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July 13, 1959
The Board of Selectmen met onthis date with all members present end Chairman
Finck presiding. The meeting commenced at 7:30 P .M.
Mr. Willis appeared before the board as legal counsel for the North Andover
Housing Authority to obtain approval and signatures of the Board of Selectmen
on the agreement with the State Housing Board in connection with the housing
project for the etderly in North Andover. Chairman Finck stated he felt the
N. A. Housing Authority should be complimented on the efficient and e~pedient
mannmr in which the program was being handled. ~r. Sutcliffe mede this a
motion which was seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous. Signatures
of approval were written into the agreememt.
HOENN- Styles Street
Mr. Fred Hoehn and Mr. Richard Hoehn appeared before the board in reference to
Mr. Hoehn's application to the electric company to run electricity into his
home on Styles Street. Mr. Hoehn requested the status of Styles Street and
was edvised by Mr. Finck that it was a private way. Mr. Hoehn was also advised
his problem rested with the electric company.
Chlairmm~ Finck read notice from the Department of Public Utilities of a hear-
ing on July 15 at lO:O0 A.M., State House, on the petition of the B.&.M.~
Railroad to discontinue certain passenger trains in this area. The Board
directed the D.P.U. be advised the Selectmen will be unable to attend the
hearing but wish to go on recorddas being epposed to this petition.
k~STERN ELECTRIC CO. - Osgood Street
Chairman Fimck read and the board accepted a copy of a letter from the Western
Electric Co. to the Department of Public Works requesting Osgood Street be
widened from the Western Electric plant to the intersection of Osgood and
Sutton Street,
The board accepted the agreement on Chapter 90 Maintenance work on Clarendon
and Water Streets, signed and submitted by the Commissioners of the DepOt.
of Public Works. The commissioners requested they be advised when work on this
project was started.
Chairman Finck read report of the Department of Public Works relative to
the boards request for a Stop si~n at the intersection of Park and Osgood Sts.
The report stated the investigation showed no necessity for a stop sign and
that recent accident was due to failure on the part of a motorist to give in
to the right of way. Mr. Finck stated he felt it presumptuous of the depart-
ment to assume the cause of the accident and added he bed recently conferred
with Mr. Twambly in respect to this matter and was ansured a new investigation
would be made.
Chairman ~inck reed letter from the Merrimack-Easex Elec. Co. stating the
company had no objection to the moving of ~'house owned by Mr. Ricci ovur Rtes.
125 and 114, North Andover. It was noted no cmm~unicatton had been received
from the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. and Chairman Finck advised the company
be contacted on this matter first thing in the A.M. (See later record of thisk
meeting in reference to Mr. Ricci's appearance before the board.)
Chairman Fimck read request from the Lawrence Gas Co. for permission to ex-
cavate at 141 Beverly Street to install a gas service. Mr. Ftnneran motioned
permission be granted. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he would prefer to know if this
request is connected with the Marine house before voting on the matter.
Chairman Finck suggested the matter be tabled and referred to the Board of
Appeals. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the board meait the decision of the Board of
Appeals on Mr. Marine's request for a variance of the Zoning By-Law. He
added this matter was before the Board of A~peals this eve~g. Mr. FLnneran
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
~airmam Finck read letter from the Department of Public Works in reply to
board request to remove a spruce tree at the Cot. of Park Street and Chickaring
Road to improve visability at the intersection. The letter stated an invest-
igation will be made and report will follow.
July 13, 1959 - continued:
Chairman Finck stated it is the feeling of the commism£an that a representative
of the Western Electric 0o. should he appointed to the commission and asked
the pleasure of the board. Nr. Finneran asked if the commission had anyone
in mind. Mr. Sutcliffe asked why a representative from the Western Electric
only. Mr. Finck stated Western Electric is of vital interact to the Town.
Mr. Sutcliffe stated his wlll2ngness to go along providing other industry in
Town is represented. Chcirman Finck pointed out that Mr. Sullivan, Chairman
of the Board of Public Works, also represents J. P. Stevens Co. Mr. Sut21iffe
motioned a representative from Western Electric Co. be appointed and that a
letter be sent the company requesting a recommendation on a member to the
Industrial Commission. Mr. Finneren seconded the motion and the vote was
The board directed a call for bids on fuel oil for the 2own Building, Town Shed
Police and Fire Stat~om be advertised for acceptance on July 27, at 7:30 P.I~.
Chairman Finck suggested a letter be sent the Board of Health suggesting
copies of the Rules and Regulations ~nrMt2imum Standards of Fitness for
.Human Habitation be made available to t he public as soon as possible. Mr.
Finneran 'made this a motion seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous.
Chairman Finck read invitation from the National Guard to attend the 2acticel
Field .Exercises to be held in Nethuen on Jtuly 19. The board'directed the
reply should, state every effort shall be made to attend.
Mr. Ricci appeared before the board in an effortto obtain a permit to move
· his. house over Routes 114 and 125, North Andover. Chairman Finck explained
thee. board had not yet heard from the Tel. Co. and the board would get in
mcuch-with the company tomorrow. Mr. Ricci stated he intended to move his
~.. house~%Omorrow with or without the permit. The board warned Mr. Ricci this
· i. i' w~uld not be advisable as he w~uld get no further than the North Andover line.
Chairman Finck stated he.heA met with Chief Engineer Deward J. McCarthy and
other members of the Department of Public Works in Boston on last Wedeneday
. concerning the proposed relocation of Route 110 through the Town of North
Andover. Rep. Arthur Williams also attended this meeting. Ch. Finck stated
.he ha~ viewed the current layout of plans for the location of Route 110 in
this area. He advised the department that the Town is in favor of 'an access
to the. route in North Andover. If ramps are put in at Mass. Ave. area it
'will he necessary to take 18 additional homes. If put in at Marblehead St. a
greater number of homes wi~.l have to be taken. The Department of Public
Works .stated the federal Bureau of Roads will be contacted on the relocation
of ~amPs. The Department of Public Works stated manor protests had been receiv-
ed from resident s of the area and legislators and all have been assured of the
least amount of damage to the Town as is necessary. The D.P.W~ assured
Mr.: Finck that information relative to..the-decision of the federal Bureau
of~ Roads wLll be forwarded to the Selectmen as soon as available. Also was
assured that the sentiments of the board in regard to an access will be
forwarded to the federal government. The federal Bureau of Roads does not
want too much local traffic on a defense highway and Mr. Finck made ref-
erence to the considerable amount of local traffic in the Marblehead and
Sutton St. area. Plans are still in the formative stage but the engineer
stated the road ~s now set out is perhaps the definite location with litt~
variation expected. Mr. Finck stated this is the first concrete information
fromthe Department of Public Works and that additional communication will be
received in the near future, l~r. Finck stated that whether or not ramps are
installed in the Mass. Ave. area there is a possivility of Middlesex Street
becoming a dead-end street with an access road to Nass. Ave. Mr. Finck con-
cluded the first construction will be the bridge. Mr. Sutcliffe stated
the residents, of the area will be interested in learning that some progz~ss
is being made. Rep. Arthur Wi21iems of Andover Joined the board in the
general discussion of this matter.
The board directed the Electric Co. be requested to conduct a survey ~$r
improved street lighting in the vicinity of the Joseph Houghton residence
on Boston Street.
July 13, 19~9 - continued:
The board requested plans for the improvemen~ of the Town Garage be made
available to the board as soon as possible.
Chairman Finck remarked on the fine 4th of July celebration sponsored by the
Community Centers, Inc., considering what they have to work with. He suggested
the Selectmen request an appropriation in the future far this purpose. He
also suggested a committee be set up to 'look into the possibility of a Town
'Meeting Article for sn appropriate program. ~. Finneran motioned a committee
be set up. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Chairman Finck suggested Mr. Willism Deyermond of May Street be appointed to
the Personnel Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. John
.¢orrlgan. Mr. Finneran motioned he be appointed and Mr. Sutcliffe seconded
the.motian. The vote was unanimous.
At 9:30 P.M., upon motion of Mr. Ftnner~n seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe, this meet-
ing was adjourned.
Chairman Finck read letter from Mr. Edwin F. Koenig expressing his appreciation
for the many years of appointments to the Board of Fire Engineer over the
past fifteen years. Chairman Finck suggested the board ~m~end Mr. Eoanig .
for his many years of fine service to the North Andover Fire Department for
the past thirty-six-y~ers and that his retirement be accepted with regret.
Mr. Sutcliffe made this a motion, seconded by Hr. Finneras and voted unan-