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October 8, 1958- continued:
The board d~rected that a banner beplaced across MainStreetannouncing the
Special Towu Meeting.
October 20, 1958
The Board of Selectmen met on this date ~th all members present and Chairman
Ralph E. Finck presiding. The meeting ~as called to order at 7:30 P .M.
Mr. Edwin T. Zimny, 105 Farnham Street, Lawrence, appeared at this scheduled hear-
ing in the interest of his application for a license to store an additional 9,000
gallons of 80-91-100 Octane JP-4 oil to be stored underground at his ne~ hangar
area at the Lawrence Airport. Mr. Fred Chiarenza, 61 Boston Street, Methuen, and
M~. Charles Adams of 28 Saltsnstall Road, appeared as interested abutters to this
land. Mr. Finck asked Fire Chief James P. Daw if he approved the underground storage
of 9,000 gallons in addition to the existing license for 6,000 gallons and quest-
ioned the distance between the two separate storage locations. Chief Daw stated
he approved the underground storage of 15,000 gallons at the Lawrence Airport.
¥~. Chiarenza stated he m~ned land on Poor Street on which he proposes to build
and asked how close this storage location would be to his land. Mr. Ftnck display-
ed a map of the area and pointed out that Mr. Chtarenza's land was some distance
away from the proposed storage location. Mr. Adams was also shown that his land
was located some distance away. Both abutters stated they felt the underground
storage would be a sufficient distance away from their land. Chief Daw stated he
could find no danger as far as fire safety was concerned. Mr. Finneran motioned
the license be granted. M~. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and there was a unan-
imous vote. Mr. Zimny thanked the board and stated this change of location was
not his choice but that Airport plans for expansion had forced him to make this
Mr. Revert W. Dunn, Manager of the Boston Ski Development Corporation, appeared.
at this scheduled hearing in the interest of his application for a license to store
underground 500 gallons of gasoline and 500 gallons of diesel fuel at the Ski area
on .~Arnptke Street. No abutters to this ~a nd were ~resent. Mr. Finck noted the
application had approval of the Fire Chief and ~r. Sutcliffe mad~ a motion second-
ed by Mr. Finneran that the license be granted. The vote was u~animous.
Mr. Finck read the application.by Rev. Leo P. O'Eeefe, S. J. of Campion Hall,
North Andover for a license to store 8,320 gallons of No. 2 Fuel Oil (This in
addition to present permit for 4,000 gallons) underground, noting that said
application ~ms approved by Fire Chief James P. Daw. Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe
seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous, the license was granted.
The Board of Selectmen called a temporary adjournment of this meeting at 7:~5 P.M.
to attend the Special To~m Meeting being held on this ~ate at 8:00 P~M. in the
North Andover High School aiditorium. The Selectmen's Meeting was re-opened and
called to order at 8:50 P.M.
Chairman Fin~ read Department of Public Works letter in answer to board request
for information relative to Route 110 plans and their ~£fect on property located in
the vicinity of Massachusetts Avenue add Perry Street. 2.~. Russell E. Jenkins,
District Highly Engineer, stated present plans show the location line would cross
near this intersection. The letter further stated when more defimity plans are
available a D. P. W. rcpresentatbie wbuld contact this board and property o~mers
in the vicinity. M~. Fiuneran took this opportunity to ctate that ~. Kitt~dge,
part owner of land in one of the proposed access areas, assured the board of his
assistance, if necessary, in combating the location of an access read from the
Main Street area.
A notice from the Department of Public Works assuring the town of assistance in the
removal of snow on Route 133 from Route 125 to the Boxford line for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1959, was read by the ~hairman. Mr. Finck suggested the Department
of Public Works be requested to submit information relative to method of pa)~ent, etc.
The board received the vote of the County Commissioners in reference to proposed
legislation authorizing the building and maintenance of a radio broadcasting system
in Essex County to aid ~.u Fire Protection. Thc Commissioners asked for the
approval or disapproval of the board in this matter. ~.~r. Finner~n suggested the
matter be referred to Fire Chief Jim Daw. Mr. Sutcliffe made a motion the board
meet ~*ith the Board of Fire Engineero next Monday evening at 8:00 P.M. to discuss
the need of such legislation. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion ar~ the vote was