HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-12January 12, 1959 - continued:
Chairman Ftnck read letter from Mrs. Warren Goff, ll9 Chadwick Street, claiming
damages to tire of her car amounting to $38.87 sustained on Chadwick Street -
as a result of a defect in the road. Letter from Mr. Dully, Board of Public Works,
in reference to this matter stated the department had made repairs to the· water
line on (~adwick Street Dec. 15, 1958 and after condition of the road had been
reporte~ to the dep't, on January 6, 1959 immediate repairs were made. On 'this
information the board voted to approve payment of Mrs. Golf's claim for damages
in the amount of $38.87 upon receipt of a properly signed and witnessed release.
BIDS - Itemized Annual To~n Reports
The board received bids on the printing of the Annual Town Reports from the
Mac Press .......... $8.90 per page ( School Comm. Report - 4.45/pg~
Andovor Press ....... 11.38 ~" ..
Spaulding Moss ..... 5.30 " "- Off Set
Town Printing Co. ---- 7.30 " " ' '
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe action on the award of
this contract was deferred until such time as the board has an opportunity to
discuss the printing of the report with a representatvie of the Town Printing Co.
A letter was diredted ~o all boards and department'heads stating all material
for the Annual Town Reports should be ready by January 26, 1959 ~ for inclusion~
in the 1958 Annual To%rn Report.
Mr. Walter Stamp, Foreman of the Highway Department, appeared before the board
to request that a certain section of Great Pond Road be made one-way. He~also
mentioned the brook behind Nangano's business establishment and complaints in
reference to same. Mr. Finck agresd to meet with Mr. Stamp on Wednesday after-
noon to view both areas.
MEETING - Water Pumps
Mr. Walter Stamp. and Fire Chief Jim Daw attended this meeting at 8:00 P.M. ~to
discuss the proper procedure for handling excess water conditions flooding
cellars of private homes. Chairman Finck read letter from Mr. Duffy of the
Board of Public Works in respect to the respemisiblit~ of the Water Dep ~t.
in respect to conditions caused by sewer and water systems. Mr. Daw stated
the policy of two or three years ago. It was agreed that the following pro-
cedure would be followed when conditions warranted the pumping of water from
celiars of private homes:
The Highway Department shall be responsible for conditions caused by
excess storm water and surface drains. The Board of Public Works sha//
be responsible for conditions connected with water and sewer systems. In
the event of unusual circumstances when it is impossible ~or one department
~o handle the situation, the Fire Department shsll be called upon to render
assistance. In the event of an emergency, where four or more families are
involved, the Bcard of Selectmen have the authority to declare an Fmergency
whereby the N~rth Andover Civil Defense will come to the aid of all.depart-
Mr. Stamp mentioned-the matter of street signs and stated his feeling the matter
was of concern to the Highway Department and should remain in the Highway Dep't.
Budget. Mr. Finck stated due to man~ complaints in'town the Board of Selectmen
voted~ to take over the installation and replacement of street signs. Mr. Finck
then requested a report on the number of street signs installed in the past year
and amount of money spent for same. Mr. Stamp agreed he would have the r~port'
ready this week.
Mr. John Thompson, Wiring Inspector appeared before the board to request monmy
be appropriated through his budget or othex-~ise to purchase a ground wire meter
for his use as Wiring .inspector. Mr. Thompson p~esented an estimate on the cost
of the item, 265.00, and Mr. Finck asked if any of the surrounding towns owned
such an item. Mr. Thompson cited ~oxford as having one but was not aware of
other towns. He stated the instrument is used particularly in areas where
there is no~ an underground wothe system installed. Mr. Sutcliffe stated it
should perhaps bea Town Meeting article. Mr. Finck stated it could be an
expense account item and be explained to the Advisory Board. Mr. Thompson
agreed to meet with the Advisory Board at the time his budge~ was being con-
January 12, 1959- continued:
Insu~amce Agents Mr. Andy Coffin and Mr. Whipple appeared to discuss the Insurance
Budget. Discussion took place on the budget items and any changes from last
year. It was stated by ¥~. Whipple that the Fire Schedule was up due to the
addition of the Vandalism Clause and Franklin School. Mr. Coffin stated General
Liability added to the Town insurance program for playgrounds and bathing
beach only would amount to $289.00 and questioned the necessity of adding this
to the Town ~roperty Insurance. Chairman Ftnck stated the town is liable in-
so-far as snow, ice and defect in the Highways is concerned. With these ex-
ceptions the town is not generally liable. Mr. Coffin explained all liability
is ~sed on "neglect". ~. Finck stated his feeling additional liability should
be foregone this year. Mr. ~on~n stated his feeling is the same. Mr.
Sutcliffe stated ha2has been fighting for this type ~f insurance for years and
would prefer to add liability coverage to all Town Property. The board then
took the matter under advisement and accepted the Insurance Agents Report.
SKATING RIN~S - Playgrounds
-Mr. Fred Coram, Mr. Leo Lafond and other resident of the Wawrly Park area
appeared befure the board to request that Waverly Park playgz~und or the
Thomspn School ~rd be flooded for skating. 'Mr. Finck explained Mr. Duff~'s
willingness to cooperate on the matter if the land area and weather was
appropriate. Nr. FLuck stated the matter was entirely up to Mr. Duffy.
The group stated their desire to cooperate in helping the program along and
stated they would ~-~ ~rith the Recreational Council on Wednesday evening
to further discuss the matter.
This meeting adjourned at 10:~0 P.M.
January 19, 1959
At 7:00 P.M., this evening, the Board~of Selectmen met with the town boards and
department heads in the company room of the Fire Station. ~h~irman Ralph E. Finck
presided over the meeting and suggested aL1 departments economize on their
spending. He referred to the financial condition of the state whereby towns and
cities shall receive less assistance from the state than in pre~ious years. ---
Chairman Finck referred to Article 24 of 1958 Annual Town Meeting and stated
the Board of Selectmen will sponsor an amendment to this article. He stated
~it is the general feeling that one or two boards should not be able to deny the voters
the privilege of voting on any article at sped~l town meetings. The board
amend the article to include a quorum of the voters be present at any special town
meeting to vote on any article. --~- The chairman then read the articles the Selectmen
will reccm~emd to annual town meeting. ~Discussion took place on the article
proposing a new Town Garage. Mr. Chandl~stated the School Building Committee
had changed their thinking ~n the proposed site at the rear of the High School
property. He added that in the near future additional land would be needed for
expansion of the High School but that this land would not be adaptable to the
area of~ development. Mr. Finck stated the article proposed two sites, the
present facilities enlarged which would necessitate land taking and the town
owne'd'~site ad3acent to the High School land which would require the purchase
of only one lot of land. --- Chairman Finck then asked the v~rious boards and
department heads present if any major expenditures were contemplated for the year
1959. Mr. Duffy stated no new projects for the Board of Public Works. Mr, Stamp
stated the Highway Dopartment~is asking for a new Scoop Dozer and Jeep, his pick-up
to be turned in, in trade. Mr. Conners stated the Tree Department had no articles
in ~the 195~,~warrant. Mr. Charles Buchanan stated no Library expenses would effect
the To~m. Mr. Dana Fisher, Chairman of t~e committee appointed to investigate the
erection of a new Fire Station in the vicinity of the "Old Center", stated the
committee ~q insert an article requesting $5,000 for research purposes, engin-
eering and architectural expenses which ~rill be a basis for next years article
which will. ask for the erection of a new fire station. Plans for the new
building were sho~ and it was stated the approx~te cost of the building would
be $70,000. G~ief Daw of the Fire Department stated he would ask for new hose
and new car for the Chief, old car to be turned in, in trade. Mr. Co~-Lgan
stated thc Personnel Board would reco~end a 5% cost of living increase for the
town employees governed by the Wage and Salary By-Law. Mr. Chandler stated in-
creases in the School Budget are due to the school expansion, revision of maximum
slaartes for teachers and necessary repairs to the Tomnon School. The Sd~ool
Committee will sponsor an article requesting $2G,125 for the o~eration of a
Kindergarten under the public school system. This wiLl require addi+.ior~__~ bus
transportation and equipment. --- Mr. Dyer explained improved Civil Defense
Operations Plan for ~own of North Andover and invited each department head to
take one of the copies 'he had brought with him. --- Chairman Finck thanked
each person present for attending the meeting.
The Board of Selectmen returned to their own office to conduct the business
connected with their meeting. A~tl members of the board were present.