in the case of an emergency. DALE STREET The Board of 1Selectmen v~ted unanimously to approve Plan 704-0 submitted by the Department of Public Works engineers for the continuance of Chapter 90 work on Dale Street. The board directed the Department of Public Works be informed of this action and that proper steps be taken to insure an early start in the work project for this phase of the program. JOINT POLE LOCATION The board voted unanimously to grant permission to the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company and New England Tel. & Tel. Co. on their petition for Joint ownership of existing poles in the Town of North Andever. UNITED NATIONS DAY The Board of Selectmen voted unauimously to re-appoint Reverend Ernest Br~,n of · he Norhh~ Parish Unitarian Church local UN Day Chairman as requested by Presidential proclamation. The Mass. UN Day committee shall be notified of this appointment. STREET SIGN The board directed that Zra D. Carry, Highway Sarveyor, be requested to place a sign ~t. the corner of Brook and Turnpike Streets designating the name of the street. BOARD' OF PU~C WORES The board suggested the Board of PubLic Works be advised to inszrt audarticle in ~arrant for next special to~m meeting requesting f~nds be raised for the pa2ment of police officers hired by the Board of Public Works for the pro- tection, of their employees working on busily traveled highways. October 2, 1958 Mr. Sutcliffe requested 'a letter be~ sent the Department of Pablic Works requesting an~engineer of the department meet ~ith the board on October 6, 1958 at 8:00 P.M. .to explain the purpose and reasons for such land-takings as appear in the present plans forI the re-locatiou of Route 110 in the Tow~ of North Andover. Mr. 'Finck requested a' letter be sent to Mr. ~rtim J. Lawlor, Building Inspector, Mr. William B. Dully, Superintendent of Public Works and Mr. William Driscoll, · Engineer for the Board of Health asking them to appear at board meeting of Oct. ~6, 195~1 at 8:~O P.M. for the .purpose of discussing matters relewnt to the ~applica~ion by. Mr. Louis Siroms of Beverly Street for a building permit. Mr. '. Sirois. is'~also requested to attend this meeting. October 6, 1958 The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman · Ralph E. Finck presiding. The Weekly Warrant for payrolls and bills payable w~s unanimously approved and signed by the board. ' NEETING GF DEPARTMENT HEADS -A-scheduled Joint meeting of all boards and department heads was held at this time in the Company Room of the Fire Station. Mr. Finck called the meeting to order and explained the purpose of the meeting was to discuss together plans for the coming year, to get an idea of the capital expenses of various ~epart- ments for the coming year amd to discuss matters of interest to a~ departments. ~ Chairman Finck stated the Board of Selectmen will ask the town for another $25,000. to be spent on the hot-topping of streets next year. He mentioned that hot-topping efforts x~ll be centered in the vicinity of the "Old Canter". The matter of the watering trough at the old Johnson High School site was brought up and it was suggested that perhaps the Historical Society would be interested in the disposition of said trough. Mr. Buchanan Charles referred to the Soldiers Memorial in front of the Town Building and suggested perhaps it could be moved to the new High School grounds or Stevens Memerial Library grounds. Mr. Finck suggested perhaps an article should be inserted in the Annual Town Meeting Warrant requesting its removal. Mr. Finck brought up the matter of the Greater Lawrence Committee for Industrial Development and stated the intention of said committee to appoint an executive committee. He stated he did not feel there would be fair representation and could not see tho necessity of an Executive Committee and a paid executive. Mr. Dully suggested perhaps it would be desirable to publish a policy statement relative to Town interest in industrial development.