HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-01June 1, 19~9 - continued:
Cheirm~n Ftnck read letter from Senator Saltonsta.]-~ which atated he ~ov/d
attempt to obtain information for the board relative to the exact plans for
the relocatlon of ROu~ 110 throughtthe To~n of No~th Andover.
Chairman Finck read letter from the Dspar~ment of Public Works relative to
board request~ for the resurfacing of Osgood Street and in reference to drainage
on Adams Avenue. Letter stated 0sgoed Street is iucluged in the rasurfacing
priority list and will be resurfaced within the next few years should Dm~.~
become available. In respect to the overflew of surface water fron Chickering
Road to Adams Avenue, letter stated the matter had bean referred to the District
Office for investigation.
A Lawrence'Gas C~,~eny request to excavate on Waverley Road to inst,~l gas service
for Domanick Tosca, approved by Mr. ~Wtll~am B. Dully, was considered by the board.
Upon motion by Hr. Finnaran aeconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, per-
mission was granted.
P~'f'fION- Pole Location
Upon motion of Mr. F~eran seconded by Mr. Sutclif£e and voted unanimous, hearing
was set for June 15,'1959 at 7:30 P J/. on petition of ~eA-~-~mack-~ssex Electric Co.
for permission to remove a pole on Sutton Street frem em existing location and
install said pole at a new location in same area.
~tatioms ~e rec~v~ By the he~ to att~d ~e ~ce on Youth held by
~e Greater La~ence Youth ~is~on a~ Me--ack ~ege on J~e 8, ~9.
~ ~ck ~s ~t~ ~ be a ~est at the he~ ta~e. ~. ~tc~ffe
motion~ ~;:'~ck r~resent '~e ~ at ~e co~er~ce. ~. ~er~ seco~
~e motion ~ ~e ~s ~ous.
WARRANT'- Special Town .Meeting
Mr. Sutc~fe motioned the W~-A:ant, now open, for Special Town Meeting on June
22~ 1959 be closed onJune 3, 1959 at 12:O0 noon. Mr. Finneran seconded this
motion and the vote was unanimous.
~/APTER 90 EAINTE~ANCE -' Resurfaeing of Streets
Mr. ~unersu.mo~ioned the Board: ca~.l, for bids on the resurfacing of Water Street
~er Chapter 90 ~aintenance Funds and suggested proposals be received on June. 1%,
1959 at 7:45 P.M. ~r. Sutcl~ffe seconded the motion anddth~vote was unanimous.
MEETING -.North, Andover: Hous~_~8 Authority
Members Edwin. T; .Murphy, Chairman, Bernard Bingh~n, Raymond Fountein, Thomas
Foulds of the North Andover Housing Authority were present at a mesti~ c~ed
far this time to discuss the possib~tttas of a Federal Housing project for the
Town of North Andover as a means of providing for persons to be e~icted from
from the, area ef land taking for the relocation of Route 110. ~A number of
residents from the area involved attended this meeting. Chairmn Finck explained
the purpose of the meeting to those present, and asked Mr. Hurphy if he .had
any information on the subject. Hr. Hurphy stated, the Rousing Authority had
probed' the possibf~lity of Federal Housing when making plans for housing for
the elderly But had chose~ State Housing thinking considerable time ~uld he
saved in the planning stage. He added that it. was a temptation to go Federal for
t~o reasons. One being that the rent ~ould be lower due to a larger subsidy snd
t~ being that tha T~n would he reimbursed payment in lieu of taxes. Mr.
Murphy added the State program has been extr~ely alo~ and that it is now his
feeling that the federal project ~uld not he too much of,a problem. Mr. ~utc~efe
referred to the Federal Hous~8 as a means of taking care of the unfortunate persons u
unable to'provide for themselves shm,~ their homes be taken for thelocation of
Route 110. Mr. Thomas Fculds spoke of a La~remce citizen ~ho had informed h~m that
the onlF.,:available federal appropriation is under. Urban Development which takes
two or three years to get ~tat~ced and it must be proved that housing.is needed.
He added that he wes advised that an Urban Development Commission be formed to
w~rk with the Selectman to study the matter. Chaizman Finck suggested calling
in a representative of the Federal Housing to discuss the matter. Mr. Murphy
stated Mr. John Sirois of the Lawrance Housing could speak as well as anyene on
the matter and strongly advocated the Selectmen and Housing Authority speak to
Mr. Sirois on the matter. Chairman Finck asked the residents present from the
area if they wished to speak on the matter and received severs2 in~,~vies as to
the exact location of the route. Chairman Finck explained the difficulty in
obtaining definite information on the matter, that several plans had been
devised and chnaged but that no plsn has as yet received official approval. Mr.
Finck assured those presun%tthe board is making every effort to obtain definite
information on the matter. Discussion took place on the time element in so f~r as
notices of eviction are concerned. ~M. Bingham stated the bridge foundations
would have to go in first and that it would prohablF be two years before they
June 1, 1~ - continued:
start work on the road. Mr. Sutcliffe stated the purpose of this meeting is to
find out if the North ~ndover Rousing Authority is in favor of such a project.
Mr. Murphy stated it is not possible at this time to state an opinion since very
little information is available on the matter and suggested the boards first
speak to Mr. Sireis. Mr. Finn~ an asked Mr. Murphy if he could arrange such a
meeting. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested Mr. Murphy call Mr. Sircis on the telephone.
Mr. Murphy did so and a meeting was arranged for Wednesday evening at 7:00 o'clock,
~es Steak House. (June 3, 19%9) In speaking to the residents of the area
So were present, Mr. Finck suggested they appoint a representative from their
area ~ho .would keep in touch with the Selectmen on the matter. The North Andover
Housing Authority was thanked for attending this meeting. -~ Immediately
following the adjournment of this part of the meeting Mr. Walter Stamp
sppeardd before the hoard to state that a Mr. Garon of Kimb~ll ]E~reet, Law~ance,
had informed him that he had received a notice from the state that his home
would be taken. It was the impression of those ~.~esant that if this inform-
ation was correct it ~aspprobably for the purpose of installing piers for the
building of the bridge.
CO~PLAINT - Wild Dogs
Mr. Finneran stated Mr. Charles Wilcox had comDlained of wild dogs roaming the
area of I~erbleridge Road and Salem Street and suggested letters be sent to..
the Dog Officer and Police Depart~ant to investigate the matter. Chairman Finck
stated the matter is already u~ier investigation by the Police Department. Mr.
Fimneram motioned a letter be sent the dog officer and the Police Department be.
requested to submit a report of their findings. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion
and the vete was unanimous.
BR~EEN GLASS - Town Roads
Mr. Sutcliffe stated there was disagreement between the Police Department and
the Highway Dep~ent as to who was responsible for clearing glass from the '
town roads. The board d4 scussed the matter referring to procedure set up by
the Selectmen a year ago for this purpose. Mr. Finnaran motioned that bot~
depsrd~ants be given a reminder of the policy in effect. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded
this motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Sutcliffe mentioned the Nemorial Day parade as the nicest he had seen in
2ears and motioned letters of congratulation and appreciation be sent the
Memorial Day Committee and Mr. Louis Sa~nders, Graves Registration Officer.
Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Chairman Flnck requested the board appoint him to ~ppear before the Board of
Public Works on Thursday evening, this week, to inquire as to ~hat is being done to
prepare the American Legion Bathing Beach fo~ official opening an the closing of
schools. Mr. Finck also suggested the. board take the responsibility of placing a police
officer at the beach on hot days as a safety precaution. Mr. Sutcliffe made the
requests a motion ~ch was seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous.
Mr. Finneran motioned the contract for the resurfacing of Waverley Road, Johnson
and Andover Streets under Article 34, 1959 Annual Towa Neeting be awarded to
the Essex Bituminous Concrete Corp. as the lowest responsible bidder and that
~mm~lssiener Abeam be so notified. Er. Sutcliffe seconded the motlou and the
vote Was '~nanimous.
The board voted unanimously that as of September 1, 1959, School Crossing Guards
in the Tow~ of North Andover shall receive compensation for their work at the
rate of $20.00 per week~ and that the Crossing Guards be so notified.
MEETING ADJOURNED: At 9:40 P.M. motion was made b~r. Finneran that ~his meeting
adjourn. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vote ~ unanimous.