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of Rep. Giles letter to Commissioner Di~Iatale of the Department of Public Works
which suggested a hearing be set up in the Town of North Andover for the purpose
of Public Information. Chairman Finck stated he had spoken verbally with Senator
Rurak and Representative ~,~lliams who had stated the plans for llO are now in the
Right-of-Way Division end that no information will be available until such time as
the plans are returned to the ~-~agineering Department. Nm. Sutcliffe stated he'd
like very much to see a hearing in the Town. ~. Finck stated only an engineer
who cermet commtt the Commonwealth will meet in North Aedover end no heedway can
be made with this type of set-up. ~.~. Ftnck added an attempt should be made to
have a representative of the D.P.W. with the authority to speak for the dspartment
attend such a hearing. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the board contact Representative
Giles to request such an arrengement be made through his office. Nr. Ftnneran
stated the board need only to endorse Mr. Giles recommendation as stated in the
letter. Mr. Finneran seconded this motion and the vote was unanimous.
CIV~ SERVICE - Ex. am for Reserve Patrolman
Chairman Finck reed notice from Civil Service that an examination has been ordered
for entrance into the Reserve Police Force of the North Andover Police Department.
Chairmen F frick read letter frmu the Department of Public Works suggesting the Town
take over Namsachusetts Avenue as a ~%~hiWa~nd advising under such circumst~ces
Mass. Ave would become eligible for ~ecenstruction on a higher priority list.
YiP. Fi~ck mstated he will discuss this matter with the Highway Engineer ~ethe
Wednesday meeting. Mr. Finneren stated the matter should also be discussed with
the Highway Surveyor. It was agreed that Mr. carry should be invited to attend
this meeting.
FUEL 0IL STC~AGE - ~[rs. Fournier
Mrs.~ Louise Fournier appeared before the board on behalf of her application for
underground storage of Fuel end Range Oil at Service StatiOn on Chickering Reed
which had been denied by the board at meeting of last week. Mr. Fournier asked
for reconsideration cf her petition. Fro. Ftnck suggested a new petition be
submitted,~with proper notice to the abutters. ~r--. Fournier stated the Fuel 0il
St~Eagets ~actually a necessity to her business. Mr. Finck stated he did not
think it proper to accept testimony from Mrs. Fournier without a hearing in the
presence of .the interested abutters. Mrs. Fournier requested a permit to use
Diesel Oil with a pump for use in trucks. Mr. Ftnck ruled there be no further
admission of evidence and suggested Mrs. Fournier take the proper action in
submitting a-new petition. Mr. Finneren edvised Fms. Fournier that would be
t~ better approach tothe matter.
HFARING - Pole Location
Mr. Jeremiah Casey of the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. appeared at this hearing
in the interesteo£ a joint petition to remove one pole amd install one pole at
th~ intersection of .~assachusetts Avenue mud 0sgodd Street. Hiss Reardon was
present as en interested abutter and was shown plens of the location. Miss.Reardon
stated she had no~ objection to the granting of this petition. Mr. Finneran
~motiohed the petition be epproved. Mr. Su~c!iffe seconded the motion and the
VOT~e WaS l~n~rAi~o~,
Mr. Walter Stemp, Highway Foreman, appeared before the board to discuss improper
dr~kuage on k~oodstock Street. Mr. Stamp stated if Nr. Anderson of~the Woodstock
subdi~ision could tie into drains on the Marine property the problem would be
somewhat alleviated. ~r. S ~tamp further stated this was not possible at present'
due to lack of proper drains on the Marine property. Mr. Ftnck stated it was
· up to the Highway Department to determine what is lacking on the Marine P~aperty
and forward shch information to the Planning Board. Mr. Finneran stated it was
~s understanding that three 18 inch drains in the area empty into the Greene
Street drain which is also an 18 inch drain. Mr. Finneren suggested if the
Greene Street drain was removed and a larger drain installed the drainage problem
in,this area w~uld be somewhat abated.
Members of the La~.mence Airport Commission met with the Board of Selectmen and
department heads at this time in the compeny room of the Fire Station~ Mr. Finck
asked Chairmen Jones to explain the plans for the relocation of Clark Street. ~.
Jones displayed a map showing proposed location stating the possibility of access
at any point could be given on the new location. Mr. Sutcliffe asked if this
would effect any of the business establishments in the area. Mr. Jones stated
their had obtained waivers for theRichlyn Club and Glennie~. Mr. Joseph Sullivan
asked if it would entail much expense to straighten the ~redes. Mr. Jones stated
this would require edditionsl expense and would certainly effect the grading.
Mr. Barmen stated nothi.ng as yet had .been brought before thc Pla~ming Board. Ch.
Finck State the cmmnisszon will petition the Planning Board after a definite
location had been decided upon. ~. Duffy asked if the plan was the shortest,
May IS, 1959 - continued:
moot direct route. ~,~. Jones answered it is not, but an alternate route would
involve the taking of more land in addition to airport property. ~. Duffy
stated a 7% grade is not wlthin the requirements of thc Planning Board rules
and regulations. Mr. Duffy stated the road in question would be a public way
and requested the route cover the shortest distance between Osgood Street ar.d
the River for future water service. !dm Dully then reminded the commission
the City of La, manes would be revponsible for the pipe, etc. Discussion took
place on the desirability ~f keeping the roadway straight, without curves and
steep grades. ~en questtohed~yMr. Finck, Mm. John L. Palsy, Engineer for the
commission , stated easements on either side of the roa~ would be approximately
150feet. Mr. Duffy stated he cannot see whythe commission insists on having
so much airport land on both sides of the rosdway. ~. Finck mentioned duties
of easements are encumbent upon thc commission. Mr. Dully stated it would be
d~sirable to have more information relative to detail than that presented by
the commisaion tonight. Mr. Finck requested the cmmmtssion return with
revised plans and more ~ormatton. ~. Caffrey stated all information is
available. Nm. Jones suggested the group meet next Monday for a preliminary
site view. This ~.ms agreeable to the commission and those present. At the
same time, the commission will present plans whowlng a new roume that will
conform~.~ththe topography of the area.
DALE S.~%EET - Chapter 90 Construction
Nm. Ashton ~nith and a resident of Appleton Street appeared at the Selectmen's
Meeting to view plans for the 1959 reconstruction of Dale Street. ~. Smith
stated his objection to a forty foot wtde road in that it would become a
speed~.~ay. ~. Smith elso read e letter from abuttors to Dale Street which
they intend to present the board a s a petition. ~[r. Fimck suggested ~.
Smithmeetwith the board and an engineer from the department in the near
future to discuss these matters. Nm. Smith stated he would be very pleased
to do so.
ROUTE llO- Rep. Williems
State Representative Arthur ~Yil!iems met with the board to discuss the relocatidn
of Route llO through the To~m of North Andover. He advised that h~ had looked
into the matter and found the plans still in the preliminary stages with no
information available at the momemt. Mr. Williams stated the only access
would be from the bridge and that if such access was eliminated there would
be no access to North Andover at all. He mentioned it was the first time in
his experience that anyone hsd ever approached him to eliminate an access.
Mr. Finck stated he would prefer an access for the Town. ~. Finneran stated
he felt the some. ~.~. Suteliffe stated he would be in favor of an access
provided it w~slocated in an area that did not ~ffect the removal ss so many
h~es and business esthblishments. Mr. Finck stated his feeling that it
is most fwportant to first find out the exact route. ~. ~tlliems stated
until the Bureau of Roads commits, itseL~ as to ~at the Department of Public
~7orks can or cannot do, it will be difficult to abtain e~:ast information. Mr.
~filliams stated he will continue to make his weekly visits to eht D.P.W. with
the hope that he will soon have sC~e concrete information.
Chairman Finck read letter Trom the Department of Public ~.Yorks relative to
the Selectmen's complaint on the delay of this project. Commissioner DiNatale
referred to plans of the 1959 layout which had recently been forwarded to the
board to obtain ~eleases on certain land takings or notify the County Commissioners
to make the layout be eminient domain. Mr. Finneran motioned the matter be
referred to Town Co~.sel for action Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the
vote ~,ss unanimous.
D~-----------------~P~T~IT OF PUBLIC WOP~S - S~one l~all at Cor. Osgood &Mass. Ave.
Chairman Finck read letter from the Department of Public Works which stated
board request for a survey of this area for the elimination or tapering off
of a stone ~ which Juts into the intersection of Mass. Ave. and Osgood
Street, had been for~.zarded to the District Office for investigation and
as soon as report is available will inform the board of any action to be taken
in respect to this matter.
DEPART~T OF PUBLIC WGLKS - Traffic Signals, Mass. Ave. & l~averley Rd.
Chatrman Finck reed letter from the D.P.W. stating work on the installation of
traffic signals at the intersection of Mass. Ave and Waverley Rosdwould commence
in approximately one week.
Chairman Finck read letter from Mr. Rmmcy of the D.P.W. relative to procedure
in obtaining repairs to Dele~Street as a result of the 1958 reconstruction work.
Mr. Remey advised it is customary to do minor repairs out of
as ~enditure than and for
May 18, 1~5~- continued: 1463
such shall be char~ed against the balance of the Dale~Street Construction ~ontract.
The recommendation was given in reply to board request to have necessary repairs
near the Sid Rea property taken care of in the 1959 contract. Mr. Sutcliffe
stated ~r. Smoiak is also dissatisfied with the condition of grading near his
property and suggested this be taken care of at the same time. The board
agreed to notify the Highway Department to take care of these matters in accord-
a~ce with the above procedu~m.
~MP~-NO BO.~) - Town Counsel
Chsirmna Finck read ~opy of letter from Atty. Arnold H. Salisbury, TownCounsel~
to the Planning Board relative to status of the Marine Bond. Letter stated it
is up to the Plannir~; Board to obtain drainage requirements from the Highway
Depar~ent before proper action can be taken in respect to this matter. The
board accepted the letter as a problem of the Planning Board.
' PE~SONNEL. BY-LAST - ~'~slter Stamp, Town Counsel
Chairman Finck read letter from Atty. Art. old H. Salisbury, Town Counsel, rel-
ative to the powers of the Board of Selectmen in respect to waiving the O~er-
time P~ovisiems of the Wage and Salary By-Law. Atty. Salisbury stated it is
the intent of the By-Law that the Board of Selectmen "declare,, in their vote
authorizing overtime pay to employass not ordinarily eligible, the existence
of such "special circumstances,, requiring the rals~atiou of thru Overtime
Provisions of. the Plan. Mr. Sutcliffe asked Chairman Finck what his inter-
pretation of At~. Salisbury's opinion was. Mr. Finck stated question is as
to whether or not special circumstances existed in the case of ~r. Stamp. Mr.
Flnck stated his opinion that special circumstances did not exist in the case
of Mr. Stamp as he knm.~ when he accepted the job classification that he would
be expected to work overtime during snow removal and sandin~ operations. Mr.
Sutcllffe stated the vote of the .board is already on record and it will require
another vote of the board to recind former action. Mr. Finneran stated he
would like to. take the matter under consideration in order to digest the
material outlined in the Town Counsel letter. Mr. Sutcliffe made this a motion,
seconded by ~. Finneran with ~M. Finck opposed and stating his thought that
a decision should be reached based on the material-at hand.
Requests. by the La~.mence Gsa Company, approved by Mr. Duffy, to excavate on
Bre~mter Street to install~ gas service and on ~Rea Street to install a gas main
and gas. service were unanimously approved by the board upon motion of Mr.
Sutcliffe seconded by ~. Finneran.
& request for a transfer of ~1,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Fire Department
to cover forest fire expenses was referred to the Advisory Board for action.
INVITATION -.Prison Industries Meeting
The board received invitation to attend the Prison Industries Meeting at ~Yalpole
on May 29., 1959. Chairman Finck advised he will attend.
~r. Sutcliffe stated Mayor Buc~ley show~d interest in a Regional Vocation School
for Greater La~mence and suggested the board cmmnunicate with the Ma~or stating
board interest in such a program. Chairman Finck stated a meeting will be
held in the near future to get~ the program underway. ~r. Sutcliffe then
suggested the board make known to Mayor Buckley their interest in attending
~his meeting. This was agreeable to the board. '
RESIGnaTioN - Personnel Board
Chairman.~Finck. read letter of resignation from the Personnel Board by ~.
Roland Kerb due to pressing duties concerning his own employment. Mr. Kerb
s~ated he expected to be relieved of these duties within a y~ar at ~.~ich time
he would be glad to serve the ~ ard, if so desired. The board agreed to
w~thheld appointment to this vacancy for one week that they may consider an
appropriate pcrson.vfor this position.
Chairman Finck read letter from Police Chief Joseph ~y. Lawlor requestir~ vote
of the board allowing members of thc Police Departmcnt t~ wear short-sleeve
regulation-style shirts during the summer months. Said letter also in the form
of a recommendation from the Chief. ~m. Sutcliffe motioned the board approve
the request of the Police Chief. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote
~as unanimous.
Fro. Finn~ran stated he had rec?lv?d.a, co.mplaint of speeding on C!arenden Street
and suggested thc ~ief be conmac~eo ~o ~nvestigate traffic conditions in this
area and forward his report to the board as soon as available. Ch~ rm~n Finck