HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-23Narch 23, 1959 - continued:
and that the vote of the board had actually given Mr. Stamp a blank check. Mr.
Flnck stated he couldntt see the purpose in having a BF-Law if you didn't live
by it. Mr. Sutcliffe stated the vote had been for the benefit of one man due
to unusual circumstances and now ALl shlkvied:~employees are looking for it.
Mr. Finck stated Mr. Stamp was a~are the position of Foreman did not include
overtime when he accepted the classification. Mr. Einch asked if Mr. Sutcliffe
~f he was of the same opinion as of last week. Mr. Sutcliffe asked if Mr. Fiuneran
had a statement to make on the matter. Mr. Finneran suggested holding action
in abe2ance until such time as Towa Counsel is appointed and can determine the
intent of this particular phase of the By-Law. Mr. Flnneran made this a motion
which ~as seconded by Mr. Sutcllffe and voted unanimous. Mr. Finck stated he
~1~ ask the Personnel Board to strike the provision relating to the power
of the Board of Selectmen in this respect £~om the By-Law at next Annual Town
Meeting'and if they ~tll not do so he will sponsor such an article himself.
Chief Daw referred to the additional $1000. increase in the salary budget of
the Superintendent of Public Works and C~erk, and asked if it was possible for
the Advisory Board to grant increases now that hte Town has a Personnel Board.
The board stated they were not aware of .the situation and Mr. Finck stated
he would investigate the matter.
.--~v,,. SERVICE
The board received approval from Civil Service of the appoin~ma,t of Ernest A.
Roberts to Permanent Patrolman in the PoLice Department.
The board received from Civil Service the certified list of those eligible to app-
ointment to Permanent Patrolman (O~e) in the Police Department. Chairman Finck
stated Mr. Galleazi had not yet contacted him as to whether or not he will
accept or refuse the appointment and since he has until March 27 to do so
Mr. Finck suggested the appointment be deferred until next Monday. Mr. Fim4eran
made this a motion which was seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted Unanimous.
Chairman Finck read Herman B. Dine letter relative to the 5% Cost-of-Living 'increase
voted by the town under Article 18 of the warzant for annual town meetly. Mr.
Dine' stated the increase may be paid in 1960 until the annual town meeting. The
board directed copies of the letter be referred to all department heads.
Chairman Finck read letter from the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company relative to
improved street lighting in the' vicinity ~f the Teal Farm off Boxford Street.
Mr. Finneran motioned that one light be installed on the pole at the entrance to
the farm as recommended. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the morton and the vote was unan-
PETITION- Mass. Northeastern Transp. Co.
Chairman Ftnck read petition by the Mass. Northeastern Transportation Co.' for a
'license ,to operate motor vehicles over certain routes in North Andover. Mr. Finck
stated the Dep~rtment of Public Utilities had recently denied this cmmpany a
permit:in the Haverhill are~. Mr. Finck also called attention to th~ fact
that the petition was not clear as to the exact routes to be used. Mr. Sutcliffe
motioned the company be asked to clarify the routes that the petition may be
presented correctly before acted upon by the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Finneran
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
DEPART~N~IT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES - Marblehead St. Crossing.
The board accepted a notice from the Department of Public Utilities of action
dismissing the petition of the Boston & Maine Raf]rOad protesting action of thb
County Commissioners authorizing the Town of North Andover to lay out a public
way to be known as Marblehead Street ac~oss tracks at grade of the Bostmn &
Maine Railroad. Mr. Finck explained he had attended a hearing on this matter
:at the D.P.U., afterwhich he was in conference with representatives of the
Boston &,Maine Railroad and at which time they agreed to withdraw their protest.
Chairman Finck stated the Tax Collector desired the board approve the Tax
Collectors Bond and added it had already been approved by the State Commissioner
of Taxation, Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sut~l~efe and voted --
unanimous,, the bond was approved.
RESIGNATION~ - J. Flanagan, K. Terroux
~irman' Finck read the resignations of Mr. Joseph V. Flamagan from the Personnel
Board, term expires in 1960, and of Mr. Kenneth Terroux from the Zoning Board of
Appeals whose term expires in 1961. Nr. Fiuneran motioned the resignations be
accepted with regret.. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vote was unan-
March 23, 1959 - continued:
Chairman Finck read letter from Mr.. John B. 0orrigan stating he wall be g2ad
to remain on the Personnel Board until August of this year ~en the full te~
years of his term has expired, or until such time as his personal employment will
allow. This ~as in reply to board letter requesting he withhold his resignation
until such time as the board could find ~ replacement. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned
Mr. Corrigan's decision be accepted. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the
vot~lwa s unanimous.
Mr. Finck stated the Spaulding-Moss Oompany wLll charge approximately $800. to'
$900. for the printing cf 2S additional copies of the Town Report. Mr..
Finneran motioned the Town Clerk be advised that additional copies will not
be secured. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the w~te was ufa nimous,
Chairman Finck stated he is endeavoring to obtain the necessary information to
set up a committee properly and shall have such material available by next
Mor~ay meeting. Mr. Firmeran asked h~w many members Mr. Finck had in
Mr. Finck stated he had no definite opinion on the number hut perhaps nine.
Mr. Finck stated the above engineering firm had submitted two engineering
brochures in reference to the proposed new fire station and suggested the
material be kept fur future reference.
Chairman Finck read letter from the Library nf. Co~gres~ requesting a .copy
of the Town of North Andover map. Upon motion of Mr. Finncran seconded by
Mr. Sutcliffe and voted uaanimous, the letter war referred to John Lyons,
Town Clerk.
MEETING: TG~N DUNP - Board of Health & Highway Department
Mr. George Caron representing the Board of Health and Mr; IfaD. Carry and
Mr. Walter Stamp of the Highway Department appeared before the Board of.
Se~ctmen at a meeting scheduled for the purpose of discussing matters con-
cerning the Town Dump. Mr. PLuck explained due to the fact the Town was not'~n
approval of the purchase of a new tractor and the present tractor damaged and
in need of repair, and insufficient funds in the budget for operating ex-
penses of the Town Dump for a full year, it is now up to the officials con-
ccrned to do semething about the situation. Mr. Carry stated the old bull-
dozer could be used once it is repaired but in the meantime will have ,to
hire a bull-dozer to take care of the present needs. Mr. Carry stated he.hired
a tractor to move the refuse at the ~ at 2. 70 pe~ hour a~ that Hr. Rea has'
stated he will rent the town his tractor for $9.00 per day. Mr. Finck state~
he heard parties were interested in taking care of the dump for salvage put-.
poses. Discussion took place at this time about the amount of burning necess-
ary at' the dump. Mr. Finck mentione~ the possibility that airport expansion .'~
will eventually take in the dump area and .the townwill.have to consider an-
other site. Mr. Caren stated some time ago Mr. George Rea. offered land:for
sale at a reasonable price but wondered if it would now be .available, - Mr.. ~
Catty stated he has $1,000in his budget for care of the dump and suggested
hiring a tractor until the old tractor is repaired and when sources are ,
exhausted he ~ report to the Select~en.
Mr. and Mrs. Itar~ey appeared before the Selectmen to state he feels the :
discretion of the Wiring Inspector, as far as the re-wiring of his house is
concerned, is arbitrary. Mr. Fimck stated he £elt the matter had been
settled at the meeting held at Mr. ~rvey's home on last Saturday. Mr.
Harvey stated there was no understanding as far as he was concerned. Mr.
Finck stated Mr. Thompson had called on the phone this evening to state he
had not yet heard from Mr. Ackroyd, Mr. Harvey's electrician. Mr. Harvey
read the provisions of the National Wiring Code, Section 2351, and referred
to his set-up which he claims conforms with the requirements of the law..
Mr. Finck stated the question is whether or not the discretion of the wiring
Znspector is arbitrary. Mr. Finck brought cut that at Saturday meeting the
Wiring Inspector agreed setting up a fire ~all would be satisfactory but ~.
requests the service board should be on the ~ at point of entrance. Mr.'
Finck reminded Mr. Harvey he could appeal to the State Wiring Commissioner.
Mr. Harvey stated he feels Mr. Thompson~s work should be inspected and stated
he had examined the records in the Town Clerks Office and found Mr. Thompson
never filed permits for his own w~rk ~nd asked if he. isn't entitled to a
ruling from Town 0ounsel on the matter. Mr. Harvey referred to people who
have cocherated his opinion that the sit'uat~°n is allright. Mr. Finck asked
if Mr. Harvey could produce th~se people he should do so. Mr. Finck added.
the Board of Selectmen are attempting to find a workable solution to the prb-
lem and agafan suggested bringing in the State Wiring Inspecte=. Mr. Finneran
asked if it would be of any assistance to Mr. Harvey ~f the Selectmen called
in the State Wiring Cc~missiouer. Mr. Harvey intimated the State man. would
only go along with the local Inspector. Mr. Sutcliffe asked Mr. ~arvey Just
what he expected the Selectmen to so. Mr. I~ey answered he hoped the
Selectmen would over-rule the decision of the Wiring Ymspector. Mr. Finck
stated the Selectmen cannot do this but can only remove him from office if
proven he is not doing his Job properly. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he does not
feel the board can teL1 Mr. Thompson he is wrong when we know nothing about
wiring. The board agreed to contact the State Wiring Inspector to investigate
the set-up. The board also stated they would' investigate why Mr. Thompson
does not take out permits or have his own Jobs inspected as Mr. Harvey ment-
ioned ·
The following appointments ~ere made by the Board of Selectmen as voted under
Article 2 of 1959 Annual Town Warrant:
Moth Superintendent - 1 yr.: John J. Conners - Motion o5 Mr. Finneran unan. vt.
Wiring Inspector, 1 yr.: John Thompson - Motion of Mr. Finneran, Uriah. vote.
Bal. Registrars: John McDuffie, 3 yrs. Motion Mr.. Sutcliffe, unan. vote.
Bal. of Appeals: Howard Gilman, 5 yrs. Motion Mr. Finneran, unan. vote.
"~ " " Charles Foster to fill unexpired term of ]~e~ff~oux, 2 yrm
Assoc. Members to Bd. Appeals: DonaXd Smith, Alfred Boeglin, William Morton - 1 yr.
Personnel Board: Henry Martin, 1 yr. Motion of Mr. Fiuneran, unan vote
Roland Kerb, 2 yrs. Motion of Mr. Sutcliffe, unan vote
Clifton Stone, Jr., 1 yr. unexpired term J. Flanagan. Motion
of Er. Finneran, uriah, vote.
Personnel Board of Appeals: J. Morkeski, 2 yrs. Haroid Morley, 2 yrs. Richard
Heider, 2 yrs. Ralph Finck, 1 yr. James McClung, 1 yr.
Donald Fosss, 1 yr. All motion of Mr. Finneran, unan vote.
Director Civil Defense: Dewey Dyer, 1 yr. Motion Mr. Sutcliffe, unan vote.
Recreational Council: Carl Thomas, Demonic J. Bonauno, William McEvoy,
Ra~mond Sullivan, Nicholas Evangelos. Ail appointad for 1 yr
motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe, uman. vt.
~hairman Finck read letter from Mr. McEvcy requesting a seven
member board. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the council be increased
to seven members, seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted uaanimon~
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mr. John J. Moran be appointed to the
Council, seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous. Mr. Finck
motioned Mr. ~erbert Toomey be appointed seconded by Mr. Sut-
cliffe amd voted Unanimous.
Sealer of Weights & Measures: Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mr. Dominic Bonanno be
reappointed to the position. Mr. Finneran motioned Mr. Robert
~ray be appointed. Mr. Finck motioned Mr. Ernest Roberts of
Irving Road be appointed. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he feels Mr.
Bomuamo has shown he has been the best Sealer of Weights in
~ears and on election day received over 1000 votes on his bid
for Civil Service status showing many persons have much con-
fidence in him as Sealer of Wts. Mr. Fiuneran stated he has
utmost confidence in his candidate and feels he will do an
equally good Job for the town. Mr. Sutcliffe asked what ex-
perience he had and Mr. Finneran answered "adequate,,. Mr.
Finck stated his incumbent has experience of previous years as
Sealer of Wts. Mr. Sutcliffe stated record of Mr. Roberts not
equal to Mr. Benannn's performance. Mr. Finck called for a
second ballot. Each member nominated the same persons. Mr.
Finck called for a third ballot. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he
suspects this vote is cast personally against himself by Mr.
Finck and will only hurt somebody else. The Town know Mr.
Bonanno has done an excellent Job and I do not think'anything
should be held against Mr. Bonanno because of a personal
grudge against me. Mr. Finck stated Mr. Sutcllffe could in-
terpret the vo~e amy ~a~ he wished BF~ he felt he had a ~ight
to his own candidate. Mr. Finck dalled again for a third
ballot. The vote ~us the same. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the
appointment be postponed for another week. Mr. Finck called
for a fourth ballot, the nominations were the same. Mr.
Sutcliffe motioned postponement for one week. Mr. Finneran
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Liaison Officers to the Condon Airport: Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by
Mr. Sutcliffe ,nd voted unanimous, Mr. Paul J. Greeley and
Mr; Joseph Morknski ~ere reappointed Liaison Officers to the
Condou Airport for one year.