HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-12-15December 15, 19~8 E~ERGENCY- SNOW REMOVAL - 10:00 A.M. On this da e, at ~- , A.-'-~., . ..-. D. Carty, Highway Surveyor, called an emergency due to the depletion of the appropriation for snow removal. A heavy snow storm was in progress at this tine. The Selectmen met on this date with all members present and the meeting was ~alled to order at 7:30 P.M. SITE PLAN REVUE~ - Town Garage Ralph Brasseur, Engineer was present at a scheduled meeting .~ith the board to discuss his report to date on the site plan revue for a new town garage. He stated that the present site enlarged would take care of the present equipment but would allOW no room for enlargement. The approximate cost of the. add- itional building would b.e $$~,000. Present quarters Would remain. The board asked Mr. Brasseur for an estimate on one building for all equipment at.present .- site. Mr. Brasseur stated approximately $90,000. Mr. Finck stated he doesn't feel this plan wo~ld be acceptable at Town Meeting. Mr~ Brasseur s~id' his per- sonal opinion is that present location not ideal but that the area off Chickering Road behind the N. A. High School is the most favorable site. He mentioned the advantages of this site, as stated at previous meeting with .the bcazd. The board asked Mr. Brasseur to work on plans for a one-unit building for the present location and to present the board with an estimate on cost for both locations as soon as possible. S~{OOL G~C~SING GUARDS Alderman Scanlon and Patrolman Mo~nihan of La~,rence, Chief McKee and Officer Lawlor of the N.A. ~Pol~ce Dep't., Mr. Sttllwell, Mr. Dubois, Ashton Smith, James Poor, Dan Valpe~ of the Advisory Board, Mr. Chandler, Mr. Howard and Mr. McCarthy of the School Department, Reverend William A. Long of St Michael's' School, Arty Randazzo, Mrs. Andrews and others of the Pare~ Teachers' Council attended this scheduled meeting to discuss the ~ feasibility of employing women guards for the school crossings. Chairman Finck int~miuced Alderman Scanlon and Patrolman Moymihan to those present. Alderman Scanlon stated the City of Lawrence is very much impressed with the School Crossing Guards but added they wt]_l never replace a police officer. They do not do police work, do not control traffic but can only stop traffic and are posted on the sidewalk to guide grOUps of children accross the street. Chairman Finck stated it is the feeling of the board that if all school ctossings can be covered at all times the program is worthwhile. Chief McKee asked Alderman Scanlon if h~ehad any of his buards ' resign and was told there had been three resignations possibly due to the fact that they are paid per day which he feels is unsatisfactory. Chairman Fin~k mentioned Andover pays $80.00 per month for a ten month period and it was agreed this was a better method of payment. Officer Noynihan stated the uniform costs 132.8~ and includes overcoat, blouse, shirt, cap, raincoat, badge and shield. Whmn questioned, Officer Moynihan stated a patrolman usually replaces an absent guard but that there are three Reserve (women) Guards for this purpose. Atty Randazzo statedtthe Parent Teachers ~ Council is looking forward to a system of lO0%attendance at all crossings. Chief McKee stated~ Chickering R~ad, - and Main Street could not be covered by a woman. Mrs. Andrews stated parents are' greatly concerned with this matter. Father Long stated he had'no fault to find with the protection now received and thanked Chief McKee for manning the . c~ossing at St. Michaels School. Father Long stated speeding on Nain 'Street was his greatest worry. Mr. Chandler emphasized Father Long's point stating the local police are doing a wond6rful Job .and are responsible for the wonderful non-accident record. He m6ntioned the increased number of children and crossings an~ expressed doubt that present police personnel can handle the situation. Mr. Guumiler mentioned the following crossings that in his opinion should be manned: Kittredge School~ Johnson and Milk Sts., Chestnut and Andover Sts. Thomson School: Directly in front, Waverly & Mass. Ave., Waverly and Middlesex Sts. Bradstreet School: Directly in front, Waverly & Main Sts. and Sutton & Main Sts. He estimated the time needed as approximately three hours a day;, . 7:45 .A.M. to 8:15 A.M. - 11:4~ A.M. to 12:4~ P.M. - 2:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Chairman Ftnck stated the program would first have to be approved at Tow~ Meeting and stated the Board of Selectmen would submit the proper article. He added there would be no money to pay the guards if' the program was installed before Town Meeting. He said perhaps the article could request enough money to cover the interim period. Mr. Lawlor asked about insuring the guards. Mr. Soanlon said Lawrence guards are insured. Mrs. Andrews stated the Parent Teachers Council would appeal for volunteers. Mr. Stillw~ll asked if the School Department or Police Department would handle this expense. Chairman Finck stated the Police Department. Mr. Lawlhr stated he would not like to feel that police'officers are being replaced. R. Finck stated no, as Mr. Scanlon pointed out the program not effective to that ~xtent. C~atrman Ftnck acknowledged fact that the Police Department is undermanned and stressed the need of additional officers. Mr. Finck stated the Lawrence training course and examimi~ion could be used in North Andover. Patrolman Moynihan gave the DECJ~BER 15, 195~ - continued: 421 board a pamphlet on Safety Guards and stated his willingness to continue assisting the board in this matter. Chairman Finck thanked all for attending the meeting and added it would be advisable to consider increasing the police staff at next Town Meeting. STREETS CLOSED GFF - Coasting. Upon recommendation of Ira D. Carty, Highway Surveyor the board voted unanimously to close off Pearley Road from High Street to Thorndike St. and Union Street from 'Marblehead to Beverly Street between 3:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. daily for the benafit of children coasting. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIE WORKS -Traffic ~irman Finck read letter from the Department of Public W&rks wherein the department do~s not warrant the instal2atien of traf£~c signals at the inter- section of Marblehead and Middlesex Streets. The letter further stated if the Town wished to supplement existing stop signs with a flashing beacon, the department would not object and would issue a permit. Mr. Sutcltffe motioned an article be placed in the Town Warrant to raise necessary funds for this purpose. Mr. Finck stated he did not feel the beard should sponsor such an article when the local police department and Department of Public Works do not recommend the need. Mr. Finneran stated he feels the present stop signs are sufficien~ and that public safety at present in this area is adequate. The motion was not seconded. Mr. Sutcliffe stated if the Department of Public Works was willing to issue a permit to the town his feeling is the lights should be installed. AIRPORT. CC~sSION -. J. Morkeski Mr. Joseph Morkiski, Liaison Officer- (Assistant) to the Lawrence Airport Commission reported to the board on matters discussed at the last meeting of the commission. He stated the commission was considering certain land taking and the relocation of Clark Street, but specific areas were not mentioned. He said there was mention of a playground area but nothing definite. The board directed a letter be s~nt the Airport Commission requesting copies of minutes of meetings pertaining to matters of interest to the Town of North Andover. Mr. Morkeski was thanked for his report and congratulated for doing a fine Job. JOHNSC~ HIGH S~00L BUILDING - Wright The' board considered the General Release form signed, witnessed and submitted by ~James C. ~Wright of Need_ham, Contractor, agreeing to .payment of $200.00 by the ~' town for work performed in beardtng-in the former Johnson High School Building. Mr.~ ~Flnnk stated he would like to table the matter for one week. Mr. Finneran. mentioned payment £or such mayuhave to be from a Town Meeting Article. MERHINACK-ESSEX ELECTRIC C~ANY .Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted.unanimous, hearing was set for December 29, 1958 at ~?:30 P~M. on the petition of MerrLmack-Essex ~ Electric Company for the location of Ewor~m~e~ on Waverly Road. The board directed ~a letter be sent the electric compan~ requesting prompt action on the installation of new lights in town. LAWRenCE GAS C~PAN~ Upom~motien of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneranand voted unanimous, La~rence Gas Company mequest to excavate on Johnson Street and Massachusetts Ave. were granted. CERTi~FICATE GF MERIT - Parade The board accepted a letter and certificate ~ merit ~f~m A. B. Sutherland Co. thanking the Selectmen for participating in the Annual Santa Claus Parade. CiVID DEFENSE The board accepted a bulletin from the Massachusetts Civil Defense Agency in reference to State Shelter Programs. December 22, 1958 The Board of Selectmen held their usual weekly meeting on this date with all members present and Chairman Finck presiding. .The meeting commenced at 7:30. CCMPLAINT - Gas Company Mr. Cormier and Mr. Lallis, residents of the Spruce Street area, appeared before the board to complain that Cyr Construction Company excavating on Spruce Street for the Lawrence Gas COmpany to install a gas main and gas service for Mr. Pappalardo, was causing considerable damage to their homes. Cra~s were appearing in their cellar windows and plaster walls in their homes. Chairman Finck called Mr. McDonough of the Gas Company and stopped the project until a method of excavating satisfactory to the residents could be employed.