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July 27, 1959 - continued
DAIRY QUEE~ - Traffic
Chairman Finck mentioned the number of cars parked'on the State Highway near the
Dairy Queen and several complaints that the parked cars impair visibility at the.~.
intersection of Main Street and Chtckering Road. The board~-directed ~ letter be sent to
Mr. FishieSt;, preprlator of the Dairy Queen, requesting he take immediate action to
prevent parking of cars on the highway.
Upon motion of ~. Sutcltffe, seconded by 'chairman Finck this meeting adjourned at
9:30 P.M.
Augus~ 10. 1959
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman Finck
presiding. The meeting commenced at 7:30 P.M.
HEARING: Gasoline Storage
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. Finneran , and voted unanimous, license
was granted for aboveground storage of 160 gallons of gasoline in an 8 car garage at
Merrimack College.
COMPLAINT - Sutton Mill
Mr. Thomas Sacey of 37NorthMatn Street appeared before the board to file a complaint
of od6rs enavatimg from the Suttons Mill dye house, which has become injurious to
his health. He stated he was receiving treatment from the Lahey Clinic, for a con-
dition attributed to the odors . Ch. Finck suggested a letter to the Mill and to Mr.
Sacey suggesting action should come fa~the Board of Health. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned
the Board of Health be requested to investigate the complaint and report their.
findings bo the Bd. of Selectmen. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was
Chairman Finck read letter from the Lawrence Airport Commission explaining they would
be unable to meet with the board on this date, asrequeste~, due to their own meeting
taking place at this time. The letter referred to the well field request and stated the
commission is ~aiting an opinion from the Atty. General in request to this matter
and untill such time as the opinion is received i~ would be fruitless to mee~. with
the Selectmen. Th.w board agreed no action would be taken in the application for die-
~sel oil storage un~l such time as the airport commission could meet with the Select-
~en, ·
CCMPLAINT - Shooting near Waverly Road
Residents of Waverly Road, near the Hayes Farm area, appeared before the board to com-
plain of rifle shooting along the Shawshean River. Mr. Doherty mentioned a shot had
penetraded his back door, a scant distance from where his children were playing . Mr.
Finneran asked if it would be possible to get the area posted to prevent such action.
Chairman Finck Suggested notifying the Lawrence Police Dept. to take care of their
side of the river and post their land. Mr. Fimneran also suggested the local Police
Dept. be requested to enforce the law, if posted. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned a letter be
sent to property owners of the area requesting permission to post the land against
shooting in the area. Mr. Finck added the Director of P~blic Safety in Lawrence also
be requested to do the same.
Mr. Thomas Fould and residents of .the Beverly Street area appeared before the
board to see if additional information was available on the exact location of
Rt. ilO. Chairman Finck stated an engineer from the D.P.W. had met with the boar~
last Thursday with the latest proposed plans for the relocation of the route.
General discussion took place on the possible land taking. Ch. Finck explained if
the home owner~ is satified with the amount offered by the state, he will receive
payment immediat~ly . If dissatisfied, the state will pay 80% of the offered price
and then additional amount requested will be handled through the courts. Chairman
Finck stated 40 scale pSans will soon be available. Mr. Finneran stated' the com~ract
for bids for the building of the bridge should be ready next month. Mr. Sutcliffe
stated once home owners were aware that their property would be taken, they should
take immediate action to locate elsewhere. Chairman Finck stated the residents wnuld
be advised through the local newspaper, when the new plans were available.
August 10, 1959 - continued
Chairman Ftnck read letter from the D.P.W. stating the spruce tree at the connor
of Perk Street and Chlckering Road had been trimmed and that visability improved .
Chairman Finck read letter from Mr. C. W. Foster, Commissioner of the Dept. 5f
Natural Resources, stating action had been taken to ~11tvate the dangerous sit-
uatiom which existed at Berry Pond in the Harold Perker State Forest. Mr. Finck
informed the board that Senator Rurak had c~lled him ~d a~vi~ed4'dhe had taken
action to remedy the situation at the pond. }~. Finck stated he had perso~l 1 y
investigated the area and found the dangerous situation abated but feels the area
is insufficiently supervised, Mr. Finneran motioned the Police and FLre Chiefs be
given a' copy of the letter from the commission.
Chairman Finck read, and the boerd accepted letters from Congressman Lane and
Senators Eennedy and Saltonstall, with reference to the Representa~ve Lane
proposed to have ~co~e~orative postage stamp issued in honor of Mr. sawmel B.
0sgood, first Postmaster General of the United States. As soon as information :is
available the board will be advised.
Chairmen Finck read letter from Me~-~Qmack Mutual Fire Ins. Co. w~ich referred to
the desirability of a street sign as a guide to motorist traveling from Andover
to~ the Shady Knoll Nursing Home on Precott Street. Mr. Finck stated the letter
w~s. quite vague and suggested Mr. Brighsm, Vice President of the co~,pany be invited
to next meeting of the boerd to discuss the matter mere explicitly.
A letter from R. Ashton Smith and a petition signed by residents of Dale Street:
objecting to .the widening of the r~oad under the Chapter 90 work progrsm w~s read by
Chairman Fiuck. Mr. Finneran motioned ~the letter and petition be foz~,~rded to the
Depar~men~of Pablic Works, Danvers District Office, for possible consideration of
another su~ey. Mr. Sut~lf~fe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Upon 'motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finnerz~and voted unanimous petition
by Me~-~-imack- Essex Electric Comply and New England Tel. and Tel. Co. for per-
mission of joint ownership of poles located on Turnpike Street was granted.
Upon motion of Mr.~ Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous,Lawrence
Gas"Company was granted permission to ~xcavate on Davis Street to install a gas service
for Elmcrest Estates, Inc.
ROUTE: 110 - Bridge
Chairman Finck read notice from U.S. Army Engineers stating that plans for the
proposed Highway Bridge on Interstate Route 495 (relocated Rout~llO) will soon
be ~available for studyy~t the Selectmen's Office. Mr. Finck suggested a letter be
sent to the U. S. Army Engineers stating the S~lectmen's keen interest in the bridge
as proposed by the Department of Public Works. Mr. Sutml~fe made this a motion which
was seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous.
Acopy of the contract agreement for 1959 highway work on Dale Street.as submitted
by the'Department of Public Works was accepted by the Board of Selectmen.
The board accepted a report by Mr. Mertin Lawlor, Building Inspector, Stating that
a septic tank display at the North Andovor Supply Co., Chickering Road , was not
in 'violation of the Zoning By - Law.
.~.~ Finck read letter from the Board of Public Works conceiving the work to
.~ai~ ~;~5['i~ Bn_d~r t~e p~rf.o .r~...~nce. b.~ ~e~. b~,.~. M,/arino: cq.~...~.g the devel~opmant of
.~o ,o~ ~?~ree~ ana s~umlg .~uu ~uu; s~ou~ o..~, ~e~osi~e~ wiLt~ ~ ~ '~.~am~e~.,.
~n a~sp'eclal account before the Board 6f Public Works can start the work. Mr. Finck
then read t~o forms of votes sugg~s,ted by To~ Council relation to the M~rino Bond,
~hich the ~oard of Selectmen could adopt, Mr. Flnneran motioned the necessery ~oont
be wlthdra~n from the bank account by the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and
that said amount be disposited w~th the To~a Treasurer in a special account for
completion of the work by the Board of Public
August 10, 19~9 -continued
STOP SIGN REQUEST - Davis and Main Street
Mr. Finck suggested the Department of Public Works be requested to conduct a
survey for installation of stop signs at the intersection of Davis , Middlesex
and Main Streets.
SL~'I SIGN REQUEST - Buckinghem and Herrick Rd.
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Slow Signs be installed on Buckingham Rd. at the conner
of HerrickRd. Mr. Sutcliffe stated his reason for this motion was a recent
accident at the intersection. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was
unanimous. It was directed the Police Dept. be advised to tnstall the signs.
Chairman Finck suggested a letter be sent Chief Lawlor stating no information'
relation to Selectmen's request for survey or rep. orZs be divulged to any person other
than the members of the Selectmen. Mr. Sutcliffe stated his agreement with the
Commander John J. Lyons of the American Legion appeared before the board, as re -
quested, to discuss plans for the Armistice Day celebration . Mr. Lyons stated
Mr. Enaire, Colander of the V. F.W. was unable to attend this meeting. He
relayed to the board that plans were already made for the employ of Haverhill
Brass Band for the occasion, Mr. Lyons was thanked for attending the meeting.
The board accepted report of traffic counts at Middlesex ~ Marblehead Streets.
and~ddlesexand Beverly Stmeets submitted by the Police Dep~. and 40 scale
drawings of the intersection from Ralph Brasseur, Engineer. The board directed
the material be sent to the Department of Public Works. to be considered
with request for flashing traffic signals~ at the former intersection and stop
sign at the latter. Mr. Sutcliffe sugested estimates on the cost of traffic lights
standards be obtainedfrom the following companies: (1) Manmi Electric Co. , of
Lawremc% (2) R. W. LeBaron , Inc. of Waltham., (3) Municipal Signal & Supply
Co. of Boston.
FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALS -WaverlyRoed and Massachusetts Avenue
Mr. Sutcliffe mentioned the flashing traffice signals recently installed at
Waverly Road and Massachusetts Avenue are creating a problem in that. childre~ are
pressing the button merely to stop the traffic. }~. Finneran state the new signals
are. a novelty to the children and the attraction will soon wear off . Mr. Finck
stated the matter had also been called to his attention but that a similar situs-.
tion e~isted at Chickering Road and Main Street when those lights were first in-
stalled. ~@. Sutcliffe suggested a letter to the Dept. Pub]id Works requesting the
button be raised on the standards to prevent this nuisance. Mr. Finneran state the
lights were installed for the benefit of children crossirsthe highway and to place
the button beyond their reach would defect the purpose o/~the lights.~
Mr. Sutcliffe asked if Clarenden and Water Streets were ready for hottop under
Chapter 90 Maintenance program and inquired if the a. warding of contract to Essex
Bituminous Concrete Cooperation had been approved by the State.. Chairman PLuck
answered the bids were accepted by the D.P.W. to the extent that the State will
only pay its share under the low bid price. The project is now awaiting completion
of the engineers work.
Fro. Sutcliffe called the attention of the board to a news item of this date report-
ing the Lawrence City Council ss opposed to a visit t~ the U. S. by Russian Premier
Ehrushchev. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned this board also go on record as opposed to the
visit and that letters of 9ppositiem be sent President Eisenhower and our con-
gressional representatives. Mr. Sutcliffe voiced his reason for being opposed to
such a visit ,is that a third world war could be touched off. should anything happen
to Mr. ~xrushchev while in this country. Chairman Finck started his reason for not
~nmSng such a visit would be more ~he calibre of person Mr. Khrushchev iz, the total-
s~.i~ type of gev ent be ~e esent th ers c i ted r co t
o~ nussman ~o ~now ~nat ~mrusncnev has bean invited to v~sit this country.