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March 9, 1959 - continued:
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, per-
mission was granted on petition by Merrimack-Essex Electric Compan~and New Eng-
land Tel. & Tel. Co. for Joint ownership of certain poles in North Andover. These
locations outlined on lists submitted by the companies. Since these were existing
locations no hearing was necessary.
TRAFFIC - Great Pond Road and Osgood Street
~airman Ftnck read letter from Mr. Fessenden Wilder of Brooks School, thanking the
board for their efforts in attempting to alleviate the traffic problems existing
atthe intersection of Osgood Street and Great Pond Road. Mr. Wilder requested
the "Keep Right" si~at said intersection be re-located such that the vision of a
person wishing to make a left turn onto Osgood Street is not obscured. Upon motion
of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously, the board
directed a letter be sent to the Department of Public Works requesting an invest-
igation be made in respect ~o Mr. Wilder's request. The board also directed a
copy of the board letter be sent otMr. Wilder.
E~AINAGE - Anthony Beltia
Chairman Finck referred the board to Mr. and Mrs Bellia request for assistance
in correcting the drainage situation at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and
Waverly Road. Mr. Finck e~olained to alleviate the problem for the Bellia's
would be to create Zhe same problem for a neighbor. Mr. Fieneran stated this
situation dates back a number of years with additional records in the files
concerning this matter. Ne added there was also an article acted upon at a
previous town meeting in respect to this matter and turned down. He added this
would be a capital expenditure and should be taken care of at Town Meeting. ~The
board directed the files be searched for past correspondence in reference to th~
CLAIM - Rose Ribas
Chairman Ftnck read letter from Attorney Charles W. Tzombl~ in reference to notice
of injury served upon the board on behalf of Rose Ribas who was insured on Sept-
ember il, 1958 on the south side of Middlesex Street, caused by a defect in the
sidewalk. Mr. Trombly requested an opportunity to confer with the board in
regard ~o %his matter. The board directed a meeting be held for this purpose
on March 16, 1959 at §:00 P.M. and that Atty. Trombly be so gdvised.
CLAIM - Sa~ns vs Fire Department
Mr. Finck mentioned the burden of this matter is on the part of the plaintiff
since original estimate submitted the town was for $50.00 and second estimate
from new attorney for the plaintiff amounted to $148.00. Mr. FLnck suggested
since there was such a discrepenc~, in the amounts submitted the matter be held
off. The board agreed to do so.
C~AIM- Mary C. Lacey
Chairman Finck read Highway Department report in respect to Nary C, Lacey claim
for damages received due to a fall at the corner of Ashland and North Main Streets
because of icy road conditions. The report stated road was sanded at this time
and Police Department has no record of a report of accident. Claim is for
$240.00 plus medical bills. Mr. Finck stated on basis of the report he can see
no liability on the part of the town. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested perhaps there
should be a compromise on the expense. Mr. Finneran suggested Mrs. Lacey be
invited to next meeting to discuss the matter. Mr.~ Sutcliffe suggested a
representative of the Highway Department also be present. Upon motion of Mr.
Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, meeting was set for March
16, 1959 at 8:30 P.M.
C~PIAINT - Re-wiring of Harvey residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Mr. Harold Ackroyd, their electrician appeared before the
boardon their complaint against the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company and North
Andover Wiring Inspector for refusing to issue a pm~mit on the re-wiring of
their home at 93 Prescott Street. Mr. Harvey presented the board with written
statement relating their position on the matter. Mr. Finck asked Mr. Ackroyd
if he could over-ride the rules and re&~lattons of the electric company. Mr.
Ackroyd stated he had called the electric company and been assured 60 amperes
was sufficient. Mr. Ackroyd added he had shown Mr. Harvey the specifications
received from the electric company requiring 100 amperes to clear himself on the
matter. Mr. Finck stated rules and regulations of the electric company are
tantamount to law since they are on file with the Department of Public Utilities.
Mr. Narvey stated the Wiring ~nspector had stated 60 amperes al~ight with him if
agreeable to the electric company. Mr. Ackroyd stated 60 amperes are sufficient
and such installations are being done eles~sse. Mr. Harvey stated it seems to
him ironical that the electric company will hook up with his 30 ampere meter but
not with his 60. The board set up a meeting for Wednesday afternoon at 2:00
o'clock with representative from the electric company and N~. Thompson: .Wirin$
Inspector. Mr. Ackroyd stated he would be unable to attetnd but his s~a%emenms
are on record.
~arch 9, 19~9 - continued:
A letter from Mr. J. Harold ALlison stating his dissatisfaction ~ith the mix-up
over the closing of the polls was viewed by Mr. Sutcliffe.per request when he
noted the matter had been.crossed off the agenda. Mr. Sutcliffe asked that a
copy of the letter be made and mailed to his home.
MF~TING - Mr. Dyer and Mr. Duffy
~r. Duffy and Mr. Dyer attended this meeting of the board for the purpose of
discussing the posibility of purchasing town equipment through tht office of
Civil Defense. Mr. Dyez talked at considerable length on the typs of material
available at the Taunton store house. Mr. Duffy stated he is interested in
obtaining a paving breaker. Mr. Daffy asked Mr. LDyer if in the case of an
~ergency when Civil Defense ~ould take over, was the town expected to provide
100% in equipment for such operations. Mr. Dyer mentioned his ability to
purchase equipment in the llth hour in case of an emergency. Mr. Duffy asked
~here such equipment is now. Mr. Dyer answered it was stockpiled here and there
in the State of Massachusetts. Mr. Dyer stated if the town can show material
shall be used as designated by Civil Defense, authorities can purchase practic-
ally any new material and stated the best method of purchase is through
matching funds. Mr. Duffy said it doesnt seem fair~ that. Civil Defense depends on
Town Departments for Oiv~l Defense operations yet contributes nothing to the
departments. Mr. Dyer stated his willin~gness to. cooperat$.Mr. Duffy. stated his
chief interest at present is the paving breaker and Mr..Dyer stated he would
'look into the mat~er.
The board of Assessors met with the board in connection with the assessment to
the town on the Mosquito Control Program. They stated it was too late to do
anything about it this year but would insert an article in next town meeting
to include abolishment of the state program. The assessors requested they be
advised when next te~n meeting is to take place.
Chairman Finck asked for the pleasure of the board in respect to reorganizing
for the coming year. Mr. Finneran stated he cannot deviate from princip~ of
of previous years, however, if the board is satisfied with the present set-up
he will abide by the decision of the board. Mr. Finneran asked if Mr. Sutcliffe
had a statement o2 motion to make. Mr. Sutcliffe answered he had no. statement
or motion. Mr. Finneran asked if M~. Sutcliffe cared to second any motions.
Mr. Sutcliffe stated he could not answer that until a motion was made. Mr.
~inneran stated since he did not think it right that he ,~w~natmotion for himself
to be nomin&ted chairman of the Board.of Selectmen he would'motion Mr. Finck
be made chairman of the Board of Selec~en. Mr. Sutcliffe .seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Finneran motioned Mr. Sutcliffe be made chairman
of the Board of Public Welfare. Mr. Sutcliffe declined the nomination. Mr.
Finneran motioned Mr. Sutcliffe be made chairman of the License Board. 'Mr. Fimck
seconded this motion and the v~te was unanimous. Mr. Finck motioned Mr. Finneran
be made chairman of .the Welfare Board and Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion. The
vote was unanimous. Mr. Finneran motioned existing members of clerks of the
various~;boards be renominated for this year. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion
and the vote ~as unanimous.
Mr. Sutcliffe.motioned that aL1 interested parties in future appointments file
applications ,with .the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Finneran asked in so doing did
he intend former applicants and the press be so notified. Mr. Sutcliffe stated
definitely. Mr. Finck stated question of appointments should be made after Town
Meeting ~hen the bcand has the authority to make them. Mr. Sut-lt~fe stated by
then it ~ould be too late to accept applications. Mr. Sutcliffe added his
request is based on the fact that many persons are appointed who do mot desire
the job and therefore, applications should be required. Mr.. Finneran stated for
the record his is not too impressed with the motion asking that applications
be required. The motion was not seconded.
Mr. Sutcliffe suggested a letter be sent to the members of the Police Department
requesting that all m~mbers of the department cooperate with the new Chief of
Police . Mr. Finck stated very fact that the~ are police officers should carry
out the request. Mr. Finneran stated their oath of requires they do so. Mr.
Sutcliffe stated it was merely a suggestion made to improve relations in the
dspartment.and that from what he has heard good relations between the officers
does not exist.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, this
meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.