HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-20October 2C, 1958 ' continued: ESS~ COL~TY - PROPOSED RADIO BROADCASTING S~BT~ The board received the vote of the County Commissioners in reference to proposed legislation authorizing the building and maintenance of a radio broadcasting system in Essex County to ~id in FLre Protection. The Commissioners asked for the approval or disapproval of the board in this matter. M~. Ftnneran suggested the matter be referred to Fire Chie~ Jim Da~z. Mr. Sutcliffe made a motion the board meet with the Board of Fire Engineers next Monday evening at 8:00 P.M. to discuss the need of such legislation. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was IAna~ous. IND~TRIAL ACCIDenT BOARD Mr. Ftnck read notice of hearing by the Industrial Accident Board on OctoberS1, 1~58, at lO:00 A .M. in the Essex County Superior Court Housej Lawrence, in reference to George Kane. JOINT POLE LOCATION Upon motion of ~. Finneran, seconded by Mm. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, a hearing ~ms set for November 3, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. on. application by Merrimack-Essex Electric Company for .the location of I pole on To~u property located 100' from Rosedale Ave. R~MOVAL OF JOINT POLE Upom motion 'of Mr. Finneran cecomded by ~m. Sutcltffe and voted unanimous, permission vms granted the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company and New England Tel. & Tel. Co. to remove one pole on Chestnut Street. P~RP~ACK-ESS~-~X ELECTRIC CC~PANY ~Chairman ?inck read Merrimack-Essex Electric Company letter relative to company proposal to ~erect a ne~..z building in the To~ of North Andover. This was in reply to~ .a communication from this board assuring the company of tox,n cooperation in this ~t.k matter. Mr. Casey, Vice PresidentOf the company informed the board it is the intent- ion of the compan~ to locate a building on land off Rou$~ ll4, North Andover, but ~ms unable to predict when construction would start, The board ~ms thanked for thein interest in the matter. Mr. Finck suggested the letter be referred to the news reporter. STREET LIGHTING Chairm~n' Finck read survey report and recommendations by Merrimack-Essex Electric Company for improved street lighting in the vicinity of Stevens Mill. Mr. Sutcliffe asked if these lights were to be i~stalled on pri~ate property and was assured they would not. ~. Finneran then motioned the lights be installed as recommended. The motion ~,~s seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and the vote was unanimous. The board accepted notification by Merrimack-Essex Electric Co. of street lights installed on poles 2724 and 2937 Chickerlng Road and pole 66 on Second Street. GA~ COMPANY P~UEST Upon'~motion by Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by .Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous, the Lawrm ce Gas Company ~ms ~ranted permission to excavate in street at 476 Waverly Road to install a gas service for Mr. Francis O'Loughlin. JA~S C. ~'~GHT, CONT~&CT~ Thc Board of Selectmen refused to accept a General Release form signed by James C. ~Yright¥ Contractor, dale 'to thc fact that the form lacked the signature of a ~..~.thess. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned he form be sent back to Mr. Wzight to be witnessed and notarized. ~. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was ~.uanimous. This matter in reference mo the boarding-in of the old Johnson High School. BOARD OF PUBLIC WOREB - PLA~NG BOARD The Selectmen placed on file a cop~ of the Beard of Public Works letter to the Planning Board relative to plan for proposed sub-division of land between Osgood Street and Chadwick Street until such time as the Plann&ng Board informs the Selectmen on the matter. Chairman'Ftnck read Civil Service letter requesting information on the seven applicants ~to promotion to Police Chief in North Andover. Mr. Finck stated that in so far as the applicants records were concerned he had discussed the matter -¢.ith Chief McZ. ee who %m%~ld recommend clear records on s~ll applicants. Mr. SutcLTffe asked Mr. Finck for his opirdom on the matter. ~. ?inck stated his inclirmtion to go along ~*ith the Chief's recommendation. Mr. Fianeran stated he felt the Chief's recom~omdatiom would be sufficient. ~. Sutcliffc referred to the Selectm. en~s files on the Police Department and Mr. Finck stated he nke~: of no reprimands or suspensions on any of the referred to applicants. Mr. Sutcliffe added that the Civil Sercice Commission letter ~s sent to the Selectmen not the ~hief of Police and the Selectmen have records on file for an~.~r to the Civil Service l~tter. ~. Finneran motioned that Chief McKee be r.equceted to submit his s.t~.tement on this matte~ in writing, and that further actzon a~mit his recomme~datzon. Mr. Finck. seconded this mo~ion and 4O8 October 20, 1958 - continued: there was a majority vote ~-th Mr. Sutclif~e stating that all information relative to these men should be submitted to Civil Service. Mr. Sutcliffe added he was opposed to submitting the statement that all these men have clear records. C~L~.PT.~ 90 H~ING - SALEM ~.~r. Plnck and. Nm. Sutcliffe stated their intention to attend the Chapter 90 Hearing to be held by the Department of Public ~orks at the Salem Court H~use on October 22 at lO:O0 A.M. The Selectm~ have asked for a 860,000 Chapter 90 appropriation for next year and have also requested that the remaining Chapter 90 1958 appropriation for North Andover be encumbered for 1959. BOARD OF PUBLIC WOR¥£ Mm. Sutcliffe stated he is not satisfied with the repair job on Sutton Street near the airport and made a motion that the Beard of Public We=ks be asked to correct the condition as it is dangerous in its present state. Mr. Fir~neran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. ~EPERTM~T OF PUBLIC WOP~ Mr. Sutc!iffemade a motion that the Department of Public 2orks be requested to make a surbey at the corner of Middlesex Street add Mzrblehead Street for the installation of a flashing light signal. He added that the stun sign is aparently insufficient as he has received a renort of several near accidents in the area. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. DEPARTM~ C~ PUBLIC WOPJ~ Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the Department of Public Worksbe requested to forward their report on the traffic su~rvey for the intersection of~ddlesex Street and ~ss. Ave. as soon as possible. He add%ddthat engineers had completed the survey and their ~eport must new be available. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vo~e was ~nanimOUSo OSGOODMILL - SOOT Mr. Sutcliffe mentioned many of the residents of the O~goodMill area were complain~ lng of soot from the smoke-stack effecting their property, some of them having newly painted houses. ~. Sutcliffe motioned a letter be sent to Mr. Poor, Superintendent of Stevens MIL1, to see if something can be done to eliminate this ~oot condition. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. .. T~N%AR~ANT Ym. FLuck stated the Board of Selectmen are obligated under Chapter39, section lO, of the General laws to insert in a wazrant for TowaMeeting any matter presented to the Selectmen for such. Mr. Fimck added it is not up to the Selectmen to question the validity of an article. Discussion took.place on the presentation of an article and the legal technicality of the preamble. Mr. Sutcliffe stated TownMeeting Warrants should not be rushed and that all future articles in warrants should be proof-read by the board. Ym. Finck stated the Selectmen have no Jurisdiction in that regard. Mr. Finneran stated the P2az~ing Board should present the Selectmen with a proper article as soon as possible that a SpeciaI.TownMeeting may be called nsxt Nomday. He added that too much time had a~ready been~sted by thePlanning Board in the matter of motels. It was msmtioned~at the matter was now entirely up to the Planning Board. CC~E~NITYCENTERS The Board of Selectmen viewed the proclamatioupresented by the Con~unity Cent~rc ~erein the backing of the board was sought in their fumd-raising drive. The board decided the proclamation should be amended in two instances and directed the Community Centers be advised to amend the proclamation and resubmit same for consideration of the board. This meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.N. October 27, 1958 The Board of Selectmen mem on this date with all members present and ChAirman Ralph E.-Finck presiding. The meeting was called.to order at 7:30 P.M~ COUNTY COMNISSIONERS Chairman Finckread the County Co~issioners invitation to attend a conference with the County Fire Chief's Association at the Salem Court House on November ?, 19~8, at 10:30 A.M. in reference to proposed legislation for the building of a radio broad- casting system in Essex Sounty to aid in fire protection. Mr. Finck s~ated he had conferred with Fire Chief James Daw in regard to this matter and it is the opinion of the Fire '~zlef and Board of Fire Engineers that due to the highly satisfactory Mutual Fire Aid Agreement between the Greater Lawrence Communities, they could see no need for such legislation for the Town of North Andover. The Board of Selectmen stated they were in agreement with the Fire Chief and Board of Fire Engineers. Mr