HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-04May 4, ~59
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman
· Ralph E. Finck presiding. The meeting commenced at 7:30 P.M.
A hearing was held at this time on the petition by Mr. Anthony Nicosia for the
removal of two trees at 42 Second Street. Mr. Nicosia and Mr. Conners, Tree Warden,
were present. Mr. Connors advised the Board of Selectmen he did not recommend
the removal of the trees as they were young and healthy ~nd in line with other
trees on Second Street. Mr. Nicosia stated the trees were uprooting his cement
sidewalk and the. condition would worsen in time. He added one of the trees had
been bent since the hurricane and questioned Mr. Connors as to why the tree had
never been straightened and braced. ~'m. Connors stated it was true one of the trees
was slightly bent but it was not noticeable unless called to your attention. He
added it was impossible for his department to handle all trees demaged by the
hurricane, especially those only slightly d~maged. Mr. Finck suggested the hearing
be continued to next week and in the meantime the board iiew the situation. The
board agreed to this suggestion and the hearing was dismissed until next week.
Chairman Finck read Merrimack-Essex Electric Company recmmnendation for improved
street lighting in the vicinity of 32 Rosedale Avenue, 554 Foster Street and the
Cormier residence on Spruce Street. Mr. Finneran .mctionad the recommendations be
adopted by the board. Dk~. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanim-
OhS ·
Chairman Finck read' letter from the Department of Public Utilities stating letter
from the Board of Selectmen relative to the Joint petition for transfer of the
local bus franchise from Eastern Mass~ St. Railway Co. to the TromblyMotor Coach
Service had .been placed on file to be referred to when considering decision in
respect to this petition.
2ELEGRAM, Bus Strike - Mayor Costin
Chairman Finck reed telegram received on this date from Mayor T. P. Costin of Lynn
relative tolmeeting in the office of the Governor. on Tuesday, May 5 at 10:00 P.M.
for ~the purpose of discussing certain proposals relative to the bus strike. Mr.
Finck stated he will attend.
The. board accepted notice, of Land Court petition of M.V. Ssmpinato for registration
of land on Maplewood Avenue and Longwood Avenue.
'JOINT P~-TITION - Removal of Pole
~The Board voted unanimously to grant permission to New England Tel. & Tel Co. 'and
Merrimack-Essex Electric CO. to remove 1 pole on Osgood Street
jOINT PETITION - Pole Location
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous, hearing
was set ~for, May lB at 7:30 P.M. on petition of Merrimack-Essex Electric CO. and
New England Tel. & Tel. Co. for the placement and removnl of 1 pole on Nnss. Ave.
RESIGNATION- Crossing Ouerd
The Board~ regretfu21y accepted resignation of Mrs. Ruth NcAvoy as a Crossing Guard.
Mrs. McAvoy's resignation was offered on advice from her physician. Mr. Sutcliffe
motioned Mrs. Mary Pellegrino be appointed Regular Crossing Guard to fill this
vacancy. Mr. Finnermn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The board
agreed to delay filling the vacanclme on the Reserve List until recommendations for
same had been received from Safety Officer Frank Dushame.
Ci~TL DEFENSE -Matching Funds
The board accepted letter from Dewey Dyer, Dtvil Defense Director, and check repre-
santtng reimbursements from matching funds program.
BUREAU (F ACCOUNTS - Report of Audit
The board accepted rcport of Audit from the Bureau of Accounts for the year ending
D~csmber 31, 195~.
Mr. Davidson appeared before the board to state plans in the development of Woodstock
Street call for connection of drain:to Woodstock Street but there is no drain to
connect with. Mr. Davidson requested advise on procedure to be taken to pursuade
Mr. Narino to put in his drain. Mr. Finck referred iv~. Davidson to the Planning
CHAPTER 9G - Dale Street
In reference to final payment to Martin Mallet, contractor for work on Dale Street,
Mr. Finneran informed the board Mr. Berry of the Chapter 90 Division of Department
of Public Works had advised him it was common practice to w~thhold final pa~mant
May 4, 1959
- continued:
such time as the department kad certain all terms of the contract had been complied
with. ~. Berry further stated the estimate presented the board shows clarification
of the account. ~. Sutcliffe stated his satisfaction with the explanation and
motioned the estimate be paid. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote wms
unanimous. (See next paragraph)
DALE STREET - Smolak Claim
Chairman Finck read letter from Atty. John j. Willis representing Mr. Martin o~molak
of Dale Street who has a claim against contractor Martin Maillet for gravel purchased
by Mr. Maillet from I.~. Smolak and for which he has not been paid. Atty Willis
requested the board withhold payment onthe final estimate until such time. as Mr.
Smolak has been paid. Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and
voted unanimous, previous vote of the board was res~i~ddd and it was agreed to
withhold payment as requested.
Mr. Finck informed the board of a telephone c~ll from Mr. Wilkins of the Chapter
90 District Officerwho requested Mr. Finck meet with him and Mr. Harmaala, Engineer
on Dale Street, May 6, 1959 at 2:00 P.M. Chairman Finck stated he agreed to attend
this meeting to discuss the completion of work on Dale Street.
Chairman Finck referred to Route llO as discussed at last w~ekm meeting and suggested
since the state was so uncooperative on the matter letters be sen~ to the three
representatives of the district requesting their assistance in obtaining inform-
ation on the direct route of llO through the Town of North Andover. Mr. Sutcliffe
made this a motion adding the Senator of the district also be contacted. Mr.
Finneran seconded the motion and the vo~e was unanimous.
Chairman Finck stating he had spent considerable time in research on a program for
industrial development in the Town of North ~ndover, suggested a 9 man committee
be setup forthZs purpose. Mr. Finneran suggested the committee be comprised of
representatives from the Board of Selectmen, Board~of Public Works, Board of
Assessors and Planning Board. Mr. Finck agreed stati:ng four members from to~n
government and 5 members from outside with specialties in this Eegardwou~d be
advantageouS. Mr. Sutcliffe asked the chairman if he had anyone in mind. Mr.
Finck answered yes, but suggested appointments be made next week. The Selectmen
agreed they would be ready to mak% .appointments next week.
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Fm. Fimneran ar~ voted unanimous, the
following appointments of SpecielPolice Officers were made on this date~
Andrew J. Moynihan- 346Middlesex Street
Francis O'Laughlin - 476 Waverley Road
Mr.. Sutcliffe suggested a l~tter be sent to the Department of Public Works inquiring
wh~ stop lights hove not yet been installed at the intersection of Mass. Ave
and ~averley Road.
At this same time Mr. Finck suggested the department be requested to hot-top
0sgood Street in their current maintenance program.
Mr. Su~cliffe suggested Civil Service be contacted on board request for an
ez~mination for Reserve Police Officer. ~r. Finck suggested a phone call ~uld
be more effective. The board agreed.
SP -EEDING - Mass. Ave.
~. Sutcliffe stated people in the area of Massachusetts Avenue, espcially near
the intersection of Middlesex Street, are very disturbed over excessive speeding
and numerous accidents int~he area. Ne suggested since the State refused to do
anything about traffic signals in t he area they b~ requested to assist in
patroling the area for sppeding. Mr. Sutc!iffe motioned letters be sent to the
local police chief and Sgt. Dargan of the State Police, Andover Barracks, re-
questing every effort be made to curb speeding on Mass.achusetts Avenue. ~.
Finneran seconded the motion ~nd the vote was una~tmous.
Chairman Finck stated he had attended a meeting with the Lawrence Airport Commiss-
ion with Mr. Duffy and the commission had presente~ the board with plans showing.
a proposed relocation of Clark Street. Ho stated the commission intends to re-
quest approval of the State on the proposed new access from Osgood Street. Mr.
Finck displayed the plans stating they would be av~i!abte for study in this office.
Mr. Finneran questioned whether or not change of location would require Town
Meeting action. Mr. Finneran suggested since the relocation was to t he interest
of the commission the burden of the proposal wasup tot hem. Mr. Finneran also
May 4, 19~9 - oontinued:
added the department heads would be involved in this matter. Chairman Finck
suggested another meeting o~ department heads take place for the purpose ~
e~plaining this matter along with the progrmn for industrial development. It
was agreed the me~ting would be held on May 18 at 8:00 P.M. tnt he Company Room
of the Fire Star, dh. Mr. Finneran suggested the Airport Commission also be
invited to attend.
~s. Eleanor McClellan, Chairman ~£ the committee for the annual North Pazish Churhh
Fair, requested permission to rope off the following streets on June 6, 1959, the
date of the Fair: Great Pond Road from top of hillLto Stevens Street, area fronting
HayScales Exchange along Johnson Street, and Academy Road from the church to the
Historical Society. The board approved this request providing it meets the
approval of the Highway Surveyor and Chief of Police.
The board agreed to have letters mimeographed to be sent to newcomers to North
Andover, through the facilities of the Welcome Wagon Hostess, offering a cordial
welcome to all persons coming to reside in the Town of Nort~h Andover. A sample
letter will be presented the board ne~xt meeting.
ATTCPJ~EY TRemBLY - Colizzt Ts Town of North Andover
The board unanimously agreed to authorize Atty. Charles W. T~ombly to sett~ the
matter of Colizzi vs the Town of North Andover, Essex Superior Court No.' 110751,
for/the $1200 offered by Mr. Colizzi.
Upon request of the Board of Assessors, the board agreed to notify Mr. Martin J.
Lawlor, Sr., Building Inspector, to preser~ copies of ~11 building permits to the
Board of Assessors seven days after issue.
· Upo~n motion of Mr. Finneran'secended by Mr. Suteliffe and voted unanimous, this
meeting .adjourned at 9:00 P.M
The 'Board of Selectmen met on this date with aL1 .~mb~sapresen~ and Chairman
Finck presiding, Meeting. opened at 7:30 P.M.
CC~mLAINT - F. Phelan
Mr..Fred Phelen of Prospect Street, North Andover, reported a considerable m~ount
of debris was left on Prospect Street when the Board of Public Works laid water
and sewer pipes. Mr. Phelan complained a neighbor had installed a fence ~round
his prpperty and had built it backwards add questioned whether or not this was
a violatinn of the Zoning By-Law. In reference tothe debris, Mr. Finck referred
Mr. Phelan to the Board of Public Works and stated he would investigate the matter
of the fence.
A hearing was held at thi~ time on the applicatiou by C. H. Donabedian for license to
store~ 15,000 g~lons of gasoline underground at the Lawrenc~ Airport. Mr. Donabedian
was present for Shell 0il Co. Mr. Norman Scott objected to the~granting of such a
~permtt~due to the fact that the Board of Selectmen refused to issue hima permit for
storage of~ lumber on his property adjacent to the airport, and therefore disapproves
of storage of dengerons fluids in the area. Mr. Finneren motioned the license be
granted based on the approval of the Fire Chief. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion
and'the ~vote was unanimous.
Atty. Daniels was present at a hearing scheduled for this time on application by
Massgan Realty CO. for license to store 4,000 gallons of gasoline at 20 Clark St.,
North Andover. This was for au increase in gal]onage on a previously granted
license. ~. Finncran motioned the license be granted. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the
motion and the license was granted.
Mr. Norman Scott and an immediate neighbor of Adams Avenue appeared before the
board to state the Board of Heklth had ~omplatned of an overflowing septic tank.
Mr. Scott stated the tank belonged to his neighbor and that it was overflowing
d~e to a i~au.!ty drain on Chickering Road. Mr. Finck stated the drain on Chick-
~ Roadhad probably been inst~ 1 ed prior to the building of the house and
that the State possibly has easements. Mr. Finck further suggested the State
be contacted to investigate the situation and if said drain is found responsible
for the condition correction should be made. Mr. Ftnneran made this a motion which
~ seconded by ~r. Sutcliffe end voted unanimous.