HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-17November ~0, ~8 - cmtinued:
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mrs. Mary E. Crompton of 12S Mass. Ave. be appointed a
spare worker in Precinct Three. Mr. Finneran second~athe motion and the vote
was unanimous, Mr. Suteliffe advised Mrs. Weeks, Precinct Three Warden, should
be sc advised.
This meeting adjourned at S:45 P.N.
November 17, 1958
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and ~hairman
Ralph E. Finck presiding.
This meeting was called to order at ?:30 P.M. o'clock.
A hearing ums held at this time on petition of Merrimack-Essex Electric Company for
permission to locate 11 poles off Parker Street at rear of the North Andover High
Sxhool. A company representative was present. There were no abutters to this
property present. Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and Voted
unanimous, permission was granted.
NARY. NO BOND -Atty. Sherman
Gaairman Ftnck read letter from Atty. Sherman relating to the proposed meeting of
December 1, 1958, for the purpose of discussing the Marine bond. Mr. Sutcliffe
sugSested the daze of meeting be changed to November 24, in order to include the
members of the Planning Board as they were holding a public hearing on December 1.
Mr. Finck stated his doubt that a quorum of the Planning Board members could be obtained at
a time other than their own meeting date. Mr. Flnneran motioned the board go along
with the original decision to.v~eet on December 1, and to so advise Atty. Sherman.
This motion was seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and approved unanimously.
Mr. Anderson appeared before the board with papers for subdivision off Woodstock
Street and offered his bank book :ontaining $12,000 and the contract to Mr. Anderson
from his builder. Mr. Finck explained to Mr. Anderson that his contract with his
builder would not be accrptable to the town. ~bairman Finck informed Mr. Anderson
he ~wculd have to comply with the procedure under the Subdivision Control Law and
submit agreement and plans to the Planning Bm rd. Mr. And~rson was further advised to have
his lawyer get in touch with Mr. Finck for the purpose of devising a satisfactory agree-
ment for the town.
SUTTON HILL BOND - Planning Board
~2mirman Finck read the Planning Board letter stating vote of their board to release
the Sutton Hill Co., Inc. bond for work on Heath Road and Heath Circle. Mr.
Sutcliffe stated Mr, Barmen had requested the vote of the Planning Bcard be ignored
_u~__til su~ch~ .t~.e as th.e. Highway Surveyor passes approval on its . .
c~=ervea aeclszon on. Tree matter ~t+~~ ~..-~ ....... re'2~ase. The beard
~,.,,~ ~.u~uaer :u~-orma~.on l'rom the Planning Board.
Weekly Warrant
The Board of Selectmen voted unanimous approval of the Weekly Warrant for payrolls
and bills pa2able and signed the warrant in the presence of Town T~easurer James
J. Maker.
SITE_PLAN REW~E - New Town Garage
Mr. Brasseur, Engineer, met with the Selectmen, as requested to discuss site
pro~sals for a new Town Garage. Mr. Brasseur showed a plan on the. present
garage location and stated expansion of these quarters could not provide
sufficient space for all equipment. He added that parking area for town employ-
ees cars would have to be eliminated. Mr. Brasseur presented plans on a site off
chickering Road near Bay State Road and Beacon Hill Blvd. This lot is town
property and with the purchase of two additional lots would measure 137,000 Sq. Ft.
Mr. Brasssur stated a building in this area would be very central and would
allow future expansion. He suggested Mr. Duffy could move his parks and play-
gmmxnds eqpipment to the new location, leaving the Water Department in the
~resent wcarters. The Tree and Highway Departments could be moved to the new
location and in time a new Police Station could be built at the new site. Mr.
Sutcliffe stated he favored the proposed site and inquired what the next step
would be in preparing the proposal for Towa Meeting. Mr. Brasseur andswered it
would .be necessary to work on building plans and to estimate the expense of the
proposed building. Mr. Flnneran mentioned the. land-taking could be incorporated
in the one article. Mr. Brasseur stated he would like to submit alternate.
proposals for board consideration and it was agreed he should do so. There was
discussion of time limit for presentation of the final report and Mr. Rrasseur
assured the board he would have additional information and alternate proposals
ready for the beard in three weeks. The board will meet with Mr. Brasseur again
on December 1~, 19~8 at 8:00 P.M.
November 17, 1958 - continued:
LEASE Police Ranch Wagon
Upon motion of Mr. Finnernn seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe, it was voted unanimously ~
to accept and sign the lease-agreement on the aew safety patrol wagon leased to
the Town of North Andover by the Shawsheen' Motor Mart, inc. Copy of 2case re-
turned to Atty. Stulgis.
INVITATION - Gold Star Mothers, Inc.
American Gold S~ar Mothers, Inc. invited the Board of Selectmen to attend the
installatiou of the newly elected officers at American Legion Hall Post 122,
Mothuen, on Sunday, November 30, at 2:00 P.M. The board voted to advise the
organization that they will make every effort to attend.
Chairman Finck read copy of Board of Trade letter to the Massachusetts Department
of Public Works ~herein request is made for a traffic survey at the intersection
of Peters Street and ChickerLug Road, and also at the intersection of Osgood
Street and Sutton Street at the ent4raance to the Comden Airport. The Board of
Selectmen directed that the Beard of Trade be advised this action has already
been taken by the Selectmen in respect to these locations, that Board of Trade
letter wi21 no doubt be a helpful influence and to express the appreciation of the
Selectmen for the interest they have shown in this matter.
The Bmard of Selectmen voted to request Merrimack-Essex Electric CO. to conduct
surveym for improved street lighting in the vicinity of the following locations:'
Old Clark Street - request of Mr. Daniel Olenio
Hemlock Street - request of Mr. Lawrence Stahley
Ca,ney's Corner - request of Mrs. Reardon
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and w~ed unanimous, it
was directed a letter of congratulations be sent His Eminence Richard Cardinal
Cushing on his rec~nt elevation ~o the Sacred College of Cardinals by His Holiness
P~pe John the Twenty-Third. This letter from the Selectmen on behalf of the .
~irman Finck read letter from the Board Of He~th wherein said board questions'.
a bill' for two hundred dollars received by the Board of Health from Atty. ~s.
W. Trombly for legal services in respect to the Colgate property bordering
Lake Cochichewick. The Selecmmen directed the Board of Hea~h be reminded of
the Nay 5, 1958 meeting on this matter and at which time the Board of Health
agreed to assume payment of the legal fee connected with the condemnation of
the building involved and the Board of Selectmen agreed to pay the fze on the
land taking.
November 24,' 1958
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members presen~ and Chairman
Finck presiding. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M.
HE~ING: Underground Fuel Storage
A hearing was held on application by J. p. Stevens & Co. for a license to store
underground 20,000 ga~tens of #6 Fuel 0il at the Osgood Mill Plant. Mr. Sutcliffe
motioned the license be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Finneran and
voted unanimous. .
Upon motion made by Mr. Finneram, seconded by Mr'. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous,
Nearing was set for December 8, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. on application by Emile A. Giard
for a license to store Underground ~00 gallons of gasoline at 130 Appleton S~reet.
A hearing was set for December 8, 1958 at 7:30 P.M. on the application byMassgan
~ealty Co., Inc. for a license to store underground 1000 gallons of gasoline at
20 Clark Street. Er. Finneran made this a motion seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and
VOted unanimous.
C~airman Finck read letter from Atty. Sherman requesting release of the Sutton Hill
Co., Inc. bond. The board directed a letter be sent Atty. Sherman advising him to
contact the North Andover Nlanning Board in respect to any matter concerning sub-
stance of the bond and stating that until such time as the Selectmen receive
written notice from the Planning Board that the w~rk has been completed as re~ired,
the board will not take action on the release of. the bond.