HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-05JanuaryS, 1959 - continued
ST~KE - Eastern Mass. St. Ry. Co.
The beard unanimously accepted a letter from the Street and Electric Railway
Employees, Local 1509, in reference to the situation surrounding the strike on
the Eastern Nass. Street Railway Co.
CIVTL SERVICE - List Available - Police Chief
The board r~ceived a letter from Civil Service stating the list of those eligib~
for appointment to Chief of Police in the Town of North Andover was now avail-
able and tf the board wished to make requisition to do so on the enclosed blank.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, the
board will requisition said list.
The Industrial Accident Boardwillhold a hearing on January 16, 1959, at
10:00 A.M., Superior Court House, Lawrence, Mass., in respect to'George Eane
request for disability retirement. Mr. Finck stated he will attend this hearing.
D.P.U. HEARIhB - Gas Company Rules & Regulations
Murray HiLls, Inc. request town representation at D.P.U. hearing on January 14,
1959 at 10:00 A.M., State House, in reference to proposed gas company rules and
r~gulations. Chairman Finck stated he will attend this hearing.
Mr. Joseph E. E. Giard requests a street light be installed in the vicinity of
Hedges Street, between Morton and May Streets, to illuminate the area surround-
ing his garage. The beard voted unanimously to request theMerrimack-Essex
Electric Company survey the area for improved street lighting and make rerecomm-
endation to the Board of Selectmen.
In reference to recommendation by Mz~rimack-Essex Electric Company for improved
street lighting in the vicinity of Main and Russell Streets, Mr. Sutcliffe
stated his feeling that a light should be on the pole at this corner. Mr.
Sutcliffemade this a motion seconded byMr. Finneran and voted unanimous.
Recommendations of the electric company were discarded in preference to this
~. Sutcliffe mentioned a street light in fromt of the Cushing home on Nain
Street was noisy and disturbing the sleep of Mr. &Mrs. John Cushing. It was
suggestedMr. Sutcliffe call the electric company on the matter. Mr. Sutcliffe
did so and was assured the condition would be corrected immediately.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted Unanimous, the
Warrant for Annual T~m Meeting was officiallyopened at this time and wlll
be closed on January 21, 1959 at 12:00 noon.
Mr. Finck suggested the applications for School Crossing Guards be printed
that they m ay soon be available to applicants. The board agreed this should
be done.
The board directed the Town Accountant, Miss Mary T. Finn, be advised to tak~~
the necessary steps to carry over articles on the Town History, Brooks School
Skating Rink and ~hapter 90 Funds.
Mr. Sutcliffe suggested the Board of Selectmen insert an article in the Annual
Town Warrant requesting the town raise and appropriate $500.00 dollars to provide
10 band concerts to the town. Actual cost to hire would be $2S00. The board
agreed to go along with such andarticle.
Mr. Sutcliffe mentioned that~. Walter Stamp had approached him on matter of
considerable overtime put in during snow removaI and sanding operatlons. Acknowl-
edgedMr. Stamp on salary rate o~pay but stated the Neardof Selectmen could
waive overtime provisions of theW age & Salary By-Law in case of emergency or
Unusual circumstances. The board directed recommendation for such should come
from the Department Head, Mr. Ira D. Carty and that actton would nottake
place on this matter until such time as the baard receives recommendation.
A letter containing this statement was directed to Mr. Oarty.
Fire Chief Jim Daw appeared before the Board of Selectmen to discuss the water
pump situation and procedure for handling excess water conditions should such
a condition exist. Reference was made to the confusion of last year when the
need arose for many ce22ars to be pumped out. Mr. Finck suggested Mr. Duf~y
January 5, 1959
Mr. Carry, Mr. Dyer, Mr. Stamp and the Fire Chief attend meet ing next Monday
at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of setting up a proper procedure for handling
such a situation. The board agreed these people be contacted to attend this
This meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Mr. Paul Greeley and Mr. Joseph Norkeski, North Andover Liaison Officers to the
Lawrence Airport Commission appeared before the Board of Selectmen to report on
matters discussed at the commission meeting of this same date. Mr. Greeley
Stated the commission is about to acquire additional land which should take
care of all needs for the future. Will be taken next week. This will include
the Richlyn Club and land off Osgood Street. Land on ~ld Clark street not to
be taken. Mr. Finck asked if they would request the commission submit a
detailed plan showing how they will locate the new road and cut-off. The board
also stated they would like to meet with the commission to discuss the matter.
Chairman Ftnck suggested the board hold a meeting of all board members and
department heads in the Company Room of the Fire Station on January 19, 1959
at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the financial picture of the Town as it effects
present and comtemplated programs.
January 12, 1959
The Board of Selectmen met on tht~ date with all members present and Chairman
Ralph E. Finck presiding. This meeting commenced at 7:30 P.M.
HEARING- Pole Location
Upon motion of Mr. Finmaran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, petition
by Merrimack-Essex Electric Company to abandon one e~sting pole location and replace
same on Town of North Andover property at rear of the North o~ndover High School
was granted.
John J. Lyons, Town Clerk, appeared with the juroe box on summons for a Juror to be
chosen for February 2, 1959 sitting at Salem Superior Court on Civil Business.
Mr. Finneran drew the name of Annie Butterworth, 162 Greene Street, Clerk in the
Bell Shop, Lawrence. The board directed Mrs. Butterworth be so notified.
JUROR DRAWN - On January 9, 1959 the board received a request for a Juror for the
January 12, 1959 sitting at Salem Superior CoUrt for the en~ctmen~ of Civil
Business - Forth~*ith. John Lyone, Mr. Sutcliffe and secretary to the Board
of Selectmen were present. Mr. Sutcliffe drew the name of Mr. Sam Bottomley.
~. Bottomley was contacted and he stated he would not be able to serve as he
was ill. He was advised to obtain a doctors certificate that he may be excused.
Mr. Sutcliffe then drew the neme of Mr. Ralph Vernile, 19 Young Road, Ins. Agent
for the Prudential Life Ins Co. Mr. Vernt~ was so notified.
Letter from the Highway Department stated snow remov~a~ expenses incurred during
the snow removal emergency declared on December 15, 1959 amounted to $2,667.26.
The Board of Selectmen voted to certify the amount to the Director of Accounts,
Bureau of Accounts, and request permission to pay the amount from any available
The board received notice from Blue-Cross - Blue Shield stating a sum of $1414.07
should be received by the To~m of North Andover for the experience of their Blue
Cross-Blue shield Group insurance for the period from October l, 1957 through
June 30, 1958. This information was accepted by.the board.
Upon motion of Mr. ~inneran seconded by Mr. Sutdliffe and voted unanimous, permission
was granted the lawrence Gas COmpany on their request to excavate along Turnpike St.
near Enfield Street, North Andover.
D.P.U. - Strike - Easterm~ss. St. Ry.
The board accepted a letter for its files in 2el. to powers and responsibilities of
local authorities during the strike against the Eastern Maes. St. Ry.