HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-16March 15~ l~? - continued
Mr. o'~ear~, Chatman of ~he Board ef Appeale, requeetsd the Selectmen pos~-
pone appointments on hie h~mrd ~ntil after the ~rd of Hare~h d~e te the fact
that his board will be talcing action on matters set,up for hearings on that
date and he would prefer to have the same members acting on these matters.
Mr. O'Leary al~o requested the board cor~ider re-appointing the same members
as they were an excellent group to w~rk with, The board agreed to hold off
theee appointments.
Chairman Finck suggested an industrial committee be set up to find out Just
how much land is available in town for industrial development and attempt to
develop the land for such use. Mr. Finck asked for c~ent from the board.
Mr. Sutcliffe suggested the board ge ahead with the matter. Mr. Finck stated
it was merely a suggestion and proposed the idea be looked into for further
discussion next week. Mr. Finneran stated he felt the idea mas sound
deserved further consideration.
~airman Fimck read resignation of Mr. John B. Corrigan from the personnel
bc~rd. Mr. Sutcltffe stated his regr~ttto hear Mr. Corrigan has resigned
and the board agreed Mr. Corrigan had done a wonderful Job as chairman of
the Personnel Board. Mr. Finck stated it w~uld take time to find a replace-
ment and the board d~ ~ected Mr.' Oorrigan be requested to withhold his resign-
ation until such time as a replacement could be found.
Chairman Finck suggested all annual appointments be postponed until such
time as the heard knows who is available to the various positions.
Sutcliffe stated that was his intention last week when he' suggested app-
licatioms Be called for on the various posi~ioms. Mr. Sutcliffe made Hr.
Finck's suggestion a motion that was seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted uman-
The board viewed correspondence received from Freedom, Inc. and t~pon motion
of Mr. ~utcliffe seconded By Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous, Er. John J. Lyons,
Town Clerk, was appointed local chairman for Freedom ~nc. for the year.
~Irman Finck read let~ ~m Atty. W.A. ~ss of ~ston, r~resent~ George
~eaves, ~ ~ence ~ pa~t of ~k pe~o~ by J~es C. W~ght, Jr.,
~ntmc~r, ~ ~e T~ of N~th A~. ~on moti~ of ~. ~t~fe seco~-
dec~d~ by ~..~e~n ~d ~ted ~m~, lett~ ~s d~e~ to Atty.
~oss ad~s~ ~ ~t ~t for ~ ~rk ~s~de ~ James O. W~, Jr.
~ ~ ~l~ge of ~. ~ves ~t ~e ~ ~s do~E ~ess ~ ~.
W~ght a~ ~ c~t~e ~ do so.
Coairman F~-~k read letter from Ira D. Carry, Highway Surveyor, requesti~E the
Board of Selectmen waive the Overtime Provisions of the Wage. and Salary By-Law
in consideration of overtime worked by Mr. Walter Stamp, High~ay For~m~n, during
snow removal and sanding operations. Mr. Sutc]l ffe motioned it be approved.
Mr. Finck stated it would not be consistant with the manner in which he is
paid. Mr. ~eran stated he felt the situation was unique during snow re-
moval. Mr. Finck stated he feels it weald be creating a bad precedent. Mr.
Finneran seconded the motion by Mr. Sut-~efe that Mr. Carty's reco~,~endation
be approved and i~ewas a majority vote with Mr. Finck opposed due to the fact
he felt it would be creating a bad prededent and that Mr. Stamp h~d accepted
the.-Joh knowing overtime consideration was not provided.
Fr. Finneran motioned a survey for improved street lighting be requested for the
vicinity of the Teal farm off Boxford Street. He mentioned the drive into the
farm was dark at the entrance and Mr. Teal had made this request. Mr. Sutcliffe
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ~arvey, 93 Prescott Street, Mr. Reginald Griffin of the
Merrimack-Essex Electric 0ompan¥ and Mr. John Th~,~sou, Wiring Inspector for
the Town. of North Andover, attended this meeting set up by the Board of Select-
men for the purpose of discussing the re-wiring of the ~arvey home and reasons
wh~ an electrical permit has been' denied Er. ~arvey. Mr. Harvey gave copies
of his written statement presented the board at last mee%img, to Mr. Griffin
and Mr. Th~,~son who were then given the time to read the statement. Er. Harvey
protested the condition of the leading wire into his home and ~r. Griffin assured
Mr. Harvey when the proper changes were made a new cable will be run in on the
ne~ service. Mr. Griffin stated Mr. Harvey had a 60 ampere service installed in
Harch 16, 19%9 - continued:
his home when the electric company had issued him specifications for 100 ampere
service. He explained that 30, 60 or 100 ampere service does not interfere with
the electric company system, but the rules and regulations of the company were
set up with the intention to offer proper electric capacity to the customer.
Er. Griffin further explained due to the many modern electric appliances, the
company fe~ls it a mistake to recommend anything less than 100 ampere service.'
Atty. Finck asked if it is possible to hook Mr. Harvey up with 60 ampere ser-
vice. Er. Griffin a~red Mr. Narveypprohahly feels he's not using equipment
requiring greater service. Mr. Finck asked for a yes or no answer to his
question. Nr. Griffin stated as far as the safety is concerned there is no
reason why it can't he connected by the electric company ~ho merely recc~nends.
Er. John Thompson stated the 1956 Wiring Code strongly recommended the minimum
service on single family homes be 100 amperes.and feels there can be no
variance from this ruling uhless there is a reason which he cannot see in this
case. Chairman Finck asked if Mr. Thompson had informed Mr. Ackroyd, Mr.
Harvey's electrician, it was a~right to install a 60 ampere, service. Er.
Thompson answered yes, a~right if other service was conforming. Er. Thompson
stated either the oil tank or the service entrance in Mr. Harvey's home will
have to be moved. Er. Thompson stated the service board must be at the point
of entrance. Er. Harvey asked why he had not been told this at the time of
inspection. Er. Thompson admitted he did not tell Mr. Harvey but told his
electrician who had requested inspection of his work. ~e added it is un-.
ethical to speak to anyone about the Job except the craftsman going the Job.
Er. Finck stated he felt it was up to Er. Harvey's electrician to explain .the
situation to Mr. Narvey. When questioned, Er. Thompson stated the Wiring_code
is part of the Nassachusetts State Code, and knowing Mr. Ackroys ts fine
reputation was certain Er. Ackroyd was aware cf the situation. Er. Sutc~iffe
asked Mr. Thompson if he had ever had any similar situations and was ans- ,.,
wored yes but that all were corrected as requested. Er. Harvey stated Er.
Thompson was interpreting the law to his own satisfaction. Er. Thompson
then referred Er. Narvey to the State Wiring Commission, the State board
to which Mr. Tompsen is directly responsible. Er. Finck stated he felt
Er. Thompson had explained his position and suggested Er. Harvey contact the
State Wiring Commissioner requesting him to inspect the situation as Mr.
Thompson had suggested. Those present agreed to meet at Mr. Narvey~s home
on Saturday, Narch 21, 1959 at 2:00 P.M. to view the situation and discuss
the matter further.
t~ B. DINE - DirectOr of AccoUnts
The beard directed a letter be sent to the DirectOr of Accounts, Herman B. Dine,
relativ~ tO the ~% cost of living in,ease accorded employees governed By the '
Wage and Salary By-Law at Annual Town Meeting.
This meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M.
Narch 23, 1959
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman
Ralph E. Finck presiding. The meeting commenced at 7:30 P.E.
HEARING - Pole Location
Chairman Finck read petition of Merrimack-Essex Electric Company and New England
Tel; & Tel. Co. for a joint pole location on Innis Street, 2 poles to be erect-
ed, which was set up for hearing on this date. Mr. Finneran motioned permission
be granted. The motion ~ms seconded By Mr. Sutcliffe and the vote was uaanim-
C~NT - A. Detora
Mr. Alfred Detora, 'Salesman for Lowell l~otor Sales, Chevrolet Dealer, appeared
before the board to complain about the wording of a legal notice calling for
bids on a tractor by the Board of Public Works. He stated he felt the bid
was non-competitiVe and therefore not legal since it specifically requested
a Ford tractor. Chairman Ftnck stated there may be a legitimate reason for
the Board of Public Works to have worded the notice in this manner but agreed
to appear at the meeting cf the Board of Public Works on Thursday of this
week with Mr. Detora in respect ~o this matter.
OVERTIME - Walter Stamp
Fire Chief James P. Daw appeared before the boatd to protest the vote of the
Board of Selectmen waiving the overtime'provisions of the Wage and Salary By-
Law to make it possible for Walter Stamp, Foreman in the Highway Department,
to receive pay compensation for overtime hours worked during enow removal
and sanding operations'. Er. Daw asked if the board wo~ld a~low such for
other salaried personnel. Chairman Finck repeated his position of last week
and his reasons for being opposed to such a measure. Mr. Sutcliffe read. the
provisions of the By-Law relating to overtime and stated the board had acted
on the recommendation of Er. Carty, Highway Surveyor. Chief Daw stated the -
p hour overtime Er. is in line w~th the By-Law